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09-07-06, 09:58 AM

COLUMBUS, Ohio (AP) -- Ohio State coach Jim Tressel said he voted Texas No. 1 in the USA Today coaches poll this week. Only he didn't.

At his weekly news conference on Tuesday previewing the top-ranked Buckeyes' showdown at No. 2 Texas on Saturday night, Tressel said, "I've got (the Longhorns) ranked No. 1 on our ballot."

USA Today, however, disclosed late Tuesday that Tressel's ballot actually lists Ohio State No. 1 and Texas No. 2. The paper, which normally does not reveal votes except for the final regular-season poll, said it revealed Tressel's vote as a matter of policy to protect the integrity of the poll.


Jefferson said it was an "honest mistake."

"It was not meant as a psychological ploy or attempt to play mind games," he said.

uh huh, sure. :laugh:

09-07-06, 06:12 PM
time to hop in the v dub and dodge all those mullets dressed up in jorts driving down I-35.

I'm going to be looking out for matches, lighter fluid, and stolen couches. If anyone confuses my backseat for the latest IKEA model... :mad:


09-07-06, 09:02 PM
Good luck, hornies. Y'all are gonna need it. :D


09-07-06, 10:44 PM
This will be an interesting weekend.

09-08-06, 12:12 AM
This will be an interesting weekend.Indeed. I'm hoping that Ank's drunkposts will be drunk and miserable, not drunk and happy.

09-08-06, 12:54 AM
Boise State should Replace Cal in the Pac-10.

09-08-06, 05:10 AM
gotta love Stewart Mandell mailbag

Are you finally willing to admit the Pac-10 is "soft"? The Vols are not one of the juggernauts this year in the SEC and they still handled the line of scrimmage on both sides of the ball against Cal. USC recruits well and has a great team, but its conference is pathetic. The Trojans would lose more games if they were in the SEC and had to play Auburn, LSU, Florida, etc., all in the same year. Deal with it, Mandel, it's the truth.
-- Scott, Dallas

You know, there was a deluge of anti-Pac-10 comments on my blog right after the Cal-Tennessee game, and at first I was baffled as to where all the resentment was coming from. It's not like anyone's shoving the Pac-10 down other people's throats. If anything, the league is practically invisible outside the West Coast. But then I started noticing that much like Scott's e-mail, many of the comments made reference to USC, even though the Trojans had absolutely nothing to do with Cal losing to Tennessee, and that's when I realized: It's not backlash against the Pac-10, it's backlash (and, let's face it, envy) over USC's recent success. Apparently, fans of the SEC/Big Ten/Big 12, etc., believe the Trojans have an easier path to the national title game because of their supposedly "soft" conference.

Here's the deal: I'm not going to go down the "which conference is toughest" road because it's a fruitless debate with no correct answer and it changes from year to year. I will, however, say this: What does it matter how "soft" USC's conference may or may not be when they go out every year and whip teams from the other conferences, too? Since 2002, coach Pete Carroll's team is 8-2 against the other BCS conferences (12-2 if you include Notre Dame), including wins over ACC champion Virginia Tech (2004), Big Ten champions Iowa ('02) and Michigan ('03), Big 12 champion Oklahoma ('04) and four wins over Auburn and Arkansas -- from the same SEC the Trojans would supposedly struggle in -- by a combined score of 167-48. Maybe it's time for fans of the other conferences to stop worrying about the Trojans' perceived "weak" schedule (which this year includes Nebraska, Notre Dame and Arkansas) and start worrying about how to beat them.

09-08-06, 10:25 AM
In case Mack Brown changes his mind, Tarrell Brown is ready:



09-08-06, 11:11 AM
WE'RE GONNA **** OHIO STATE'S **** UP!!!!!!!!

sorry, had to warm up there for tomorrow's posting, wait, hungover posting doesn't count? oh. :(

Baylor girls > tOSU girls.

09-08-06, 11:14 AM
gotta love Stewart Mandell mailbag

or not, well, you didn't when he voted UT #! last year, funny how you always change your tune :laugh:

where's the depth beyond USC? non-existent. Cal was the 2nd team in teh conf and got their **** ****ed up by a 5 win team from last year. If Oregon beats OU it won't say much b/c OU's using a qb who has been playing the position for all of 5 weeks. ASU taken to the wire by NORTHERN ARIZONA doesn't bode well either.

