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Andrew Longman
10-31-06, 04:54 PM
The State of Texas has officially refused to recognize the bustling ewe-trading metropolis of Bryan/College Station as belonging to the state.

But even then, A&M wipes the floor with the Scarlet Turnpikes any day of the week and thrice on Saturdays :gomer:

Keep it up and I have a friend who will show you who's buried under that Turnpike.

And you might as well put Houston in excile along with College Station. They're stuck in traffic and can't leave anyway. ;)

Andrew Longman
10-31-06, 04:57 PM
Good thing all the undeafeated Big East's play each other. Here's hoping they take each other out.

I don't want to see a OSU/Louisville, OSU/Rutgers game.

Almost no one else does either. Or OSU/WV. Even in Jersey, the Giants (and even the Jets) are a much bigger deal than Rutgers.

But I'd love seeing the BCS crew squirm with the propect of having to out-manipulate what the Big East does on the field actually playing/winning games

10-31-06, 09:16 PM
Almost no one else does either. Or OSU/WV. Even in Jersey, the Giants (and even the Jets) are a much bigger deal than Rutgers.

I'd rather not see WVU, but at least I have taken notice of them and respected their talent over the last few years. Louisville has been too much hype and never comes through, and Rutgers is, well Rutgers. Who knows what to expect. So of the teams, I'd go for WVU

But I'd love seeing the BCS crew squirm with the propect of having to out-manipulate what the Big East does on the field actually playing/winning games

I would love to see them squirm also, but I don't want Ohio State sharing a Championship like USC pretends like in 2003. So this year I want things clear, but any other years, I want total chaos in the BCS system. Like 10 undefeated top conference schools.:thumbup:

Andrew Longman
11-01-06, 08:23 AM
Rutgers football is now ranked #4... In the Academic Progress Rating. Behind only Stanford, Duke and Navy among the 119 D1 schools.

And no players dismissed/rules inelegible for academic reasons in the Schiano era.

Not bad when most teams in the top 20 have team GPA of potted plants or have players not even enrolled at the school (see Auburn, Brooks, James)

11-01-06, 09:29 AM
Rutgers football is now ranked #4... In the Academic Progress Rating. Behind only Stanford, Duke and Navy among the 119 D1 schools.

And no players dismissed/rules inelegible for academic reasons in the Schiano era.

Not bad when most teams in the top 20 have team GPA of potted plants or have players not even enrolled at the school (see Auburn, Brooks, James)

True, but if I wanted to watch really smart kids play a game, I'd be a fan of chess.

11-01-06, 09:36 AM
True, but if I wanted to watch really smart kids play a game, I'd be a fan of chess.

It has to do more with refusing to compromise your school's academic standards for athletic glory.

See Rice, Tony.

11-01-06, 09:59 AM
It has to do more with refusing to compromise your school's academic standards for athletic glory.

See Rice, Tony.

Rutgers has to find academic standards before they can compromise them. Navy, Army, Duke, Stanford, Northwestern, Rice <---D1 programs with high standards

but, yea, graduating players is always a good thing... :saywhat:

Andrew Longman
11-01-06, 10:32 AM
Rutgers has to find academic standards before they can compromise them. Navy, Army, Duke, Stanford, Northwestern, Rice <---D1 programs with high standards

but, yea, graduating players is always a good thing... :saywhat:

Got to stop you right there. Admission to RU, even in state is among the toughest in the country. It is a top public research university. It has world class programs in computer science, environmental studies, philosophy, psychology and more.

Of course US News ranks them 60th along side T A&M. That should please you:gomer:

Seriously, it is a very good school even if the little secret in Jersey is that the College of NJ (formerly Trenton State) is the best all around state school for an undergrad education and nearly twice as hard as RU to get into.

11-01-06, 11:05 AM
College of NJ should let the folks at UVa, Mich, and the UC system in on that little secret :gomer:

which you probably mean NJ in general, so :gomer: to me. :gomer:

11-01-06, 11:08 AM
College of NJ should let the folks at UVa, Mich, and the UC system in on that little secret :gomer:

i thought you went skiing this week, no? :confused:

11-01-06, 11:09 AM
where the hell does that come from? :confused:

I was in mountain hippie town, yes :D I very much like mountain hippie town and mountain hippie town's canyon, mountain park, whitewater kayak park, pedestrian mall, and mountain hippie town's hippies. :thumbup:

Andrew Longman
11-01-06, 11:30 AM
College of NJ should let the folks at UVa, Mich, and the UC system in on that little secret :gomer:

which you probably mean NJ in general, so :gomer: to me. :gomer:

Got me. I meant in NJ. But I think US News ranks CNJ among the top 50 in the nation.

