View Full Version : Hollyhocks, PT, Tags thread
07-30-06, 06:43 PM
1. Hollyhocks: Please STFU and quit repeating yourself. You are worthless. You make scoooty Goodyear look good. And STFU about Dinger's grandma. I would dare you to say that crap to PT's face. Do it, you skinny little twit. You are a worthless douchebag, no one likes you, and you are stupid. Stay home and work on your MLM project.
2. PT: Bad move, but once it happened, you handled yourself just fine. You apologized, told Tags to take his hands off you, and that's all you could do.
3. Tags: STFU you crybaby. You're a s***** driber, and this would not be a problem had you not smacked everything but the finish line, thereby trashing your car SEVEN times - this year.
:D Fire away. (
And Kat?: Go home.
I don`t think PT apologized.
07-30-06, 07:09 PM
i think he did.
Paul Tracy: f***tard INC.
07-30-06, 07:20 PM
Yeah, bonehead move, but you have to admit that he almost pulled it off. OTOH, it was a rather high risk move. And it didn't pan out. Shades of the Tracy of old???
Of old? He's never changed. What was the penalty for "dangerous driving" in the old days? No doubt Tag instigated the "fight" :rolleyes: , but that indiscretion doesn't even begin to match that of Tracy's on the track.
Andrew Longman
07-30-06, 07:37 PM
Yeah, bonehead move, but you have to admit that he almost pulled it off. OTOH, it was a rather high risk move. And it didn't pan out. Shades of the Tracy of old???
If he had just paused he could have pulled in behind AJ and CDM. Even if he had pulled it off, Tags (and probably AJ and CDM) had momentum and would have likely passed him anyway.
And if his brakes were going off as bad as he said he wasn't going to be hold his position either.
Made for some good TV but a bonehead move IMO. And he threw away any chance of salvaging his season. After losing points early in the year for reasons that were not his fault, he is screwing up now.
Team Oz has trashed a few cars because of driver error (see esp. Power, Edmonton) but they have also had a number of mechanical failures (Tags: Houston, TO. Power: SJ)
I just have to say that Team Oz must indeed have some funding to endure this much carnage.
I generally like PT but I felt for Tags.
Winston Wolfe
07-30-06, 07:45 PM
Tags is basically crying during his little portion of the interview, fighting off the tears about what a tough year it has been... :cry:
What I saw was Tag after the crash, on a mission to go and find Tracy.
Bad Move #1.
Then he confronts Tracy, WITH HIS HELMET ON... (Shades of Jeffy G at a NASCAR race vs. Matt Kenseth earlier this year), and Tag starts waving his finger in PT's face. Based on body language, PT knows he f'd up, and appears to apologize.... Tag looks to have gotten his point across and then walks away.
PT follows him, then Tag decides against being reasonable and smart, and stops in his tracks. Bad Move #2
Then he decides to go and get some more finger waving in, keeping his helmet on, yet again, and PT who appears to have had enough of the cheesy little facial hair and wimpy Tag attitude, decides to tell Tag to get out of his face.
Tag doesnt comply.
Bad Move #3
Then, WWF-lite ensues. Pushing, shoving, and I am sure some nasty French words from Tag. (like from Monty Python Holy Grail "Your mother was a hamster and your father smelled like ollieberries")
Good stuff for the camera, hope it makes it on to the sports highlight films on the network and local stations tonight in what was a light motorsports weekend, with no NECKCAR and no EARL
"ChampCar - Our smaller guys wear helmets when they fight, too" :D
Andrew Longman
07-30-06, 07:50 PM
No doubt Tag instigated the "fight" :rolleyes:
Watching it again, interestingly it is PT that in the end comes back, rather than keep walking, who throws the first punch.
Was Tags the smart one for keeping his helmet on?
Was PT the dumb one for punching him in the helmet?
Having played organized football for 27 years as a sometimes overmatched/undersized lineman, I learned a few things. Never take your helmet off, never throw the first punch, and make sure there is enough loud trash talking for the refs to hear before the first punch gets thrown. I got more than a few opponents who were kicking my butt thrown out that way. :D
Given PTs size advantage I think Tags understood the dangers and was no more likely to fight without a helment than race without a helmet ;)
Andrew Longman
07-30-06, 07:56 PM
"Your mother was a hamster and your father smelled like ollieberries"
I believe it was elderberries. Big difference.
