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View Full Version : Hellman's or Miracle Whip

12-31-06, 08:39 AM
propogated by Cart7's response to the bacon thread. The BLT may just be the perfect sammich of all time. But it begs the question:

miracle Whip or Hellman's Real Mayonaisse?

12-31-06, 08:42 AM
Hellmans, I don't care much for the bite that Miracle whip adds to my BLT.

Don Quixote
12-31-06, 11:35 AM
a worthless factoid: Hellmans is called "Best Foods" here in Denver. I'm not sure about the rest of the west.

12-31-06, 11:45 AM
Hellman's baby!:thumbup:

I use Miracle Whip on my peanut butter sandwiches with salt and peppa.

12-31-06, 11:56 AM
Real mayo only!

12-31-06, 01:29 PM
I find miracle whip is too sweet.

Hellman's is good, but on occasion I do like to make my own. flavored mayos are the best that way....

12-31-06, 01:43 PM
i voted for the 'whip. i prefer the taste & texture.

hellman's is too gellatinous(sp) for my liking.

12-31-06, 01:45 PM

12-31-06, 02:08 PM

You just hatin on Mayo in general there boss? :D

12-31-06, 03:29 PM
When I was growing up, the mom unit didn't keep mayo in the house, it was always MW. Even so, I really can't tell the difference between Mayo and MW.

12-31-06, 03:38 PM
a worthless factoid: Hellmans is called "Best Foods" here in Denver. I'm not sure about the rest of the west.

It is the rest of the west. I've always wondered why that was...

12-31-06, 04:11 PM
Horseradish Mustard.

12-31-06, 04:35 PM
When I was growing up, the mom unit didn't keep mayo in the house, it was always MW.

I grew up with Hellmans. I am carrying on the tradition.

12-31-06, 04:36 PM

I second that.

I hate all things mayo & anything that contains mayo or might contain mayo at some point in the future. I even hate an inference that the use of mayo might possibly be considered at some point in the distant future...

12-31-06, 05:05 PM
Horseradish Mustard.

Weber's Horseradish Mustard: makes anything taste good.

12-31-06, 05:28 PM

12-31-06, 05:46 PM
You just hatin on Mayo in general there boss? :D

That would be a yes. :yuck: :yuck:

12-31-06, 06:08 PM
That would be a yes. :yuck: :yuck:

[true story]

when i was a young tike 'bout 2,3,4 or so, when i knew i did somethin bad I would get the Hellman's and hide under the bed in the guest BR and eat the Mayo straight outta the jar til somebody (usually pops) found me and thusly kicked my ass.

i think that's why i can drink so much in adulthood. :\

Andrew Longman
12-31-06, 06:23 PM
The wife won't let Miracle Whip in the house. Something about "what IS that stuff?"

Caine's is the best mayo, if you can find it. Or make your own. Its easy.

12-31-06, 07:20 PM
Weber's Horseradish Mustard: makes anything taste good.

When I was five I started making my own sandwiches. The PB was on a cabinet shelf I couldn't reach so I explored the door of the fridge. Matriculated with mayo, graduated to brown mustard, and started grad work early when I got to horseradish mustard. :)

01-01-07, 08:48 AM

Love the stuff. Miracle Whip is for bed-wetting momma's boys.


01-01-07, 01:52 PM
Love the stuff. Miracle Whip is for bed-wetting momma's boys.

:DI put Miracle Whip on my filet mignons.

Is that wrong?


Seriously, someone told me, if you are a MW person, you tend to choose salty snacks, if you are a Mayo person, you tend to choose sweet snacks.
An informal poll proved it to be correct-ish.

01-01-07, 04:21 PM
Neither is fit for human consumption.

01-02-07, 12:09 PM
[true story]

i think that's why i can't drink so much in adulthood. :\

01-02-07, 03:23 PM



01-02-07, 03:28 PM

01-02-07, 04:03 PM

You prefer ants, spiders, and yak spewey?:p

01-02-07, 04:13 PM
I'll have the chop with 1/2 lb beef and 1/2 link of alsatian jalapeno sausage, please. Thanks.

