View Full Version : RAIn rain go away
05-15-06, 01:14 AM
ANd make those CArt strret loosers go away hahahahahahaha
TIRed to go to the trak on Sateryday but got delaid at the CLAssy CHassy. hahahahahaaha YOu cant beleave what I sall there.
THE IRl - THAnsk TONey for everthing
yo, the first weekend doesn't count anyways since jon herb & jacques lazier haven't been on the track yet. if there are 33 cars, someone will qualify at less then 215. hahahahahahahahahaha :saywhat:
ALl I know is if shes pearced IM gettin a set of magnuts insatlled hahahahahahahaha
Walter Zoomie
05-15-06, 07:48 AM
a pop rivit just north of her sosage wallit
:gomer: :D
Hard Driver
05-15-06, 05:00 PM
GOd mUst HAte ToEkNee tO MaKe iT RAin So mUCh
BiF, iTz glOblE wOrmiNG. aL gOreS seZ so. :gomer:
05-15-06, 09:42 PM
BiF, iTz glOblE wOrmiNG. aL gOreS seZ so. :gomer:
He is serial :gomer:
He is serial :gomer:
Classic. :thumbup:
Al Gore: I am here to educate you about the single biggest threat to our planet. You see, there is something out there which threatens our very existence and may be the end to the human race as we know it. I'm talking, of course, about Manbearpig
Kyle: Mabearpig?
Al Gore: It is a creature which roams the Earth alone. It is half man, half bear, and half pig. Some people say that Manbearpig isn't real. Well , I'm here to tell you now, Manbearpig is very real, and he most certainly exists--I'm cereal. Manbearpig doesn't care what you've done. Manbearpig just wants to get you. I'm super cereal. But have no fear, because I am here to save you. And someday, when the world is rid of Manbearpig, everyone will say, "Thank you Al Gore--you're super awesome!" The end.
Mr. Mackey: Uh, Okay. Thank You, Mr. Gore.
Al Gore: Thank you class. Excelsior!!
05-17-06, 11:33 AM
but got delaid at the CLAssy CHassy
There are too many jokes to be made from this most unfortunate misspelling.
05-17-06, 01:16 PM
WEll I got news for you MR. MILler, THe IRL dont need you to make it look bad. NO SIree BOb. IT does fine all buy it self. TRooer werds wuz NEbber uddered. :D
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