Pac-10 == west coast big least

09-08-06, 11:19 AM
Associated Press Wire Service:

The Texas Department of Public Safety has issued the following bulletin:Everybody in Texas, lock your doors. The Buckeyes are coming, and they’re coming for your couches!

If you see any overweight, middle-aged males with mullets accompanied by fat pasty white chicks, stay where you are. Lock your doors, bolt your couch to the floor, and call 911 immediately.

The Department of Public Safety has also issued a bulletin for all Rooms-2-Go & IKEA employees, and dispatched the every available state trooper to stand guard at certain furniture sales hotspots along Interstate 35 from the Oklahoma border all the way to Austin City Limits.

In related news, IKEA stock has risen 15% in morning trading due to speculation of increased sales to visiting Yankees.



09-08-06, 11:20 AM

09-08-06, 11:21 AM

and this guy for good measure :laugh:


09-08-06, 11:23 AM
President of Austin chapter of OSU alum society, sporting the jorts for KVUE


mad pimping :tony:

09-08-06, 07:53 PM
Earl Campbell is now 9 feet tall and 1,500 lbs, and makes his return to DKR on September 9th, 2006.

He shall serve as protector and gatekeeper for those who wish to be graced with Godzillatron's presence. Earl will inflict swift justice upon those who dare to defy Godzillatron. :mad:

From looking at the video, I thought he was a free safety or linebacker tackling that guy for five yards and the safety. But after reading up on him, turns out he was a running back. Daaaaamn.

09-08-06, 08:00 PM
Associated Press Wire Service:

The Texas Department of Public Safety has issued the following bulletin:Everybody in Texas, lock your doors. The Buckeyes are coming, and they’re coming for your couches!

If you see any overweight, middle-aged males with mullets accompanied by fat pasty white chicks, stay where you are. Lock your doors, bolt your couch to the floor, and call 911 immediately.

The Department of Public Safety has also issued a bulletin for all Rooms-2-Go & IKEA employees, and dispatched the every available state trooper to stand guard at certain furniture sales hotspots along Interstate 35 from the Oklahoma border all the way to Austin City Limits.

In related news, IKEA stock has risen 15% in morning trading due to speculation of increased sales to visiting Yankees.

You trying to be Kelso, Jr.? He looks like Uncle Jesse, BTW. And about as unfunny, 2. :gomer:


09-09-06, 10:54 AM

09-09-06, 10:56 AM


09-09-06, 01:16 PM
Does anybody actually get ESPNU? I have to wait for the Badgers to be on PBS at 10:30 tonight because espn sucks.

09-09-06, 01:17 PM
Does anybody actually get ESPNU? I have to wait for the Badgers to be on PBS at 10:30 tonight because espn sucks.

I had 4 free tix for the taking and turned them down in favor of a nap.

09-09-06, 01:30 PM
Does anybody actually get ESPNU? I have to wait for the Badgers to be on PBS at 10:30 tonight because espn sucks.

ESPN does suck. But I'll be at the ESPN Zone in Times Square watching all their screens. I'm gettin amped!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


09-09-06, 01:38 PM

09-09-06, 01:44 PM


Tasty Bevo.

09-09-06, 03:20 PM

Tasty Bevo.

=Ummmmm, this is a tasty burger

09-09-06, 03:32 PM
as much as it pains me, PSU beat Notre Dame!!!!! I hate golden domers and their fair weather fans and media hype a lot more than the people who we should have beat last year.

09-09-06, 03:35 PM

Is there something wrong with lighting Penske trucks on fire?

09-09-06, 03:37 PM
T-minus 4:25 minutes, and I still h8 Texass!



Dr. Corkski
09-09-06, 04:06 PM
Drew, err Jason Manson sucks.

09-09-06, 04:22 PM
Drew, err Jason Manson sucks.

Sup with Tater?


Dr. Corkski
09-09-06, 04:44 PM
Sup with Tater?

-KevinAbdominal pull or something. Supposedly been bothering for a few weeks (more like years).

Todd Harris is doing the sidelines for that game. :cry:

09-09-06, 04:51 PM
Is it possible for OSU and UT to both loose this game?