...especially if I f*rt in your general direction. :D
07-30-06, 07:57 PM
Agreed on hollyhocks. Send him to cover snowmobile races in Nome.
I'm hoping the forehead dent on PT came from a head butt by Tags. If so it will have been the first worthwhile thing Tagliani has accomplished since entering the series a long time back. Well, aside from marrying Bronte I guess....
Tracy is now nursing a world class headache with word of the penalty to arrive soon. Facing his own team should be interesting as well. His speed used to excuse quite a lot, but since the speed is waning I'd guess that so will the tolerance of the team owner.
07-30-06, 08:10 PM
I think PT won. :D
WW...I knew someone would focus only on the after-the-fact activity and though what you do say is essentially correct your numbering system is incorrect and your list incomplete. #1 should be the incredibly dangerous and unprofessional behavior of Paul Tracy on the race track. I can even find some empathy and humor in what transpired following that but NOT with the underlying cause. How different these posts would be had one or both drivers been seriously injured.
07-30-06, 08:32 PM
WW...I knew someone would focus only on the after-the-fact activity and though what you do say is essentially correct your numbering system is incorrect and your list incomplete. #1 should be the incredibly dangerous and unprofessional behavior of Paul Tracy on the race track. I can even find some empathy and humor in what transpired following that but NOT with the underlying cause. How different these posts would be had one or both drivers been seriously injured.
Isn't that what racing is about? Don't get me wrong here, it was 100% PT's fault, but racing has always been a sport of inches. PT really almost came out in front of Tags. It was a poor decision on his part, but he was trying to lose as little time/position as possible and he ended up nailing Tags.
07-30-06, 08:34 PM
I don`t think PT apologized.
Unless PT is comletely lying, he said he aplogized to him the first time Tag got up in his face.
07-30-06, 08:42 PM
Watching it again, interestingly it is PT that in the end comes back, rather than keep walking, who throws the first punch.
PT and Tags are walking towards each other, they get together, Confrontaton 1. Tags turns around and walks back the way he came, PT keeps going the same wa he was going. Tags is 15 feet ahead of PT and turns around and walks back to PT, Confrontation 2.
The fight, what I see is, Tags with finger in PT's face, PT slaps it away, Tags puts it back, PT knocks it away and takes a step to keep walking. Tags shoves him, PT comes back with a swing.
07-30-06, 08:44 PM
Didn't PT and Tags get into a war on and off track a couple summers ago also? Some on track incidents spilling into the Canadian papers and maybe on TV (Off the Record).
Unless PT is comletely lying, he said he aplogized to him the first time Tag got up in his face.
I'm sure it was a very sincere one at that :laugh:
PT didn't come close to "almost" anything other than kill somebody. 10 cent brain as always.
07-30-06, 08:46 PM
Two frustrated drivers.
That's it.
Tags probably shouldn't have gone hunting for PT, PT probably shouldn't have decked him.
Entertaining as all hell, though. :D :thumbup:
07-30-06, 08:53 PM
I'm still trying to decide which was funnier/better:
Tag vs. Tracy
Piquet vs. Salazar
Busted head, busted hand, and soon-to-be busted wallet. :laugh:
Winston Wolfe
07-30-06, 09:07 PM
WW...I knew someone would focus only on the after-the-fact activity and though what you do say is essentially correct your numbering system is incorrect and your list incomplete. #1 should be the incredibly dangerous and unprofessional behavior of Paul Tracy on the race track. I can even find some empathy and humor in what transpired following that but NOT with the underlying cause. How different these posts would be had one or both drivers been seriously injured.
yeah, ahhhhh Z, and if my uncle has breasts he'd be my aunt.
Point is, he doesnt, and no one, was, in fact, hurt, seriously or otherwise in the accident caused by the terrible bonehead move by PT.
And if you are some clairvoyant who "knew someone would focus only"... yadda yadda yadda, then you may want to place some bets on the next big horse race at your local track, or buy a lottery ticket... :rolleyes:
My comments, along with those of everyone else here, are made after the fact that no one was hurt, and if either of the principals were hurt, seriously or otherwise, then two things would have happened.
1.) Tag or PT would have been with the medical staff, and not wrasslin' behind the pit wall.
