View Full Version : women and weddings
what the ****?
seriously. sugarland women are ****ed in the head.
03-17-07, 01:44 PM
what the ****?
seriously. sugarland women are ****ed in the head.
Isn;t your marriage already planned out for you?
Sean O'Gorman
03-17-07, 02:13 PM
what the ****?
seriously. sugarland women are ****ed in the head.
"Girls'll make you do things you don't want to do."
03-17-07, 02:16 PM
'nuff said.
My college roommate has lived there for years and she observes exactly the same phenomenon. Nearly went nuts when her son got married.
on a positive note, some benefits i have recently found from getting married:
1. gifts. 3 george foreman grills, an egg and muffin toaster, and cash. :thumbup:
2. 3-4 weeks off of work. our honeymoon is gonna be 2 weeks, but the wedding is may 12th and i dont think im gonna go back to work til mid june.
3. tastings of food. sure we're dropping a ton of money on the event, but free prime rib, chicken dishes, mushroom ravioli, garlic mashed potatos, and 3 types of salad is a nice perk a few months ahead
4. booze
5. oh and that whole spending your life with your favorite woman stuff is pretty good too.
Sean O'Gorman
03-17-07, 02:20 PM
Ugh. :rolleyes:
Sean Malone
03-17-07, 02:26 PM
on a positive note, some benefits i have recently found from getting married:
1. gifts. 3 george foreman grills, an egg and muffin toaster, and cash. :thumbup:
2. 3-4 weeks off of work. our honeymoon is gonna be 2 weeks, but the wedding is may 12th and i dont think im gonna go back to work til mid june.
3. tastings of food. sure we're dropping a ton of money on the event, but free prime rib, chicken dishes, mushroom ravioli, garlic mashed potatos, and 3 types of salad is a nice perk a few months ahead
4. booze
5. oh and that whole spending your life with your favorite woman stuff is pretty good too.
Good post! I liked it so much I've done it twice!:D
Ugh. :rolleyes:
just cuz you cant legally marry your woman doesnt mean you have to be hating.
Sean O'Gorman
03-17-07, 02:31 PM
Weak. Stick to the subject.
03-17-07, 02:40 PM
Ugh. :rolleyes:
edit: nuthin nice to say.
03-17-07, 02:44 PM
'nuff said.
I've only been in town 36 hours and chris erik and I have already been bitched out 3 times. she ****ing UNLOADED on chris at the rehearsal dinner when he mentioned how she was wigging out about the bach party. no, sorry, all relationships don't involve an ubercontrolling woman who's literally incapable of spending more than 2 days away from her guy.
his bank sent him to training to dallas for a week, him and I were hanging out for the first time in a year (that's how bad it's gotten, and i'm a ****ing groomsman), she had to drive up b/c the past 4 years she had never been away from him for more than a day before.
i've met her mom only once before, she showed up at rice village at 1am after a pub crawl with the St. Arnold's brewery guys. she calls this morning at 9am bitching everyone out about being on time.
kristin wouldn't let dan hang with us last night, we all chill at rice village, meanwhile dan stays home as expected, him, his future BiL, and neighbor, all finish 3 bottles of cuervo by midnight, we show up there after last call and kristin's brother can't even stand up, none of which wouldve happened if she wasn't micrmanaging everything.
we were going to grab lunch at a cafe at Rice village, so we could walk across campus and be at teh chapel with an hour to spare afterwards, for some inexplicable reason this was not acceptable, momma kristin unloaded on us for that one. instead we should go all the way to SUGARLAND for lunch, THEN head home and get dressed, THEN head to Rice for the photos... :confused:
36 hours in town so far, that's all... jeebus :eek:
I am never marrying a Houston or Dallas suburbanite girl. Never.
I'd say we're celebrating the death of fun, but that went by the wayside years ago when she started running shop...