09-09-06, 04:54 PM
Todd Harris is doing the sidelines for that game. :cry:

Has he mentioned Danica yet? :gomer:


09-09-06, 05:41 PM
http://www.freewebby.com/action-smilies/bowdown.gif http://www.hdbeat.com/images/2005/09/Fighting%20Irish%202.jpg

Dr. Corkski
09-09-06, 05:54 PM
Has he mentioned Danica yet? :gomer:

-KevinWatching Jason Manson play is punishment enough. :yuck:

4 ints and counting. No wonder Drew Tate has to be the starter. :thumdown:

09-09-06, 06:37 PM
Is it possible for OSU and UT to both loose this game?

Not sure what loose or tight has to do with this game, but one team will win and one team will lose. And just to make sure you writhe in pain even more, ND will smite the Knitten Lions by 100 pts. :gomer: :saywhat:


09-09-06, 06:45 PM
Spickly, Bucks 34, Domers 20. Bite me. :gomer: :D :p


09-09-06, 06:47 PM
Watching Jason Manson play is punishment enough. :yuck:

4 ints and counting. No wonder Drew Tate has to be the starter. :thumdown:

Jeebus OT against the 'cuse? I thought they quite playing foosball after Jim Brown left. :gomer:


Dr. Corkski
09-09-06, 06:48 PM
Jason Manson should be expelled.

Dr. Corkski
09-09-06, 07:23 PM
Unbelieveable goalline stand by the D. :thumbup:

This was a butt fugly game. :thumdown:

09-09-06, 07:26 PM
Syracuse was way to predictable. They should have ran the reverse instead of just faking it.

09-09-06, 07:39 PM
Not sure what loose or tight has to do with this game, but one team will win and one team will lose. And just to make sure you writhe in pain even more, ND will smite the Knitten Lions by 100 pts. :gomer: :saywhat:


I want ND to be undefeated when they come to LA. :thumbup: Sorry, We have respect for our rival.

09-09-06, 07:40 PM
I'd like to congratulate my alma mater for managing to not choke against UNC, the second of 4 straight grueling weeks against the likes of Northeastern, UNC, Duke & Cincinnati. :shakehead

09-09-06, 07:40 PM
Unbelieveable goalline stand by the D. :thumbup:

This was a butt fugly game. :thumdown:

Syracuse had like 15 plays withing 2 yards on the endzone. Dump the freaking ball off, they got stuffed in the middle every time.

Dr. Corkski
09-09-06, 08:02 PM
Quite the showcase for football tonight. By that I mean the battle of the South Bay Area douchebags taking place at Spartan Stadium in San Jose. The Stanford smart douchebags are leading the SJSU dumbass douchebags 34-21.

At the half. :laugh:

09-09-06, 09:30 PM
Helmet to helmet my @$$! :flame:

09-09-06, 10:14 PM
Helmet to helmet my @$$! :flame:

Yeah that was a BS call. :thumdown:

09-09-06, 11:02 PM
Ank, Daddy calling.... :cool: :p


09-09-06, 11:14 PM
I thought ANk was supposed to get you into this game dando?

09-09-06, 11:29 PM
Perhaps the lamest personal foul in the history of college football. Without it the Steers get shut out of the endzone. UT < NIU?

Bevo Burgers for everyone! :p :D

09-09-06, 11:38 PM
I thought ANk was supposed to get you into this game dando?

Regretfully, I bailed on the trip. He followed through, but we've been trying to schedule a christening and trip to Hilton Head.

Poor Ank is all pissy now...."whatever cleetus". :gomer:

Whatever? pwned. Period.

Was it just me or did Mack Daddy look like he was pasty and puckered up the entire game? :saywhat:


09-09-06, 11:40 PM
Was it just me or did Mack Daddy look like he was pasty and puckered up the entire game? :saywhat:


He looked like his old self, except for the herpes on his lip. I wish they took the camera off him.

09-10-06, 12:02 AM
Unbelieveable goalline stand by the D. :thumbup:

This was a butt fugly game. :thumdown:

Gotta love the celebration @ the end of 2OT. :saywhat: :shakehead


09-10-06, 02:33 AM
pwn3d. ha.

so much for godzillatron being undefeated. Good thing that game was as close as it was.:p

In old Ohio there's a team
That's known throughout the land
Eleven warriors brave and bold,
Whose fame will ever stand.
And when the ball goes over,
Our cheers will reach the sky,
Ohio Field will hear again
The Buckeye Battle Cry!

