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09-19-06, 11:43 AM
New York: one crime per 37.38 residents.
San Jose, Calif.: one crime per 34.46 residents.
Los Angeles: one crime per 25.97 residents.
San Diego: one crime per 24.09 residents.
Chicago: one crime per 21.9 residents.
Philadelphia: one crime per 17.96 residents.
Houston: one crime per 14.17 residents.
San Antonio: one crime per 14.12 residents.
Phoenix: one crime per 14.10 residents.
Dallas: one crime per 11.79 residents.

I love it, Dallas #10 :laugh:

09-19-06, 12:10 PM
I wonder if the number for Houston was before or after Katrina.

09-19-06, 01:58 PM
I would've thought that San Diego would have a much lower ranking actually. My uncle lives there and I have visited a few times - its quite nice.

What type of crimes are we talking here?

09-19-06, 02:31 PM
Linky to FBI stats (http://www.chron.com/disp/story.mpl/front/4197441.html)

09-19-06, 03:08 PM
This sort of stuff is pretty meaningless without defining what constitutes a "crime" here. And given the source, there could be any number of wacky things included which have no relevance to physical safety. :saywhat:

09-19-06, 04:46 PM
This sort of stuff is pretty meaningless without defining what constitutes a "crime" here. And given the source, there could be any number of wacky things included which have no relevance to physical safety. :saywhat:

Not only that, but it also depends a lot on what the study considers a "city" to be. My esteemed :rolleyes: city, being located in a state where all cities are independent from surrounding counties, gets regularly rated as very dangerous (#3 in the US for cities 100-400K, #5 overall, last I checked), but if it had the mostly suburban, lower-crime count county stats mixed in (as most cities do, Baltimore & St. Louis being exceptions- and they're usually atop the lists too), things wouldn't look quite as dire.

Now if you'll excuse me, my scheduled yearly drive-by shooting is in 10 minutes and I've got a will to prepare.

09-19-06, 08:49 PM
I'm in NYC until december 23rd, and there is one crime per 37 residents per day I assume. so in 37 days I should have a crime commited against me?

lets hope it happens tomorrow, I might actually have cash on me next week.:D

Sean O'Gorman
09-19-06, 09:13 PM
I would've thought that San Diego would have a much lower ranking actually. My uncle lives there and I have visited a few times - its quite nice.

What type of crimes are we talking here?

Mostly assault:


09-19-06, 10:48 PM
I'm in NYC until december 23rd, and there is one crime per 37 residents per day I assume. so in 37 days I should have a crime commited against me?

lets hope it happens tomorrow, I might actually have cash on me next week.:D

They are violent crime stats and they are violent crimes per person per year.

09-20-06, 11:19 AM
what someone else tallied with FBI violent crime stats, TX & US... #/100,000 ppl

Dallas still comes in 2nd to last place in the state :gomer:

Rank City/Town Rate
1 City of Sugar Land 156.1
2 City of Carrollton 250.5
3 City of McKinney 253.7
4 City of Richardson 258.7
5 City of Plano 289.0
6 City of Temple 315.9
7 City of McAllen 343.0
8 City of Denison 349.3
9 City of Denton 378.4
10 City of Midland 409.2
11 City of San Angelo 416.5
12 City of Baytown 425.3
13 City of Sherman 427.6
14 City of El Paso 434.3
15 City of Irving 460.2
16 City of Victoria 478.5
17 City of Austin 489.6
18 City of Abilene 493.6
19 City of Laredo 510.3
20 City of Harlingen 527.1
21 City of Brownsville 551.0
22 City of Odessa 625.2
23 City of Tyler 630.6
24 City of San Antonio 637.2
25 City of Fort Worth 639.2
26 City of Port Arthur 641.7
27 City of Arlington 648.4
28 City of Wichita Falls 714.5
29 City of Waco 745.6
30 City of Killeen 818.0
31 City of Amarillo 836.4
32 City of Galveston 909.1
33 City of Beaumont 990.0
34 City of Lubbock 1,051.7
35 City of Longview 1,105.8
36 City of Houston 1,172.5
37 City of Dallas 1,254.1
38 Texarkana, TX 1,386.0

