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11-06-06, 02:35 PM

During the RSC's fall 2006 residency in Ann Arbor, Michigan, Stewart made an appearance at the Ball State vs. University of Michigan football game. He directed the Michigan Marching Band to the Star Trek theme song during their halftime show, then told the Wolverines to "Boldly go, and beat the Buckeyes!", and after a quieting of the crowd, "Make it so, number one!" This was a reference to their upcoming game against the, at the time, Associated Press #1 ranked Ohio State University football team.

Trekkies are gay,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,comma comma comma,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,

Like Dando.:tony:

Andrew Longman
11-06-06, 02:41 PM
Do they still make a big deal in AA of giving out the Ball State and Slippery Rock scores?

They used to get great humor from that.

11-06-06, 02:46 PM

Trekkies are gay,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,comma comma comma,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,

Like Dando.:tony:

Speaking of which, RHCP played Hail to the Victors last week during a concert in the Schott. :mad: :laugh:


11-06-06, 03:04 PM
Speaking of which, RHCP played Hail to the Victors last week during a concert in the Schott. :mad: :laugh:


I heard about that. I think the drummer is from Ann Arbor or something.

Only losers from from a state that looks like a mitten.:gomer:

Andrew Longman
11-06-06, 04:32 PM
Only losers from from a state that looks like a mitten.:gomer:

Yo. My mom was was born born in in AA.

11-06-06, 04:43 PM
Yo. My mom was was born born in in AA.

Sorry about yer luck. :p We'll try not to hold that against you. ;)


11-06-06, 05:04 PM

Bottled beer gets boot near campus
3 stores pull certain brews after OSU says glass containers pose safety risk
Saturday, November 04, 2006
Mark Ferenchik

To help quell post-football mayhem and other problems throughout the school year, three United Dairy Farmers stores near the Ohio State University campus have cut off sales of bottled domestic beer since the beginning of October.

...Young told members of the Ohio State Board of Trustees yesterday that partiers have thrown bottles during past disturbances, so getting as many off the street as possible helps curb the violence...

tOSU has turned down ABC requests for 8pm kickoff for tOSU/UM in part due to fan behavior issues


11-06-06, 09:30 PM
Dear Spickly;

The ABC Family Movie about a player that sucked, and got half a taclke in 4 years is currently on HBO-Z. Gotta love Golden Domer glory days.



11-06-06, 09:51 PM
Dear Spickly;

The ABC Family Movie about a player that sucked, and got half a taclke in 4 years is currently on HBO-Z. Gotta love Golden Domer glory days.



Dear Dickwad: Learnin aboot governmint and stuff rite now. planning ski trips right now. thinkin aboot gettin laids rite now.

not thinkin aboot Domers and not thinkin aboot football.

suggest you get some ass and stfu. :yourock:

:thumbup: :D

and here: listen to this.l there is more than footsball:

on letterman:


At bonaroo:


11-06-06, 09:57 PM
Dear Dickwad: Learnin aboot governmint and stuff rite now. planning ski trips right now. thinkin aboot gettin laids rite now.

not thinkin aboot Domers and not thinkin aboot football.

suggest you get some ass and stfu. :yourock:

:thumbup: :D

Deer Gotard;

I already have a ski trip planned for December, and I already worked with the government. They all suck, no more to learn.

Football is all I've got left today, getting laid has to wait until wednesday:thumdown:

Mucho Grande Luv,

Your Admirererererer.

11-06-06, 10:00 PM
Sorry to burst yer bubble, f00boy, but you've been taken on a 'net myth about The Game. As was reported last month, it's not true (and unlike you, here's a quote *and* link):


No Michigan Move

With Ohio State and Michigan now the top two teams in the Associated Press poll, there had been some sentiment that ABC could pursue moving their Nov. 18 showdown in Columbus – which could decide the outright Big Ten championship and essentially be a national semifinal game as a play-in game for the national championship game – to a prime time start at 8 p.m. Eastern.

The OSU-Michigan game has been a fixture in either the noon or 1 p.m. time slot on ABC since at least 1985. But this year’s game was moved to a 3:30 p.m. slot, presumably so it could be a true national broadcast involving the West Coast as well.

ABC has already slated an attractive Pac-10 match-up with No. 3 USC against current No. 11 Cal at 8 p.m. on Nov. 18. Rudner said there was no chance the OSU-Michigan game would trade time slots with the USC-Cal game, as had been rumored in and around Columbus in recent weeks.