Drive, Drive on down the field,
Men of the scarlet and gray;
Don't let them through that line,
We've got to win this game today,
Smash through to victory,
We cheer you as we go!
Our honor defend we will fight to the end
for OHIO!

09-10-06, 02:36 AM
He looked like his old self, except for the herpes on his lip. I wish they took the camera off him.

Horrible day for Mack, he cut himself shaving and then got she-lacked by The Ohio State University :D

09-10-06, 11:24 AM
I don't want to hear any shizzle about oHIo folks and jorts:




09-10-06, 12:24 PM
well that sucked.


the good news is I didn't see any couches on fire, and no one torched my car, so I guess the weekend can be called a mild success :tony:

btw, it's funny how many apologies I received from your people for last year, despite the "it happens everywhere" b.s. they were shocked we weren't cursing at them or throwing unopened beer cans before during or after the game ;) Buckeye travellers get some points for gladly accepting cold beer & brisket from the tailgate. This can be contrasted to USC's south central contigent who try to start fights in such situations.

09-10-06, 12:26 PM
Was it just me or did Mack Daddy look like he was pasty and puckered up the entire game? :saywhat:


Titanium knee installed this offseason, he's in pretty bad pain when he's standing for long periods of time.

solid game though, troy smith looked great. bucks front 7 needs some work, but our o-line is regarded as the best, so that's to be expected I guess. don't know why we threw the ball 32 times when we ran so well and why we never took any play action shots downfield, but whatever, the better team won handily.

09-10-06, 12:40 PM
I don't want to hear any shizzle about oHIo folks and jorts:



you know the truth, and you know you're jealous you couldn't come down.



09-10-06, 12:48 PM
all those cuties and you STILL can't get a date?


09-10-06, 01:06 PM
when did I become O'Gorman? :saywhat: yesterday went just fine for me :gomer:

35-40 fires in C-bus: http://sports.espn.go.com/ncf/news/story?id=2581868

09-10-06, 04:53 PM
when did I become O'Gorman? :saywhat: yesterday went just fine for me :gomer:

35-40 fires in C-bus: http://sports.espn.go.com/ncf/news/story?id=2581868

Looked like the fire in Texas was pretty well snuffed out last night.

09-10-06, 05:25 PM
This can be contrasted to USC's south central contigent who try to start fights in such situations.

You keep pushing this, I have not heard anyone complain about this.

You must be a real talker in person to draw that type of attention

09-10-06, 11:16 PM
You keep pushing this, I have not heard anyone complain about this.

You must be a real talker in person to draw that type of attention
whatever you say, I have 25+ people from our tailgate who'll tell you exactly what happened as we tried to carry on with our own private business. then again, we're not the ones with urban thugs comprising 75+% of our local fan base. :laugh: The USC alums joining our tailgate were class. The non-alum thugs played their foil.

Looked like the fire in Texas was pretty well snuffed out last night.and yet no couches on the casualty list ;)

09-10-06, 11:31 PM
and yet no couches on the casualty list ;)Since when are race fans worried about a few busted old couches being sacrificed to the party gods?

Meanwhile, the top story on the Steers sports page...

09-11-06, 01:20 AM
33% of Vince Young's NFL completions are to the other team. :D

09-11-06, 08:24 AM
Had a big, drunk, 22 yo Texatard come after me at a party on Saturday night. After meeting him at around 7pm ("Hey... I'm Matt" *shakehands* "I'm Jason... good to meet ya") and not saying anything to him the rest of the evenin', somewhere around the beginning of the 4th quarter he begins to get a liitle belligerant, points at me and talks some ****. I give him the "Yeah... whatever, fella". 5 minutes later I get a shove in the back, and Mr. Longhorn yells, "C'mon... do somethin' about it!" As the adrenalin gushes to my various bodyparts and I turn to face him, 2 or three gents are already escorting him off the premises.

His father was good enuf to offer an apology for the kid.

Of course, anyone who knows me knows how much of a ****-stirrer I am when I'm a-drinkin'... :rolleyes:

Don Quixote
09-11-06, 09:53 AM
Yeah, I'm pretty concerned about all those couches and dumpsters. Its a tragedy. You should've seen the looks the neighbors gave me here in Denver when I set fire to my couch and loveseat in the front yard Saturday night. :laugh:

09-11-06, 10:44 AM
Since when are race fans worried about a few busted old couches being sacrificed to the party gods?

