View Full Version : Happy B'Day You CArT STrret race loosers
12-29-06, 04:53 AM
U.S. Bankruptcy Judge Frank J. Otte accepts the offer from Open Wheel Racing Series, LLC, as a qualified bid for the assets of CART, setting the stage for the purchase of the series by Kevin Kalkhoven, Gerald Forsythe and Paul Gentilozzi.
nissan gtp
12-29-06, 08:52 AM
thanks for the reminder :thumbup:
that was a pretty tense time -- this year with the DP01 rolling our is betta :cool:
12-29-06, 12:24 PM
SURfaceUNIts you is close its mower liek this
HAPpy BIRthday you CARt strret race loosers. YOU shoud have let CARt die so that AMEricn open wheel coud strive and prospers under TOney GORge. BEacuase you got some guldarned downunder flimflam goofball with a bad berd and more money than cents payin for everthing AMERcian open wheel will never be what it coudl be. THAts waht TOney GOrge shoud be doin. CAN you imagine what it woud be like today if it was all under TONey GORge? HUh? CAn you? BOggels the mined.
SEe its all your faults. BUT just wate. THis is our year. We got DANicle and some VEnzuwhalen chick with a set of bra buddies that ought to propel her to the podium. hahahahahha I sure woud like to see her get hosed down with a bottel of champain if you know hwat I meen. hahahahahahahaha
THE IRl - weer more than just a couple a gimmicks.
SURfaceUNIts you is close its mower liek this
HAPpy BIRthday you CARt strret race loosers. YOU shoud have let CARt die so that AMEricn open wheel coud strive and prospers under TOney GORge. BEacuase you got some guldarned downunder flimflam goofball with a bad berd and more money than cents payin for everthing AMERcian open wheel will never be what it coudl be. THAts waht TOney GOrge shoud be doin. CAN you imagine what it woud be like today if it was all under TONey GORge? HUh? CAn you? BOggels the mined.
SEe its all your faults. BUT just wate. THis is our year. We got DANicle and some VEnzuwhalen chick with a set of bra buddies that ought to propel her to the podium. hahahahahha I sure woud like to see her get hosed down with a bottel of champain if you know hwat I meen. hahahahahahahaha
THE IRl - weer more than just a couple a gimmicks.
Someone please tell me this is a joke and is all tongue and cheek by the poster!!!! If not, i just learned something LARGE about the demographics of the typical IRL fan that the EARL caters to.
KK has never had anything to worry about!:D
Someone please tell me this is a joke and is all tongue and cheek by the poster!!!! If not, i just learned something LARGE about the demographics of the typical IRL fan that the EARL caters to.
KK has never had anything to worry about!:D
BiF ( is for real alright! ;)
BiF ( is for real alright! ;)
nissan gtp
12-29-06, 02:18 PM
after all these years, it never fails.
lots of fish in the sea :rofl:
Yeah, but the funniest thing of all is that there are tens and dozens of people who REALLY think like that! I know I do!:tony:
12-29-06, 02:47 PM
Yeah, but the funniest thing of all is that there are tens and dozens of people who REALLY think like that! I know I do!:tony:
Yeah, Niz, but you kan't rite LIk that. (Me 'neither). Anything that bring BiF out of the wouldwerk is ohkay by me.
:rofl: :rofl: :rofl:
SURfaceUNIts you is close its mower liek this
HAPpy BIRthday you CARt strret race loosers. YOU shoud have let CARt die so that AMEricn open wheel coud strive and prospers under TOney GORge. BEacuase you got some guldarned downunder flimflam goofball with a bad berd and more money than cents payin for everthing AMERcian open wheel will never be what it coudl be. THAts waht TOney GOrge shoud be doin. CAN you imagine what it woud be like today if it was all under TONey GORge? HUh? CAn you? BOggels the mined.
SEe its all your faults. BUT just wate. THis is our year. We got DANicle and some VEnzuwhalen chick with a set of bra buddies that ought to propel her to the podium. hahahahahha I sure woud like to see her get hosed down with a bottel of champain if you know hwat I meen. hahahahahahahaha
THE IRl - weer more than just a couple a gimmicks.
Hey Bif! You knock up that woman of yours yet?
12-29-06, 03:21 PM
Real American Heroes:
Here's to you Big IRL Fan!
When all your favorite drivers were fighting for the on-track pass, you were dicing it out as well: To pass third grade! (Can't find my cheatsheet!)
While everybody else is outside getting fresh air and sunshine, you're in mom's basement, schooling the street-race losers. (God I love them fartin' BEES!)
Tony George made this league for guys just like you, BIF. You get to occupy you own entire section of the grandstands, and seek shade at your leisure.
So here's to you, Mr Big IRL Fan: Watch out for the thumb-sized debris!
Mr. Really, great Big iRL Fan!.....
Joelski :rofl: :laugh: :rofl:
12-29-06, 04:10 PM
SURfaceUNIts you is close its mower liek this
HAPpy BIRthday you CARt strret race loosers. YOU shoud have let CARt die so that AMEricn open wheel coud strive and prospers under TOney GORge. BEacuase you got some guldarned downunder flimflam goofball with a bad berd and more money than cents payin for everthing AMERcian open wheel will never be what it coudl be. THAts waht TOney GOrge shoud be doin. CAN you imagine what it woud be like today if it was all under TONey GORge? HUh? CAn you? BOggels the mined.
SEe its all your faults. BUT just wate. THis is our year. We got DANicle and some VEnzuwhalen chick with a set of bra buddies that ought to propel her to the podium. hahahahahha I sure woud like to see her get hosed down with a bottel of champain if you know hwat I meen. hahahahahahahaha
THE IRl - weer more than just a couple a gimmicks.
Can't believe the mods of a supposed ChampCar message board would allow an IRL fan with a third grade education to post that drivel.
12-29-06, 04:23 PM :rofl: :rofl:
12-29-06, 05:32 PM
BiF + New Years Eve = :eek:
BiF + New Years Eve = :eek:
I thought Eve was BiF#'s sister? :eek: Or was her name Summer? I don't know, something about Eve and/or Summer....:yuck:
bIf# keeps trying but the fact remains that he's the only EARL fan to get kicked out of TF.:shakehead
12-29-06, 06:12 PM
Good grief! How many fish can you catch with one hook?
12-29-06, 06:14 PM
Can't believe the mods of a supposed ChampCar message board would allow an IRL fan with a third grade education to post that drivel.
YoOv juSt gott o nkoW hOw toR eEd BiF#s wrIItIng:rofl: :thumbup: :tony:
12-29-06, 07:47 PM
YoOv juSt gott o nkoW hOw toR eEd BiF#s wrIItIng:rofl: :thumbup: :tony:
You got that right! Good to see you doc! Looks like your lightening translator/master decoder ring is working right well today. :D
12-29-06, 07:56 PM
12-29-06, 08:00 PM
Bif! :laugh:
Real American Heroes:
Here's to you Big IRL Fan!
When all your favorite drivers were fighting for the on-track pass, you were dicing it out as well: To pass third grade! (Can't find my cheatsheet!)
While everybody else is outside getting fresh air and sunshine, you're in mom's basement, schooling the street-race losers. (God I love them fartin' BEES!)
Tony George made this league for guys just like you, BIF. You get to occupy you own entire section of the grandstands, and seek shade at your leisure.
So here's to you, Mr Big IRL Fan: Watch out for the thumb-sized debris!
Mr. Really, great Big iRL Fan!.....
manic mechanic
12-30-06, 12:10 AM
Real American Heroes:
Here's to you Big IRL Fan!
When all your favorite drivers were fighting for the on-track pass, you were dicing it out as well: To pass third grade! (Can't find my cheatsheet!)
While everybody else is outside getting fresh air and sunshine, you're in mom's basement, schooling the street-race losers. (God I love them fartin' BEES!)
Tony George made this league for guys just like you, BIF. You get to occupy you own entire section of the grandstands, and seek shade at your leisure.
So here's to you, Mr Big IRL Fan: Watch out for the thumb-sized debris! (look ouuuutttt!!!)
Mr. Really, great Big iRL Fan!.....
Absolutely classic, Joelski!!!:rofl: :rofl: :rofl:
It's even funnier when read with the "announcer" voice! I tried it and even Mrs. Manic laughed!!
Tony George
12-30-06, 12:50 AM
BIf# is my Hiro! :tony:
12-30-06, 01:09 AM
BIf# is my Hiro! :tony:
THe ffeling is mutual TOney. HOley COw TOney FReeking GOrge. TOney can I aks you a qestion? WHne its MAy and you got JAn SHAver and JIm WIlke an JOhn HOward and all your buddies in LITTle ALs trayler playing gin rummie or what ever you call it [wink wink) cna me and BUck come along to? MAn would I ever liek to just getyou boys some beers and listen to you talk bout the ggod times. LIke when AJ smaked ol MArio around. OR when fatbouy PAul Tracey passed HELoi under the yellow. hahahahahahaha Hooo boy, that one was the bestest of all. I coud bring soem ham sammiches too. ADrian makes grate ones. ANd BUck can bring some of his special sauce if you know what I meen. hahahahahaha HEs brewing up a new batch for NEw YEars EVes. MAn oh man is that gone to be fun. Weer bringing guns two.
HAppy NEw YEars TOney. YOU da man.
THe IRl - weel get a new vision in 07 to
Two with one hook; and after all these years... :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:
It took me a while to work it out.....:gomer: :laugh:
BiF :thumbup: :)
12-30-06, 02:30 PM
THe IRl - weel get a new vision in 07 to
Gotta love the sig line. :thumbup:
12-30-06, 07:27 PM
Hey. BiF's birthday is Monday.
Happy birthday!
Tony George
12-31-06, 12:46 AM
THe ffeling is mutual TOney. HOley COw TOney FReeking GOrge. TOney can I aks you a qestion? WHne its MAy and you got JAn SHAver and JIm WIlke an JOhn HOward and all your buddies in LITTle ALs trayler playing gin rummie or what ever you call it [wink wink) cna me and BUck come along to? MAn would I ever liek to just getyou boys some beers and listen to you talk bout the ggod times. LIke when AJ smaked ol MArio around. OR when fatbouy PAul Tracey passed HELoi under the yellow. hahahahahahaha Hooo boy, that one was the bestest of all. I coud bring soem ham sammiches too. ADrian makes grate ones. ANd BUck can bring some of his special sauce if you know what I meen. hahahahahaha HEs brewing up a new batch for NEw YEars EVes. MAn oh man is that gone to be fun. Weer bringing guns two.
HAppy NEw YEars TOney. YOU da man.
THe IRl - weel get a new vision in 07 to
Fred says it is OK for you and Buck to stop by. Bring your Colombian friend too. My supply is running low... Do I still get a discount on oil changes? As you know, times are tough and the money isn't flowing as freely as in the past!
12-31-06, 03:05 AM
REElly? HOley SMokes. I get to partay with TOney FRiggin GORge. YEeehaw. YOU got a 8 track player TONey.? I got me a kick ass SKInnerd tape thats grate for gettin crazy with. ANd soem old SEegar to. HOLey CRap. THis is gone to rock. BUT I aint go no COlumbeen frend. UNLes you meen TIppy. HE aint COLumbeen. HEes from SHelbyville hahahahahaha MAN of man MAy is gone to rock. CAN you get me a garage pass? MAYbe I can help change the oils in the cars. ANd helll yes bring your cars over for a oil change. Id be honorered to do it. ANd for free. TONey you rock. I cant imagine wheres weed be with out you.
THe IRl - AINt no festivals here
Weer bringing guns two.
REElly? HOley SMokes. I get to partay with TOney FRiggin GORge. YEeehaw. YOU got a 8 track player TONey.? I got me a kick ass SKInnerd tape thats grate for gettin crazy with. ANd soem old SEegar to. HOLey CRap. THis is gone to rock. BUT I aint go no COlumbeen frend. UNLes you meen TIppy. HE aint COLumbeen. HEes from SHelbyville hahahahahaha MAN of man MAy is gone to rock. CAN you get me a garage pass? MAYbe I can help change the oils in the cars. ANd helll yes bring your cars over for a oil change. Id be honorered to do it. ANd for free. TONey you rock. I cant imagine wheres weed be with out you.
THe IRl - AINt no festivals here
Sweet BiF#. Hey, how'd the squirrel hunting go?
12-31-06, 10:12 PM
hAy BiF# I gOt aN 8t RacK wiTh a 2400wAt soUnD sySteM if yOu aNd tOney rEEly waNa jAm!
01-01-07, 03:35 PM
8 track BiF??? Dude, we're up to Compact Cassette now. Wheres your head lately?:shakehead
01-03-07, 06:01 PM
REElly? HOley SMokes. ANd helll yes bring your cars over for a oil change. Id be honorered to do it. ANd for free. TONey you rock. I cant imagine wheres weed be with out you.
THe IRl - AINt no festivals here
And Tony just saved his teams some mechanic money. Brilliant! :D
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