2.) We (the collective posters on this forum) would have had more class than to have made attempts at humor, irony, and poked fun at the situation.
Which would have resulted in the third thing, which would have been you, not making another master stroke of genius by restating the obvious, or throwing one of your many CCWS fantasy \ insider related conjecture comments out there for all to see...
Yes, how different it would be indeed if none of these scenarios had happened, but the fact is this: It did.
After his result, the other laughable thing is that Stoopid Mario is ahead of PT in the Points Standings after this race in Santa Fe !!!! :rofl:
Andrew Longman
07-30-06, 09:10 PM
I'm still trying to decide which was funnier/better:
Tag vs. Tracy
Piquet vs. Salazar
Busted head, busted hand, and soon-to-be busted wallet. :laugh:
Piquet vs Salazar. No question.
But Tags had to avoid ending up on the ground. Not good.
Its fine to bait him into doing something stupid, but the next time they are balls to the wall going into a turn together, they and everyone watching is going to remember Tags in a heap. :shakehead
Winston Wolfe
07-30-06, 09:14 PM
Piquet vs Salazar. No question.
But Tags had to avoid ending up on the ground. Not good.
Its fine to bait him into doing something stupid, but the next time they are balls to the wall going into a turn together, they and everyone watching is going to remember Tags in a heap. :shakehead
believe it or not, I think PT still has enough brains to keep this deal off the track.... if this situation does occur, and PT takes action against Tags behind the wheel, he would be suspended, or worse.
#1 star or veteran of Champcar or not, that would be a career ending move. :thumdown:
07-30-06, 09:16 PM
I talked to somone who saw it. He told me that from the point the TV cut away they both hit the ground Tracy's head hit Tag's Helmet the cut his head.
Dr. Corkski
07-30-06, 09:25 PM
07-30-06, 09:27 PM
I think GF should get rogaine as PT's sponsor
Brain France is drooling about now :gomer:
Hey... a fight on network TV!!! :thumbup:
07-30-06, 09:30 PM
Methinks it's past time that PT went to NECKAR... :shakehead
07-30-06, 09:33 PM
The fireman is not even paying attention
07-30-06, 09:35 PM
That pic is awesome. I want more, dammit! PT DIDN'T win? No, not a clairvoyant here, but I knew you'd come back with that kind of a response. Is that the same thing? :)
07-30-06, 09:41 PM
The fireman is not even paying attention[/QUOTE]
The fireman is calling for the jaws of life.
07-30-06, 09:41 PM
The fireman is calling for the jaws of life.
That pic is awesome. I want more, dammit!
from a poster at cardwagon, select the fist fight vid
07-30-06, 09:57 PM
ouch.... its probably good that alex still had his helmet on.... he rang it against that pipe on the ground, which i think is a temp water main
07-30-06, 09:58 PM
from a poster at cardwagon, select the fist fight vid
Damn, that French Candain got thrown down.
These Canucks know how to start fights
07-30-06, 10:01 PM
PT didn't come close to "almost" anything other than kill somebody. 10 cent brain as always.
It was what, PT's rear wheel and Tags car in front of his wheel? That's almost, but not good enough.
07-30-06, 10:08 PM
ouch.... its probably good that alex still had his helmet on.... he rang it against that pipe on the ground, which i think is a temp water main
Looked like Tags was ready for some more.
07-30-06, 10:12 PM
SSM - Let us end this mindless violence, and join our hands in song.
OSC - Aye. Not a hymn to war, like our national anthem. But a sweet, soothing hymn, like the national anthem of Canada. Oh Canada, our home and native land.......
07-30-06, 10:14 PM
It is only fitting that the Frenchman would get rocked in a fight by a non-French Canadian. I wish I could have seen the race today, but the replay I saw from the wreck resembled something that happens when you race F1C or rfactor online.
07-30-06, 10:21 PM
Notice how the bigger PT kept his body weight lower then Tags. That enabled him to end up on top when they fell.
Dr. Corkski
07-30-06, 10:21 PM
It was what, PT's rear wheel and Tags car in front of his wheel? That's almost, but not good enough.Almost is if he barely touched Tagliani's car, and even then it was still unacceptable.
