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  1. Maddux Back To The Cubs (9 replies)
  2. Mosul-Iraq (7 replies)
  3. Happy Birthday Ank... (21 replies)
  4. Dish question (1 replies)
  5. Windows XP v. XP Pro (47 replies)
  6. Blonde jokes, got one? (9 replies)
  7. Happy Birthday Warlock! (26 replies)
  8. Help with Spam. (5 replies)
  9. Attention all geeks, dorks and nerds, Return Of The King DVD release date.. (44 replies)
  10. Need help with amendments (2 replies)
  11. A show of hands... (36 replies)
  12. eBay Item Of The Week (15 replies)
  13. crash.net or selfdestruct.net? (11 replies)
  14. NBA banking on NHL (14 replies)
  15. Former TdF winner Marco Pantini found dead (1 replies)
  16. A-Rod.... (8 replies)
  17. Friends, wish me luck... (18 replies)
  18. Roll Call of Old Handles (157 replies)
  19. Ferrari Enzo For Sale (3 replies)
  20. 867-5309 Jenny (27 replies)
  21. Laptop question (11 replies)
  22. For ex 7Gers wanting political discussion... (69 replies)
  23. Battlestar Galactica remake fans? (2 replies)
  24. New member count? (23 replies)
  25. Remember this one? (0 replies)
  26. EPL - There's so much I don't understand (45 replies)
  27. Fun with paint programs (1 replies)
  28. I lost a very dear friend yesterday.... (26 replies)
  29. Kerry pulls a Clinton? (9 replies)
  30. Bat Signal for a Barnyard Corsican (9 replies)
  31. A friend drops in. (7 replies)
  32. NHL's financial woes. (6 replies)
  33. Winter Driving Fun.... (0 replies)
  34. Lunch Bunch Chat (0 replies)
  35. Take a stab at buying this....... (2 replies)
  36. This is different. (1 replies)
  37. Seventhgear seems to be no more (topic changed by WB) (274 replies)
  38. New Guitar! (Speaking of Star Wars...) (3 replies)
  39. Star Wars Coming to DVD this Sept! (0 replies)
  40. Original Star Wars trilogy on DVD (1 replies)
  41. Who is watching Westminster? (3 replies)
  42. Paging WB, I've got news for you...... (33 replies)
  43. Happy Birthday Rocket (10 replies)
  44. For the "Why Didn't I Think of That" Catagory... (2 replies)
  45. Happy Waitangi Day (New Zealand) (12 replies)
  46. Googlisms (17 replies)
  47. Remember Buddy, Ritchie and JP (0 replies)
  48. Fired for Wearing a Non-Regulation Coat (25 replies)
  49. Happy Birthday Ed Severson (7 replies)
  50. Version 2.0 for you Techies (1 replies)
  51. Super Bowl Half Time Show Fiasco (32 replies)
  52. super sunday eats (10 replies)
  53. Happy birthday Mr. fourrunner! (21 replies)
  54. This is HILARIUOS!!! (5 replies)
  55. Torture for a Browns fan (16 replies)
  56. Eeewwwwww gross! (7 replies)
  57. Brrrrrr...... (26 replies)
  58. Anyone REALLY familiar with Mozilla's mail program? (8 replies)
  59. RIDES (1 replies)
  60. Worst Cars Ever (6 replies)
  61. Looking for Olympic sweatshirt (2 replies)
  62. Happy birthday to manic! (10 replies)
  63. Capt. Kangaroo is gone. (2 replies)
  64. Wanna See Somethin' Scary? (5 replies)
  65. I Lost a Friend Today... (16 replies)
  66. How is your vocabulary? (9 replies)
  67. Who Needs a Car? Pt. 3 (9 replies)
  68. Welcome back Ank (3 replies)
  69. Colts get homered (12 replies)
  70. Two Hydrogen Atoms (37 replies)
  71. Humorous Quotes (1 replies)
  72. U-Haul bans towing with Explorers (4 replies)
  73. "Steven Wright-isms" (8 replies)
  74. Damn it's cold here..... (31 replies)
  75. Think You Know it All? (7 replies)
  76. Life in the 1500's. (7 replies)
  77. It Was Just a Matter of Time = eXtreme Segway (3 replies)
  78. Happy Birthday to Illiniracer! (12 replies)
  79. I have to get one of these. (5 replies)
  80. how much is too much?? (4 replies)
  81. Cordless drills. (14 replies)
  82. No Speed for me. (Or Time Warner sucks, take your pick.) (4 replies)
  83. happy Birthday to mappy (21 replies)
  84. Spalding Gray Missing (2 replies)
  85. "Waiter, These Clams Are Rubbery" (6 replies)
  86. Paddock Talk? (13 replies)
  87. Go 'stos....wooohoooo! (7 replies)
  88. I bought my wife a Miata but I won't give up the key! (7 replies)
  89. Who Needs A Car? Pt. 2 (11 replies)
  90. We've come to take your liver. (17 replies)
  91. sumthin' funny (1 replies)
  92. We're number 289,298! (16 replies)
  93. Tug McGraw passes!!! (5 replies)
  94. Best Wishes, f00boy (9 replies)
  95. work sucks (16 replies)
  96. I hear a giant sucking sound coming from Indianapolis (10 replies)
  97. I'm in the mood for... (5 replies)
  98. For those about to rock........ (10 replies)
  99. My 1000th post. (5 replies)
  100. Who Needs A Car? (18 replies)