“That is not possible,” Rudner said. “That is 100 percent not possible. Whatever people are saying about that (move), that is something that has simply been conjured up.”

Just cuz ya wanna believe something, it doesn't make it true.



Don Quixote
11-06-06, 11:11 PM
I like the feel of a long neck bottle for throwin and whatnot. The short blatz bottles tend to fall short. Canadian beer bottles don't have good balance. Hard to beat a longneck lonestar bottle.

11-06-06, 11:35 PM
Yo. My mom was was born born in in AA.

AA's so nice she was born born twice!


11-06-06, 11:36 PM
Sorry to burst yer bubble, f00boy, but you've been taken on a 'net myth about The Game. As was reported last month, it's not true (and unlike you, here's a quote *and* link):


Just cuz ya wanna believe something, it doesn't make it true.



*shrug* I'll take Maisel's word over BigTen Bob, cue the rant about how anti-tOSU he is or something else equally inane.

I'll now leave you to conjure up further ways to control your beer bottle throwing, automobile immolating fanbase on gameday.

good day. :)

11-07-06, 12:52 AM
*shrug* I'll take Maisel's word over BigTen Bob, cue the rant about how anti-tOSU he is or something else equally inane.

I'll now leave you to conjure up further ways to control your beer bottle throwing, automobile immolating fanbase on gameday.

good day. :)

Yeah, I guess a direct quote from the Asst. Big 10 +1 Commish isn't good enough. But hey, let's not let facts get in the way... :rolleyes:

Since you are so damned concerned about the behavior of our fans, why don't you post a link about the Best Damn Fans in the Land campaign? Of course the answer is that it doesn't agree with your slant. :shakehead

Oh, and as I've stated previously, it's been proven time and again that students of other universities are responsible for some of the mayhem that has occurred. That doesn't make it anymore right, but it is a fact. But why bother with facts?

PS: Where's THE LINK to Maisel's comment?


11-07-06, 01:50 AM
Evidently Steer fans have given up hope of another National Championship and have instead decided to go for "Most Sensitive Fans." After a long season of getting in touch with their feelings and accepting their feminine side, Burnt Orange and white will be replaced with Dark Salmon with Cream lace accents. Come to think of it fan fashion does seem to be their other big passion.

11-07-06, 02:07 AM

11-07-06, 12:16 PM
Oh, and as I've stated previously, it's been proven time and again that students of other universities are responsible for some of the mayhem that has occurred. That doesn't make it anymore right, but it is a fact. But why bother with facts?

:laugh: yea, "everyone else does it!!!" I guess the other students from the other universities are the ones who torched 4 cars and 45 other arson events in columbus student neighborhoods after the win in Austin this year. Those wiley Austin folks, flying to Columbus to cause mayhem. Must've been a UT cheerleader than ran over the ohio state university VP and a cbus fire battalion chief at a checkpoint that night too. it's everyone else who causes cops to roll in riot gear. everyone else who causes enforcement of open container laws and the abolition of bottled domestic beer sales next to campus. It's a visiting team conspiracy!!! :laugh:

and TBDFITLCampaign is coming up 0 on the google search, just fyi :gomer:

maisel, have at it: http://podloc.andomedia.com/dloadTrack.mp3?prm=1638xhttp://espnrad.vo.llnwd.net/o10/espnradio/espnucf/espnucf061106.mp3
maisel, after the game: http://podloc.andomedia.com/dloadTrack.mp3?prm=1638xhttp://espnrad.vo.llnwd.net/o10/espnradio/espnucf/espnucf060911.mp3

11-07-06, 12:23 PM
Evidently Steer fans have given up hope of another National Championship and have instead decided to go for "Most Sensitive Fans." After a long season of getting in touch with their feelings and accepting their feminine side, Burnt Orange and white will be replaced with Dark Salmon with Cream lace accents. Come to think of it fan fashion does seem to be their other big passion.

well, Club Monaco and Nieman do have some big sales this week :gomer:

i mean, i could be like tOSU last year and cry and cry all year about how "we should've won," but I'm not aggy. Besides, who can think about football with Neiman Marcus sales like this?


11-07-06, 12:56 PM
...got knocked the hell out.

warning: language


fyi: to follow up on this, this was apparently one of The Boz's twin nephews...

Andrew Longman
11-07-06, 02:01 PM
Just looking for guesses.

Louisville rose to #3 by beating #3 WV. WV tumbled down the rankings. Louisville is well ahead of #4-6

Where does Rutgers end up if they beat Louisville? Does it matter if they win by a lot, or if they beat an impressive looking Louisville?

