View Full Version : Today's the day
The final day in my life as a sports writer.
My only regret is that I never got to cover a unified Indy 500. :cry:
08-02-06, 11:34 AM
The final day in my life as a sports writer.
My only regret is that I never got to cover a unified Indy 500. :cry:
Gosh! I don't blame you for the :cry: but you can keep writing here! That won't include the entry passes though. :(
You should conclude your final article with a fact of life and a classic.
"OU sucks."
Sorry about yer luck, rabbit. No more free passes to Mt. Union foosball? ;)
08-02-06, 02:30 PM
Take care rabbit. Hope ya got something else lined up mate.
Sean O'Gorman
08-02-06, 07:02 PM
I'm glad you've finally moved from the scummy industry of journalism into the honorable profession of law. Well, as long as you don't become an injury attorney.
08-02-06, 07:22 PM
I'm glad you've finally moved from the scummy industry of journalism into the honorable profession of law. Well, as long as you don't become an injury attorney.
Yep. That's right Sean. :rolleyes:
"Injury Attorneys" are baaaaad people.
who's gonna look after your rights when late at night someone plows into the back of your car and you are crippled and unable to work for the rest of your life?
who's gonna sue Wal*Mart when your momma slips on a wet floor and busts up her hips?
who's gonna sue the tire company that sold you BS defective tires that caused you to wreck into a crowd of people?
Unless you gotta couple truckloads of money, the answer would be: The PI attorney who will work on a commission/contingency. :gomer:
people like you who are primarily uneducated and poor owe the Trial Lawyers/Injury Attorneys/PI Attorneys a large amount of respect. :shakehead
Well, I am at this moment punching out for the last time. It will be weird buying tickets and walking through the gates with all the rest of the common folk again. But hey, at least when the game/race is over, I'll get to go home instead of hovering over a laptop until the wee hours of the morning.
08-02-06, 08:20 PM
Yep. That's right Sean. :rolleyes:
"Injury Attorneys" are baaaaad people.
who's gonna look after your rights when late at night someone plows into the back of your car and you are crippled and unable to work for the rest of your life?
who's gonna sue Wal*Mart when your momma slips on a wet floor and busts up her hips?
who's gonna sue the tire company that sold you BS defective tires that caused you to wreck into a crowd of people?
Unless you gotta couple truckloads of money, the answer would be: The PI attorney who will work on a commission/contingency. :gomer:
people like you who are primarily uneducated and poor owe the Trial Lawyers/Injury Attorneys/PI Attorneys a large amount of respect. :shakehead
Oh give it a rest. The majority of attorneys out there consider the ambulance chasing injury & class action specialist firms to be pond scum and you know it.
The final day in my life as a sports writer.
My only regret is that I never got to cover a unified Indy 500. :cry:
Good luck with the future, rabbit, whatever your doing. :thumbup:
this thread, however, is going nowhere. :eek: :shakehead
this thread, however, is going nowhere. :eek: :shakehead
Oh,'s going downhill FAST.
who's gonna sue Wal*Mart when your momma slips on a wet floor and busts up her hips?
Probably the same guy that handled her last five slip-falls. ;)
Sean O'Gorman
08-02-06, 10:31 PM
Probably the same guy that handled her last five slip-falls. ;)
:rofl: :rofl: :rofl:
The way this thread is going, I think it would only be fitting if it ends with a defamation lawsuit being filed.
08-02-06, 10:36 PM
clean up on aisle 7.
thanks richard. ;)
08-03-06, 12:27 AM
Yep. That's right Sean. :rolleyes:
"Injury Attorneys" are baaaaad people.
who's gonna look after your rights when late at night someone plows into the back of your car and you are crippled and unable to work for the rest of your life?
who's gonna sue Wal*Mart when your momma slips on a wet floor and busts up her hips?
who's gonna sue the tire company that sold you BS defective tires that caused you to wreck into a crowd of people?
Unless you gotta couple truckloads of money, the answer would be: The PI attorney who will work on a commission/contingency. :gomer:
people like you who are primarily uneducated and poor owe the Trial Lawyers/Injury Attorneys/PI Attorneys a large amount of respect. :shakehead
Ok, how about this one? In my only tour of jury duty, I heard a case of PI. It was jointly filed by a (dumber than rocks) couple against a young lady who rear ended them when he was driving the church van, the 15 passenger type. We were shown pics of the van that had a small dent in the rear bumper, and it was questionable if this bumper dent occured in the incident because it appeared "sharp", so to speak, like it had backed into a pole, and there was no damage to the front of the defendant's mini van. The defendant testified that her infant in a car seat of her mini-van didn't even wake up when she bumped the couple in the church van in stop and go interstate traffic. Yet, the couple produced receipts for about $10K for back pain therapy, drugs, etc., all of which was paid by their insurance.
