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View Full Version : Hay! Are they running The 500 this year?

Mike Kellner
05-11-06, 09:46 AM
I haven't seen any reporting on it. Back when it was an important race, it would make news all month.

Question of the month... When Danica gets the call, will she be able to answer the phone and keep it on the track the same time?


05-11-06, 10:07 AM
gender + cell phone + left turn == bad things ;)

05-11-06, 10:52 AM
I also have seen zero press for the Big Show.

Don Quixote
05-11-06, 11:30 AM
This is just the type of hate that I would expect to hear from a cartisan such as Killner. What about the 4 to 5 generations of Andretti's in the race? What about the 8 car AGR team? What about Vision? What about Wheldon's shoes? What about Larry Foyt? What about Gene Simmons and his porno posse? What about Chesson in the carmelo drive-by mobile? And most importantly, what about Danica attempting to repeat with back to back wins. There are plenty more stories where these come from. :gomer:

High Sided
05-11-06, 12:25 PM
There are plenty more stories where these come from. :gomer:

indy comics?

05-11-06, 01:34 PM
I haven't seen any reporting on it. Back when it was an important race, it would make news all month.

Question of the month... When Danica gets the call, will she be able to answer the phone and keep it on the track the same time?


Sure they are. The participants this year are Dan, Tony, Danica, Little Al, Michael, Danica, Mario and Danica. Didn't you hear? That's the ad they are running on cable tv in Chicago. Eight people in the race, three of whom are retired, and three of whom are Danica! :D

Mike Kellner
05-11-06, 01:48 PM
Hey, I hadn't realized there were three of her. If she gets the call on Pole Day, we could have the first all woman front row.

Mario is in the Five-hunnert? Who is his sponsor? Viagra? Grecian Formula?


05-11-06, 02:08 PM
Seems nobody gives a rats outside central Indiana.... Linky. (http://www.google.com/trends?q=indy+500&ctab=0&date=all&geo=all) :gomer:

05-11-06, 02:28 PM
Seems nobody gives a rats outside central Indiana.... That certainly casts things in the cold hard light of reality.

Take away all the bluster on the idiotic advertising in the core markets and it's become an overgrown county fair race with better than a third of the grid being fielded by the track owner. Very sad. After this season when Honda stops paying the teams and Rahal, Ganassi and AGR depart IMS will be fielding better than 2/3 of the grid and it's hard to imagine how the rest of the races happen at all.


05-11-06, 02:49 PM
Hey, I hadn't realized there were three of her. If she gets the call on Pole Day, we could have the first all woman front row.

Mario is in the Five-hunnert? Who is his sponsor? Viagra? Grecian Formula?


I didn't know the world had room for three of her. But that seems to be what IMS is saying...that or the number of mentions in the ad corresponds to one's importance to the 500, at which point, Danica is 3 times as important to the 500 as Dan Wheldon or Tony Kanaan....looking at that from a different angle, she is as important to the 500 as Mario, Mikey, and Little Al combined! Wonder if Indy PR folks have updated those individuals/legends of that turn of events...

05-11-06, 02:51 PM
That certainly casts things in the cold hard light of reality.

Try this (http://www.google.com/trends?q=indy+racing+league%2C+champ+car%2C+formul a+1%2C+nascar&ctab=0&date=all&geo=all) for a big dose of reality. :saywhat:

Mike Kellner
05-11-06, 02:58 PM
Try this (http://www.google.com/trends?q=indy+racing+league%2C+champ+car%2C+formul a+1%2C+nascar&ctab=0&date=all&geo=all) for a big dose of reality. :saywhat:

It just shows how lucky we are that Tony stepped in and saved traditional IndyCar raciing from CART EVIL. You see, before Tony saved the sport, there was a big worry that under CART's EVIL influence, NASCAR & F1 would become more important than Indy & IndyCar racing. I think it was really clever the way he decided to have NASCAR & F1 race at Indy as part of his plan to stop them from becoming more important than IndyCar racing. The chart is proof that the vision was correct, and Tony did indeed save the sport.


05-11-06, 03:01 PM
This is a dose of reality as well.

http://www.google.com/trends?q=indy+racing+league%2C+champ+car%2C+formul a+1%2C+nascar&ctab=0&date=all&geo=CA (http://)

Or this:

http://www.google.com/trends?q=Danica+Patrick%2C+Paul+Tracy%2C+Dan+Wheld on%2C+Sebastian+Bourdais%2C+Katherine+Legge&ctab=0&date=all&geo=US (http://)

05-11-06, 03:10 PM
Har. Flat line. (pferrf1, your links are busted)

Oh well. At least we can cheese off the gomers in the tallest midget contest. :shakehead


Mike Kellner
05-11-06, 03:17 PM
Note that Mexico, Canada, and Australia have more hits than the US for ChampCar. A good indicator where we need to look for growth.

Anywhere outside Wisconsin or Illinois may as well be in Australia as far as I am concerned, so as long as the race is on a TV channel I get, and gets a good crowd, I dont care where they race.

Note the interest in Europe & Brazil as well. Perhaps a few races in those places. Chances are, they like street racing.


05-11-06, 03:17 PM
Oh well. At least we can cheese off the gomers in the tallest midget contest. :shakehead

The gomerz will still deny it. Seems they demand facts, but when presented with them they quickly change into denial mode..... :rolleyes:

Mike Kellner
05-11-06, 03:24 PM
Interesting, flip the search results...

Chart (http://www.google.com/trends?q=champ+car%2C+indy+racing+league&ctab=1&date=all&geo=all)

05-11-06, 03:29 PM
Note the interest in Europe & Brazil as well. Perhaps a few races in those places. Chances are, they like street racing.


Unfortunately when you put them back on a scale with F1 and NASCAR the interest quite literally doesn't pay the freight.

North American series. Everyplace else pays cash in advance. We don't need any more Ansans.

05-11-06, 03:30 PM
Har. Flat line. (pferrf1, your links are busted)

Oh well. At least we can cheese off the gomers in the tallest midget contest. :shakehead


Funny thing is, look at the hits as a year long trend. Every year the trend is that the IRL has one spike (give or take) that puts its hits above Champ Car. Gues what time of year that is. :D

Don Quixote
05-11-06, 03:31 PM
Ha, one of the highest IRL peaks lines up with a story about Sarah Fisher in stock cars.

Mike Kellner
05-11-06, 03:33 PM
Maybe, they need to hold the same race at the same track for a number of years in a row to build a fan base.


05-11-06, 05:33 PM
Maybe, they need to hold the same race at the same track for a number of years in a row to build a fan base.


Now there's a novel idea...I bet that one would work... :D