Then what happens if UF loses one more game (FSU)? Were does that put Rutgers IYO.

11-07-06, 02:15 PM
if you mean in polling, l-ville's pretty much tied with Texas at 3/4 in both.

My Top 15 w/ a Turnpikes win, all other ranked teams win:


Andrew Longman
11-07-06, 02:31 PM
I was thinking BCS rankings. With a win over Lville I would think it would raise their score to .73-.74 and slot in at #6-8

If they win all their games in convincing fashion you figure that they might rise to #4-5 at best. Some of the team in the top 5 have to lose.

11-07-06, 02:49 PM
"convincing fashion" only matters to human pollsters, not computers. Rutgers is already 9th in the computers, not much room to move up if L-ville's 3rd right now, they'll gain 2-4 spots in the human polls, but absolute rank only matters w/ CPU's, its the percentage of votes that matter w/ polls.

RU could end up in the BCS top 10 w/ a win this weekend, tougher if Arky beats Tenn. Assuming RU wins out, as do UF/Arky, Auburn, Texas, tOSU/Mich, Cal/USC/ND, final polls would probably have RU at 7th or 8th at best. Top 5 likely if some of those teams rack up a 2nd loss. Not enough folks will put them over 1 loss tOSU/Mich, Texas, SEC, or Cal/ND/USC. Computers won't be enough to put them in Glendale either.

11-07-06, 03:51 PM
NYAN Boateng STABBED!!!!!!!

Go Gators!


First: I didn't know UF police worked in Jacksonville, FL.:saywhat:
Second: Where was Maurice Clarett at the time of this stabbing. I doubt the story.

11-07-06, 04:08 PM
That story ended up on Fark.com with the tagline ...

Florida wide receiver fails to outrun his knife-wielding girlfriend. No wonder they almost lost to Vanderbilt.


11-07-06, 10:53 PM

Cane player killed

11-07-06, 11:22 PM
**** that sucks.

11-08-06, 03:41 PM


11-08-06, 04:25 PM
Coral Gables is a ghetto? Since when is 70K median household income analogous to "ghetto?"

this looks different in the light of Pata's shooting.


Andrew Longman
11-08-06, 05:33 PM


Why does FRAN-KLYN-COUN-TAY want so much to be like SOUTH-CENT-Y'RAL-EL-LAY?

I must be firmly centered in old fartdom:shakehead

Andrew Longman
11-08-06, 05:41 PM
Just got a call from a youth group my son is involved in. They wanted to know if he wanted to go to the LVille Rutgers game with them. I don't get to go because I am not a student.

I'm so jealous. Another reason to hate old fartdom.

Biggest college football game played in the state since the first one.

5000 student were camped out all night for the remaining student tickets. Schiano was in his office and heard about. Said, "I'll bet they're starving" and went over with 50 pizzas to say Hi and thank them for support. Nothing like it has ever happened here.

11-08-06, 05:53 PM
you shoulda been on top of tickets at least a month ago for L-ville after seeing everyone's start fast.

still though, you're on a school board, how hard can it be to hook up a single from the faculty/administrator pool?

Andrew Longman
11-08-06, 07:33 PM
you shoulda been on top of tickets at least a month ago for L-ville after seeing everyone's start fast.

still though, you're on a school board, how hard can it be to hook up a single from the faculty/administrator pool?

Actually this and the Cuse game sold out more than a month ago. I even tried my Sista in law who is a Cuse alum and she struck out.

Being a school board prez means little in these parts

I'll watch it in comfort in my special chair

11-09-06, 08:00 AM
Here's to Rutgers ending the Big East BCS title chances:thumbup:

Go Ka-nigits Go!!!!!!

11-09-06, 11:15 AM
Actually this and the Cuse game sold out more than a month ago. I even tried my Sista in law who is a Cuse alum and she struck out.

Being a school board prez means little in these parts

I'll watch it in comfort in my special chair

If I were you, I would roll up there before gametime, wait until kickoff, and I bet you find a single for face.

Andrew Longman
11-09-06, 11:37 AM
If I were you, I would roll up there before gametime, wait until kickoff, and I bet you find a single for face.

Maybe, but this is being ranked up with Pele's last game and the NYG 1987 NFC championship as among the top sporting event in state history. That, and the fact that there are about 30000 students within walking distance of the stadium who wanted but couldn't get tickets, I think there will be a ton of others with the same idea.

But who knows? 25 years ago I regularly drove 10 hours from the Upper Pennisula to AA in the hope of similarly scamming a UofM ticket. It never failed.

