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  1. Poor choice of a library book for children. (11 replies)
  2. Man Attempts Suicide by Crucifixion (6 replies)
  3. Flame Warriors! (9 replies)
  4. The Sopranos (2 replies)
  5. Tivo is so cool! (62 replies)
  6. large explosion in baghdad near hotel where westerners housed (14 replies)
  7. (Computer) Geek Level Question (22 replies)
  8. Happy Amateur Drinking Day! (better known at St. Pats) (23 replies)
  9. Rant: Supermarkets post strike (5 replies)
  10. Digital Photog. ??? (0 replies)
  11. Ultrarunning (2 replies)
  12. Microsoft outlook question (10 replies)
  13. Ice Worlds of the Beyond! (0 replies)
  14. Warrant out for Ohio Highway shooter (7 replies)
  15. Do you ever... (5 replies)
  16. Dihydrogen-Monoxide - the quiet killer (16 replies)
  17. Disneyland Easter Weekend. (28 replies)
  18. What now? (HDTV) (18 replies)
  19. Cell Phone Ear Buds - Free (1 replies)
  20. Love Bug Is Alive and Well (3 replies)
  21. Will Toyota Be Getting A Call From 60 Minutes? (5 replies)
  22. HEH (18 replies)
  23. Mazda Rev It Up: Anyone here going? (LA) (4 replies)
  24. Donnie Beechler's Coiled Snake Training (4 replies)
  25. Any BBQ experts? (20 replies)
  26. High School hoops: folks in Indiana take it waaay too seriously (0 replies)
  27. Happy Birthday Mello (12 replies)
  28. I just bought a really nice '79 Spitfire! (13 replies)
  29. March Madness Pick 'Em Challenge (12 replies)
  30. Spain rail blasts (30 replies)
  31. Bert's penalty... (33 replies)
  32. Need a new global treaty (1 replies)
  33. Digital Cameras?????? (57 replies)
  34. Spa Wendy's? (2 replies)
  35. The more things change... (2 replies)
  36. So sad (7 replies)
  37. Dishnet and Viacom NO SPIKE! (9 replies)
  38. Car Question (8 replies)
  39. www.politicalforum.com (57 replies)
  40. Tha Grand Challenge (0 replies)
  41. Stupid sports trend (0 replies)
  42. Lawyers holding up the Hobbit (7 replies)
  43. How I Decided A WRX Was For Me (20 replies)
  44. Tivo Ford GT Promo (2 replies)
  45. Congrats to PCHall (7 replies)
  46. Martha Stewart found guilty. (21 replies)
  47. Amusing irony at Smith & Wesson (4 replies)
  48. Shoe in for this year's Darwin Award (2 replies)
  49. How high would gas have to go? (36 replies)
  50. Ya know, someone should tell the NHL teams.... (10 replies)
  51. NFL-Eagles sign Jevon Kearse (27 replies)
  52. Happy... (8 replies)
  53. 43% withhold vote on Eisner (25 replies)
  54. Birthday Celebration on the Wrong Side of the Law (10 replies)
  55. Messanger Help (8 replies)
  56. Ducati (11 replies)
  57. Water On Mars..... (37 replies)
  58. NTN Bar Trivia (7 replies)
  59. Cool things on ebay (1 replies)
  60. Did You Know Google... (20 replies)
  61. LOTR kicking *** at Oscars (48 replies)
  62. Announcement (1 replies)
  63. Which Historical Lunatic Are You? (14 replies)
  64. Frequent Flyer Programs/Credit Cards? (12 replies)
  65. Gas Prices (76 replies)
  66. High crimes at the local taco joint drive through (11 replies)
  67. Its already a month late, but i just found out.... RIP Joe Viterelli (4 replies)
  68. What I'm doing now!! (3 replies)
  69. Ah What a Bummer (6 replies)
  70. It's Twisty's Birthday (18 replies)
  71. Bartman Ball (10 replies)
  72. This is pretty cool (9 replies)
  73. Latest Road Rage...... (21 replies)
  74. This site makes me want to cry! (13 replies)
  75. slotcar racing (5 replies)
  76. A Music Poll! Vinyl vs. CD (38 replies)
  77. That's why they call them the Blues... (3 replies)
  78. Travel help (21 replies)
  79. Ouch. (19 replies)
  80. Happy Birthday Lizzerd (19 replies)
  81. too many R rated movies causes rage (4 replies)
  82. BMW Vid (10 replies)
  83. Porsche 996 (43 replies)
  84. 8 billion $ Chopper gets sent to the trashpile. (19 replies)
  85. Another Music Thread: Must Have Albums... (60 replies)
  86. Duckhunters beware!! (0 replies)
  87. A music thread (76 replies)
  88. I'd quit. (22 replies)
  89. A poll for Indiana folk (timezonegate) (10 replies)
  90. Quick Tivo question... (8 replies)
  91. A Good Cell Phone Plan? (8 replies)
  92. Dammit!! Am I late to the party??? (20 replies)
  93. Happy Birthday Brian R (4 replies)
  94. Internet issues (17 replies)
  95. OffCamber Yahoo Fantasy Baseball League (14 replies)
  96. 24 hours of Portugal...karting race (3 replies)
  97. foxman! happy bday! (4 replies)
  98. RX J1242-11: Giant Black Hole Rips Star Apart (12 replies)
  99. Attention Rush Fans: They're Baaaaaack! (13 replies)
  100. what Monty Python character are you? (31 replies)