It is the responsibility of the driver rejoining the track to re-enter safely. Clearly something that a certain unprofessional thug with 245 races still has no concept of.
I love the Firemans reaction. :laugh:
Tag thought that his car was possibly destroyed and he would have nothing to drive at Denver (or possibly the rest of the season).
After Power destroyed a tub at Edmonton, Team OZ is indeed running short on parts (including tubs, if they have any left at all).
I think that by the tine Tag was interviewed, Derrick had assured him that his car could/would be rebuilt and ready for the next race.
Anyway things go, I trust Gerry will make things right and 'contribute' what ever Derrick may need to keep going.
The circus must go forward on to '07, but in '06, for some teams, both parts inventory and budgets are taking a big beating as a result of the crashes.
If anyone wants to help assure a future this the show, I'm certain contributions would be accepted in Indy at Walker's shop.
I love the Firemans reaction. :laugh:
He's taking the bets :D
07-30-06, 10:30 PM
Even with a helmet, a pseudo-French metrosexual is no match for a brainless Canadian Hillbilly....................Tag is luck he was'nt killed.
07-30-06, 10:31 PM
Question: why didn't a CC official get there sooner? Were they trying to see if they could settle it by themselves before getting involved?
07-30-06, 10:37 PM
There was a little CC offical there and a Gentalozzi's son, but it happened kinda fast and once everyone was on the ground they stopped it.
About Team Oz, their guys are tired of fixing cars.
ouch.... its probably good that alex still had his helmet on.... he rang it against that pipe on the ground, which i think is a temp water main
Before RD crapped on me, I saw Tag taking off his Hans device while looking for PT... I suggets he leave it on next time he picks a fight. :D
07-30-06, 11:04 PM
from a poster at cardwagon, select the fist fight vid
07-30-06, 11:20 PM
nice job on the link
This is the best/most possible publicity CC could have got this weekend. New car, no Nascar, IRL joke race and this fight!
Hockey night in SJ!
It was what, PT's rear wheel and Tags car in front of his wheel? That's almost, but not good enough.
almost is bumping wheels, almost is Tags clipping his wing. a full-on collision is anything but almost.
Twisty Bits
07-30-06, 11:47 PM
07-31-06, 12:00 AM
Unless PT is comletely lying, he said he aplogized to him the first time Tag got up in his face.
Make your own judgement on whether Tracy was completely honest in the post-bout interview, but he did claim that he "had to defend himself" despite being the first to take a swing.
gold star :thumbup:
Make your own judgement on whether Tracy was completely honest in the post-bout interview, but he did claim that he "had to defend himself" despite being the first to take a swing.
Tags was grabing him and jerking him around, most places that qualifies as battery I think, especially with the hot words in his face.
Now I'm no lawyer, but I've been involved a couple times when I've tried to walk away and then was grabbed or pushed, and I've let loose on folks, but never was charged with anything, when witnesses backed the story.
PT was way wrong on track.
Tags was way wrong in the pits.
That's it.
07-31-06, 05:14 AM
this is awesome, that 5sec clip of the crash and the fight is the only CC I have seen on TV for the last year!!!
07-31-06, 07:05 AM
Almost is if he barely touched Tagliani's car, and even then it was still unacceptable.
It is the responsibility of the driver rejoining the track to re-enter safely. Clearly something that a certain unprofessional thug with 245 races still has no concept of.
Right, repeat what I said a few times already. It was 100% his fault. You can define almost however you want.
07-31-06, 07:07 AM
Tag thought that his car was possibly destroyed and he would have nothing to drive at Denver (or possibly the rest of the season).
After Power destroyed a tub at Edmonton, Team OZ is indeed running short on parts (including tubs, if they have any left at all).
I think that by the tine Tag was interviewed, Derrick had assured him that his car could/would be rebuilt and ready for the next race.
Anyway things go, I trust Gerry will make things right and 'contribute' what ever Derrick may need to keep going.
The circus must go forward on to '07, but in '06, for some teams, both parts inventory and budgets are taking a big beating as a result of the crashes.
If anyone wants to help assure a future this the show, I'm certain contributions would be accepted in Indy at Walker's shop.
