View Full Version : Robin Miller suggests KK et al cut bait and sell to TG!!!

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Racing Truth
02-27-07, 05:26 PM
Ask Gore and Kerry if base politics work.

I'm sure Steve would chat with you guys too, if you could just resist the temptation to write "Spicoli licks donkey balls" for ten minutes, but its a free country. You gotta do what you gotta do.

Yes, but those 2 are widely considered flawed candidates with very ineffectual campaigns. They ruined their own chances.

02-27-07, 05:29 PM
Yes, but those 2 are widely considered flawed candidates with very ineffectual campaigns. They ruined their own chances.

Steve and Spicoli? :confused:

Sean Malone
02-27-07, 05:35 PM
Ask Gore and Kerry if base politics work.

I'm sure Steve would chat with you guys too, if you could just resist the temptation to write "Spicoli licks donkey balls" for ten minutes, but its a free country. You gotta do what you gotta do.

What do you think would be posted if messages, threads and members didn't 'mysteriously' disappear?

02-27-07, 06:43 PM
They ruined their own chances.

Kerry was "swifted boated" by a fanatical base. Just like I bring my friends to races. Building the base works.

Ruben Barrios
02-27-07, 06:57 PM
All your base are belong to us!!!

02-27-07, 07:00 PM
Kerry was "swifted boated" by a fanatical base. Just like I bring my friends to races. Building the base works.

Let's keep the politics out of it. This discussion is about Champ Car and Robin Miller.

02-27-07, 07:24 PM
See, here's the thing, I don't want to speak for the mods or other board members, but we don't really want "insiders" posting here. When those guys show up, the whole place turns into one big @$$ kissing contest and pretty soon the ,,,,,,s are flying. I love that on OffCamber we can discuss Champ Car's flaws without being vilified by other board members or pacified by "Everything-will-be-alright" posts by the PTB. :thumbup:Not to start an argument or anything, but do you really think that this group could be wowed by a few PTB's?

Tony George
02-27-07, 07:59 PM
All your base are belong to us!!!

:rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

02-27-07, 08:25 PM
All your base are belong to us!!!


I think this is the original, but there were several...

02-27-07, 08:57 PM
Not to start an argument or anything, but do you really think that this group could be wowed by a few PTB's?

No, but the types who could be wowed would hang around here a lot more if the PsTB were posting.

Opposite Lock
02-27-07, 09:50 PM
No, but the types who could be wowed would hang around here a lot more if the PsTB were posting.

maybe we could reach out to the face of champcar to provide a character reference on our behalf for the PTB .


02-27-07, 10:03 PM
Not to start an argument or anything, but do you really think that this group could be wowed by a few PTB's?

I'd be wowed by 20 cars on the grid... with pretty sponsors on the side... :)


02-27-07, 10:35 PM

I think this is the original, but there were several...
AYB rules!

02-27-07, 10:41 PM
Not to start an argument or anything, but do you really think that this group could be wowed by a few PTB's?

Some might, but a lot of people would probably flock here as wll IMO.

02-27-07, 10:42 PM
maybe we could reach out to the face of champcar to provide a character reference on our behalf for the PTB .


I missed that fiasco. Reading it after it was over, brutal!

02-28-07, 03:08 AM
You guys still suck a meltdowns. :p

02-28-07, 06:21 AM
Not really looking for an argument here, but why does it matter? I understand that to some degree it matters because it was advertised that way, and I understand the natural racer's desire to have a lighter car with more power and stickier tires, but really ... from an operational point of view, what difference does it make? Even with a heavier car, you can still go faster by making gains in the L/D department and the Panoz has achieved that. I'll be surprised if we're not breaking track records regularly in good weather this season -- not by monster increments or anything, but by a tenth or two, maybe a bit more. If we give the fans a faster car, and it plays more nicely with itself than the Lola did in traffic, aside from the obvious credibility loss in not delivering what we advertised, does it really make any difference to the consumer?

Well, for starters, Ed, do you have any idea how many thousands of dollars we spent on the Lola every year to try to shave weight?

02-28-07, 06:54 AM
Ask Gore and Kerry if base politics work.

I'm sure Steve would chat with you guys too, if you could just resist the temptation to write "Spicoli licks donkey balls" for ten minutes, but its a free country. You gotta do what you gotta do.

I haven't licked donkey balls for years. Honestly.

02-28-07, 09:24 AM
Well, for starters, Ed, do you have any idea how many thousands of dollars we spent on the Lola every year to try to shave weight?

