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View Full Version : Apple does 802.11n

01-09-07, 06:55 PM
Apple just announced a new Apple Extreme 802.11n base station. Seems my MacBook Pro has an 802.11n wireless card in it, who knew? Now they are selling 802.11n base stations which means I can sit in a nice confortable chair with the powerbook and access the nas at a useful speed.


01-09-07, 07:24 PM
apple announced a lot more than just that today! :)



4GB, $499 2 yr w/ Cingular; 8GB, $599 2 yr w/ Cingular.


I want one, my inner Dallasite is starting to emerge :cry:

01-09-07, 07:35 PM
ank, you a**h***.

I was happy with my Motorola RAZR, right up until your post.

01-09-07, 07:58 PM
Apple needs to sell that thing with someone other than Cingular.

Cingular's Utah coverage sucks the moment you leave the Interstate.

01-09-07, 08:01 PM
Apple needs to sell that thing with someone other than Cingular.

Cingular's Utah coverage sucks the moment you leave the Interstate.

That's when Utah gets good. right after you leave the innerstaid.:laugh:

01-09-07, 08:07 PM
Wow. That thing looks seriously cool.

WTF does this mean?


01-09-07, 08:11 PM
WTF does this mean?


iTV on your iPhone over wifi

01-09-07, 08:14 PM
looked like OJ punching george costanza.

01-09-07, 08:19 PM
It's Dwight Schrute getting punched on an episode of The Office.

... and I don't even watch The Office :gomer:

Sean O'Gorman
01-09-07, 10:46 PM

No punctuation on the keyboard, so its great for, say, Lee from dolanforum.

01-10-07, 09:41 AM
It's going to get all covered in fingerprints and smudges. Not coming out till June.

01-10-07, 09:42 AM

No punctuation on the keyboard, so its great for, say, Lee from dolanforum.

The ".?123" button in the bottom left will bring up the punctuation keyboad.

01-10-07, 09:47 AM
It's Dwight Schrute getting punched on an episode of The Office.

... and I don't even watch The Office :gomer:

Actually, it's Dwight knocking coffee out of Stanley's hand because he thinks it's poisoned. Jim sent Dwight faxes from "Future Dwight" warning him the coffee is poisoned. :)

01-10-07, 10:18 AM
I agree it is a cool looking phone but it is bigger then I would care to tote around.

I assume some of the video capabilities will depend on Cingular's 3G network. Has that gotten beyond major cities yet?

I'm sure they will sell a ton of them.

01-10-07, 10:43 AM
iPhone doesn't have 3G or EVDO capability apparently.

01-10-07, 11:06 AM
iPhone doesn't have 3G or EVDO capability apparently.

Oh. Guess I should find the announcement to read. I assumed it would do streaming video. Guess it must be doing downloads through itunes then.


OK, I read your link from above. Looks like Wi-fi or Edge. We've got a cingular pc card and Edge sucks for surfing.

01-10-07, 12:08 PM

^^ size comparisons, looks fishy though...

01-10-07, 12:27 PM
The ".?123" button in the bottom left will bring up the punctuation keyboad.


O'Goofman owned again. :laugh:

01-10-07, 03:15 PM
Oh. Guess I should find the announcement to read. I assumed it would do streaming video. Guess it must be doing downloads through itunes then.

It's GSM and EDGE.

01-10-07, 03:18 PM
Battery isn't removable either.

01-10-07, 08:29 PM
Evidently Cisco has a trademark on "iPhone" and they were in ongoing negotiations for licensing going into CES. Now they're suing.


01-11-07, 09:19 AM
Evidently Cisco has a trademark on "iPhone" and they were in ongoing negotiations for licensing going into CES. Now they're suing.


Nice move! Apple doesn't sign the deal before announcing it and now they're nailed.

01-11-07, 09:29 AM
Nice move! Apple doesn't sign the deal before announcing it and now they're nailed.

somebody's getting a new IP lawyer. :p

01-11-07, 11:52 AM
Chances are that they'll have an agreement hashed out before June.

What the article doesn't mention is that Cisco has been allowing others to use the name iPhone without permission .... and without suing (of course, this comes from Apple's lawyer).

Dirty Sanchez
01-11-07, 01:18 PM
cisco has owned it since 2000 and done nothing with it. this lawsuit is likely to get thrown out or bought out relatively cheaply.

in short... non-issue.

01-11-07, 02:26 PM
Cisco has no reason on earth to walk away from a potentially very large settlement. They solidly own the name and they have no other business dealings with Apple to cause them to acquiesce to Steve Jobs wishes.

01-11-07, 02:29 PM
Chances are that they'll have an agreement hashed out before June.

What the article doesn't mention is that Cisco has been allowing others to use the name iPhone without permission .... and without suing (of course, this comes from Apple's lawyer).

I'm sure they'll either settle or Apple will rename it. The product will come out. In the end, Apple can rename it and people will still refer to it as the iPhone.

01-11-07, 02:31 PM
cisco has owned it since 2000 and done nothing with it. this lawsuit is likely to get thrown out or bought out relatively cheaply.

in short... non-issue.

It's definitely not a non-issue. And they are currently using the name: http://www.linksys.com/servlet/Satellite?c=L_Product_C1&childpagename=US%2FLayout&cid=1127783457023&pagename=Linksys%2FCommon%2FVisitorWrapper

Also, it doesn't matter if it was never used, they own the trademark.

Dirty Sanchez
01-11-07, 02:44 PM

some facts about trademarks...

-Federal trademark registrations require continuous use in order to maintain them in good standing.

-All trademarks require some degree of policing in order to maintain rights. If you are aware of somebody stepping on your rights you are required to take action if you want to maintain your full rights. The higher the profile the infringer or infringement, the more this is true.

-A trademark may be used in commerce in a backroom sense, i.e. not on or in connection with a consumer product, and trademark rights may be maintained.

-Suitable trademark use for maintaining a registration requires use on or in connection with tangible goods. Unsuitable trademark specimens include advertising and press releases.

-Trademark infringement and resulting damages may occur by virtue of advertising and press releases.

in all likelihood, Cisco has sued to preserve its rights should negotiations break down.

01-11-07, 05:01 PM
They solidly own the name and they have no other business dealings with Apple to cause them to acquiesce to Steve Jobs wishes.

just because they have a trademark filed doesn't mean they "solidly own the name." if anyone's been using the trademark, and they haven't sought to defend it, they've eroded their claim to it

01-11-07, 05:34 PM
And if they have license agreements with those companies for the use of the name then they have greatly strengthened their argument. Cisco did not get to be the size that they are by being stupid.

01-11-07, 05:38 PM
and apple did it by being stupid? and my previous post refers to unauthorized uses, not licensed ones.

01-11-07, 05:40 PM
just because they have a trademark filed doesn't mean they "solidly own the name." if anyone's been using the trademark, and they haven't sought to defend it, they've eroded their claim to it

Who else is using it besides Linksys? (And now Apple)

01-11-07, 05:41 PM
and apple did it by being stupid? and my previous post refers to unauthorized uses, not licensed ones.

Jobs said during his keynote that he expected the deal to be signed the same day to use the name. I'd say it was pretty stupid to not have the deal signed before the keynote.

01-11-07, 05:45 PM
Who else is using it besides Linksys? (And now Apple)

obviously I don't know, my original post is in reference to your and extramundane's claim that just b/c Cisco has a trademark filed that they undoubtedly possess the rights to the trademarked name. This is not true.

Dirty Sanchez
01-11-07, 05:46 PM
example (http://www.amazon.com/iPhone-Skype-Ready-Phone-Black/dp/B000I0U5HU)

example (http://www.telephonemagic.com/teledex-voip-hotel-iphone-hybrid.htm)

example (http://iphone.com/)

01-11-07, 09:22 PM
obviously I don't know, my original post is in reference to your and extramundane's claim that just b/c Cisco has a trademark filed that they undoubtedly possess the rights to the trademarked name. This is not true.

Maybe I should clarify, Cisco owns Linksys, so they are using the name. Also, Apple certainly felt that Cisco has a valid claim to it as well. A little late for them to argue they don't (not that they did). Would the fact that iPhone, when googled basically points to Apple hurt them more if they did indeed infringe on the trademark and have now made a mess of the name?

01-12-07, 10:13 AM
Summary from CNET on what Apple could argue in its defense: http://news.com.com/2100-1041_3-6149755.html

02-22-07, 04:56 AM
Apple, Cisco Settle iPhone Trademark Dispute (http://money.cnn.com/2007/02/21/technology/iphonedisputesettle.reut/index.htm?cnn=yes)

02-22-07, 11:39 AM
And if they have license agreements with those companies for the use of the name then they have greatly strengthened their argument. Cisco did not get to be the size that they are by being stupid.

apparently they were a buncha :gomer: on this one

02-22-07, 01:54 PM
Since the terms are secret it is rather hard to say who is getting what.

02-22-07, 02:32 PM
Since the terms are secret it is rather hard to say who is getting what.

We know Apple gets to use the iPhone name. ;)

02-27-07, 07:13 AM
iPhone commercial. (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6XOl2Wldmm4)

Fake iPhone commercial. (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1xXNoB3t8vM) :D