Both cars suffered terminal damage, with Tracy abandoning his car on the spot and walking back to pit lane. Tagliani managed to drive his car to the pits, this despite the fact that its tub was severely damaged, bringing to eight the number of wrecked monocoques this season for Team Australia and leaving the team with but one serviceable chassis (for Will Power) as it prepares for the Denver race weekend in 11 days time.
After parking his car in the Team Australia pit, Tagliani -- still wearing his helmet -- stalked off to confront Tracy as his fellow Canadian returned to the pits on foot. He grabbed Tracy’s uniform and screamed, “What the f---! What the f--- are you doing! I have no cars! I have no cars left!”
Not sure if that is definite, but I guess he felt that way at the time.
07-31-06, 07:10 AM
There was a little CC offical there and a Gentalozzi's son, but it happened kinda fast and once everyone was on the ground they stopped it.
About Team Oz, their guys are tired of fixing cars.
I thought it was over after the first confrontation, and was actually surprised it stayed that "calm" for that long. It didn't seem like they needed one at that point. But I get your point. Most of us expected a fight, you'd expect CC to as well and keep them apart in the first place.
07-31-06, 07:12 AM
almost is bumping wheels, almost is Tags clipping his wing. a full-on collision is anything but almost.
I'm merely referring to the distance. I know he slammed into Tags, but what was the difference between them missing and hitting (and it being even worse). couple tenths of a second?
The fireman is not even paying attention
He can't! "Uh yeah, Pizza Hut? Yes, that's two large pepperoni, double cheese, and by the looks of things some extra napkins would be cool. Thanks!"
07-31-06, 07:14 AM
Make your own judgement on whether Tracy was completely honest in the post-bout interview, but he did claim that he "had to defend himself" despite being the first to take a swing.
Hehe. Yeah, he didn't need to react like that. But, it's not surprising. Those things escalate fast. A shove from Tags and a swing from PT. Happens a lot in other sports.
nice job on the link
This is the best/most possible publicity CC could have got this weekend. New car, no Nascar, IRL joke race and this fight!
Hockey night in SJ!
Tragically, you are right. Maybe, one day, open wheel racing will be known for the quality of the product instead of the frequency of the gimmicks, but until then, "Wow, I went to a fight and a race broke out."
It was, though no one seems to have noticed, an entertaining race, especially compared to the snoozathon in Germany that morning.
Tagliani managed to drive his car to the pits, this despite the fact that its tub was severely damaged, bringing to eight the number of wrecked monocoques this season for Team Australia and leaving the team with but one serviceable chassis (for Will Power) as it prepares for the Denver race weekend in 11 days time.
:confused: Sure didn't look bad enough (to me at least) to cause that much damage to Tag's car.
There was an article recently by Miller or Phillips about the teams helping each other out. I believe one way or another Tag will have a car in Denver. Back-ups might be a different story though.
07-31-06, 09:43 AM
:confused: Sure didn't look bad enough (to me at least) to cause that much damage to Tag's car.
There was an article recently by Miller or Phillips about the teams helping each other out. I believe one way or another Tag will have a car in Denver. Back-ups might be a different story though.
Tags should look in the mirror, as I stated before - he's trashed the majority of those on his own.
Dr. Corkski
07-31-06, 10:53 AM
I'm merely referring to the distance. I know he slammed into Tags, but what was the difference between them missing and hitting (and it being even worse). couple tenths of a second?You are completely ignoring that Tagliani already slowed down and changed his line to the inside to try and avoid that unprofessional thug, and they still ended up in a crash. That is NOT almost.
That's as ridiculous as using the same logic to say Senna almost survived his crash.
07-31-06, 11:07 AM
You are completely ignoring that Tagliani already slowed down and changed his line to the inside to try and avoid that unprofessional thug, and they still ended up in a crash. That is NOT almost.
That's as ridiculous as using the same logic to say Senna almost survived his crash.
Do you really want to argue the definition of almost? I don't know nearly enough about the Senna accident to even comment on it.
it's not the definition of almost as it is the dismissive "he was wrong" followed by the litany of excuses in much the same manner as Zizou apologists excusing his actions after 7/9/06.
PT's "apology" was most likely in the same vein.
and this in no way is to be misconstrued as on the behalf of Tags, screw him anyways...