But I'm proven stupid nevertheless.

11-09-06, 11:48 AM
Maybe, but this is being ranked up with Pele's last game and the NYG 1987 NFC championship as among the top sporting event in state history. That, and the fact that there are about 30000 students within walking distance of the stadium who wanted but couldn't get tickets, I think there will be a ton of others with the same idea.

But who knows? 25 years ago I regularly drove 10 hours from the Upper Pennisula to AA in the hope of similarly scamming a UofM ticket. It never failed.

But I'm proven stupid nevertheless.

It's New Brunswick. Everything is for sale.:laugh:

11-09-06, 11:59 AM
Maybe, but this is being ranked up with Pele's last game and the NYG 1987 NFC championship as among the top sporting event in state history. That, and the fact that there are about 30000 students within walking distance of the stadium who wanted but couldn't get tickets, I think there will be a ton of others with the same idea.

But who knows? 25 years ago I regularly drove 10 hours from the Upper Pennisula to AA in the hope of similarly scamming a UofM ticket. It never failed.

But I'm proven stupid nevertheless.

30,000 students who have 0 clue how football scalping works. If they don't have tix, they'll be throwing a party or at a bar or something... besides, all you need is a single. this is very much to your advantage. I rolled to the Rose Bowl w/o a ticket in hand and look how that worked out. I say you go for it, if worse comes to worst, just have the game TiVo'ed and watch from the beginning when you get home...

11-09-06, 01:04 PM
There better be some of this going down tonight


11-09-06, 01:34 PM
There better be some of this going down tonight



11-09-06, 02:29 PM
Goooo Scarlet Letter!!!! (and take Longman with you) ;) :p

Interesting notes from Mike & Mike this AM:

Last year's game was won by the Cards 56-5.

First time ever that R plays a game when both teams are ranked.

Apparently the planets are in alignment or something. (not from M&M, just my own personal observation) :)


11-09-06, 10:04 PM
both qb's playing inconsistently, missing open wr's, RU's wr's have a case of the dropsies

both secondaries looking like crap, sloppy tackling, team speed isn't something in high supply

l-ville has absolutely no o-line, every rush up the middle is stuffed, toss sweep & toss strech the only big gains they're getting, highlighting RU's lack of speed, RU bringing a decent pass rush too. RU's front 7 looking good.

big least doesnt suck like last year, but they sure as hell ain't elite.

11-09-06, 10:13 PM
wtf? what college football program plays pop music over the PA system? I mean, besides Nebraska that is...

do they not have a band? :saywhat:

11-09-06, 11:10 PM

25-22 Louisville up, but Rutgers just got a 2 point conversion to get within a FG. Very ballsy play. I love to see that!!!

Go Ka-nigits!!!!

11-09-06, 11:35 PM

Dr. Corkski
11-10-06, 12:08 AM

11-10-06, 12:09 AM
Louisville outchoked the kicker. Beautiful.


11-10-06, 12:19 AM
Allsome! Big lEast does not suck...as much. :gomer:


Andrew Longman
11-10-06, 12:23 AM
Ba ha ha ha .

Chop wood.

Solid, solid play.

Beautiful play and the game was intended. The second half was awesome. That last drive was perfection.

:thumbup: :thumbup: :thumbup:

Cinnci, Cuse and WV are not gimmies but they look like they should be in the W column

Bring on the BCS championship game.:tony:

Andrew Longman
11-10-06, 12:31 AM
both qb's playing inconsistently, missing open wr's, RU's wr's have a case of the dropsies

both secondaries looking like crap, sloppy tackling, team speed isn't something in high supply

l-ville has absolutely no o-line, every rush up the middle is stuffed, toss sweep & toss strech the only big gains they're getting, highlighting RU's lack of speed, RU bringing a decent pass rush too. RU's front 7 looking good.

big least doesnt suck like last year, but they sure as hell ain't elite.

That O line helped net 400+ yards a game until tonight. You talked about speed killing. R D speed killed L tonight. Simple

11-10-06, 12:36 AM

11-10-06, 12:37 AM
400+ vs pasty d's is meaningless.

RU had a solid pass rush, but when lville tried to go east/west RU wasn't flying to the ball by any means.

Congrats on the win, but WV should roll that D with their speed.

did you try getting to the stadium? that place was rocking. they need to let the band play though, instead of piping in cheesy ass NFL-brand pop music.

11-10-06, 01:53 AM
I knew the big east would commit hari kari. Anyone else think WV will beat RU?