OkieNorth, epitomized. :gomer:

meh, despite the loss it was quite a fun weekend. at least now the widespread denial about the limitations of a fr quarterback are gone. and for the most part the partying was friendly. the pilots from Ft. Worth NAS who flew the flyby's on Fri & Sat were at the tailgate too :thumbup:

09-11-06, 11:23 AM
OkieNorth, epitomized. :gomer:
I wouldn't know, I learned about it in Florida. :p

09-11-06, 01:25 PM
Had a big, drunk, 22 yo Texatard come after me at a party on Saturday night. After meeting him at around 7pm ("Hey... I'm Matt" *shakehands* "I'm Jason... good to meet ya") and not saying anything to him the rest of the evenin', somewhere around the beginning of the 4th quarter he begins to get a liitle belligerant, points at me and talks some ****. I give him the "Yeah... whatever, fella". 5 minutes later I get a shove in the back, and Mr. Longhorn yells, "C'mon... do somethin' about it!" As the adrenalin gushes to my various bodyparts and I turn to face him, 2 or three gents are already escorting him off the premises.

Is that the Onery Rough Neck Contingent that makes up 75% of the UT fanbase?

09-11-06, 01:26 PM
whatever you say, I have 25+ people from our tailgate who'll tell you exactly what happened as we tried to carry on with our own private business. then again, we're not the ones with urban thugs comprising 75+% of our local fan base. :laugh: The USC alums joining our tailgate were class. The non-alum thugs played their foil.

Say it, Black people.

09-11-06, 01:52 PM

"They scored with six minutes left and the game was over before we had a chance to do anything," Brown said. "I really hope whoever made these changes will go back and look them over."

:cry: :cry:

:laugh: :laugh:

Earth to Mack, the game was over @ halftime. Another 22 minutes and it's 31-7 or worse.


09-11-06, 02:00 PM
UT Athletics update...

09-11-06, 02:25 PM
Say it, Black people.

except that they weren't black :gomer: nice try though.

but with the bandanas, and the pants & jerseys about 15 sizes too large, and their super-sized SUV's with 85" wheels, they tried to play the MTV part.

09-11-06, 02:27 PM

Earth to Mack, the game was over @ halftime. Another 22 minutes and it's 31-7 or worse.


meh, he has the balls to admit it was a good defeat during post game, unlike yourself coming up with excuses for the next 12 months living in denial reminiscent of aggy :laugh:

09-11-06, 02:54 PM
UT Athletics update...

good thing you weren't at the tailgate, if putting up with me wouldn't have driven you mad, you would've had to put up with the 2 bug pilots ;) bug > kittie :p

09-11-06, 05:48 PM
meh, he has the balls to admit it was a good defeat during post game, unlike yourself coming up with excuses for the next 12 months living in denial reminiscent of aggy :laugh:

Gee, the ****ing scoreboard would have called him out if'n he dint, dork. BTW, I'm not The OSU foosball coach, so I'm not comparable to coach Mack, but thanks for the compliment anyways. :gomer:

And AGAIN, we were one missed FG or one wide-open dropped TD pass from victory. :shakehead We choked it and yer boyz won. However, any close outcome is subject to what if. As in what if Troy hadn't f'ed up like yer boyz did last week. :rolleyes:


09-11-06, 05:56 PM
Yea, you know how a dropped pass with 40% of the game left to play changes everything. :) Funny how I could apply the same logic to our fumble & missed FG, yet don't. We didn't execute on the plays when we needed to against a great defense, and that happens. The world's still round.

That's ok though, I can admit we were beat by a better side without hurling unopened beer cans or bitching for 12 months about how the other team didn't win it my team just gave it away. :gomer:

Good luck with conference play :)

09-11-06, 06:02 PM
Yea, you know how a dropped pass with 40% of the game left to play changes everything. :) Funny how I could apply the same logic to our fumble & missed FG, yet don't. We didn't execute on the plays when we needed to against a great defense, and that happens. The world's still round.

That's ok though, I can admit we were beat by a better side without hurling unopened beer cans or bitching for 12 months about how the other team didn't win it my team just gave it away. :gomer:

Good luck with conference play :)

1.) Yes, it changes game plans.

2.) I don't hurl beer cans. And again, I'm just stating facts.