Dr. Corkski
07-31-06, 11:20 AM
it's not the definition of almost as it is the dismissive "he was wrong" followed by the litany of excuses in much the same manner as Zizou apologists excusing his actions after 7/9/06.But I am sure Materazzi "almost" said something racist. :gomer:
Andrew Longman
07-31-06, 11:23 AM
it's not the definition of almost as it is the dismissive "he was wrong" followed by the litany of excuses in much the same manner as Zizou apologists excusing his actions after 7/9/06.
PT's "apology" was most likely in the same vein.
and this in no way is to be misconstrued as on the behalf of Tags, screw him anyways...
So you're saying PT almost missed him just as he almost apologized? :D
Tough room here for Tags though. Not feeling any luv.
Andrew Longman
07-31-06, 11:27 AM
Tags should look in the mirror, as I stated before - he's trashed the majority of those on his own.
Spic, I don't have a full count of Tag's trashed cars, but the one in Houston was a stuck throttle, no? Milwaukee his team blamed on a gust of wind (and it caught out others). TO was a broken suspension. SJ he was hit by a PT scud missle. Were there other that were his fault?
Power totaled one on his own in Edmonton but the shunt from lost brakes in SJ was not. That's six chassis. I don't recall the other two. Lil Help?
07-31-06, 12:23 PM
Spic, I don't have a full count of Tag's trashed cars, but the one in Houston was a stuck throttle, no? Milwaukee his team blamed on a gust of wind (and it caught out others). TO was a broken suspension. SJ he was hit by a PT scud missle. Were there other that were his fault?
Power totaled one on his own in Edmonton but the shunt from lost brakes in SJ was not. That's six chassis. I don't recall the other two. Lil Help?
nope. I'm busy right now. ;)
07-31-06, 12:43 PM
1. Hollyhocks: Please STFU and quit repeating yourself. You are worthless. You make scoooty Goodyear look good. And STFU about Dinger's grandma. I would dare you to say that crap to PT's face. Do it, you skinny little twit. You are a worthless douchebag, no one likes you, and you are stupid. Stay home and work on your MLM project.
2. PT: Bad move, but once it happened, you handled yourself just fine. You apologized, told Tags to take his hands off you, and that's all you could do.
3. Tags: STFU you crybaby. You're a s***** driber, and this would not be a problem had you not smacked everything but the finish line, thereby trashing your car SEVEN times - this year.
:D Fire away. (
And Kat?: Go home.
Now I'm no lawyer, but I've been involved a couple times when I've tried to walk away and then was grabbed or pushed, and I've let loose on folks, but never was charged with anything, when witnesses backed the story.
Did their widows look hot in black?
07-31-06, 01:09 PM
it's not the definition of almost as it is the dismissive "he was wrong" followed by the litany of excuses in much the same manner as Zizou apologists excusing his actions after 7/9/06.
PT's "apology" was most likely in the same vein.
and this in no way is to be misconstrued as on the behalf of Tags, screw him anyways...
Whose excuses? I haven't excused him at all. The accident was 100% his fault and terrible judgement on his part. There's a difference between making excuses for someone and understanding what they did. In PT's case, I understand what he was trying to do, but it doesn't make it right, or smart. With regards to Zidane, I understand why he head butted the guy, but it still doesn't make it right, or smart. So in that regard, if you want to compare the two, that's fine with me. But don't try to indicate I'm trying to make excuses for him or excusing what he did.
This whole thing would be a non-issue if PT showed some patience and got out when there was more room or if he got out in front of Tags without incident. Which is where the "almost" comment comes from.
Hollyhocks, PT, Tags thread
Daly is getting worse every race (and I used to like him), PT knows he had his head up his *** on that one, Tag made his point then should have dropped it
But hey, it made for great TV. :cool:
07-31-06, 03:02 PM
They couldn't buy better press for the Montreal race.
Even with a helmet, a pseudo-French metrosexual is no match for a brainless Canadian Hillbilly....................Tag is luck he was'nt killed.
:laugh: :laugh: :laugh:
Is this foreshadowing Talladega Nights?
07-31-06, 03:20 PM
Daly is getting worse every race (and I used to like him),
Id like to shove a few Hollyhocks in his mouth. He is so wrong so many times.
Then it took them like what 10 laps to explain why AJ was moved to the back of the pack for the pit violation. I felt like I was in a bad murder mystery where the author leaves out the important parts of the story.