According to Kiplinger UofM accepts about 60% of admissions. Rutgers is the same. College of NJ less than 40%. Chapel Hill is toughest state school I believe at a little over 30% UVA not far behind. The Ivys are a whole other deal. Princeton takes less than 10%

(I'm on a school board and with a kid not too far from college so I have to pay attention to this crud)

BTW, The College of NJ is a tough little football school too. DIII. But never quite as good as in state rival Rowan who contends for the national title most years (where they actually play for the championship:) )

11-01-06, 12:14 PM
How American can a team be that schedules all three service academies and hurts the fighting men and women of our country on the field.

Why does Notre Dame hate America?


The Big East says they play the same game you do. The Big East says they deserve a shot at the BCS.

But ask yourself, do they reflect your values? And why are they so afraid of everything west of them?

Lets keep American football for the real America!

11-01-06, 03:50 PM


I look forward to looking over any Domer hate videos. Alas, it shall have to wait til I am not at work.


11-01-06, 04:41 PM
John L. Smith gets the boot:


</mock shock>


11-01-06, 10:39 PM
Stanford's new stadium will be 80% full with USC people

11-01-06, 11:17 PM
Stanford's new stadium will be 80% full with USC people

I'm not impressed. When Nebraska played ND in South Bend there were more NU fans than domers. Every year OSU has been in Tempe there have been far more Buckeye's than anything else.

Travel out of the state, and have fans that care when the team losses more than 3 games in a year, then we can talk about dedicated fans.

11-01-06, 11:30 PM
Stanford's new stadium will be 80% full with USC people

Congratulations. 2006 Rose Bowl was 60%+ orange.


11-01-06, 11:45 PM
Every year OSU has been in Tempe there have been far more Buckeye's than anything else.

The same could be said for MSU this year and when the Bucks visit IU. :)


11-02-06, 12:03 AM
werd, noticed you tOSU mfr's were all over I-10 & Phoenix the day after the Fiesta Bowl while driving to Pasadena.

Dr. Corkski
11-02-06, 04:12 PM
Stanford's new stadium will be 80% full with USC peopleI am sure USC will need every fan there to help them beat 0-8 Palo Alto State. :gomer:

11-02-06, 05:20 PM
Dr. Corkski, I am in awe of your haterness

11-02-06, 06:39 PM
You stay classy, Columbus


11-02-06, 06:47 PM
holy crap:saywhat:

11-02-06, 07:33 PM
Wow, the students get drunk in the a.m. and heckle the opponents.

how dare they be fans, and react to their most hated rival.

we should all be as apathetic as USC and ND fans and not say a thing.

empty beer cans and celebration for going to the national championship game. what a sham!!!!!

listen, everyone who attends games knows where not to go after a huge win. Don't go on University at UF, don't go near The Hiney or anywhere on that side of campus after an OSU game. If UM fans are dump enough to go to an area with drunk ass college frat guys, they deserve to get beat.

Same for any school, and those rules apply to me when I go to Ann Arbor/Tallahassee/Jacksonville.

If you haven't gotten drunk before noon on a saturday, pissed on the side of a building, and yelled F**** M*ch*gan(or some other school) then are you actually a football fan? Certainly not a college football fan. Go to the NFL games, and be bored and pathetic with those quiet crowds that get upset when you stand up and yell for a great play that just occured.

11-02-06, 07:35 PM
You stay classy, Columbus


Can't do that shizzle now. Period. BTW, many of those folks are imports from outside Cbus. We get miscreants from OU, etc. in Cbus for The Game. Doesn't make the behavior right, but it's not just Cbus peeps acting up (per your inference, f00boy).


11-02-06, 07:43 PM
no inference just the free-for-all that is tOSU gameday. that behavior was pretty much the scene prior to 09/10/05. doesn't matter where they're from, they're in scarlet & grey, on campus, and a huge problem. only difference is afterwards less with the celebration, more with the threats and projectiles and stuff :gomer:

the beauty of that clip is a buckeye posted it :laugh:

ferrarigod: it's not about not showing emotion, it's about not acting like hick trash. You'd think someone who likes to brag about his ties to NU would realize as much :rolleyes:

11-02-06, 07:52 PM
no inference just the free-for-all that is tOSU gameday. that behavior was pretty much the scene prior to 09/10/05. doesn't matter where they're from, they're in scarlet & grey, on campus, and a huge problem. only difference is afterwards less with the celebration, more with the threats and projectiles and stuff :gomer:

the beauty of that clip is a buckeye posted it :laugh:
*shrug* I was on Lane Ave for ~5 hours prior to the UT game, holmes. There weren't any cases of beers openly in view on the sidewalks. I can guarantee that. Why? They started enforcing the Ohio open container law after '02. Secondly, I've been going to OSU games longer than you were a wet dream, so I've pretty much seen it all. The scene outside The Shoe is dramatically different than it was >5 years ago. But you can believe what you want, f00boy.


11-02-06, 07:57 PM
I guess "behavior" is slang for "beer cans" up there. :gomer:

Secondly, I've been going to OSU games longer than you were a wet dream, so I've pretty much seen it all. Congrats :) Yet this 60 yo tOSU season ticket holder (http://www.longhornnation.com/members/profile.php?uid=1505)seems to disagree (http://forums.hornfans.com/php/wwwthreads/showflat.php?Cat=&Board=stands&Number=4584458&page=0&view=collapsed&sb=5&o=0&fpart=all)with you.

But, there's still a long ways to go before tOSU reaches LSU territory, so tOSU's got that going for them :thumbup:

11-02-06, 09:19 PM

60 year old fans are the problem. there the ones that get pissed because they don't want to stand the whole game. they're the ones that bitch and moan, and they're the ones that should loosen up and realize it is college, and college students.

want some cheese with that whine?

tell all these old farts to go watch the NFL if they want boring games, small crowds and quiet fans.

11-02-06, 09:25 PM
hilarious how it still flies right over your head. :laugh: this has nothing to do w/ standing at games and yelling etc.

there's a reason you fools aren't allowed to walk around with open containers...

"they're asking for the beat down by being there" <---dando, my friend, I give you Exhibit B from one of your own people. :)

11-02-06, 09:37 PM
"they're asking for the beat down by being there" <---dando, my friend, I give you Exhibit B from one of your own people. :)

I wouldn't go to the center of a crowd of UM fans after a huge victory for them, or a huge blowout for us. If people were smart, they wouldn't put themselves in these situations, and things would be ok.

11-02-06, 09:45 PM
I wouldn't go to the center of a crowd of UM fans after a huge victory for them, or a huge blowout for us. If people were smart, they wouldn't put themselves in these situations, and things would be ok.

again, seeing as you've been to Nebraska, it's sad that this point hasn't reached you yet.

there's a huge diff between instigation and attendance of a sporting event. a huge diff between violent mobs and throwing unopened beer cans at adults and displaying school pride & exuberance. a huge difference between hospitality and "that's how we roll."

your own 20 somethings owned up to their behavior last year at the game this year. hilarious how you keep trying to defend it. we actually enjoyed hosting your travelling alums this year.

but like I said, y'all stay classy :gomer: vid speaks for itself

11-02-06, 11:03 PM
Well, it was good for a 1/2. :gomer:

WVU = O-V-E-R-R-A-T-E-D! :gomer:

EDIT: Fun game, no D. WVU made too many mistakes. Explosive team, but where's the D? I don't think either should make the BC$ title game. R better play a mistake-free game to beat the Cards. I still think a round robin upset/Ws will happen.


11-02-06, 11:42 PM
again, seeing as you've been to Nebraska, it's sad that this point hasn't reached you yet.

honestly, i just don't give a ****.

11-03-06, 12:51 AM
but like I said, y'all stay classy :gomer: vid speaks for itself

The vid is ~ 4 years old, Ank. Grow up. :shakehead Perhaps you should dig up some race riot footage and paint all southerners as racists. :saywhat:

My final $.02 on this subject is that there are a few bad apples in every bunch. I have never taken part of any such behavior, nor have any of the hundreds of peeps/OSU fans I know.


11-03-06, 01:13 AM
Wow, the students get drunk in the a.m. and heckle the opponents.

how dare they be fans, and react to their most hated rival.

we should all be as apathetic as USC and ND fans and not say a thing.

empty beer cans and celebration for going to the national championship game. what a sham!!!!!

listen, everyone who attends games knows where not to go after a huge win. Don't go on University at UF, don't go near The Hiney or anywhere on that side of campus after an OSU game. If UM fans are dump enough to go to an area with drunk ass college frat guys, they deserve to get beat.

Same for any school, and those rules apply to me when I go to Ann Arbor/Tallahassee/Jacksonville.

If you haven't gotten drunk before noon on a saturday, pissed on the side of a building, and yelled F**** M*ch*gan(or some other school) then are you actually a football fan? Certainly not a college football fan. Go to the NFL games, and be bored and pathetic with those quiet crowds that get upset when you stand up and yell for a great play that just occured.


11-03-06, 01:35 AM
The vid is ~ 4 years old, Ank. Grow up. :shakehead Perhaps you should dig up some race riot footage and paint all southerners as racists. :saywhat:

My final $.02 on this subject is that there are a few bad apples in every bunch. I have never taken part of any such behavior, nor have any of the hundreds of peeps/OSU fans I know.


like I said, it's your fellow alums posting it on ozone and bucknuts a year and half later. :gomer:

11-03-06, 01:39 AM
finally finished watching the CleetusBowl on dvr, 5 touchdowns at home?

