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09-12-06, 01:25 AM
Grabbed a TV 0.8/1, way down from last year. Claimed a 100,000 "sellout" but estimates were 28-35. Gee, Roger said the ratings were up?:rolleyes:

09-12-06, 01:41 AM
I'm still trying to figure out how Marlboro gave away so many tickets that were already sold to people forced into buying IRL tickets with the track pack. Is it possible that the track knew that attendance would be so miserable that they could give away seats that had already been granted to others and not have to worry about those people showing up? Supposedly the area around Joliet was plastered with ticket giveaway information, as well as at least one local radio station.

Truly pathetic when 40,000 people don't show up to use a ticket they already paid for.

Keep up the great work, Tony. :thumbup:

Don Quixote
09-12-06, 08:24 AM
They could give away every seat 3 times and the stands would still look empty. Makes you wonder how long H will put up with this.

09-12-06, 09:51 AM
That's exactly what happened. With about 75,000 empty seats behind her a lady at a ticket window refused to sell me a one day general admission for Saturday's ARCA race and League qualifying. "We are all sold out, sir." That was two years ago when I went down there on a "fact finding" tour.;) A whole bunch of guys in NASCAB hats and T's were willing to sell me 50-$70 "discount" tickets, though!:rofl: The lot was full of NASCAR tailgaters, some even planning on going in to see the ARCA race. Next year maybe they should give out the tickets some place else besides Joliet, along with free food, beer and...entertainment!

09-12-06, 11:16 AM
I understand that Tony was happy with the weekend, though. He got to stay in a Holiday Inn Express. :gomer:

Don Quixote
09-12-06, 11:52 AM
Tony and his minions are happy, happy, happy. Didn't I read somewhere that they are happy with the TV ratings this year? What!? The last thing I want to hear is that Champcar officials are happy with things the way they are. I guess Tony's little league feels justified to stand pat for another year. :tony:

09-13-06, 09:27 PM
Tony and his minions are happy, happy, happy. Didn't I read somewhere that they are happy with the TV ratings this year? What!? The last thing I want to hear is that Champcar officials are happy with things the way they are. I guess Tony's little league feels justified to stand pat for another year. :tony:

As long as there is a race in Marion County, Indiana, Tony and his minions could care less.

09-13-06, 11:12 PM
As long as there is a race in Marion County, Indiana, Tony and his minions could care less.

So true.......:tony:

09-14-06, 08:26 AM
Grabbed a TV 0.8/1, way down from last year. Claimed a 100,000 "sellout" but estimates were 28-35. Gee, Roger said the ratings were up?:rolleyes:

Not to defend Roger, but I wonder if the ratings were up in the demos that the IRL is targeting?

09-14-06, 11:05 AM
Not to defend Roger, but I wonder if the ratings were up in the demos that the IRL is targeting?

Could be, if those folks passed on the indoor plumbing in order to get cable.

09-14-06, 01:46 PM
Watching that I'm reminded of why I don't watch any IRL races except for Indy and Texas and the road courses. Terrible, boring, could not care less watching that.


09-14-06, 02:51 PM
I don't watch any IRL races except for Indy and Texas and the road courses. I don't watch any EARL races period and there are around three hundred million people in the US that appear to agree with me. ;)


09-14-06, 03:23 PM
I don't watch any EARL races period and there are around three hundred million people in the US that appear to agree with me. ;)

ocThis is why I always thought that the term "Lemming" was sort of oxymoron-ish.