Then he started in on AJ's G-mom. If I was AJ I'd pull a PT on him.
Daly is such an ass.
Lately Daly seems to get stuck on things and drive them into the ground. The voice in his ear needs to tell him when he's overdoing it. Put Daly in the pits and let him do the color pieces and put Jon in the booth. The Atlantic coverage with Jon and Benjamen was much better.
Put Daly in the pits and let him do the color pieces and put Jon in the booth. The Atlantic coverage with Jon and Benjamen was much better.
Amen. The noise of the cars can drown him out then. I used to like DD, but his act is getting old FAST. :thumdown:
07-31-06, 03:58 PM
The fireman is not even paying attention
The guy runs in to burning buildings for a living, so I doubt that he even blinked at that pathetic display. :cool:
"Paul Tracy vs. Alex Tagliani - CART - San José 2006" ( currently No. 14 on YouTube's Most Viewed Today ( list. :)
yea, nice "apology" f***tard :rolleyes: :gomer:
"I need to clear you...
stop it."
Tag's crying is hilarious :laugh: Amusing how f***tard doesn't like being touched, yet he has no problem t-boning everyone on the circuit
07-31-06, 05:04 PM
yea, nice "apology" f***tard :rolleyes: :gomer:
Dear Anka-Billy, would you kindly STFU? you add nothing here.
Why aren;t you out talking up some "hottie Mamas"? got girlfriend? :gomer:
:personal attack:
easy to pick on PT. who you got? What you got?
some of us are required to be in the office during the day instead of getting faced on a boat trying to pick up minors :gomer:
I have some cousins that are surgeons, they could hook you up and fix & undo that oral-penile graft you & PT had done. :thumbup:
07-31-06, 05:39 PM
The fireman is not even paying attention Didn't look like a fire to him I guess. He does follow them away after the scuffle though is over and Tags gets on his feet.
So is there a betting pool on the penalties?
07-31-06, 05:48 PM
some of us are required to be in the office during the day instead of getting faced on a boat trying to pick up minors :gomer:
I have some cousins that are surgeons, they could hook you up and fix & undo that oral-penile graft you & PT had done. :thumbup:
07-31-06, 06:24 PM
Latest rumor is that Mel Gibson was so impressed by Tag's display that he will add sponship.
Mel also is quoted as saying that Canadians are responsible for all the wars in the world and he referred to Tags wife ,Bronte as 'Sugar T-ts'.
Aspartame would probably be more appropriate but I digress.....
07-31-06, 07:05 PM
Whose excuses? I haven't excused him at all. The accident was 100% his fault and terrible judgement on his part. There's a difference between making excuses for someone and understanding what they did. In PT's case, I understand what he was trying to do, but it doesn't make it right, or smart. With regards to Zidane, I understand why he head butted the guy, but it still doesn't make it right, or smart. So in that regard, if you want to compare the two, that's fine with me. But don't try to indicate I'm trying to make excuses for him or excusing what he did.
This whole thing would be a non-issue if PT showed some patience and got out when there was more room or if he got out in front of Tags without incident. Which is where the "almost" comment comes from.
If Tracy would have shown some restraint and not gone wide the full width of the track, it would have totally avoided contact. Also, (let's see, someone said 70 MPH in the turn? - make that about 100 fpS), if he had been .03 seconds (about 3 feet) quicker with that wide berth, he would have just missed Tags. 0.030 seconds is not that much time, especially to the human nervous system.
It's a sport of quick reactions and little or no room for error. I think it's Tracy's normal style to "go for it" more often than it's wise to.
As to the "what if someone had gotten hurt", granted that's certainly possible, the the angles involved, that wasn't very likely. It was a low-angle impact at a relatively low differential and absolute speed.
Now, if he had gotten that done cleanly, he would have probably been lauded for making such a gutsy move stick. Think of "The Pass" by Zanardi at Seca. Certainly not "in the spirit of the rules" (as they were changed to account for the ~infraction), but it's still universally celebrated as a "gutsy" move.
I saw Montoya do the 360 and maintaining control while leading the 1999 RA race and losing only about 3-4 seconds of his lead (actually, Legge did that a few weeks ago, but wasn't in the lead...), and of such things, legend is made. With the difference of .03 seconds, all sorts of good/bad things are the result.