City State Rate
City of State College PA 60.6
City of Orem UT 71.0
City of Bellevue WA 145.2
City of Provo UT 176.7
City of Scottsdale AZ 202.8
City of Honolulu HI 282.9
City of San Jose CA 383.5
City of Mobile AL 466.4
City of Mesa AZ 504.0
City of San Diego CA 519.0
City of Pascagoula MS 533.9
City of Louisville Metro, KY KY 624.6
City of Santa Barbara CA 636.7
City of Tempe AZ 638.0
City of New York, NY NY 673.1
City of Riverside CA 673.1
City of Long Beach CA 708.5
City of Seattle WA 709.4
City of Portland, OR OR 713.9
City of Thibodaux LA 722.8
City of Phoenix AZ 729.1
City of Las Vegas NV 743.5
City of South Bend, IN IN 748.5
City of Lake Charles LA 792.2
City of Denver CO 795.7
City of San Francisco CA 798.9
City of Pensacola FL 800.4
City of Kansas City, KS KS 801.4
City of Allentown, PA PA 807.0
City of Los Angeles CA 820.6
City of Columbus OH 836.7
City of Fresno CA 845.8
City of Oklahoma City OK 853.5
City of Lafayette LA 883.6
City of Panama City FL 886.2
City of Fort Lauderdale FL 893.1
City of Albuquerque NM 951.8
City of Tucson AZ 953.4
City of Roanoke VA 955.3
City of Dayton OH 956.0
City of Houma LA 994.5
City of Newark, NJ NJ 1,003.7
City of Tacoma WA 1,013.3
City of Pittsburgh PA 1,023.3
City of Tallahassee FL 1,027.8
City of Shreveport LA 1,130.0
City of Sacramento CA 1,151.2
City of Lima OH 1,151.2
City of Monroe LA 1,162.1
City of Cincinnati, OH OH 1,184.6
City of Baton Rouge LA 1,201.9
City of Richmond VA 1,221.4
City of San Bernardino CA 1,256.7
City of Miami Beach FL 1,287.4
City of Tulsa OK 1,292.7
City of Boston, MA MA 1,317.7
City of North Little Rock AR 1,322.3
City of Pine Bluff AR 1,344.2
City of Washington, D.C. DC 1,401.6
City of Wilmington, DE DE 1,418.8
City of Oakland CA 1,420.8
City of Tampa FL 1,430.5
City of Kansas City, MO MO 1,459.2
City of Philadelphia, PA PA 1,467.1
City of Stockton CA 1,491.4
City of St. Petersburg FL 1,545.7
City of Miami FL 1,579.7
City of Atlanta GA 1,674.8
City of Baltimore MD 1,754.5
City of Trenton NJ 1,770.6
City of Little Rock AR 1,771.8
City of Springfield MA 1,772.9
City of Compton CA 1,786.9
City of Orlando FL 1,807.5
City of Pontiac MI 1,855.5
City of Memphis TN 1,860.0
City of Myrtle Beach SC 1,945.3
City of Bossier City LA 2,088.3
City of Camden, NJ NJ 2,096.7
City of Benton Harbor MI 2,191.5
City of Flint MI 2,260.2
City of Detroit MI 2,357.6
City of St. Louis, MO MO 2,405.5
City of Saginaw MI 2,717.7

09-20-06, 11:28 AM

The FBI page concerning crime stats

race chica
09-20-06, 03:36 PM
Anyone know why Washington DC isnt on the list?

09-20-06, 03:48 PM
It is, between Pine Bluff, AR, and Wilmington, DE.

09-20-06, 06:41 PM
They are violent crime stats and they are violent crimes per person per year.

damn. I was gonna go buy a gun.

Andrew Longman
09-20-06, 08:24 PM
These are stats that come from crimes reported to the police. There is also a huge difference in reporting rate depending on the crime and victim.

Auto theft is almost always reported because you have to if you what to collect insurance. Rape/sexual assualt are under reported by a factor of four. Simple assault on males is underreported nearly as much. Hispanics are least likely to report crimes. Muggings, pick pockets, and such are often not reported because people often don't see the point.

There is a private organization that does hundreds of thousands of interviews across the country annually to ask if people if they have been a victim of a crime and such. From this sample they create statistical estimate consistently much higher than the FBI

09-20-06, 10:56 PM
I wonder if the number for Houston was before or after Katrina.

Isn't that blown way out of proportion?

09-22-06, 08:26 AM

09-22-06, 09:26 AM
Isn't that blown way out of proportion?

What Happened To The Gangs of New Orleans?
Before Katrina, New Orleans had a murder rate 10 times worse than the U.S. average. The killers evacuated too. Tracing the criminal exodus.


09-22-06, 09:50 AM
There was a piece on CNN yesterday morning about the number of gun permits issued in Harris county (Houston) being up considerably this year over the last couple years.

09-22-06, 10:23 AM
The "good" :shakehead stuff starts on Pg. 6


09-22-06, 10:24 AM

Says who ? :D


09-22-06, 12:46 PM
Isn't that blown way out of proportion?

at least 20% of violent crime is Katrina related in the city now. any HPD officer will tell you the SW corner of the city is now a hole, which is where the far majority were relocated to

09-22-06, 01:09 PM
And the reality of the situation is that it is about to get worse. The last of the federal tit money has just gone dry. Now, they will have to rely on the criminal activity only to survive instead of just supplementing the welfare dole.

09-22-06, 01:57 PM
Now I wonder where I heard/read that about it being blown out of proportion. Maybe I misunderstood it to mean that the proportion of people committing crimes vs. the number displaced is very small.

09-22-06, 01:59 PM
I thought that too at first, but this is the one thing you can get everyone in Houston to agree on. The citizenry, the police force, city hall, etc.

Well that and that the Texans suck :)

(I think murders are up 25%)

race chica
09-25-06, 03:22 PM
It is, between Pine Bluff, AR, and Wilmington, DE.

oops, thanks :)

09-25-06, 07:04 PM
It is, between Pine Bluff, AR, and Wilmington, DE.

Pine Bluff is prolly the most dangereous city outside of Nuevo Larado in North American :saywhat: :tony:

09-25-06, 07:08 PM
Isn't that blown way out of proportion?

no we got the NOLA crap

09-25-06, 07:28 PM
Pine Bluff is prolly the most dangereous city outside of Nuevo Larado in North American :saywhat: :tony:

I wouldn't know, stepping foot in Arkansas is against my religion.