- Pook to step aside? (4 replies)
- Racing this week! (6 replies)
- Sad read, but it makes sense... (21 replies)
- Mid Ohio and Laguna Seca next? (14 replies)
- chat call: 12:34 pm EST.... (0 replies)
- Rodriguez Verdict In - CART Not At Fault (4 replies)
- Interesting Parts of RA's Statements (5 replies)
- Panoz/G-Force Buys Reynard Rights? (7 replies)
- Newman-Haas testing? (6 replies)
- Tracy back on track. (0 replies)
- Long Beach Town Meeting scheduled (1 replies)
- Chassis question re: big ovals (15 replies)
- Chat with Jeremy Shaw in 15 mins (4 replies)
- Pook on V10's and Gasoline (7 replies)
- CART sanction fees (19 replies)
- Dunno WTF good it'll do, but... (6 replies)
- Holy Crap! CART Looking Like The Bad Guy in RA Deal-New Info (8 replies)
- odd quotes from RA spokesperson (4 replies)
- The new direction of CART... (26 replies)
- An Idea to Increase TV Ratings (13 replies)
- RA's reply to my e-mail and Press statement (39 replies)
- I'm REALLY Depressed (4 replies)
- Paul Newman (0 replies)
- Two Miami announcements (2 replies)
- Holy Crap! At least the forum is active! (2 replies)
- Holy Crap! R.A. Wants to Keep CART... (8 replies)
- Holy Crap! R.A. Talks This Afternoon on my show... (40 replies)
- AutoWeak Says RA Sent Money... (15 replies)
- Post your emails you sent to RA here. (11 replies)
- Holy Crap! RA Gone. I've Got One Straw Left... (20 replies)
- Road America Is Gone. (32 replies)
- Turn 10 and CARTs "Direction" (10 replies)
- Lamarie on a short leash (14 replies)
- Anyone Want to Discuss Champ Cars on Ovals? (14 replies)
- Cleveland Tickets (10 replies)
- Another sign Bernie is on our side (24 replies)
- 2003 CART schedule for Outlook/Palm now available (2 replies)
- Tony George on CART (25 replies)
- Hey Mnkywrench! (8 replies)
- The fun is back (9 replies)
- Photo with Max! (8 replies)
- CART.com's new photo gallery (3 replies)
- Road America 2003 (27 replies)
- The corner worker issue (3 replies)
- American drivers (21 replies)
- What gives with C^RT? (10 replies)
- ChampCars are unforgettable (9 replies)
- Say no to airboxes for the NA V10 (12 replies)
- Some stuff to consider for a V10 (0 replies)
- Chris Pook on WindTunnel - Tonite (13 replies)
- Diecast for sale. (0 replies)
- Another Clueless Article Bashing CART (11 replies)
- Happy Birthday Mario (6 replies)
- Attn: Kellner, ChrisB, DaveL etc. engine formula (38 replies)
- Bernie IS buying CART (31 replies)
- New Australian Race Sponsor? (4 replies)
- Just back from CART town meeting... (17 replies)
- Which Came First... (30 replies)
- The case for a spec chassis for CART & IRL. (long crosspost) (15 replies)
- Pretty good read (2 replies)
- PKR Scientific Atlanta Press Release? (6 replies)
- March 2004 (14 replies)
- Ratings are in (10 replies)
- Germany ? (2 replies)
- Who's Gone First? (19 replies)
- Thank God for the young! (4 replies)
- Holy Crap! Hits and Misses (4 replies)
- Holy Crap! Mansell without Mustache (2 replies)
- Now: Newman-Haas. Later: Newman-? (16 replies)
- Overheard at the Track!!! (0 replies)
- Bruno Cheating? (4 replies)
- I Know Someone Here Knows: Torque Mapping Question (3 replies)
- Need suggestions (16 replies)
- A kinder, gentler, Paul Tracy (5 replies)
- Forsythe, F1 and CART? (13 replies)
- The St. Pete Disaster (13 replies)
- irl@St.Pete? (9 replies)
- Onboard starters (9 replies)
- New Sponsor for Jimmy and Ryan (2 replies)
- Speed Channel intro to the race (2 replies)
- Did anyone else notice?? (7 replies)
- Interesting TV Coverage Column (15 replies)
- St Pete's Media Reports (4 replies)
- PT comments in the press conference (2 replies)
- Tire compounds at St. Pete (1 replies)
- Haberfeld- Jerk or Rookie Mistake? (36 replies)
- Paul Newman interviewed in St. Pete (3 replies)
- Anybody know a good crow recipe? (5 replies)
- I Enjoyed It (27 replies)
- Chat open... (0 replies)
- PT Live Car-Pit Radio (0 replies)
- CART live audio feed live before race (2 replies)
- Tire & driver weight questions (0 replies)
- Morning warmup reults (3 replies)
- Cleveland Ticket Package (5 replies)
- 'Are You Ready' Video - Part 2 (3 replies)
- Appearantly the Simple Green Safety Team has a killer stereo in one of the trucks... (4 replies)
- I Am Surprised By... (1 replies)
- Al Jr at St. Pete (29 replies)
- TK "Unplugged" (4 replies)