11-10-06, 06:39 AM
Louisville outchoked the kicker.

Pure brilliance. That'll be on his mind for, oh, forever. :gomer: :shakehead

11-10-06, 07:49 AM
I knew the big east would commit hari kari. Anyone else think WV will beat RU?

no doubt. I just can't believe how perfect this is going to work out. They all beat each other, opening the door for UF to have its worst National Championship loss to a northern school since 1995!

11-10-06, 11:10 AM
Hate to break it to you, but once UF plays 2-7 1-AA Western Carolina their computer ranking's going to drop them below Texas if not Auburn too. But be sure to keep winning so you keep the gap between us & USC/Cal/ND

11-10-06, 11:14 AM
Hate to break it to you, but once UF plays 2-7 1-AA Western Carolina their computer ranking's going to drop them below Texas if not Auburn too. But be sure to keep winning so you keep the gap between us & USC/Cal/ND

Hate to break it to you, but then we play the SEC championship game, and if we are undefeated and playing Arkansas that will HUGELY help us so long as we win out.

UT playing Nebraska is going hurt you in a big way. You win and lower your opponent strength, and you lose and you obviously are totally out of it.

Andrew Longman
11-10-06, 11:17 AM
400+ vs pasty d's is meaningless.

RU had a solid pass rush, but when lville tried to go east/west RU wasn't flying to the ball by any means.

Congrats on the win, but WV should roll that D with their speed.

did you try getting to the stadium? that place was rocking. they need to let the band play though, instead of piping in cheesy ass NFL-brand pop music.

I didn't try to go and it was probably a good thing. Trevor's group left 2 1/2 hours before KO and missed the first quarter. Stuck in traffic. And they left in the 4th because the youth leaders promised to get the kids home at a decent hour. But he had a blast. He said it was so loud his hands were shaking. Cool memory for him.

I actually don't think RU will lose a game, though Cinncy will be tougher than many think.

They are hitting their stride and last nights game was only as close as it was because of some very uncharacteristicly bad special teams play. That has been a solid strength and I expect that will be corrected. Teel also had I think 4-5 3rd down passes dropped.

Take those handful of plays away and time of possession and the score tips a lot towards RU. Granted those plays happened the way they did, but RU otherwise did exactly what they needed, when they needed it, to win.

As for beating WV, which Lville team looked better? The one that played last night or the one that played last Thursday? I think RU will be able to handle WV, but it also depends on what WV will be playing for in 4 weeks.

11-10-06, 11:22 AM
Hate to break it to you, but then we play the SEC championship game, and if we are undefeated and playing Arkansas that will HUGELY help us so long as we win out.

:laugh: whatever you say, brush off that Western Carolina game all you want, the computers wont.

Auburn == #1 ranked SEC team :gomer:

11-10-06, 11:34 AM
I didn't try to go and it was probably a good thing. Trevor's group left 2 1/2 hours before KO and missed the first quarter. Stuck in traffic. And they left in the 4th because the youth leaders promised to get the kids home at a decent hour. But he had a blast. He said it was so loud his hands were shaking. Cool memory for him.

cool, does RU not have a band? All you could hear on TV was music being piped in...

11-10-06, 12:32 PM
:laugh: whatever you say, brush off that Western Carolina game all you want, the computers wont.

Auburn == #1 ranked SEC team :gomer:

And if we were to play them, or Arkansas, our ranking would go up. When you play the Skers, you would destroy them in a rematch, and your BCS standing might go up, but no where near where it should since they are in your regular season schedule.

But you can think W. Carolina would ruin us, that's a mighty nice way of ignoring your own teams problems.

Even with W. Carolina, if UF wins out, and wins the SEC, our ranking will still be #2 after the OSU/UM game next week, assuming OSU wins.

11-10-06, 01:11 PM
UF plays Western Carolina & ACC last place FSU. You can think they'll be #2 all you want, but Rick Tellshow, Jerry Palm, and Brad Edwards disagree with you.

2/3's of the component is the polls, and the polls are about votes, not absolute rank, so as long as Auburn keeps taking your 4th place votes and you sit in 5th behind both of us, you're screwed there. You only have a .002 lead as it stands anyway. UT's computer ranking was it's lowest a couple of weeks back, it can only go up now. Meanwhile UF's computer ranking is so high right now (note that it compensates for 5th place in the polls despite only being 1/3 of the component) it will go down no matter what happens.

