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12-06-06, 06:46 PM
When I got home last night at around 6:00pm, I noticed that a police chopper had the searchlight trained on the canyon behind my neighborhood (rarely a good sign), then this morning I saw a news crew setting up down the street from my house. Turns out that some joggers found skeletal remains during their afternoon run:


:eek: The canyon is a nice place for a walk, but I don't think I'll look at it quite the same way again!

12-06-06, 09:50 PM
Sorry to hear that Anteater. The unfortunate truth seems to be that if you live somewhere long enough this eventually happens. :(


12-06-06, 10:08 PM
Sorry to hear that Anteater. The unfortunate truth seems to be that if you live somewhere long enough this eventually happens. :(


No bull!

I live in a town that has had just 2 murders in the past 10 years. About 3 years ago was the last one. I lived in an apartment 150 yards from where it happened. I left to go to work and was pretty much blocked in by the media equipment... It was a big deal.

Of course it was all over drugs. Therefore the lesson is...

12-07-06, 08:30 AM
Eek, human remains found near my house!Me too!



Andrew Longman
12-07-06, 10:51 AM
Me too!


I used to rent part of a 250 year old farm house near Lambertville, NJ. John Lambert (same family that later founded Warner-Lambert) was buried in my front yard behind the landlord's kid's swingset.

I guess you just did it that way back then.

12-07-06, 02:30 PM
The unfortunate truth seems to be that if you live somewhere long enough this eventually happens. :(

ocOf course, if you move a lot, and this stuff still happens everywhere you move to, then the problem just might be you.

Kinda scary Anteater. Any update?

12-07-06, 04:17 PM
I live about 3 miles from the Green River Killer. After he was hauled away, his house was sold. The new owners didn't realize who lived there until after they had moved in.

12-07-06, 07:11 PM
Yikes--aren't there any disclosure laws for Washington real estate, Wabbit? I think that sellers in California have to disclose things like that to potential buyers. Did the people keep the house?

3 years ago, there was a murder in a house a couple of blocks from mine (this is a pretty quiet neighborhood usually!) . Very sad story--a man got into an argument with his 87-year-old father and shot him to death in the bedroom. After the house was sold, the buyers gutted and remodeled the whole place--I think that's the only way to get rid of the bad ju-ju!

Getting back to the original story, here's the latest:

Poor guy! :( Sounds like he went off the rails and ended up dead.

12-07-06, 07:30 PM
I left some "human remains" in the groaner at work yesterday. Caused quite an uproar...

12-07-06, 10:38 PM
There are a couple of things I don't understand about this story:

1. The small canyon where the joggers found the bones is right behind the victim's house. Wonder how hard the sheriffs searched the area?

2. Why does the poor guy look so happy in his mug shot?

12-07-06, 11:36 PM
There are a couple of things I don't understand about this story:

1. The small canyon where the joggers found the bones is right behind the victim's house. Wonder how hard the sheriffs searched the area?
'Zactly what I was wondering.

12-08-06, 02:20 PM
There are a couple of things I don't understand about this story:

1. The small canyon where the joggers found the bones is right behind the victim's house. Wonder how hard the sheriffs searched the area?

2. Why does the poor guy look so happy in his mug shot?

Joggers probably run the same trail all the time so if the bones were just found you could guess that some critter or heavy rains had recently moved the bones into view or leaves off the trees made them more visible.

He looks drunk/high in the picture.