L-ville D == CUSA quality :gomer:

Andrew Longman
11-03-06, 07:04 AM
You stay classy, Columbus


4 things

What's with all the Miller Lite, Coors Lite and Natural Lite? I drank a lot of Blatz, Old Milwaukee and Buckhorn in college, but that's because it was 2.99 a 12 pack. If you're going to drink bad beer, make it cheap.

I didn't see on cop or security person in the video. Maybe I missed it. People can be fired up, lit up and have a lot of fun, but that scene was a second from flashing off into something massive and tragic.

One word: Portapotty. Lots of them. Get some. They work.

Take some lessons from the NYC cops. New Year Eve - Times Square, Yankees-RedSox, St Paddys Day Parade, Puerto Rican Day Parade, United Nations. They know how to let huge enthusiastic crowds have fun without risking a riot.

11-03-06, 09:09 AM
Well I would be 110% surprised if after last night if a Big East team goes to the BCS. :thumbup:

If tOSU or tSUN played either of the teams last night, it would be a drubbing.

11-03-06, 01:49 PM
I didn't see on cop or security person in the video. Maybe I missed it. People can be fired up, lit up and have a lot of fun, but that scene was a second from flashing off into something massive and tragic

that video's all lies posted by unpatriotic buckyes on buckeye forums

or if you go with ferrarigod's version, "that's just how we roll, dawg, you best bring it when you come to this U. we don't take no disrespeck in this U!"


na, they've got a fair amount of cops now, as I said they roll in riot gear and warn visitors not to travel in groups of less than 10... I wonder why :confused:

an undefeated L-ville deserves the title game, Big East is better than the ACC this year, USF Cinci, UConn & the 'cuse aren't as bad as kentucky, miss st, and ole miss, and to an extent vandy this year...

L-ville, WVU, could hang with the above avg teams in the other conferences, Rutgers, and Pitt with the average, granted they're not elite, but they'd hang with the ACC.

but as Longman said, they go down in Piscataway next weekend. s'how scarlet turnpikes roll, yo!

11-03-06, 02:35 PM

The Silver Spurs Bevo Center is dedicated to the 14 longhorn steer mascots that have been a fixture at Texas games since 1916.


I think I know what THAT smell is. :gomer:


11-03-06, 02:37 PM
but as Longman said, they go down in Piscataway next weekend. s'how scarlet turnpikes roll, yo!

Take R and the points. Schiano went to school last night. Advantage R.


11-03-06, 03:20 PM

This Canuck thinks ricky gives two ***** about the canadian playoffs? :rofl:

11-03-06, 03:25 PM
Take R and the points. Schiano went to school last night. Advantage R.


between home field, lville's emotional let down, that leaky lville rush D, Schiano's D background, and Rutgers 12 days of rest.

definitely taking Radioshack :)

now Arky, LSU, and Tenn need to take each other out, and the Arky needs to beat UF in the title game, and Michigan needs to ****stomp your boys

then Colt's playing in Glendale :D

11-03-06, 03:29 PM


I think I know what THAT smell is. :gomer:


Bevo IV jumped over an 8-foot fence without a running start and rammed into a parked car at a football game.

Bevo V was known as the first nice Bevo, Mast said. But Bevo VI rammed into a players' bench during a game,

They forgot to mention Bevo XIV tried to run over Baylor's marching band :D

11-04-06, 01:15 PM
going to watch UF, be back later to watch OSU at home.

UF better not f-up like they almost did at home last year against Vandy.

Go Gators, Go Buckeyes.

11-04-06, 03:28 PM
I hope Joe Pa can get on the sideline pretty soon. That was a nasty hit.

Dr. Corkski
11-04-06, 03:58 PM
Drew Tate sucks.

*awaits lame ferrarigod joke ripoff*

11-04-06, 04:25 PM
Jeebus. UM narrowly avoids Ball State 34-26, and BSU had the ball inside the UM 5 with 2 minutes to go. Wow. :eek: So much for that over hyped UM D.


11-04-06, 04:40 PM
Drew Tate sucks.

You should add that Ferentz is overrated.


11-04-06, 05:35 PM


NC = A special kind of SUCK

11-04-06, 07:15 PM
Drew Tate sucks.

*awaits lame ferrarigod joke ripoff*

Chris Leak sucks.


Chris Leak is the black Drew Tate. 3 interceptions today:eek:

11-04-06, 07:36 PM
not impressed with the Buckeyes in the 2nd half. Not really impressed with the first half either.


11-04-06, 07:41 PM
not impressed with the Buckeyes in the 2nd half. Not really impressed with the first half either.



Shoulda been up 24-0 in the 1st half, but Beanie took care of that for us. Tress buttoned it up in the 2nd half, almost trying to lose the game. :shakehead Credit to Illinois for stepping it up in the 2nd half, but me thinks the safe play calling was a big part of that. Perhaps a close W is helpful in the long run.


11-04-06, 09:42 PM
ND won again today. Ohio State is still suck.:yuck:

11-04-06, 10:07 PM
must ABC repeatedly show closeups of pretend army's crotch squeezers making out w/ heffers?

11-04-06, 10:15 PM
ND won again today. Ohio State is still suck.:yuck:

Yea, they've sucked since last years Fiesta Bowl. tOSU = a joke.

ND beat UNC's basketball team. excellent. Only 2 more branches of the military left!!!!

11-04-06, 10:25 PM
why I am happy LSU keeps winning http://www.statesman.com/blogs/content/shared-gen/blogs/austin/longhorns/entries/2005/02/03/perrilloux_martellus_perilous.html

now if only Bennett gets embaressed on national tv. matt flynn & jamarcus russell are doing their part.

11-05-06, 03:31 AM
he doesn't have an arm cannon, the knowledge of the offense of his backup at this point would easily strech the vertical passing game with his wheels and gun...

but **** that.

Colt McCoy, #2 NCAA pass efficiency, single season passing touchdown record holder for The University of Texas. 2 scores shy of tying the NCAA passing touchdown record for freshmen.

Colt f'ing McCoy. Also if Aaron Ross doesn't win the Thrope Award this year it will be more criminal than Derrick Johnson losing the Lombardi to David Pollack, his past 7 weeks with 0 safety help due to injury have been absolutely f'ing incredible. ridiculous pass breakups, 5 picks, 3 or 4 fumble recoveries, the key hit causing the fumble against NU on their 1st down conversion to seal the win, man free coverage every f'ing time... 1st rounder. DBU

11-05-06, 03:50 AM
I just wanted everyone to see this pic, seeing as it was abc's national broadcast this weekend.

Despite aggy's cheating, OU still got the first down. And then when they had to run it again, Aggy still cheated and OU still gained the 1st down marker :laugh:


11-05-06, 04:43 AM
'bama student paper hires the same inbreds who run their program: http://www.cw.ua.edu/vnews/display.v/ART/2006/09/29/451ccd5d11896?in_archive=1

Mississippi State should be banned from the SEC

By Bobby Bozeman
September 29, 2006

I have a message for Mississippi State: You suck! Get out of my conference.

How about this? You leave and go to a conference where you can lose to teams such as Tulane every year.

Seriously, can we expect a team like Mississippi State to really stay in the SEC with two shutout losses and then a loss to Tulane? While they didn't lose to UAB this week, it was still too close of a game for comfort.

The SEC has a tradition of excellence when it comes to athletics, and Mississippi State continues to fall short. Sure, they might be pretty good at volleyball, and they were good at baseball and basketball at one time, but that's just not good enough. The focus of SEC sports is football, and Mississippi State just can't compete.

A little history comes from this claim also. Tulane, the team that Mississippi State lost to last weekend, left the SEC in 1965 after almost a decade of futility. The year that Tulane left the SEC, they were also held scoreless their first two games, ultimately being shut out a total of five times that year.

How many seasons like this does Mississippi State need to get the point?

Look for Mississippi State to be shut out by LSU, West Virginia and Georgia. That would be five shut out losses.

Realistically, Mississippi State only has two more chances to win another game this year: Division AA Jacksonville State and Kentucky, and they could lose both of those games, too.

11-05-06, 08:43 AM
I just wanted everyone to see this pic, seeing as it was abc's national broadcast this weekend.

Despite aggy's cheating, OU still got the first down. And then when they had to run it again, Aggy still cheated and OU still gained the 1st down marker :laugh:

It says "Big 12" right on the field. What don't you understand? :gomer:

11-05-06, 11:47 AM
I just woke up, and UF is still going to the SEC championship! yea.

UF/OSU is looking good.

On a side note, last year I predicted UF would get to the SEC Championship in Urbans 2nd year. But I did say they would lose to LSU. Obviously LSU isn't in it, but I still don't know if they can beat Arkansas. UF has played poorly, and sloppy, as has scUM and OSU.

The next 2 weeks are going to be FuN!

11-05-06, 12:15 PM
Watching the Buckeye replay show this AM...halftime stats had them with 195 total yards in the 1st half. They ended up with just 228 total yards, 22 rushing and 9 passing in the 2nd half. :eek: :shakehead :saywhat:

EDIT: interesting note in the local rag today, since 1996 each national foosball champ has had a W by @ least 7 points or less.


11-05-06, 12:17 PM
I just wanted everyone to see this pic, seeing as it was abc's national broadcast this weekend.

Despite aggy's cheating, OU still got the first down. And then when they had to run it again, Aggy still cheated and OU still gained the 1st down marker :laugh:

What don't you get about the 12th Man? :gomer: :p


11-05-06, 12:25 PM
I just woke up, and UF is still going to the SEC championship! yea.

With Marcus Thomas kicked off the team (our best lineman, perhaps our best talent on the entire team and once a top-5 NFL pick), do you think we can stop a good running offense (either in the SEC Championship Game or a BCS game)?

I'm suddenly worried as our defense was awesome and was carrying the team. I guess I should just be enojoying the 8-1 season, but this winning ugly is killing me... not that tOSU or UM looked any better this week.

11-05-06, 12:39 PM
haters. we win, you lose.

deal with it.:gomer:

We just want a decent game to watch as we sit hung over on new years day. If Notre Dame is in one of those games, its a foregone conclusion they will lose just like they have for something like 10 years. It's a shame the Domers wouldn't join the Big 10 since it would be interesting to see them battle for 4th or 5th every year.

Go Bucky.

11-05-06, 12:58 PM
We just want a decent game to watch as we sit hung over on new years day. If Notre Dame is in one of those games, its a foregone conclusion they will lose just like they have for something like 10 years. It's a shame the Domers wouldn't join the Big 10 since it would be interesting to see them battle for 4th or 5th every year.

Go Bucky.

To hell with the Big 10, I'd be happy to see ND play in the Big East. You know - the conference all their other sports belong to?

1) Scared of playing a real schedule.
2) Don't want to pay a conference a share of the $.

:gomer: x 100,000,000,000

11-05-06, 01:11 PM
Ohio State is still suck.:yuck:

Need I remind you about 1995, 1996, and 2006. :gomer:


11-05-06, 01:12 PM
To hell with the Big 10, I'd be happy to see ND play in the Big East. You know - the conference all their other sports belong to?

1) Scared of playing a real schedule.
2) Don't want to pay a conference a share of the $.

:gomer: x 100,000,000,000

3) Want to keep the private TV contract
4) Keep the hype and not be challenged when having an offseason

11-05-06, 01:18 PM
3) Want to keep the private TV contract
4) Keep the hype and not be challenged when having an offseason

Uh, y'all forgot the real reason NOT to join the Big Ten +1:

Getting pasted by The OSU every season will not help recruiting. :gomer:


11-05-06, 01:34 PM
We just want a decent game to watch as we sit hung over on new years day. If Notre Dame is in one of those games, its a foregone conclusion they will lose just like they have for something like 10 years. It's a shame the Domers wouldn't join the Big 10 since it would be interesting to see them battle for 4th or 5th every year.

Go Bucky.

jealous lover.:cry:

11-05-06, 01:35 PM
With Marcus Thomas kicked off the team (our best lineman, perhaps our best talent on the entire team and once a top-5 NFL pick), do you think we can stop a good running offense (either in the SEC Championship Game or a BCS game)?

Honestly, our run defense isn't great, but what I told everyone before I left in September, the biggest hurdle for UF will be winning by enough points to not have to worry about special teams.

I know I've said this before, but a group of friends were at the LSU game last year in Lousiana, and Urban's wife Shelley was in the next row ahead of everyone. When we punted once, someone asked Mrs. Meyer why we kick to the side like that, her reaction was the key, she said, 'Because all of our kickers suck.'

We don't have a good kicking team. Punters suck, Hetland and field goals is the definition of the suck, and kickoffs are beyond pitiful.

I'm suddenly worried as our defense was awesome and was carrying the team. I guess I should just be enojoying the 8-1 season, but this winning ugly is killing me... not that tOSU or UM looked any better this week.

OSU didn't look good, but they didn't look awesome against Bowling Green when I flew out to the game either. Tressel holds TOOOOOOO much back when he knows he can win. If you look at the plays called, he has yet to show the true potential of the offense, and based on Troys running stats, there is a lot more to show, than some believe. That is why they are the best team. They are being handcuffed in waiting for Michigan and the National Championship game. We shall see their true performance on Nov. 18th.

UF is good. But I fear for a National Championship game against OSU. I feel it would be 1995 all over again, except this time UF won't get as many points as in '95 against Nebraska.

That being said, I'd love to see the game, and while UF is special to me, The OSU is the team I'll have to side with. Can't deny my childhood with OSU. Jerk Herbstreit had quite a bit of influence on me, as did Joe Jermaine:D

11-05-06, 02:28 PM
With as much land-grant shopping as you do, I understand your difficulty in bonding with your alma mater :gomer:

11-05-06, 03:08 PM


11-05-06, 03:14 PM
With as much land-grant shopping as you do, I understand your difficulty in bonding with your alma mater :gomer:

stfu f00god.


