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View Full Version : Is Massa all that?

10-23-06, 10:57 AM
The boys in the booth were sure suckin' up to Flippy, sayin' he'll be a great team leader, how he's really "come into his own", etc. Do ya actually think he's gonna be running the point next year, or is he gonna get a mollywhoppin' (thanks rocket :D ) from Kimi more often than not?

Being that they actually won Kimi over from a top team vs seemingly taking what they could get when signing Massa, I'm guessing Kimi have quite a bit to say about who's #1.

10-23-06, 11:08 AM
Would Kmi have signed with them if he was not given #1?

Anyhow, Massa to me is just another Brazilian lapdog for Ferrari:rofl:

WGAF about the midget:D

10-23-06, 11:15 AM
I don't think he's the next Senna, but I think he a A team driver. He drives clean and fast and since he has two GP wins under his belt, he knows how to get to the checkered flag. I think he can be a title contender in years to come. I think Kimi will be faster than him next year but will make more mistakes.

Dirty Sanchez
10-23-06, 11:58 AM
good but not great. was dominated by fisichella... which should tell you something. but he seems pretty comfortable at ferrari. whatever. I expect raikkonen to be the #1.

10-23-06, 12:02 PM
I think Massa will be WDC next year.

Kimi is blindingly fast but I feel he currently lacks the race craft to see the bigger picture and can arguably be hard on equipment. It will be his first year on a new team, in a new car on new tires.

Massa has been there a couple of years, Mikey seemed to like him and took him under his wing. The crew likes him, management seems to like him. He has thousands of testing miles, hundreds of race miles, knows the tires and setups.
He has the momentum. Next year should go his way.

Dirty Sanchez
10-23-06, 12:04 PM
the tires will be new for everyone.

10-23-06, 04:16 PM
Massa won't see Kimi again after the lights go out.

Dr. Corkski
10-23-06, 04:23 PM
good but not great. was dominated by fisichella... which should tell you something.But he beat Jesus Villeneuve, doesn't that count for something? :rofl:

10-23-06, 06:39 PM
Got to agree, good but not great. Greatness would have gotten him a top flight ride sooner. Ferrari will most likely have a huge shift in philosophy I would think, designing a car around one person versus whatever is currently on the table. Will it suit Massa's style better or Kimi's? My guess would be Massa at this point since he has a year under his belt with a couple wins and apparently the good housekeeping seal from Schumi. I'm very curious how Kimi will pan out at Ferrari post Schumi.

10-23-06, 06:46 PM
Massa surprised me... at Sauber he was such a hot-head, crashed out so often on ill advised moves and such. Really kept control this season. I was fairly impressed.

I think that Kimi and Alonso could have kept Michael a lot more honest than Massa did, though. So I'll join the ranks of "good, not great".

Kimi will have a tough time early in the season keeping up to Massa, but will beat him regularily by the end of the season. By 2008 Massa will be the obvious #2.


10-23-06, 09:04 PM
Is it too early to start the Scumi back in '08 rumors yet?

Twisty Bits
10-23-06, 09:19 PM
Is it too early to start the Scumi back in '08 rumors yet?

It's never too early.:D

10-23-06, 09:27 PM
Is it too early to start the Scumi back in '08 rumors yet?

If by "back" you mean "part of Paul Stoddart's Champcar team."

:gomer: :gomer: :gomer:

10-23-06, 10:57 PM

Dr. Corkski
10-23-06, 11:07 PM
If by "back" you mean "part of Paul Stoddart's Champcar team."

:gomer: :gomer: :gomer:Massa's driver suit at Interlagos makes it pretty obvious that he is jumping ship to join Pizzonia in Champ Car at Rocketsports Team Brazil.

10-24-06, 09:16 AM
Massa's driver suit at Interlagos makes it pretty obvious that he is jumping ship to join Pizzonia in Champ Car at Rocketsports Team Brazil.

You've got it all wrong. "Massa" is just "Masa" with an extra 's'. What's masa made of? Corn. Corn = Indianer = Massa to IRL in 2007.

I mean, it couldn't be any clearer.

Dr. Corkski
10-24-06, 11:15 AM
You've got it all wrong. "Massa" is just "Masa" with an extra 's'. What's masa made of? Corn. Corn = Indianer = Massa to IRL in 2007.

I mean, it couldn't be any clearer.Gentilozzi spells it as "Ma$$a".

10-24-06, 04:06 PM
Give a mid-pack driver a front row car, a lot of test miles in same, a year to mature and a lot of coaching and your liable to see him win some races.

Woobens had some good drives at Ferrari as well.
At Honda, not so much.


10-24-06, 04:47 PM
Give a mid-pack driver a front row car, a lot of test miles in same, a year to mature and a lot of coaching and your liable to see him win some races.

Woobens had some good drives at Ferrari as well.
At Honda, not so much.



10-24-06, 05:24 PM
I happen to believe Massa is the reason Schumi is retired. Massa had the balls to tell the team he would not be second fiddle and Michael is smart enough to know his teammate was gonna run him for his money every start, something he is not used to.;)

10-24-06, 06:28 PM

Yah Chop, I always thought Massa was a better comedian than a driver.

Kahauna Dreamer
10-25-06, 09:17 AM
Massa—the new Damon Hill

11-09-06, 09:39 AM
I think Massa will be WDC next year.

Kimi is blindingly fast but I feel he currently lacks the race craft to see the bigger picture and can arguably be hard on equipment. It will be his first year on a new team, in a new car on new tires.

Massa has been there a couple of years, Mikey seemed to like him and took him under his wing. The crew likes him, management seems to like him. He has thousands of testing miles, hundreds of race miles, knows the tires and setups.
He has the momentum. Next year should go his way.

You have a great point. I really belive that Massa totally sees "The bigger picture" Also I don't think that "The iceman " would be the #1 driver at Ferrari, he would have to fight that spot with results. I think that Felipe would really show next year how good he is.

09-10-08, 08:58 AM
Well I'll be go-ta-Hell...

Elmo T
09-10-08, 09:14 AM
Some interesting foreshadowing here.... :rofl:

Don Quixote
09-10-08, 09:39 AM
Good one. Whatever happened to that racer2c character. :)

09-12-08, 02:25 PM
Well Massa has a team mate for the next two seasons.

Kimi has been confirmed at Ferrari for 2009 and 2010.

Sean Malone
09-12-08, 02:57 PM
Good one. Whatever happened to that racer2c character. :)

Is massa WDC yet? :eek:

he truly is spectacular. Best ever. Living legend.