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White boy can dance. :D
07-11-11, 05:40 PM
The new Top Gear segment with Sebastian Vettel in the reasonably priced car.
Trevor Longman
07-13-11, 09:26 PM
His Mansell impression was hilarious! :laugh: and a great time to boot!
Andrew Longman
07-14-11, 01:41 AM
I don't know why but the Mansell impression gave me flashbacks to NHR and PLN. Happy and sad.
Who will tell Jeremy that Vettel is German not French and that his name is not veTELL?
I don't know why but the Mansell impression gave me flashbacks to NHR and PLN. Happy and sad.
Who will tell Jeremy that Vettel is German not French and that his name is not veTELL?I was watching the F1 race this past weekend online and one of the announcers was pronouncing his name like that too, so I was beginning to wonder.
07-14-11, 08:13 AM
oldie but a goodie :D
That, was really, really, funny. I love Jules Winnfield. I'd love to see him as the White House Press Secretary.
Him, or Lee Ermey.
07-24-11, 10:04 PM
The invocation from last night's Nationwide race.
I'd much rather be in a burning building than out in traffic :saywhat:
High Sided
10-12-11, 06:54 PM
how about a nice country bike ride?:eek:
I'd much rather be in a burning building than out in traffic :saywhat:
Rubber-necking is the same in any language. :shakehead
Just in time for Halloween: "The Walken Dead"
Bohemian Rhapsody, courtesy of William Shatner :saywhat: :laugh:
10-20-11, 04:49 PM
I had not noticed yours earlier but just happened upon the below which is even better yet.
Fifth Gear introduces a Ford Focus to a concrete wall... at 120MPH.
If you have a "dicky ticker" you might want to pass on this one.
Fifth Gear introduces a Ford Focus to a concrete wall... at 120MPH.
If you have a "dicky ticker" you might want to pass on this one.
That's called wadding it up. :eek:
Andrew Longman
10-21-11, 02:28 PM
That's called wadding it up. :eek:Unfortunately, they didn't need to do this to show the results. Mix a Saturday night, a young male driver and booze and this sort of thing happens all the time.
You don't ever want to talk to rescue squad workers about it. My college roomate's best friend in HS made a new 1977 TransAm about that small a few nights after graduation. They hauled it out of the woods in a pickup truck.
You don't ever want to talk to rescue squad workers about it.
Dark sense of humor all around ;).
"Remember the time that dude's head...." is usually how it starts.
I've seen worse at far lower speeds actually.
11-15-11, 04:24 AM
Okay it is 1:20 in the morning I just watched this entire thing.:saywhat:
I need to turn the damned computer off and go to sleep...
High Sided
11-15-11, 05:51 PM
watch me kick down a cement wall say's mr. smartypants
Andrew Longman
11-23-11, 10:02 AM
S2SUaoVy_iU&feature=player_embeddedThat falls somewhere between the "beating yourself with chains until bloody" thing that Shia Muslims do and a frat party I was once invited to.
11-23-11, 04:39 PM
Just to win less than $6000? Yikes.
High Sided
11-23-11, 05:54 PM
for those not interested in the model paint thread, serious model making...
opinionated ow
11-26-11, 12:04 PM
This is how we do it: Stock car racing Australian style
Well, no wonder they screwed up...they're headed in the wrong direction!:gomer:
It's wierd seeing them go the "wrong" way. The cars actually look stock. I wonder, if Australia was closer to the states if we'd see more Aussie drivers?
earlific crowd too
opinionated ow
11-26-11, 06:47 PM
It's wierd seeing them go the "wrong" way. The cars actually look stock. I wonder, if Australia was closer to the states if we'd see more Aussie drivers?
earlific crowd too
Yeah, they're pretty much stock standard HQ Holdens. They've raced them here since the 1970s (road racing until they did this in the 1990s)-it's very hard to find parts to keep them on the road because so many of them are raced.
The whole NASCAR/AUSCAR thing peaked here in the early 1990s and held reasonable crowds until about 1998 when they ran out of money and fans. The Australian NASCAR series used to run with the CART race in its early years
I like the commercial, but I'm not sure I buy a tall, slender model as the embodiment of a Fiat 500 - Abarth or not.
Yeah, they're pretty much stock standard HQ Holdens. They've raced them here since the 1970s (road racing until they did this in the 1990s)-it's very hard to find parts to keep them on the road because so many of them are raced.
The whole NASCAR/AUSCAR thing peaked here in the early 1990s and held reasonable crowds until about 1998 when they ran out of money and fans. The Australian NASCAR series used to run with the CART race in its early years
Harkens back to a day here when nascar was real.
11-28-11, 06:36 AM
I like the commercial
God I love Italian woman.
So I do a search for Abarth to see what is on the car and the internet tells me she is a Romainian named Catrinel Menghia and a rough translation of what she is saying is:
What are you looking at? Uh!?
What are you looking at?! (slap)
Are you undressing me with your eyes?
Poor guy… you can’t help it?
Is your heart beating? Is your head spinning?
Do you feel lost thinking that I could be yours forever?
Pilgrims Drop
11-28-11, 11:48 AM
Truth in 24 :thumbup:
Truth in 24 :thumbup:
Was a free download on iTunes a few years back. Not sure if it is still available there.
Andrew Longman
11-28-11, 01:45 PM
Was a free download on iTunes a few years back. Not sure if it is still available there.Have it on my new iPad. Trevor downloaded it a while back and put it on there. Definitely worth it for the higher quality sound and picture.
My favorite is listening to McNish take three minutes to explain a lap (about at the 0:39:40 mark)
And Baretsky explaining how "simple" the engine is :D
Have it on my new iPad. Trevor downloaded it a while back and put it on there. Definitely worth it for the higher quality sound and picture.
iTunes still has both standard and HD available for download.
iTunes linky thing (
Andrew Longman
11-28-11, 05:02 PM
HD?You're asking ME? :rofl:
HD I think. It looks yummy and Trevor downloaded it for HIS use -- which is usually the best of everything.
11-28-11, 05:04 PM
Have it on my new iPad.
I am going to run it through my HD TV next weekend.
<face palm> :shakehead
Jump to about 1:40 to see the good part.
High Sided
12-01-11, 12:23 AM
reinventing sports......
Turkey day fun.
12-19-11, 01:28 PM
For all the Calvin & Hobbes fans in the room...
12-19-11, 06:03 PM
For all the Calvin & Hobbes fans in the room...
Thanks! (
12-19-11, 11:36 PM
God, I miss C&H and "The Far Side"... Losses for Western Civilization...
Andrew Longman
12-20-11, 01:11 AM
Merry Christmas From Jersey :D
Turn it up.
HoHoHo Which way to the Jersey Turnpike? :)
Our first Christmas without The Big Man. :(
Mr. Vengeance
12-26-11, 04:32 PM
Andrew Longman
12-26-11, 06:40 PM
How many thousands of dollars worth of planes do you need to crash to get that good?
Sort of like cliff diving... how do you live long enough to get that good?
(yeah, if I owned a hobby shop I'd sponsor him too. I could retire on his training wreck alone :D)
Pilgrims Drop
12-28-11, 09:22 AM
Future Darwin award recipient?
12-28-11, 09:52 AM
Future Darwin award recipient?
One can only assume that the cameras did not pick up the subsequent brawls following the crashes or near misses:
Don Quixote
12-28-11, 12:26 PM
Red lights are optional in Jersey.
Pilgrims Drop
12-28-11, 01:31 PM
Missed the schoolbus... I'll take dads car instead...
Andrew Longman
12-28-11, 02:40 PM
Red lights are optional in Jersey.Only the weak and stupid need green lights.
12-28-11, 03:16 PM
One can only assume that the cameras did not pick up the subsequent brawls following the crashes or near misses:
Damn, I need to quit driving old cars and get one with side airbags :eek:
12-28-11, 03:21 PM
You have to like the reflection of the treadmill console on the tv screen. So he's chasing a Porsche as he runs:rolleyes:
More re-inventing sports
Very cool. :cool:
Pilgrims Drop
01-01-12, 09:07 PM
Have had this song on my mind ever since the last episode of 24/7...
01-01-12, 09:47 PM
Who knew that REO Speedwagon had only 1 guitar and no drummer:saywhat: The closeups of the lead singer were downright creepy and I can't believe that pink shirt was ever considered to be a good idea.
01-01-12, 10:26 PM
This one is pretty cool
01-02-12, 06:41 AM
Who knew that REO Speedwagon had only 1 guitar and no drummer:saywhat:
Huh? They had a traditional 5 member rock band line up, rhythm guitar, lead guitar, bass, keyboards and drums.
Their album "You Can Tune a Piano but You Can't Tuna Fish" are one of those that define high school for me being that it was released when I was a junior and owned me several of my friends and me.
I think REO Speedwagon was a mid-western thing. Still got a few of their albums from the 70's. :thumbup:
Another good one from that era: Head East
01-02-12, 10:31 AM
Head East, haven't heard them in years.
There was a band like that based in Cleveland in that era that was huge in some parts of Midwest but was barely known elsewhere.
Andrew Longman
01-02-12, 11:38 AM
I think REO Speedwagon was a mid-western thing. Still got a few of their albums from the 70's. :thumbup:
Another good one from that era: Head EastSure thing.
Bob Seger's Night Move's and Nugent's Cat Scratch Fever albums were the first to get national airplay and distribution -- and they had been big in the midwest for ten years prior.
