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View Full Version : Post counts....

10-04-06, 08:44 AM
Looks like in the next week or two, the Community forum will overtake (overhaul if you're Paul Page) the Champcar forum as the OC forum with the most posts.

Whatcha think about that?

Personally, I'm amazed it took this long; on most large forums, the 'off-topic' forum is by far the most heavily utilized forum, often surpassing several of the forums that are 'on-topic' put together. So either this means we're just now getting to the point where we are comfortable enough talking about random things to each other, or we're startlingly on-topic types of people.

Or it means I'm spending too much time analyzing it.

Opposite Lock
10-04-06, 08:47 AM
Whoa, whoa, whoa!
[/Paul Page]

10-04-06, 08:57 AM
The "Brit Rock" thread put us over the top, right? :D

10-04-06, 09:03 AM
If Ansan hadn't been cancelled, that probably would have been good for 10,000 posts, easy.

10-04-06, 09:50 AM
I think it took this long because of the size of the community here. I also wonder how many people here post more on a non-Champ Car forum also.

10-04-06, 11:03 AM
Looks like in the next week or two, the Community forum will overtake (overhaul if you're Paul Page) the Champcar forum as the OC forum with the most posts.

Whatcha think about that?

Personally, I'm amazed it took this long; on most large forums, the 'off-topic' forum is by far the most heavily utilized forum, often surpassing several of the forums that are 'on-topic' put together. So either this means we're just now getting to the point where we are comfortable enough talking about random things to each other, or we're startlingly on-topic types of people.

Or it means I'm spending too much time analyzing it.

Here's my take: We're still stabilizing the Series, looking towards the future, discussing the DP01, new scheds, etc etc. And there's still the merger/no merger/splitsville/yourseriessucksmorethanmine thang workin..... and really, not much in the actual on-track series action to talk about.

The only couple rivalries we have to talk about are PT/SeaBass Dinger/field and a couple other sidebars like Legge, Speedy Dan, and of course > Nelsonmania! <. :D the championship has not been TOO interesting, especially early when it looked like SeaBass was gonna walk away with it all by Cleveland, and PT hit everything but the finish line, No Blinky, etc....:irked: So really, again, not too much to discuss.

The, I think you have seen this community really grow. members aren't really just refugees :gomer: anymore; but rather we've gelled into our own deal.

Now. if you add a hate forum, we can get that racing post total up over "Community" in a short period of time. ;)


10-04-06, 11:05 AM

10-04-06, 11:19 AM
Somewhat along the lines of Mr. Spicoli, I think when WB first created OC it was still in the midst of hot topics of defectors, CART businsess problems etc which saw a flurry of CC posting.
Once the new gang took control and things became more stabalized there was downward trend. The days/months/years go by and people get to know each other so they pick up topics in the off topic forum.
Since we're 90% long time, weathered, mud hardened, seasoned and some of us somewhat pickled fans there becomes less of a need to talk about some of the aspects of a race or race related areas that maybe newer fans like to share. Plus, we are hardly the cheeleader type of crowd here. Posts like, "Champ Car rocks!" and "We love you PT!" quickly make threads as long as a Flaming Lips song.:)

10-04-06, 11:35 AM

just no politics, please.'nuf said.

10-04-06, 12:14 PM
PT and Bourdais are to blame for this. PT's not wrecking him enough and Bourdais has as much personality as a rock.

10-04-06, 12:21 PM
PT and Bourdais are to blame for this. PT's not wrecking him enough and Bourdais has as much personality as a rock.

Oh i don't know about that.

I've seen rocks more interesting.

10-04-06, 12:42 PM
but rather we've gelled into our own deal. I prefer to imagine that we've congealed, leaving a rather dark ring around the forum where the scrim used to float on the surface...:D

Not sure how much of that scrim was from BiF rendering off roadkill, but I'm pretty sure that's what gave it the oily character and odd aroma.:gomer: Nothing like introspection to conjure images.


Sean O'Gorman
10-04-06, 06:08 PM
One word:


10-04-06, 06:58 PM
One word:



Drunk post count 4,999.... ;)

BTW, yer kinda like the pot calling the kettle black, bud. :p


10-04-06, 07:01 PM

Drunk post count 4,999.... ;)

BTW, yer kinda like the pot calling the kettle black, bud. :p


Hey! Imagine what it would be if he hadn't finally got a real daytime job! ;)

10-04-06, 07:04 PM
BTW, yer kinda like the pot calling the kettle black, bud.
...said the guy with 4,174 posts. :gomer:

10-04-06, 07:34 PM
...said the guy with 4,174 posts. :gomer:

But *I* dint place the blame on someone else, ya see. :) 2c, Ank, SOG, and myself are legendary. :D :eek:

Oh, and that 4,175 now....


10-04-06, 07:40 PM
But *I* dint place the blame on someone else, ya see. :) 2c, Ank, SOG, and myself are legendary.

Oh, and that 4,175 now....


Legendary! PPFFTTT!!! :p

You are just well on your way to a 20K+ total that qualifies you for an extended stay in an igloo! :D

10-04-06, 09:51 PM
Could this possibly mean that any subject, even a mystical, drunken post by ank is more interesting than Champcar racing?

Really, there's 3 races left in the season and I'm more juiced up about the re-appearance of the chili thread here this fall than I am those races. :laugh:

10-04-06, 10:22 PM
Legendary! PPFFTTT!!! :p

You are just well on your way to a 20K+ total that qualifies you for an extended stay in an igloo! :D

Champions are just plain jealous. :p

I'm prepared for igloo duty, sir! Just make sure I gots WiFi and not this dialup shizzle I gots while on vacation. :saywhat:


10-04-06, 10:26 PM
Just make sure I gots WiFi and not this dialup shizzle I gots while on vacation. :saywhat:


Can do better than that! :gomer:


10-04-06, 10:31 PM
Could this possibly mean that any subject, even a mystical, drunken post by ank is more interesting than Champcar racing?

Really, there's 3 races left in the season and I'm more juiced up about the re-appearance of the chili thread here this fall than I am those races. :laugh:

Yeah, but just wait a couple years, when it's a spec chili and all the cooks are using expensive foreign ingredients.

10-05-06, 01:50 AM
One word:


Damn beat me to it.

10-05-06, 06:54 AM
Yeah, but just wait a couple years, when it's a spec chili and all the cooks are using expensive foreign ingredients.

:rofl: :thumbup:

10-05-06, 07:01 AM
when it comes to forums and post counts bear this in mind:

quality over quantity.

Sean O'Gorman
10-05-06, 07:30 AM
when it comes to forums and post counts bear this in mind:

quality over quantity.


10-06-06, 02:24 PM
It is done.

10-07-06, 02:22 AM
It is done.

http://img136.imageshack.us/img136/5338/oc1ga1.gif (http://imageshack.us)