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  1. help to seal heater hose? (8 replies)
  2. Ryder Cup (5 replies)
  3. RIP Chris Economaki (4 replies)
  4. OC 10th Anniversary approaching? (21 replies)
  5. Happy Birthday RaceGrrl (18 replies)
  6. Of Triathlons... (15 replies)
  7. NHL '12/'13 (244 replies)
  8. Hi-Def TV Question (6 replies)
  9. NFL Regular Season 2012 (382 replies)
  10. The D word (29 replies)
  11. Wireless Routers? (6 replies)
  12. OC NFL Pickem' Pool (443 replies)
  13. NOLA in the crosshairs... again (0 replies)
  14. One Small Step for a Man.... (28 replies)
  15. Ziggy is fiddy (14 replies)
  16. Cheapest Phone/TV/Internet provider (49 replies)
  17. Security cam hosting? (9 replies)
  18. Buying foreclosed properties? (1 replies)
  19. Smoke detectors (7 replies)
  20. OC NFL Fantasy Football Advice 2012 (23 replies)
  21. ***** Riot (6 replies)
  22. Nice tribute. (2 replies)
  23. Computer / Gaming help (14 replies)
  24. Happy B-Day Dando (22 replies)
  25. Saturday '12 (205 replies)
  26. Marvin Hamlisch (5 replies)
  27. switches and routers and LANs, oh my! (6 replies)
  28. Curiousity Mars Probe (44 replies)
  29. Aging Beer (4 replies)
  30. The Hobbitt (1 replies)
  31. Another narrow escape for me. (Long) (4 replies)
  32. Tinny sound on TV (9 replies)
  33. Olympics (169 replies)
  34. I love Craigslist (13 replies)
  35. Theatre Illustrated Attack Plan Notebook! (7 replies)
  36. Falkland 2.0? (14 replies)
  37. Penn State (66 replies)
  38. Dark night in Colorado (50 replies)
  39. Big Dogs and Bloat... (10 replies)
  40. Are guerilla/suicide bombings ever justified? (27 replies)
  41. WTH do the Northern Irelanders have to be pizzled with (6 replies)
  42. I just watched "The Natural" (0 replies)
  43. V Day... (1 replies)
  44. Ernest Borgnine. (13 replies)
  45. Auto accidents stink (19 replies)
  46. Who here doesn't think your (42 replies)
  47. TdF 2012 (43 replies)
  48. Uber Alles Bitches (4 replies)
  49. 'Murica! (42 replies)
  50. RIP, Andy Griffith (10 replies)
  51. Eastern storms, western fires, everyone ok? (9 replies)
  52. Excellent landmark court decision handed down!! Great day for America! (4 replies)
  53. Tales of first rate police work (18 replies)
  54. Saturday '14 (24 replies)
  55. Hello again (20 replies)
  56. EURO2012 (49 replies)
  57. Happy birthday Trevor Longman! (15 replies)
  58. Best Street Tire for Auto-X (15 replies)
  59. Digital Olympics (8 replies)
  60. New car time... (19 replies)
  61. Swimming pool maintenance (78 replies)
  62. Google Maps/Earth and other views from above (10 replies)
  63. RIP Ray Bradbury (6 replies)
  64. Damned car... (89 replies)
  65. Roasted submarine (63 replies)
  66. I'm at a loss of words with this (23 replies)
  67. Buying a used car for someone else (17 replies)
  68. Spare a kind thought for Pele, forever our "puppy girl" (32 replies)
  69. financial services (8 replies)
  70. Queen's Diamon Jubilee River Pageant (34 replies)
  71. Geek T-shirts (23 replies)
  72. Milwaukee - anyone here from nearby? (1 replies)
  73. Eurovision 2012 (0 replies)
  74. Goodbye to the 8th Wonder of the World? (18 replies)
  75. Advice needed for technical challenge (19 replies)
  76. somehow I don't see DeNiro and Pesci in this... (3 replies)
  77. Bayer Aspirin Munchkin loses to Chumlee Chauncy (5 replies)
  78. Blade Runner sequel! (4 replies)
  79. RIP Duck Dunn (7 replies)
  80. facebook... (99 replies)
  81. Man City saves itself (8 replies)
  82. Carroll Shelby died today (14 replies)
  83. Multiday Homeowner Nightmare (27 replies)
  84. RIP Maurice Sendak (2 replies)
  85. small engine question (46 replies)
  86. Wanna buy a track? (5 replies)
  87. RIP MCA (10 replies)
  88. Happy Star Wars Day (20 replies)
  89. Japanese Harley (2 replies)
  90. Cold remedy (58 replies)
  91. Yacht racing tragedies (7 replies)
  92. whoop (12 replies)
  93. So, Whaddaya Think? Smallpox? (5 replies)
  94. Wordpress, WAMP server and XP 32 bit (10 replies)
  95. RIP, Dick Clark (4 replies)
  96. Levon Helm (3 replies)
  97. How I spent my Spring Break (10 replies)
  98. NHL Playoffs (151 replies)
  99. Any Scale model airplane builders here? (0 replies)
  100. Is Keith Moon busy this summer? (17 replies)