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  1. 2008 Tour de France (28 replies)
  2. The 4th Weekend grilling blog (18 replies)
  3. Smoke Detector Question for Elmo T... (20 replies)
  4. The Brett Favre thread..... (244 replies)
  5. cell phone lookups (15 replies)
  6. Happy Birthday America! (7 replies)
  7. you know what's going to be all kinds of kick ass? (27 replies)
  8. YouTube's new "Recommended for You" feature (2 replies)
  9. New All-In-Wonder HD card.... (1 replies)
  10. computer carry on luggage (33 replies)
  11. Two words that should never be used together (14 replies)
  12. HBO Documentary - GANGA QUEEN (2 replies)
  13. Canada Day (24 replies)
  14. New Salty Wound: Now with extra salt! (9 replies)
  15. Don't make any long range plans (117 replies)
  16. Dang neighbors, (74 replies)
  17. Slick Deals (0 replies)
  18. Adobe (5 replies)
  19. Home Brewers? (16 replies)
  20. Dear neighbors, (46 replies)
  21. dog knocked wine all over the laptop (18 replies)
  22. Utah turkey production shutdown (15 replies)
  23. Shameless, Boastful Fatherhood (17 replies)
  24. The Fastest Recorded Pitch in MLB (9 replies)
  25. Algae Solution? (10 replies)
  26. riaa is as awesome as ever! (9 replies)
  27. Federal Government Hiring Process (1 replies)
  28. Worst and best Cover versions (82 replies)
  29. George Carlin, RIP (31 replies)
  30. Duke: Our foosball sucketh. (2 replies)
  31. Frankenmosquitoes (17 replies)
  32. Whats the next concert your going to? ('08) (43 replies)
  33. I Want a New Motorcycle (blog) Bloviation Warning! (34 replies)
  34. Air Conditioning (54 replies)
  35. Firefox 3? (41 replies)
  36. Classic photos gone Lego (0 replies)
  37. US Open (56 replies)
  38. Birth of a Racer (2 replies)
  39. Happy Father's Day (27 replies)
  40. toobing (11 replies)
  41. Electricity (26 replies)
  42. Vegetarianism? (53 replies)
  43. RIP, Tim Russert (14 replies)
  44. Entry Level SLR Camera Help! (79 replies)
  45. Airline charges new or increasing (189 replies)
  46. PN terminal cancer (88 replies)
  47. Insulation? (16 replies)
  48. BMW concept. Fascinating! (11 replies)
  49. Web Photo Management? (17 replies)
  50. Euro 2008 (12 replies)
  51. RIP Jim McKay (0 replies)
  52. Bloody Ceaser (12 replies)
  53. $90- a ticket (25 replies)
  54. TV alert for space fans (43 replies)
  55. Another reason to live very close to work... (12 replies)
  56. Wireless Home Network (45 replies)
  57. 64 years (26 replies)
  58. CA/US vehicle purchase (7 replies)
  59. Waggoner vs. Walmart (8 replies)
  60. Yeah, we really need this... (12 replies)
  61. RIP Bo Diddley (7 replies)
  62. Brits On The Piss, June 08 (3 replies)
  63. Real Player help! (1 replies)
  64. A question for any American who wants to answer (20 replies)
  65. this is the thread where we talk about booze (63 replies)
  66. Seabreacher (0 replies)
  67. Clay Aiken to be a dad? (9 replies)
  68. Harvey Korman Passes (16 replies)
  69. OMG...I was there! Seriously! (34 replies)
  70. Grill hate/love thread (77 replies)
  71. Books for the beach (30 replies)
  72. "Andy Griffith" whistler dies (2 replies)
  73. Grid Trailer(PC, 360, PS3) (1 replies)
  74. The Half Perfect Off Camber Story (49 replies)
  75. Thank you. (33 replies)
  76. Mars Phoenix mission (7 replies)
  77. Yo, JLMannin (4 replies)
  78. Medal of Honor awarded (4 replies)
  79. Transaction of the Day (8 replies)
  80. WooHoo! (32 replies)
  81. 1.8T VW failure (31 replies)
  82. headphones, noise-cancelling (10 replies)
  83. Parking for The Gomer 500 looks fun. (6 replies)
  84. What are you burning this weekend? (53 replies)
  85. Another insurance story. (4 replies)
  86. AA to charge for checked luggage (34 replies)
  87. It's...Chinese (5 replies)
  88. Happy Camper (5 replies)
  89. Teenagers Insurance (15 replies)
  90. Research (6 replies)
  91. Vista Style Sidebar for XP (12 replies)
  92. Firefox RC 1 (9 replies)
  93. Dambusters remembered 65 years on (6 replies)
  94. rocket man racing (13 replies)
  95. F-16 tree strike (5 replies)
  96. Im buying a race helmet today...need help (11 replies)
  97. James Garner. (9 replies)
  98. Dish - VOOM = ripoff (38 replies)
  99. More Star Wars... (11 replies)
  100. 18th kid on the way. (57 replies)