3.) From the looks of lasy weekend, conference play may be Big Twinkie easy. :saywhat: We'll see what LLLLoyd Carr has this weekend.


09-11-06, 06:30 PM

Don Quixote
09-11-06, 06:40 PM
Wait rabbit, that photo shows another obvious helmet to helmet contact. That should have been another 15 big ones.

09-11-06, 07:04 PM
as you can clearly see he is aiming for Colt's manhood to inflict injury. Personal foul! 15 point penalty!

09-11-06, 07:26 PM
#18 Oregon hosting #15 Oklahoma this weekend in Autzen Stadium

Should be the loudest crowd you will ever hear in that stadiums history.

Gonna kick some Sooner ass!

Don Quixote
09-11-06, 07:36 PM
Gonna kick some Sooner ass!

With all due respect Mike, not if they dress like a bunch of Nancy Boys. :)


09-11-06, 09:55 PM
except that they weren't black :gomer: nice try though.

but with the bandanas, and the pants & jerseys about 15 sizes too large, and their super-sized SUV's with 85" wheels, they tried to play the MTV part.


Sean O'Gorman
09-11-06, 10:04 PM
Quit being racist. It can be white people too.


Dr. Corkski
09-11-06, 10:09 PM

09-12-06, 01:08 AM
Quit being racist. It can be white people too.


So ank was afriad of some white posers?

09-12-06, 10:20 AM
and yet again, the point sails right over your head :laugh:

Don Quixote
09-12-06, 11:55 AM
So I take it that it's cool to wear a bandana around your arm?

09-12-06, 12:04 PM
So I take it that it's cool to wear a bandana around your arm?

Only if you have a really shiny skin-tight shirt. Otherwise it looks ghey. :gomer:

09-12-06, 03:41 PM


:D :cool:


09-12-06, 04:03 PM
we gave that game away, it was close in the 4th, tOSU sucks, they can't win real games, it's only because of choking that they won, if we did x, y, z and they f'ed up a, b, and c we would've won by 12304328040832 touchdowns


09-12-06, 04:41 PM
we gave that game away, it was close in the 4th, tOSU sucks, they can't win real games, it's only because of choking that they won, if we did x, y, z and they f'ed up a, b, and c we would've won by 12304328040832 touchdowns


Game was over @ 1/2time bite me. :p


09-12-06, 04:55 PM
Game was over @ 1/2time bite me. :p


:laugh: sure thing chief, nothing says "put away" like a 1 score lead.

it was only 7 points, it was blown coverage, and osu cheated, troy smith can't throw, tedd ginn can't catch, they're lucky our db was sick, or suspended, or had herpes, or something because otherwise we should've been up 28-7 with 15 interceptions by then

09-12-06, 09:04 PM
and yet again, the point sails right over your head :laugh:

No, you were complaining about "having your life threatened" by the "south central USC contigent" who were "not alumni". So who were they?

09-12-06, 09:11 PM
No, you were complaining about "having your life threatened" by the "south central USC contigent" who were "not alumni". So who were they?

A crowd of rowdy Amway salesmen and Scientologists, I'll bet.

Sean O'Gorman
09-12-06, 10:01 PM

Most of the record crowd of 89,422 stayed to the end of OSU's 24-7 victory Saturday night. That way, the home fans could applaud, not what the team had done for them lately, but what it had done formerly, in winning 21 straight games.

Ohio State lost in the last 2½ minutes to the Longhorns in 2005. Texas newspapers received complaints from visitors to Columbus about angry, drunken OSU "fans," many of whom had not been in the stadium at the game, cursing, fighting and behaving like louts after it was over.

09-12-06, 11:11 PM

That's not what I saw on the toob Sat. The Shorthornies fans were leaving in droves well b4 the end of the game....I even mentioned that during the 4th Q. *shrug*

Secondly, I was @ the game last season for ~ 10 hours before and after...I never witnessed one moron The OSU fan taunting one UT fan. Not that it dint happen, but it was the exception and not the rule. Every campus has an exception. Gee, dint Ank slug you? :rolleyes:


09-12-06, 11:16 PM
it was only 7 points, it was blown coverage, and osu cheated, troy smith can't throw, tedd ginn can't catch, they're lucky our db was sick, or suspended, or had herpes, or something because otherwise we should've been up 28-7 with 15 interceptions by then



And one for NRC:


