View Full Version : Atlantics SJ (spoilers)

07-30-06, 03:31 PM
Well, well, well. Just as I was complimenting Rahal on a patient, "Rahal-like" drive he blows a huge opportunity to make-up big points on the leader Pagenode. :(

07-30-06, 05:42 PM
True, but if I was Carl I'd test Matos as well as Rahal if they have a seat next season...2mil. bucks or not.

07-30-06, 10:34 PM

07-30-06, 10:40 PM
Looks like a scene from "Driven 2: Atlantic Air".

07-30-06, 10:52 PM
Looks like a scene from "Driven 2: Atlantic Air".

May be if the car landed in San Francisco Bay and the other drivers got out and saved him.

07-31-06, 11:46 AM
After the Bourdais thing at Cleveland and now this FA pic do you see why a roll hoop extending to the driver's helmet mid-point might be a good idea? Is that feasible the way the tubs are currently constructed? The 01 doesn't look much different in this regard.