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  1. P-38 Glacier Girl to finish WW2 transport journey....
  2. I got hit by a truck
  3. Gold Cup / soccer announcing
  4. Chris Benoit, dead ******
  5. and you guys wonder about my aggy hatin'
  6. Happy Birthday Tantra
  7. Car Dealership Question
  8. Ever get that "not-so-fresh" feeling?
  9. Canadian OC'ers
  10. bloody hippies
  11. The Loop
  12. RV'ing?
  13. What Is Wrong With People?
  14. Independence Day
  15. Oh really, ya think?
  16. 2007 le Tour
  17. Up, up and away...
  18. Nicole Richie
  19. For Ank: "OU Forfeits '05 Season"
  20. Lady Bird Johnson dies at 94
  21. 2007 WSOP
  22. The Running of the Bulls
  23. Pre-emptive Sean-O b'day Cheer
  24. Suggestions for re-integrating into society
  25. Current most hated words, phrases?
  26. Feasting on Asphalt - Season 2
  27. Chinese Easy Bake Ovens That Burn and Maim
  28. Today 1969
  29. Gutters again
  30. The Smart Car
  31. The Ultimate Ultra
  32. kid's headsets?
  33. Sony SXRD (aka "Took the HD Plunge v2")
  34. Hall of Fame coach Bill Walsh dies
  35. PSA
  36. Another sign of the end of the world? (at least north of the great lakes)
  37. Happy Birthday Corkster!
  38. JoeBob...please check in
  39. Fall is in the Air!! - Football
  40. Jake Brown - The New Wile E Coyote
  41. Jason Bourne
  42. 2007 NFL Foosball!
  43. BattleStar Gallactica fans
  44. Rocks > $2.5 million Sportfisher.
  45. Mustang Collision
  46. funny timewaster
  47. I bought a bottle. Whiskey Related
  48. STS-118
  49. Happy B'day Dando
  50. Look in My Barn
  51. Discovery Channel Team: DONE
  52. Race Tracks in Texas
  53. How does he do this?
  54. Man Vs. Wild, Bear Grylls is a Phony
  55. Jag XK
  56. Lions vs. Water Buffalo vs. Crocodile
  57. Remember when DBS first came out?
  58. Goodbye John (from Cincinnati)
  59. RIP Phil Rizzuto
  60. HB Anaya and RaceCat
  61. HB T7 and cartgal
  62. Max Roach
  63. Happy Bday EDwardo
  64. Signs your dad might be to old to drive...
  65. 66,327
  66. London Calling
  67. New York Yankees - Not so fast :gomer:
  68. Y'all, I'm hungry
  69. Fantasy Football 2007
  70. HB extramundane!
  71. I hate the city
  72. Leapin' Leonard
  73. advice from Dave
  74. Thank you Lance Briggs
  75. Stay Classy South Carolina
  76. George Hotz, of Glen Rock, N.J, you da man
  77. An Affront Unto God
  78. The Airplane Graveyard
  79. weird just got weirder
  80. High School Prank- Ohio
  81. I don't respect Rodney Harrison
  82. With all the negative energy going around...
  83. The OC recipe page....
  84. Another airshow accident, this time poland
  85. new car Protection
  86. Oops
  87. Words of Wisdom by Carmen Diaz
  88. Steve Fossettett Missing
  89. Look the h=ll out!
  90. Toyota North American President Joins Chrysler as President
  91. What year is it?
  92. Colts Secondary
  93. Check out this car that some distant relatives of mine won recently
  94. This is rather "unique"
  95. "technologies for replacement of electrochemical batteries"
  96. Bought new Mountain Bike today!!!
  98. Shocking
  99. The Dragon
  100. Pat's caught cheating?