Computers, WCU will gut you more than you think. Look at how far UT dropped b/c we played a 1-AA team, and our 1-AA is ranked a good deal higher than 2-7 WCU. Plus you have FSU. Only 1 computer poll doesn't count 1-AA, I think it's Massey, so that will be the one that will be dropped as your highest score.

If UF is #2 at the end of the season it's because UT Auburn, & USC lost a 2nd game. Or voters manipulate it to prevent tOSU/UT II by voting UT down and UF/Aub/USC/Cal up high. They won't vote UF above Auburn if Auburn keeps winning.

Also, a rematch blowout in the BigXII title is no guaranteed thing in Kansas City in December. Same goes for this weekend in Manhattan. The close games in Lincoln & Lubbock were better than blowouts b/c it showcased Colt's qb play which has been getting a fair amount of pub on espn, sportsline, and SI the past 3 weeks, which translates to UT's #3/4 tie in poll ranking w/ L-ville last week.

yea, my team has no shortage of issues, but you really should pick 1 bandwagon and stick with it :gomer:

but again, it'll take 2 weeks to play out. UL loss gets florida 1 spot in votes in both polls, and UT 1/2 spot, plus it might not help UT kill that 5 spot lead in computers, but in 2 weeks that all goes away with the computers and won't re-open to 5 spots w/o other losses.

11-10-06, 01:48 PM
yea, my team has no shortage of issues, but you really should pick 1 bandwagon and stick with it :gomer:

I'm on both. how can i not keep on loving my first love, and then ignore my school? i shant and i can't. Hell, i'd love to see FSU in a bowl, and I for sure thing the UF/FSU game is going to be a lot closer than some believe.

Either way, UT can't be helped. WCU may hurt UF, but we still have the SEC game. Your last game is against NE, which isn't good blowout or not. If USC is one loss, I'm sure they will get the spot over UF, but I do think UF is more likely than UT. Auburn probably won't even have a shot if Arkansas stays undefeated.

It's going to be very interesting thats for sure.

11-10-06, 01:50 PM
how can i not keep on loving my first love, and then ignore my school?

it's quite easy. Texas Fight, beetches. :gomer:

11-10-06, 01:58 PM
it's quite easy. Texas Fight, beetches. :gomer:

If I had to choose on fan loyalty, and fan brain power, Ohio State without a doubt. Hell FSU would come before UF.

UF would languish somewhere around ummmmmm, Notre Dame. The 'smart' gator fans are about the worst thing I have to deal with when watching college football.

Idiots think 1996 was the best ever, and ignore ummm 1995, and 90 years before that of toiling in obscurity.

The same people that booed Chris Leak are like that and 10 times worse when you talk to them, at a game, before, or after......anywhere basically.

University of Florida, the arrogance of Notre Dame, with the tradition of Wake Forest.(tm)

11-10-06, 02:17 PM
cool, does RU not have a band? All you could hear on TV was music being piped in...

d00d, they showed the band on TeeVee. I only caught 2/3 of the game, and I even caught dat shizzle.


Not sure about the funky hat thingy, tho. :saywhat:


11-10-06, 02:33 PM
rap music pre game, Queen during the Q4 drive, some other crap during post game interviews.

the band should earn their keep rather than just dressing up in cool costumes and getting primo tickets :tony:

11-10-06, 02:53 PM
And if we were to play them, or Arkansas, our ranking would go up. When you play the Skers, you would destroy them in a rematch, and your BCS standing might go up, but no where near where it should since they are in your regular season schedule.

But you can think W. Carolina would ruin us, that's a mighty nice way of ignoring your own teams problems.

Even with W. Carolina, if UF wins out, and wins the SEC, our ranking will still be #2 after the OSU/UM game next week, assuming OSU wins.

d00d, it's all gonna be moot once ol' ball coach and the 'cocks lay a whoopin' on the Goters this weekend. :gomer: :p


11-10-06, 02:55 PM
rap music pre game, Queen during the Q4 drive, some other crap during post game interviews.

the band should earn their keep rather than just dressing up in cool costumes and getting primo tickets :tony:

I personally don't even care for bands that play newer music or themes ala the SC theme. :saywhat: :thumdown: Of course the exception to this rule is when TDBITL played the Neutron Dance for the Neuton Man to do his thing in The Shoe. Now that was classic. :thumbup:


11-10-06, 02:57 PM
I knew the big east would commit hari kari. Anyone else think WV will beat RU?

I called for round robin upsets weeks ago, and I still say it will happen. Home team wins in the round robin. Exception being WVU/RU if WVU drops the ball like they did against the Cards. Speed kills, especially when ya run into a tree.