03-17-07, 03:42 PM
I've only been in town 36 hours and chris erik and I have already been bitched out 3 times. she ****ing UNLOADED on chris at the rehearsal dinner when he mentioned how she was wigging out about the bach party. no, sorry, all relationships don't involve an ubercontrolling woman who's literally incapable of spending more than 2 days away from her guy.
his bank sent him to training to dallas for a week, him and I were hanging out for the first time in a year (that's how bad it's gotten, and i'm a ****ing groomsman), she had to drive up b/c the past 4 years she had never been away from him for more than a day before.
i've met her mom only once before, she showed up at rice village at 1am after a pub crawl with the St. Arnold's brewery guys. she calls this morning at 9am bitching everyone out about being on time.
kristin wouldn't let dan hang with us last night, we all chill at rice village, meanwhile dan stays home as expected, him, his future BiL, and neighbor, all finish 3 bottles of cuervo by midnight, we show up there after last call and kristin's brother can't even stand up, none of which wouldve happened if she wasn't micrmanaging everything.
we were going to grab lunch at a cafe at Rice village, so we could walk across campus and be at teh chapel with an hour to spare afterwards, for some inexplicable reason this was not acceptable, momma kristin unloaded on us for that one. instead we should go all the way to SUGARLAND for lunch, THEN head home and get dressed, THEN head to Rice for the photos... :confused:
36 hours in town so far, that's all... jeebus :eek:
I am never marrying a Houston or Dallas suburbanite girl. Never.
I'd say we're celebrating the death of fun, but that went by the wayside years ago when she started running shop...
Sounds like a good storyline for "BrideZillas"
My wife and I found a justice-of-the-peace kinda fellow in Key West and got married on the beach with three friends in attendence. Much more simple. :D Plus it just happened to be Fantasy Fest weekend. Google it if you haven't heard of it. :p
well at that point i hope youve had the opportunity to tell the groom that hes crazy for marrying this broad.
03-17-07, 04:11 PM
Yikes! :eek:
well at that point i hope youve had the opportunity to tell the groom that hes crazy for marrying this broad.NOTHING good could come of that.
Shut up, smile for pictures, medicate.
My wife and I found a justice-of-the-peace kinda fellow in Key West and got married on the beach with three friends in attendence. Much more simple. :D Plus it just happened to be Fantasy Fest weekend. Google it if you haven't heard of it. :p
Excellent! So their are pics of your wifes painted boobies on the intarwebs!!! w00t! :D
03-17-07, 05:20 PM
what the ****?
seriously. sugarland women are ****ed in the head.
Personally, I prefer the eccentric libertine type when it comes to Texas women, but that's just a personal preference....:gomer:
G. is right, you just have to take a step back and let go. Everyone has friends that sign up willingly for the marriage from hell. Anyway, there's nothing you can do about it, at least not without risking a serious stretch of hard time at Huntsville.
Sean O'Gorman
03-17-07, 05:28 PM
well at that point i hope youve had the opportunity to tell the groom that hes crazy for marrying this broad.
I'm still waiting to find the right moment to break it to you. ;)
Excellent! So their are pics of your wifes painted boobies on the intarwebs!!! w00t! :D
Not that I'm aware of. ;)
It is a trip, everyone should attend at least once. :D
My wife and I found a justice-of-the-peace kinda fellow in Key West and got married on the beach with three friends in attendence. Much more simple. Plus it just happened to be Fantasy Fest weekend. Google it if you haven't heard of it. :p
Yeah, we've seen it before....
;) :gomer:
03-18-07, 12:23 AM
shoot her.
NOTHING good could come of that.
Shut up, smile for pictures, medicate.
Except maybe his friend wouldn't be marrying this piece of work. If she's seriously that bad preparing for the wedding, what will she be like when they are married?
I'm still waiting to find the right moment to break it to you. ;)
Get a date and I will consider relationship advice from you.
I love how they always refer to it as, "MY wedding" :shakehead
...Just say NO!
