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View Full Version : Let the whining continue

Dr. Corkski
09-09-06, 01:57 PM
Alonso moved back to tenth for blocking Massa (http://www.f1racing.net/en/news.php?newsID=129456)

FIX :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry:

09-09-06, 02:09 PM
That's stupid, Massa wasn't close enough to be "impeded".

btw, does Renault get to fix the broken parts of their car before it goes in Parc Ferme?

09-09-06, 02:14 PM
In Italy? Shocking!

Now Trulli or or Fisichella need to insult someone's sister.

09-09-06, 03:31 PM
Typical Tifosi crowing. One of these days I will meet one that actually has some scerric of humility. :rolleyes:

09-09-06, 03:38 PM
does renault get to fix the bodywork for safety reasons, or does "park ferme" prohibit that sort of repair?

09-09-06, 03:43 PM
Sure didn't look like it on TV. Although Massa did lose time on the final sector, Alonso wasn't exactly cruising out there. Does Alonso have to move over for anyone on a hot lap if he is on his out lap?

09-09-06, 03:45 PM
does renault get to fix the bodywork for safety reasons, or does "park ferme" prohibit that sort of repair?

I mentioned this a couple months back. There was a race where Kimi lost one of the viking horns on his car during qualifying and he had it during the race. So, I guess they can fix it.

09-09-06, 04:16 PM
Well, the stewards must already be aware of Michael's retirement plans, a penalty for blocking Massa?

All hail the new Chin!

09-09-06, 04:37 PM
100% B.S!!!!!!! If this was any country outside of Italy, no one would have said anything,

"I don't understand the penalty, because we don't feel we impeded him," Pat Symonds said. "This is a circuit where we are always trying to get a tow - especially in qualifying. Massa was 100 metres behind Alonso, so he got a nice tow, and I don't see it as a hindrance.

"I looked at Ferrari's telemetry, and [Massa] gained time on the back straight and was quicker into Parabolica than before. He lifted in the middle of the corner. To me, it looked like a mistake but he claimed he was losing downforce."

Are you serious? :rolleyes: :shakehead

09-09-06, 05:55 PM
Easy fix, tell the drivers and teams to either STFU or it's back to single lap qualifying. Forever. It's a race, not a garden party. Given the particular circumstances it's a silly call, even for a race in Italy.


09-09-06, 06:10 PM
So then it`s official the Scummi will retire with the WDC:shakehead

I see no blocking:rolleyes:

09-09-06, 06:16 PM

09-09-06, 07:17 PM
So then it`s official the Scummi will retire with the WDC:shakehead

I see no blocking:rolleyes:

It definitely was traditional blocking. As I said before, is there a rule or understanding where a car on its out lap should be off line until they're about to start a fast lap?

09-09-06, 11:23 PM
It definitely was traditional blocking. As I said before, is there a rule or understanding where a car on its out lap should be off line until they're about to start a fast lap?

I think the rule is that in Italy all non-Ferrari cars must come to a complete stop off the course so that God's personal racing team is not impeded by even a butterfly's flutter of dirty air.

At least, that seems to be the way it works. :saywhat:

09-10-06, 12:04 AM
A damn good championship battle is being ruined with this ****.

09-10-06, 01:18 AM
What a complete and utter load of bollocks:yuck:

09-10-06, 08:00 AM
After seeing the video - utter crap. Period.

09-10-06, 11:37 AM
Pathetic decision based on that video alone! And we thought the EARL and NASCRAP manipulated the sport....:flame:

Dr. Corkski
09-10-06, 03:07 PM


09-10-06, 03:48 PM

Whatever, you can smiley yourself 'til Monday, but F1 lost the "sport" part of motorsport this weekend. Not funny to me.

09-10-06, 05:20 PM
Complete joke. I was happy to see Massa get a karmic payback with that forced extra tire stop.

09-15-06, 01:28 PM
As it should have always been, had there been any shred of common sense in evidence. :shakehead

Autosport- FIA race director Charlie Whiting has written to the teams and told them that the stewards will no longer investigate all complaints of blocking from teams. Instead they will only look at those that he feels shows deliberate intent to impede a rival.

In Whiting's fax, he wrote: "Complaints that a driver has been impeded during qualifying will no longer be referred to the stewards of the meeting. Only in cases where it appears to race control that there has been a clear and deliberate attempt to impede another driver will the stewards be asked to intervene."