They testified that their 80 year old and admittedly frail pastor who was in the van was unhurt.
The defendant's attorney set up a dry marker board and started listing and questioning the man of the couple about previous PI cases they have sued for. There were five or six in the last ten years that he didn't recall. We were shown court records of all of them, but he also couldn't recall them in the deposition, either. Clear case for purgery, if you ask me.
The court was never asked for damages, and we couldn't figure out what the couple wanted because all their expenses were covered and it was an obviously bogus case. We even sent a note to the judge asking if we could award money to the plaintiff for her trouble. He said no.
Those are the kind of PI attorneys that people despise, Spicoli. The also clog up the entire system for real cases.
08-03-06, 12:40 AM
Ok, how about this one? In my only tour of jury duty, I heard a case of PI. It was jointly filed by a (dumber than rocks) couple against a young lady who rear ended them when he was driving the church van, the 15 passenger type. We were shown pics of the van that had a small dent in the rear bumper, and it was questionable if this bumper dent occured in the incident because it appeared "sharp", so to speak, like it had backed into a pole, and there was no damage to the front of the defendant's mini van. The defendant testified that her infant in a car seat of her mini-van didn't even wake up when she bumped the couple in the church van in stop and go interstate traffic. Yet, the couple produced receipts for about $10K for back pain therapy, drugs, etc., all of which was paid by their insurance.
They testified that their 80 year old and admittedly frail pastor who was in the van was unhurt.
The defendant's attorney set up a dry marker board and started listing and questioning the man of the couple about previous PI cases they have sued for. There were five or six in the last ten years that he didn't recall. We were shown court records of all of them, but he also couldn't recall them in the deposition, either. Clear case for purgery, if you ask me.
The court was never asked for damages, and we couldn't figure out what the couple wanted because all their expenses were covered and it was an obviously bogus case. We even sent a note to the judge asking if we could award money to the plaintiff for her trouble. He said no.
Those are the kind of PI attorneys that people despise, Spicoli. The also clog up the entire system for real cases.
Who were the lawyers, do you remember? who was the judge?
(sounds like a nightmare tho)
my point is this: there are dirtbags in every discipline of law, for sure. But never toss every lawyer, even PI lawyers, in that heap.
I know a bunch of excellent PI attorneys whom I would gladly rec/hire, and they don't fit that stereotype at all.
You should conclude your final article with a fact of life and a classic.
"OU sucks."
just think rabbit, if you had followed my advice right after I posted it this morning you would've scooped ESPN today :D
08-03-06, 01:07 AM
Who were the lawyers, do you remember? who was the judge?
(sounds like a nightmare tho)
my point is this: there are dirtbags in every discipline of law, for sure. But never toss every lawyer, even PI lawyers, in that heap.
I know a bunch of excellent PI attorneys whom I would gladly rec/hire, and they don't fit that stereotype at all.
I'm fairly certain the defendant's attorney was with her insurance company. He was a young gun and very good. The PI guy was a crusty old fart who looked like he just got off the shrimp boat. He wore a poka dot tie with a striped shirt.
He kinda looked like Dr. Z from the Daimler-Chrysler commercials, but with hair. Same upper lip hair, though.
No, it wasn't your wife.
08-03-06, 08:10 AM
I'm fairly certain the defendant's attorney was with her insurance company. He was a young gun and very good. The PI guy was a crusty old fart who looked like he just got off the shrimp boat. He wore a poka dot tie with a striped shirt.
He kinda looked like Dr. Z from the Daimler-Chrysler commercials, but with hair. Same upper lip hair, though.
No, it wasn't your wife.
well that's good, since she doesn't hear PI cases. ;)
nice descriptions of the other 2. :laugh:
Just to complete the hijack, lawyers are like cops, in a sense.
Usually, most often, broadbrush-time here, whenever you have to deal with a lawyer, something bad happened TO you, or you did something bad and got caught.
There are exceptions (buying a house, for example), but there aren't too many times that you need the services of a lawyer (or cop), and it's not due to some bad juju going on.
I was in a traffic collision once. Rear-ended by a minivan while driving my full-size truck. Not a dent on either car, there were just a few smudges of paint and scratched plastic to show for it.
I spent months in physical therapy, underwent two procedures to my back, I missed work days, I couldn't walk or stand for weeklong periods over a couple years.
I had no problem working with a PI lawyer to deal with the other guy's insurance company, and I'm thankful he was available to me.
08-03-06, 01:20 PM
I was in a traffic collision once. Rear-ended by a minivan while driving my full-size truck. Not a dent on either car, there were just a few smudges of paint and scratched plastic to show for it.
I spent months in physical therapy, underwent two procedures to my back, I missed work days, I couldn't walk or stand for weeklong periods over a couple years.
I had no problem working with a PI lawyer to deal with the other guy's insurance company, and I'm thankful he was available to me.
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