IIRC REO's first national album was IMO their first really bad one -- High Infidelity.
When I moved to the Midwest for college there were a ton of band, Head East, Wet Willie, Styxs, MC5, Cheap Trick, Foghat, etc. that I never, ever heard on the radio in NYC.
Then again, in MI no one I knew had heard of Little Feat, Robert Palmer, Peter Tosh, Joan Armitraning, vintage Bruce, James Cotton, etc. either.
01-02-12, 01:54 PM
Huh? They had a traditional 5 member rock band line up, rhythm guitar, lead guitar, bass, keyboards and drums.
I was referring to the mad skilz of the tv director.
Sure thing.
Bob Seger's Night Move's and Nugent's Cat Scratch Fever albums were the first to get national airplay and distribution -- and they had been big in the midwest for ten years prior.
IIRC REO's first national album was IMO their first really bad one -- High Infidelity.
And I'm gonna keep on loving Rolexes and blow...
(REO is closely associated with the Payola scandals in the '80's)
Head East, Flat as a Pancake still holds up. Well, to me, anyway.
01-02-12, 05:48 PM
Please, please, please, nobody mention 38 S*****l.
Or Eddie Money.
Please, please, please, nobody mention 38 S*****l.
Or Eddie Money.
Styx? :laugh:
01-02-12, 07:49 PM
I saw Styx a couple years ago in SLC....
It was a family-friend is in the band deal. It was interesting to be back stage watching the radio station contest winners' meet & greet cattle call made up of middle-aged Styx fans reliving their youth and meeting their heroes.
Things are quite business-like back stage nowadays.
01-02-12, 08:59 PM
Please, please, please, nobody mention 38 S*****l.
Or Eddie Money.
Billy Squier?
Aldo Nova?
01-02-12, 09:43 PM
Billy Squier?
Aldo Nova?
No beer for you.
I give to you, "Forever Lazy". An adult onesy to enable your completely sedentary lifestyle. Elimination flaps in the front and back if you can still be bothered. :rolleyes:
sweet, space life is almost here!
Andrew Longman
01-05-12, 10:12 PM
I give to you, "Forever Lazy"...Been done... by Aunt Clara:
For you:
01-06-12, 04:27 PM
This is the newest in a series of the levitation videos some of which are posted up thread.
A love story for the ages.
(*contains (2) f-bombs, but you hardly notice)
A modern interpretation of the musical HMS Pinafore.
(*NSFW. every other word is mother----er. :D)
01-09-12, 03:57 AM
01-09-12, 11:32 AM
Wow, good thing the cord scrubbed off a lot of the speed before it broke or no way she lives.
This is the newest in a series of the levitation videos some of which are posted up thread.
Flying cars? Who ever thought that would be possible?
01-09-12, 11:42 AM
Very, very expensive slot car set.
01-09-12, 11:54 AM
Flying cars? Who ever thought that would be possible?
This guy:
Andrew Longman
01-09-12, 11:58 AM
Damn...Somehow I just don't think I'd risk it all based on the competence of Zambia safety inspectors.
Glad the operators have "replaced the rope and declared the jump safe" :rolleyes:
Here is the transcript:
Little girl: Hello kitty
Kitty: Hello
Little girl: Lets have a staring contest
Kitty: ok
Little girl: You lose!
Kitty: I'm going to eat you.
Little girl: No.
A day at the cricket with a former Australian Prime Minister.
01-13-12, 06:46 PM
I thought you were going to put my one up Boss, then take the credit. :) :)
I thought you were going to put my one up Boss, then take the credit. :) :)
Heh. I'm not in the habit of pouring gasoline on brushfires. :)
01-19-12, 08:26 PM
Volkswagen released a teaser edition of their Super Bowl ad...
I see:
Darth Vader
an Ewok
the bulldog is a stormtropper
the little guy on the far left is R2D2
black and white doggie is Solo
Who's the top center one supposed to be?
01-20-12, 07:11 AM
Who's the top center one supposed to be?
Jar Jar Binks?
'That's the Power of German Engineering'
Germany = The Empire?
Is that what they are trying to communicate?
01-21-12, 03:14 PM
Found this while working on a paper for my current e-commerce class:
time lapse video of Yosemite National Park. :cool:
opinionated ow
01-24-12, 06:08 PM
wow! The camera angles were better in the could really judge the speed!
Filmed last Fri, Jan 20 south of Santa Cruz, CA.
That ain't no Amtrak train.
I counted 97 tanks & 12 fuel trucks. wow.
internet says train was from Oxnard, CA headed to Herlong, CA
mostly old or scrap, probably National Guard equipment.
That, or Nevada is about to find out what time it is. ;)
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