Kahauna Dreamer
09-15-06, 02:28 PM
As it should have always been, had there been any shred of common sense in evidence. :shakehead


...yes, now that the genie is out of the toothpaste tube...

09-15-06, 04:55 PM
So the whining was justified. BS ruling! Unfortunately it had it's intended consequences. Just for once it would be nice to see the championship decided on track. :rolleyes:

Dr. Corkski
09-15-06, 05:00 PM
As it should have always been, had there been any shred of common sense in evidence. :shakehead It would be a non-issue if the FIA used that when Renault pulled that crap at the Nurburgring. Renault got what was coming to them. :thumbup:

They are backpeddling only because of a bunch of whiney losers. :tony:

09-15-06, 05:18 PM
It would be a non-issue if the FIA used that when Renault pulled that crap at the Nurburgring. Renault got what was coming to them. :thumbup:

They are backpeddling only because of a bunch of whiney losers. :tony:

Dude, get with it. Schu only won 90 GP's and 7 WDC's because he cheated the entire time.

09-15-06, 08:47 PM

09-17-06, 09:33 PM
It would be a non-issue if the FIA used that when Renault pulled that crap at the Nurburgring. Renault got what was coming to them. :thumbup:

They are backpeddling only because of a bunch of whiney losers. :tony: Rubbish. First you start a thread specifically baiting someone in particular, then when that person doesn't rise to your juvenile baiting your response is sand box level trash talk.

The FIA got very publicly embarrassed and found themselves in an untenable position. There was no choice open to them about what to do.


Dr. Corkski
09-17-06, 10:02 PM
BMW Sauber’s Jacques Villeneuve has had his fastest three laps from the final stage of qualifying deleted for impeding the progress of Renault’s Giancarlo Fisichella earlier in the session.
It seems the stewards largely agreed, though they accepted that Villeneuve’s actions had not necessarily been deliberate. The FIA opened this can of worms by caving into Renault whining in the first place. Must be the French connection.

09-18-06, 04:33 PM
http://www.formula1.com/race/news/4326/755.htmlThe FIA opened this can of worms by caving into Renault whining in the first place. Must be the French connection. Believe whatever juvenile nonsense you care to. The FIA subjected itself to a high level of well deserved ridicule (yet again) by having every real or imagined blocking protest referred to the race stewards without ever defining what actually constituted blocking.


Dr. Corkski
09-18-06, 04:50 PM
The FIA was only ridiculed because they made a decision against popular opinion, but yet was consistent with a previous ruling. There was no ridicule when their decision initially benefitted Renault.

09-18-06, 07:15 PM
The FIA was only ridiculed because they made a decision against popular opinion, but yet was consistent with a previous ruling. There was no ridicule when their decision initially benefitted Renault. Disagree. There was plenty of ridicule in the first incident but the volume wasn't as high because Villeneuve wasn't a factor in either the drivers or constructors title. The FIA had a fair chance to revise the regs at that point but didn't. Next time it happened was Monza where there was effect to both drivers and constructors title and the ridicule was deafening and the FIA had nobody to blame but themselves for appearing silly and grossly incompetent.

Still don't see what any of it had to do with Cam, Renault, or the French.


10-08-06, 12:38 PM
Whatever, you can smiley yourself 'til Monday, but F1 lost the "sport" part of motorsport this weekend. Not funny to me.

just :shakehead
what goes around comes around

10-08-06, 10:19 PM
what goes around comes around Karma? My take is that it's Max and the always inspired FIA's engine freeze/homologation nonsense. MS hasn't lost an engine in a race since 2000 and Renault has been damn reliable as well until Alonso's recent grenade at Monza. Who really thinks this is a coincidence?

Thanks to Max and the boys instead of a tooth and nail on-track battle at the last race of the season we have engines going poof and DNF's for the title contenders. :shakehead


10-08-06, 10:39 PM
Karma? My take is that it's Max and the always inspired FIA's engine freeze/homologation nonsense. MS hasn't lost an engine in a race since 2000 and Renault has been damn reliable as well until Alonso's recent grenade at Monza. Who really thinks this is a coincidence?

Thanks to Max and the boys instead of a tooth and nail on-track battle at the last race of the season we have engines going poof and DNF's for the title contenders. :shakehead


V12. Bring 'em back! ;)