View Full Version : Michael's Retirement Gift?

10-16-06, 01:03 PM
Win or lose I hear Schumacher gets to keep his career ending ride. Neat. He can take it to The Club on weekends and over to Starbucks on Wednesday mornings to bench race with the boys. Hope he doesn't roll it into a ball! Gonna crank that thing to 20,000+ and DARE it to blow this time!:)

10-16-06, 02:14 PM
Win or lose I hear Schumacher gets to keep his career ending ride. Neat. He can take it to The Club on weekends and over to Starbucks on Wednesday mornings to bench race with the boys. Hope he doesn't roll it into a ball! Gonna crank that thing to 20,000+ and DARE it to blow this time!:)

After Sazuka, I don't think he has to dare it to blow. :)