View Full Version : I'm just gonna sit here...
01-08-03, 01:59 PM
...with my browser open to the forums and wait till we break the record for "Most people online at one time" record of 17. I just don't like the number 17. It sounds so... so...
Winter Warlock!
01-08-03, 02:10 PM
Jail-baity?? Classic!!:rofl:
01-08-03, 02:16 PM
OK, cool....I'll sit here too. Someone send me an email when we hit the 18 mark....
01-08-03, 02:43 PM
01-08-03, 02:48 PM
Originally posted by Warlock!
[Bthe number 17. It sounds so... so...
Speak for yourself (just joking)
01-08-03, 03:13 PM
Had 16 about 3 minutes ago 'lock, but it's dwindling now... looks like you're stuck here until after lunch again tomorrow ;)
01-08-03, 03:17 PM
I tried to help. ;)
01-08-03, 03:38 PM
Bastards! Where's the sense of community 'round here?!?
Winter Warlock!
My browser will be open on this page until 8:00 tonight. Then it will be back on it from 3-midnight tomorrow. I won't be around Friday and Saturday, but I'll be back Sunday afternoon.:)
01-08-03, 04:48 PM
Warlock!! I stayed here and YOU disappeared when I checked back!!! 'Sup with that???
01-08-03, 09:07 PM
Hey, where's
01-08-03, 09:17 PM
I'm here and here I'll stay. Warlock! where are you?
I am here but can't stay! almost bedtime. Lets go for a weekend time! I am pretty sure I will be home all weekend. Post it and they will come.
Warlock! It may happen today. 13 and it isn't even lunch time yet.
01-09-03, 01:12 PM
Tied about 20 minutes ago...
yeah...and warlock! wasn't even here.
He is the reason for not breaking the record.
01-09-03, 01:55 PM
I HATE it when I hafta deal with this pesky work thing taking time outta my life-goals! ;) Ok... I'm here for the long haul now.
By the way, if a person is working in another window in front of your browser window, does it still say that the person is here? Cause that's all I've been doin'...
Winter Warlock!
01-09-03, 06:38 PM
Tied again about 30 minutes ago. I feel bad that I didn't log in.
01-10-03, 12:33 AM
Hello?? Anyone here??
Classic Apex
01-10-03, 12:41 AM
Ahem. I have a so-called "Office Day" tomorrow.
(translation: I'll be in the second bedroom surfing the net all day while on conference calls)
Warlock, we gotta do it for the kids!!!!
My browser will be open and parked right here all day tomorrow.
01-10-03, 08:15 AM
Everyone aim for checking in at 11:50 today at which time yesterday we tied high.
01-10-03, 09:41 AM
If the guests would sign in we would already have 14.:confused:
01-10-03, 12:01 PM
If you could see the IPs of the guests, you'd understand why they're not signing up. :D
01-10-03, 12:19 PM
Originally posted by WickerBill
If you could see the IPs of the guests, you'd understand why they're not signing up. :D
oh and T minus 30
Originally posted by WickerBill
If you could see the IPs of the guests, you'd understand why they're not signing up. :D
Well if it is who I think it is, then they should concentrate on their own business and stop worrying about everybody else's. If they would do that, maybe they could improve the decrepit situation that it has turned into.
Yeah, Im talking to you....:p :p
Maybe they're just from They'd like to register, but they can't figure out how! :D
01-10-03, 12:45 PM
Maybe they're lemmings?
Allright WB where did you go? You might be missing a historic moment!
01-10-03, 02:29 PM
It's not who you think it is, if that's who you think it is.
01-10-03, 02:36 PM
I would guess it's TF members who don't feel they need registration practice - 'cause they know they're going to get nuked in a split second.
01-10-03, 02:55 PM
Soooo?? How'd we do??
Originally posted by WickerBill
It's not who you think it is, if that's who you think it is.
Well if it's the koolaid brigade, they can kiss my hairy red ... as well. :D
Originally posted by TrueBrit
Soooo?? How'd we do??
Not so good. Guess we will have to try again.
Originally posted by WickerBill
It's not who you think it is, if that's who you think it is.
WB Nope I was not thinking of whom you thought I was thinking of.
01-10-03, 05:29 PM
Originally posted by mello
Nope I was not thinking of whom you thought I was thinking of.
I thought you were asking about the OTHER person you thought he said you were thinking about??
Nope I was not thinking about the other person he thought or you thought I was thinking of. Actually I don't think I was thinking.:)
Maybe its who I thought of after he said it wasn't who he thought she was thinking of.
01-13-03, 12:02 PM
hey we just tied again at 17
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