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View Full Version : Turkish Grand Prix fined $5 million

09-19-06, 02:44 PM

PARIS -- Turkish Grand Prix organizers were fined a record $5 million on Tuesday for inviting a Turkish Cypriot leader to hand out the trophies after last month's Formula One race in Istanbul.:rofl: :laugh:

Shoulda took the race too.:thumbup:

09-19-06, 02:49 PM

I think perhaps the George's are from Turkey?

Tony George
09-19-06, 03:21 PM
Will Bernie be burned in effigy?

Andrew Longman
09-19-06, 05:10 PM
What surprises me is how contrite the Turks are about it.

If you don't follow it, Greeks and Turk hate each other going back hundreds of years with lots of genocide involved. I'm married into a Greek family, some of whom are from Cypris. Touchy subject with them. Even more so with Turks, in my limited experience.

F1 accomplished what the United Nations and a few wars could not. Amazing.

09-21-06, 08:49 PM
I could give a sheet about their politics---that is a great track for F1 and I hope it stays on the schedule.

09-27-06, 09:56 AM
well the idiots are going to apeal the fine, they are lucky they didn't lose the race all together:thumdown: