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View Full Version : IRL Exploits Lucrative Iowa Market...

05-26-06, 10:51 AM
Yep, The IRL Grand Prix Of Newton! New 7/8 Mi. oval designed to tap the skills of all those European and South American road racers. Rusty's track? I'm sure this must be part of The League's merger demands.

05-26-06, 10:59 AM
It's too close to their races at Kansas and Chicago, and will dilute an already thin market, IMO. Thus, it will meet all of their criteria.

05-26-06, 11:21 AM
Yep, The IRL Grand Prix Of Newton! New 7/8 Mi. oval designed to tap the skills of all those European and south American road racers. Rusty's track? I'm sure this must be part of The League's merger demands.

The trick and key part of the race is that each team has to run out into the Iowa corn fields and harvest the corn then produce the ethanol they need for each car before they can start..... ;)

05-26-06, 11:31 AM
the cars do have a resemblence to combines with the big front wings :rofl:

05-26-06, 11:38 AM
the cars do have a resemblence to combines with the big front wings :rofl:

Didn't think of that! :laugh: You're right tho! :gomer: :p

05-26-06, 11:53 AM
Didn't think of that! :laugh: You're right tho! :gomer: :p

When I lived in Indiana I was fascinated by the aerodynamics of corn husks thermaling over the fields in the late summer afternoon. Those Hoosiers have lift all figured out.

05-26-06, 12:06 PM
I lived in Des Moines for many years. Iowa is sprint car and dirt track country. I can't imagine why they think an earl race would do well.

05-26-06, 12:23 PM
A 7/8 mile 12-14 degree D-oval???

Shorter than Milwaukee but banked.

Who the hell thinks putting openwheel cars on that is a good idea?


05-26-06, 12:23 PM
Can you imagine the look on Iowan race fans faces at the first race.

:mad: "WTF, they said PRESENTED by Rusty Wallace!!?" "Them ain't no cup cars!!?" :flame:

05-26-06, 12:23 PM
With roughly half of Newton's workforce getting layed off with Maytag's closing, the Central Iowa Speedway will be abandoned in five years. Newton is a good 30-45 minutes from Des Moines and is generally considered Hick Country by Des Moines residents. If you want a good estimation of how we think of Newton, talk to my buddy from the eastside, he has so really good comments about that town.

The Des Moines GP didn't work and there is no way that this idea will work. If Des Moines wants a successful race you would want to look to the Ankeny Regional Airport.

05-26-06, 12:25 PM

:mad: "WTF, they said PRESENTED by Rusty Wallace!!?" "Them ain't no cup cars!!?" :flame:

Even the hicks wouldn't say them ain't cup cars, it is Iowa not Alabama.

05-26-06, 12:26 PM
A 7/8 mile 10-14 degree D-oval???

Shorter than Milwaukee but banked.

Who the hell thinks putting openwheel cars on that is a good idea?

Sounds almost exactly like the Richmond track (which is 3/4 mile, but banked 14 deg, IIRC).

Carnage should ensue.

05-26-06, 12:32 PM
So what happens at Richmond? I've never seen the race.

It has got to suck, just a pack of traffic going in a circle...

Andrew Longman
05-26-06, 01:06 PM
So what happens at Richmond? I've never seen the race.

It has got to suck, just a pack of traffic going in a circle...

Actually, Richmond is one of the few tracks that produces interesting IRL racing IMO.

The do have to lift, they tend not to be so packed, and back markers serve well as jam cars.

At least this track is not 18-20 degree banking.

Given its location I just don't see this working from a business perspective, but then it also doesn't have much competition for entertainment dollars (which is in part why I think Edmonton did so well)

05-26-06, 01:16 PM
Its like fighter jets in a gymnasium! :rofl:

05-26-06, 01:18 PM
Who the hell thinks putting openwheel cars on that is a good idea?

Is that a trick question? :confused:

05-26-06, 01:21 PM
I can't find the links any longer but it looks like the proposed track that was to be built south of Houston.

05-26-06, 01:21 PM
Actually, Richmond is one of the few tracks that produces interesting IRL racing IMO.

It's also one of the tracks that has seen an IRL car rip down catchfencing. Quite a sound that made, too. Lucky for them it was during a test session, or else tens of people might have been at risk.

05-26-06, 01:50 PM
Can you imagine the look on Iowan race fans faces at the first race.

:mad: "WTF, they said PRESENTED by Rusty Wallace!!?" "Them ain't no cup cars!!?" :flame:

As an Iowan, I should be offended, but actually, I think you are right - except that Iowans would use perfect English and grammar.

Andrew Longman
05-26-06, 01:57 PM
It's also one of the tracks that has seen an IRL car rip down catchfencing. Quite a sound that made, too. Lucky for them it was during a test session, or else tens of people might have been at risk.

Don't recall that. Was that a failure of the fence, track or car? Fencing has been ripped at Indy, Daytona, Texas, Dega, and maybe more in the last few years. Regretable as it is catch fences fail, but so long as the car actually stays on the track and seating is far enough back to minimize debris hazards, it is not a total failure.

And the cars have to be such that they are rarely even getting into the fence

High Sided
05-26-06, 02:01 PM
sounds like Rusty has been added to tony's open check book

the irl, we finance any idea, got one?

05-26-06, 02:09 PM
Hold the phone - apparently, no deal yet. Press conference moved to June. Looks like the IndyStar jumped the gun.


05-26-06, 02:14 PM
Newton is a good 30-45 minutes from Des Moines and is generally considered Hick Country by Des Moines residents.

I've been to Des Moines and Des Moines shouldn't be ragging on Newton.

05-26-06, 02:19 PM
I've been to Des Moines and Des Moines shouldn't be ragging on Newton.

Andrew Longman
05-26-06, 02:35 PM
I've been to Des Moines and Des Moines shouldn't be ragging on Newton.

I once spent several weeks in DesMoines, most of it in the Waveland Bar on Waveland Ave. The large sign out front said "Hangovers: Installed and Serviced"

great sign :D

05-26-06, 05:19 PM
Don't recall that. Was that a failure of the fence, track or car? Fencing has been ripped at Indy, Daytona, Texas, Dega, and maybe more in the last few years. Regretable as it is catch fences fail, but so long as the car actually stays on the track and seating is far enough back to minimize debris hazards, it is not a total failure.

And the cars have to be such that they are rarely even getting into the fence

Helio got hit by someone and went airborne into the fence, pulling a nice section of it down. I don't think there was ever much chance of the car reaching the stands (they sit pretty far back from the fencing), but it was apparently quite the sight. My old place was within earshot of the track, so I heard the whole thing go down (no pun intended)- didn't sound pretty.