I love how they always refer to it as, "MY wedding" :shakehead
...Just say NO!
it is their wedding. if it had anything to do with the groom it would involve a 2 minute reception during halftime at a football game.
theres nothing wrong with making women happy on their wedding day though. and grooms should help their bride to have the wedding that she wants.
the problem arises when what she wants makes her seem like a total nut job. thats what ank is seeing.
03-18-07, 12:07 PM
Two Words: "I object"
Sean O'Gorman
03-18-07, 12:11 PM
it is their wedding. if it had anything to do with the groom it would involve a 2 minute reception during halftime at a football game.
theres nothing wrong with making women happy on their wedding day though. and grooms should help their bride to have the wedding that she wants.
the problem arises when what she wants makes her seem like a total nut job. thats what ank is seeing.
You're big on saving money. If I was you, I would've seen how long you could've held off on not proposing. And then when she gets mad, you could just say "well if you really loved me, we wouldn't need a wedding to prove it."
Kahauna Dreamer
03-18-07, 12:19 PM
"Texas"...'nuff said.
I met a good woman in Houston...brought her back to San Francisco.
...should have been with her all along :)
03-18-07, 12:25 PM
So what store in Texas did you get the ring?
Andrew Longman
03-18-07, 01:15 PM
the problem arises when what she wants makes her seem like a total nut job. thats what ank is seeing.
There are always two women risking lunacy at a wedding, the bride and the mother of the bride.
In my case, my future mother in law called almost nightly about wedding planning and drove my fiance to tears every time.
Finally, a week before the wedding she said she could not possibly come to the wedding because my bride had put a stamp on the RSVP envelope in the sample invitation she gave her. Then she stiffed her ex husband for her half of the tab.
Eighteen beautiful years of marriage later my wife and mother in law have never said a word about the wedding she missed, but it redefined their relationship and my wife never again took grief from her mother.
I'm convinced all the pain created by a wedding is simply preparation for the trials ahead of joining two families.
03-18-07, 01:33 PM
Wow I'm lucky, I have some awesome in laws. My mother in law is a fantastic lady and my father in law is a mans man. Sadly the only drama leading up to my wedding came from my side of the family.
it is their wedding. if it had anything to do with the groom it would involve a 2 minute reception during halftime at a football game.
theres nothing wrong with making women happy on their wedding day though. and grooms should help their bride to have the wedding that she wants.
the problem arises when what she wants makes her seem like a total nut job. thats what ank is seeing.
Agreed. When my bride and I tied the knot, I kept offering input about ways her family could save money on the wedding (I'm 3/4 Scottish; so sue me). I knew they didn't have a lot of money and I was just trying to be helpful. Finally my future MiL asked, "When you were a little boy, how much time did you spend dreaming about your wedding day?" To which I, of course, L-edOL. (That didn't start until shortly after the onset of puberty.) The point was that apparently, little girls daydream about this stuff all the time. Fortunately for me, my wife (unlike her mother) is probably the most sensible person I know and 13 years later we are more in love than we were on that day. (My MiL is a completely different story. :irked: )
Personally, I prefer the eccentric libertine type when it comes to Texas women, but that's just a personal preference....:gomer:
G. is right, you just have to take a step back and let go. Everyone has friends that sign up willingly for the marriage from hell. Anyway, there's nothing you can do about it, at least not without risking a serious stretch of hard time at Huntsville.
Huntsville is nice this time of year :D
at least she admitted she flipped out, the groomsmen were the only ones who ready on time, which was ironic considering the earful we received about that earlier, everything went pretty smooth. not too shabby. the food was the best :thumbup: :D
03-18-07, 07:17 PM
Huntsville is nice this time of year :D
at least she admitted she flipped out, the groomsmen were the only ones who ready on time, which was ironic considering the earful we received about that earlier, everything went pretty smooth. not too shabby. the food was the best :thumbup: :D
OK. So you weren;t the one getting married, right?
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