11-05-06, 03:17 PM

11-05-06, 11:12 PM
To hell with the Big 10, I'd be happy to see ND play in the Big East. You know - the conference all their other sports belong to?

1) Scared of playing a real schedule.
2) Don't want to pay a conference a share of the $.

:gomer: x 100,000,000,000

ND traditionally has had one of the toughest schedules in the nation. For years they had Michigan (and a whole lot of other Big10 schools), Miami, USC and anyone else on their sched.

11-05-06, 11:57 PM
ND traditionally has had one of the toughest schedules in the nation. For years they had Michigan (and a whole lot of other Big10 schools), Miami, USC and anyone else on their sched.

UF plays 2 easy teams. ND plays 2 hard teams a year. UM, USC and UM havne't been good at the same time forever. Sooooooo. ND = teh suck, with 1-2 hard games a year. How shockingly pathetic.

11-06-06, 12:15 AM
UF plays 2 easy teams. ND plays 2 hard teams a year. UM, USC and UM havne't been good at the same time forever. Sooooooo. ND = teh suck, with 1-2 hard games a year. How shockingly pathetic.

damn dood. got jealous much? Between you and Dando, you got 5x as many posts about stoopid footbal and hatin on ND as you do on racing.

Ya got good hate, just wrong forum, :laugh:

11-06-06, 12:36 AM

I guess this furthers the "Cal fans are the worst in the Pac-10" argument

11-06-06, 12:38 AM
UF plays 2 easy teams. ND plays 2 hard teams a year. UM, USC and UM havne't been good at the same time forever. Sooooooo. ND = teh suck, with 1-2 hard games a year. How shockingly pathetic.

Go back and look at your OCC scheduel and say that with a straight face. Besides your rival FSU all your OCC games against paisties at home.

I don't think anyone remembers UF opening the season on the road at a Big-12, -10 or Pac-10 campus.

Arkansas and Tenn and Auburn actually are or have traveled west in recent memory and two of them did not fair to well.

11-06-06, 02:56 AM
TX/OU - 57-39-5
UM/tOSU - 57-39-6


11-06-06, 08:02 AM
Go back and look at your OCC scheduel and say that with a straight face. Besides your rival FSU all your OCC games against paisties at home.

I don't think anyone remembers UF opening the season on the road at a Big-12, -10 or Pac-10 campus.

Arkansas and Tenn and Auburn actually are or have traveled west in recent memory and two of them did not fair to well.

why schedule things like that when you have to play, Auburn, LSU, Tenn, UGA, 'Bama in the SEC, FSU, and yes, we're back to the UF/Miami, Miami/FSU, UF/FSU games in 2008.

We already have the hardest schedule, what do we gain out of making it harder.

Ohio State on the other hand, does have an easy schedule by comparison to the SEC. And OSU has historically denied playing games with the Big 12 until this Texas home and away. Nebraska tried to schedule us in the 90's, but obviously we were scared, and we should have thought UT out as well, but what can you do.

Now that OSU has played Texas twice, next years schedule is rather simple, but then we play USCali for 2 years, and then UMiami for a home and away series. Who knows how good USC or UM will be then, but we scheduled UM before the 2002 Championship game, so we've been waiting a long time, as have they, for a rematch.:thumbup:

11-06-06, 11:29 AM
UGa, 'Bama, FSU?

please... 'Bama lost to Miss St & UGa just lost to Rich Brooks :laugh:

and FSU? :rofl:

11-06-06, 11:49 AM
UGa, 'Bama, FSU?

please... 'Bama lost to Miss St & UGa just lost to Rich Brooks :laugh:

and FSU? :rofl:

Ank as a general rule, those teams are not crap. Even when FSU is down, they still are not out. I still think UF could lose in Tallahassee purely because of the beating UF put on them last year infront of my very own eyes. FSU wants revenge, and bobby wants to save the season.

UGA is having an off year that I doubt many saw coming, and 'Bama isn't living up to expectations, but those teams are hardly pushovers like the weaklings in the Big Ten and Pac-10. I would fear scheduling them any year, no matter what their success in other games.

Mississippi St. is the only team in the SEC that shouldn't be there, IMO. WVU should be courted and Miss. St should be sent to the Big East.

Look outside the

11-06-06, 12:13 PM
Vandy, South Carolina, Miss St, Kentucky don't exactly inspire fear in the hearts of anyone. (although, granted, Vandy's reaching mediocre status)

and 'bama's had one good year in the past 5 and they're relevant? by that logic UCLA is fearsome :gomer: Shula is the SEC's Dorrell.