Yes, and I suppose my response to that would be this ... how much of that is even allowable anymore? To be perfectly honest, that's not something I've discussed at all with the boss -- too many other things on my plate right now to worry about decisions that ultimately aren't going to be mine -- but the rulebook contains a clause requiring the original manufactured weight of all Panoz parts to remain unchanged unless express permission is granted by Champ Car. Of course, we are going to have to allow the teams with heavier drivers some method of weight reduction so they can get the car down to their required minimum weight, and I don't know yet how we're choosing to accomplish that, but I think the current set of rules would essentially cap how much money the teams spend to trim weight off the car by tightly restricting where changes can be made, whereas before, that cap would have been dictated more by budget or ability.

Again, I'm not trying to be argumentative here ... if you can address this stuff from a team perspective, please do so. All I'm saying is that from my seat, it doesn't look to be nearly the problem it would have been if we delivered the Panoz heavy and then gave teams free reign to trim the weight in any way they wished.

Andrew Longman
02-28-07, 10:12 AM
I gotta agree with Ed. The first thing the fan wants is a car, any car, (well 20 cars) on the grid. Unless CC made the cost of buying and running a car competitively more affordable, that wasn't going to happen much longer.

Second most important to the fan is to have a compelling on track product. All those dollars spent shaving weight and developing the Lola put a big gap between the have and have-less teams. The Lola had been around long enough to become overdeveloped and it hurt the on track product.

The jury is still out on whether the Panoz will play better with itself in race conditions but even if the aero results are disappointing the overall product should be better just because all the teams are starting from the same spot and are large forced by rule to stay there.

I have no idea why the series haven't produced more results in terms of helping team acquire and maximize sponsorship, but that's got to be their #1 issue at the moment and for the future.

02-28-07, 12:01 PM
I haven't licked donkey balls for years. Honestly.

Glad you set the record striaght. (Told you it was important to deny internet rumors.)

02-28-07, 12:58 PM
Ed writes
"Yes, and I suppose my response to that would be this ... how much of that is even allowable anymore? To be perfectly honest, that's not something I've discussed at all with the boss -- too many other things on my plate right now to worry about decisions that ultimately aren't going to be mine -- but the rulebook contains a clause requiring the original manufactured weight of all Panoz parts to remain unchanged unless express permission is granted by Champ Car. Of course, we are going to have to allow the teams with heavier drivers some method of weight reduction so they can get the car down to their required minimum weight, and I don't know yet how we're choosing to accomplish that, but I think the current set of rules would essentially cap how much money the teams spend to trim weight off the car by tightly restricting where changes can be made, whereas before, that cap would have been dictated more by budget or ability.

Again, I'm not trying to be argumentative here ... if you can address this stuff from a team perspective, please do so. All I'm saying is that from my seat, it doesn't look to be nearly the problem it would have been if we delivered the Panoz heavy and then gave teams free reign to trim the weight in any way they wished."

WOW, you really dont have a clue do you? Are you some sort of internet journalist or something?

02-28-07, 01:03 PM
WOW, you really dont have a clue do you? Are you some sort of internet journalist or something?

Which part of his post do you have a problem with?

02-28-07, 01:23 PM
The jury is still out on whether the Panoz will play better with itself in race conditions...

Cars can be wankers, too? :rofl:

Andrew Longman
02-28-07, 01:37 PM
Cars can be wankers, too? :rofl:

heh heh... you said wank

02-28-07, 05:18 PM
Which part of his post do you have a problem with?

I got a hunch, but I'll give him first shot at answering. :)

02-28-07, 08:44 PM
I wonder if the fact that Champcar has brought in an PR consultant is a result of Miller-gate 2007?

The Champ Car World Series today bolstered its efforts in the communications and public relations areas by contracting with veteran communications professional Sid Priddle to serve as a consultant to the series effective immediately.

Priddle's list of accomplishments includes successful stints with Team KOOL Green in the 1990s, Canada's famed Torchia public relations agency and has served as the head of communications of the highly-successful Champ Car Grand Prix of Edmonton for the first two seasons. Priddle was also the Communications Director for the Molson Indy for the first 10 years of the event and spent several years managing Player's motorsport programs.

Racing Truth
02-28-07, 08:48 PM
Thank God! Finally, ChampCar is taking the important steps it needs. They fire a columnist over ONE critical column and proceed to hire a PR toad. Happy days are here again!:tony:

Amateur hour continues at an alarming speed.

Sean O'Gorman
02-28-07, 10:17 PM
Just out of curiosity, when a PR person is hired for a job, do they write the press release announcing their own hiring themselves, or is like the previous person fired at the end of the release?

03-01-07, 04:20 PM
Just out of curiosity, when a PR person is hired for a job, do they write the press release announcing their own hiring themselves, or is like the previous person fired at the end of the release? The time honored tradition is that the new hire always gets to toot his own horn. Then comes the group hug and everything is magically better.


03-02-07, 02:21 PM

03-02-07, 04:09 PM
Cool stuff RM. :)

03-04-07, 04:34 PM
Wow, just read this whole thing and the other stuff about Miller. Interesting turn of events.