All that said, Tracy excersized bad judgment. But given racing, if you were in that situation, "what would you have done?"
We can all be thankful that no one was really hurt by this. And it certainly is "beneficial" press for the series!
Beyond the outcome from the race officials, let's move on.
Dr. Corkski
07-31-06, 07:30 PM
If Tracy would have shown some restraint and not gone wide the full width of the track, it would have totally avoided contact. Also, (let's see, someone said 70 MPH in the turn? - make that about 100 fpS), if he had been .03 seconds (about 3 feet) quicker with that wide berth, he would have just missed Tags. 0.030 seconds is not that much time, especially to the human nervous system.
It's a sport of quick reactions and little or no room for error. I think it's Tracy's normal style to "go for it" more often than it's wise to.
As to the "what if someone had gotten hurt", granted that's certainly possible, the the angles involved, that wasn't very likely. It was a low-angle impact at a relatively low differential and absolute speed.
Now, if he had gotten that done cleanly, he would have probably been lauded for making such a gutsy move stick. Think of "The Pass" by Zanardi at Seca. Certainly not "in the spirit of the rules" (as they were changed to account for the ~infraction), but it's still universally celebrated as a "gutsy" move.Tagliani shouldn't even have to worry about collison in that instance. Tracy was off the track and it was 100% Tracy's responsibility to ensure that he re-enter the track safely without compromising the other cars on the track. Tracy clearly showed no regard for the others in this instance. Tagliani changed his line to avoid Tracy, which made it look better than it was. Had Tagliani not changed his line which he shouldn't have to, the crash could have been far worse. Even if Tagliani was not there to be Tracy's brakes, it was questionable whether Tracy would have pulled it off hitting the wall. There was going to be nothing clean about that move since Tagliani was already forced to back off and changed his line regardless of contact. That move was dirty and unacceptable even if they barely avoided collison. Whether they "almost" collided is completely irrelevant.
I saw Montoya do the 360 and maintaining control while leading the 1999 RA race and losing only about 3-4 seconds of his lead (actually, Legge did that a few weeks ago, but wasn't in the lead...), and of such things, legend is made. With the difference of .03 seconds, all sorts of good/bad things are the result.
All that said, Tracy excersized bad judgment. But given racing, if you were in that situation, "what would you have done?"Most professional drivers would wait for the track to be clear before they jump back onto the track, not with oncoming traffic approaching it.
We can all be thankful that no one was really hurt by this. And it certainly is "beneficial" press for the series!
Beyond the outcome from the race officials, let's move on.It would have been even better press had they not cut to pitstops! :flame:
Opposite Lock
07-31-06, 10:05 PM
"Paul Tracy vs. Alex Tagliani - CART - San José 2006" ( currently No. 14 on YouTube's Most Viewed Today ( list. :)
<PSA warning for the Grand-Am intolerant>
Word bubbles make YouTube better... (
take-down points.
road-racin' :gomer: s with helmets on.
oh yeah, :thumbup: PT ;)
07-31-06, 10:07 PM
<PSA warning for the Grand-Am intolerant>
Word bubbles make YouTube better... (
take-down points.
road-racin' :gomer: s with helmets on.
And THEY didn't cut away, even though you knew full well what was going to happen next. :)
Overhead video:
Opposite Lock
08-01-06, 12:45 AM
Overhead video:
That's cool and scary at the same time. Plus a narration in an exotic language. :cool:
Jervis Tetch 1
08-01-06, 01:09 AM
They couldn't buy better press for the Montreal race.Exactly.
08-01-06, 02:14 AM
except we need Gene Simmons saying that "these guys are gladiators".
All that said, Tracy excersized bad judgment. But given racing, if you were in that situation, "what would you have done?"
Some drivers would have waited, some would do what Tracy did. The drivers who wait are the ones who are able to see past the end of their d*** and maybe win championships. The drivers who would go are guys who might win races but generally not be around for the title. I'd guess Bourdais would have waited for Tag to pass then went on to finish the race and collect points, Tracy just nuked it again like he has every year except 2003 when he really faced little pressure.
We can all be thankful that no one was really hurt by this. And it certainly is "beneficial" press for the series!
Best exposure for the series in many years. Yarborough v. Allison's was a watershed moment for NASCAR.
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