I too think UF could lose in Tallahassee, but since FSU's already lost 2 games at home this year, it'll be pretty sad if UF does. FSU == last place in conference.

11-06-06, 12:22 PM
...got knocked the hell out.

warning: language


Andrew Longman
11-06-06, 12:24 PM
WVU should be courted and Miss. St should be sent to the Big East

Big East should not be a dumping ground for every wannabe football program.

And it shouldn't be a basketball conference trying to be a football conference. This got messed up when Penn State joined the Big 11.

What it should be is an all sports conference including traditional eastern rivals of Penn St, Syracuse, BC, Pitt, WVA, Rutgers, Temple, Army and Navy. Add newbie UConn if you like and that's nine conference games, six of which are likely to be pretty competitive in any given year for any team (except for any game involving Temple) Add three non-conference games against a IAA and 1-2 top ranked teams and it makes a pretty good schedule.

There has been a problem ever since someone thought Florida and VA were in the east and 10=11. East equals north of the Mason Dixon and east of the Ohio River. Now that U and VT are gone at least that part is fixed, but BC gone really hurts and USF and Louisvillle are just not natural rivals.

The conference (any conference) needs to compete for recruits from the same high schools and leverage existing near state rivalries. That's why UConn and Rutgers is becoming a nice rivalry.

But whatever. Didn't happen. Not going to happen. Its all about bowl money and TV money. It has nothing to do with what makes sense.:irked:

Andrew Longman
11-06-06, 12:40 PM
...got knocked the hell out.


Wow. How could they let that kid try to walk off after being down so long and clearly out? Any word on how he's doing?

I played organized football for 29 years (midgets, HS, college, travel flag) and never took a hit like that... Until my last year. Gave a few, but never took one until a I caught one on an interception return.

Cracked every joint in my body like an atomic chiropractor, pushed every ounce of air in me through every orafic, and put that sick tube of sparkly tunnelvision around my head.

Once I rolled over and gave up looking for my pride I decided I was right when I was 25 and said I would play until I was 40. I was 40 and knew I was done.

11-06-06, 12:43 PM
...got knocked the hell out.


Might want to throw a language warning on that one, Sparky.

Whatever happened to ODB anyway? He always seemed like such a nice boy. :tony:

11-06-06, 12:56 PM
There has been a problem ever since someone thought Florida and VA were in the east and 10=11. East equals north of the Mason Dixon and east of the Ohio River. Now that U and VT are gone at least that part is fixed, but BC gone really hurts and USF and Louisvillle are just not natural rivals.

c'mon now, VA can be in the east, Springfield/Alexandria/Arlington, etc.

Appalachia Polytechnic on the other hand... :D

11-06-06, 12:59 PM
Might want to throw a language warning on that one, Sparky.

Whatever happened to ODB anyway? He always seemed like such a nice boy. :tony:

He's collecting God's welfare now. . . . .

R.I.P. O.D.B.

Wu-Tang Clan is apparently something that can be messed with.

11-06-06, 01:39 PM
damn dood. got jealous much? Between you and Dando, you got 5x as many posts about stoopid footbal and hatin on ND as you do on racing.

Ya got good hate, just wrong forum, :laugh:

I refuse to get into the mindless and misguided anti-PT discussions, and I'm not hatin' on AJ. I just feel sorry for the poor bastard. :( Unfortunately I have more passion for college foosball and hoopies these daze than US OW racing. :\


Andrew Longman
11-06-06, 01:50 PM
c'mon now, VA can be in the east, Springfield/Alexandria/Arlington, etc.

Appalachia Polytechnic on the other hand... :D

Naw. Hit DC and you are at the bottom of the NE corridor. Ask Amtrak ;) .

I draw the line at about Wilmington DE. You might make an argument for MD, as they fought for the North, but get too far south of Philly and the country and sensibilities start to take on a decidedly southern redneck/gentile feel. And it starts to lose that mix of immigrant, ethnic, gritty, blue collar, arrogant, Wall Street, coal miner, preppy Ivy League, loud eastern karma.

11-06-06, 02:01 PM
...got knocked the hell out.

warning: language



I think that qualifies as a decleater!



11-06-06, 02:04 PM
I refuse to get into the mindless and misguided anti-PT discussions, and I'm not hatin' on AJ. I just feel sorry for the poor bastard. :( Unfortunately I have more passion for college foosball and hoopies these daze than US OW racing. :\


Well, there's always Pr0n to agree on. ;):thumbup:

11-06-06, 02:06 PM
Well, there's always Pr0n to agree on. ;):thumbup:

I'm gay.



Beer? :)