11-10-06, 03:43 PM
meh, they can play whatever they want as far as I care as long as it's not the same old trite stuff like Star Wars Imperial March, etc.

We had a video game halftime show with a jumping mario last year at one game :thumbup: The Okie St game halftime show (which TBS showed uninterrupted because TBS is kick ass & cuts out most of the commercials w/ corporate sponsorship) was 80's tv show themed, Knight Rider & A-Team for sure, think the 3rd was Magnum PI :laugh:

And I'm not sure what you mean but according to the website USC's Fight On and Conquest are from the 20's and 50's respectively.

I'd like to think the university which played the first ever CFB game has an old fight song & alma mater to play instead of piping in cheesy pop music... I'm not a band geek by any means, but hearing the bands & school songs is part of the CFB experience. Leave the hair bands to pro sports.

11-10-06, 03:51 PM
I'd like to think the university which played the first ever CFB game has an old fight song & alma mater to play instead of piping in cheesy pop music... I'm not a band geek by any means, but hearing the bands & school songs is part of the CFB experience. Leave the hair bands to pro sports.

It's NJ. 'nuff said. :gomer:


11-10-06, 03:54 PM

11-10-06, 04:05 PM
Oh, and someone tell Brohm's elder sibbling to STFU! :saywhat: What a friggin' jerk. :irked:


11-10-06, 04:08 PM

11-10-06, 04:14 PM

that's long island. jersey trash is much different.

while we're on the subject, what's the difference between trash and jersey girls? trash gets picked up:yuck:


11-10-06, 04:18 PM
110 yo Rutgers supporter (http://www.usatoday.com/sports/college/football/bigeast/2006-11-07-rutgers-seward_x.htm)

"Louisville?" Seward asks. "Never heard of 'em."


11-10-06, 05:25 PM
:laugh: whatever you say, brush off that Western Carolina game all you want, the computers wont.

Auburn == #1 ranked SEC team :gomer:

What about Arky is they don't loose before the CC game?

Arky could save the NT game for USC if they win out in the SEC, I don't know how anyone could place UF/Auburn ahead of USC if they and Arly win out.

11-10-06, 05:42 PM
Oregon St. :gomer:

USC won't be jumping anyone in front of them w/o a loss. Not that USC hasn't played a solid sched... just won't happen...

11-10-06, 06:35 PM
ok, it was Hawaii 5-0, not Magnum PI, also apparently they did the simpsons & family guy which didn't air.

So I guess it wasn't 80's tv night, it was just badass tv night :D

11-10-06, 06:36 PM
I don't know how anyone could place UF/Auburn ahead of USC if they and Arly win out.

It's easy, UF lost to a ranked team that is in the SEC. USC lost to a crappy Pac-10 team.

11-10-06, 08:19 PM
Oregon St. :gomer:

USC won't be jumping anyone in front of them w/o a loss. Not that USC hasn't played a solid sched... just won't happen...

I think the Comps will help us more then anyone else

11-10-06, 08:20 PM
It's easy, UF lost to a ranked team that is in the SEC. USC lost to a crappy Pac-10 team.

And USC still could have a win over the SEC champs. 50 points on the road

11-10-06, 08:24 PM
And USC still could have a win over the SEC champs. 50 points on the road

hahahahahah. i guess there are 'smart' USC fans.

UF should be so lucky to lose to an unranked Pac-10 team. Maybe then they'd be the best ever!


11-10-06, 08:35 PM
I think the Comps will help us more then anyone else

comps are only 1/3rd of the bcs standings. moving up a couple of spots isn't going to affect a whole hell of a lot unless you can gain more votes, which, again, won't happen w/o losses ahead of you.

of the top 9 (not counting WV), UT has the most to gain in the computers, Auburn the 2nd most, the rest of you are pretty well up there, so no the comps won't help you out as much as you think

11-10-06, 08:53 PM
I personally don't even care for bands that play newer music or themes ala the SC theme. :saywhat: :thumdown: Of course the exception to this rule is when TDBITL played the Neutron Dance for the Neuton Man to do his thing in The Shoe. Now that was classic. :thumbup:


"Hang on Sloopy" was new once. :)

11-10-06, 10:19 PM
comps are only 1/3rd of the bcs standings. moving up a couple of spots isn't going to affect a whole hell of a lot unless you can gain more votes, which, again, won't happen w/o losses ahead of you.

of the top 9 (not counting WV), UT has the most to gain in the computers, Auburn the 2nd most, the rest of you are pretty well up there, so no the comps won't help you out as much as you think

I disagree, our SOS will help us if we win out.

11-10-06, 10:31 PM
I disagree, our SOS will help us if we win out.

i have nothing left to say. this has been gone over, forever.

11-10-06, 10:37 PM
"Hang on Sloopy" was new once. :)

I'll take your word for that. :)

Of course I thought of that, too, but that tune was fairly obscure @ the time (or so I'm told by my elders). :)


11-10-06, 11:42 PM
I'll take your word for that. :)

Of course I thought of that, too, but that tune was fairly obscure @ the time (or so I'm told by my elders). :)


They lied. Cousin Brucie was spinning that 45 a couple times an hour on WABC.

11-10-06, 11:48 PM
i have nothing left to say. this has been gone over, forever.

You still Think UF has a stronger SOS? look at our last 4 games and then look at your 1-AA pastie and ACC bottom dweller comming up

11-11-06, 12:57 AM
You still Think UF has a stronger SOS?

I don't think. I know its fact. Overrated ND and UCLA don't count as hard.

Check out our First 9 compared to your first 8. Amazingly, a season isn't composed of just our last 2 games, and your last 4. Historically UF/FSU is 2 teams ranked in the top ten. Unlike the crap in your schedule.

I'm tired of arguing this point. It's quite clear to people who know what they are talking about which team really has the hardest schedule. But if you call Nebraska and the Arizona's hard, that's your problem, not mine.

11-11-06, 05:32 AM
there exists absolutely 0 analytical ability between the both of you.


2/3 are polls

1/3 are computers

highest comp poll is dropped. 1-aa kills comp rankings. if you're already a high comp rank it doesnt matter who the **** you're playing, you're not gaining much, why? BECAUSE YOU'RE ALREADY HIGH UP. comp ranks are absolute standing, not votes, there is no relative standing to be gained.

"well we're going to play arkansas and that's going to be so badass" is worth 3 cents and a cup of coffee at 7-eleven

"we're going to beat oregon, cal and notre dame, and we're so badass" is worth exactly 3 cents and a cup of coffee at 7-eleven

look at your comp rankings, and how high you are, and how much room you have to move up, compare that against your future skeds & those above you. then compare that against your current BCS absolute score and consider that the computers are only 1/3 of that score. the human polls are not going to change w/o losses or very bad games, the human polls never change w/o adverse conditions.

it is not about who you play, it's about where you stand right now and how much possible room for improvement there is.

11-11-06, 03:17 PM
Who let the Dawgs out?!? 30-7 over War Eagle @ the half? :eek:


11-11-06, 04:12 PM
Drew Tate sucks.

11-11-06, 04:44 PM
even some of your fans are worried. Thsi si a big if though, UT is more likely to win out then USC is. For that reason I think if USC is one spit behind texas in the human polls we might leap in the BCS. But that is a big If for USC to win out.

However, I think computer wise we have no chance to pass Florida or USC in the computers unless they lose. Here's the kicker though. If Auburn loses, say to Bama, Florida AND USC move up in the human polls. Florida is then firmly entrenched ahead of Texas in the BCS with a strong computer showing and only one place (how many votes) behind Texas in the human polls after taking over Auburn's position.

Now, Texas needs Florida to lose. Let's say Florida loses. Great, USC moves up again in the polls. Assuming the loser of Michigan/Ohio State dropped to 4 or 5, the polls could look like this: Ohio State, Texas, USC, Michigan, Auburn, Florida.

In that case, Texas has ZERO chance against USC's computer scores, ZERO. It won't be out of the realm of possibility for at least one computer to rank them over Ohio State, that's how impressive their victories will have been. So, Texas will need USC to lose.

Bottomline, if Auburn loses a game, Texas needs Florida and USC to lose as well. As for me, I'll be a huge Auburn fan the rest of the way, unless USC and Florida lose this weekend.

11-11-06, 04:55 PM
your reading comprehension needs work, read the paragraph above what you highlighted.

if UF or Auburn loses USC gains human votes, duh. if auburn & florida lose USc gains a bunch of votes, duh.

the whole discussion in this thread was what happens if everyone won out, not what happens if certain teams drop a 2nd game.

11-11-06, 06:43 PM
well Auburn sucks again. :laugh:

IU does too, but you all knew that. ;)

11-11-06, 07:39 PM
It's on bitches. Bring it! The Game. :cool:

(I won't be able to eat for a week) :\
