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View Full Version : What if more drivers refuse to buy rides like Nelson?

03-21-07, 04:59 PM
Open-wheel leaders fear the bottom may be dropping out of the ride-buyer market. :D

Philippe Sends Ripples of Fear Through Racing (http://pressdog.typepad.com/dogblog/2007/03/note_nelson_phi.html)

Racing Truth
03-21-07, 05:17 PM
In other news, the Champ Car World Series, with 10 drivers confirmed so far, said it was looking to enhance its Cirque du Soleil relationship with an alliance with the the Las Vegas Cello and Chamber Music Ensemble to further boost attendance at a race they are "a strong 76% sure will happen."

:rofl: :rofl: :laugh:

03-21-07, 05:38 PM
Nelson is just following the market trends.

Sponsors won't pay.
KK & GF won't pay.
Owners won't pay.
Tracks won't pay.
Cities won't pay.
Fans can't pay.

NOW Drivers won't pay.

How about a tele-thon? Is Sally Struthers available? :cry: :D

03-21-07, 10:54 PM
Nelson is just following the market trends.

Sponsors won't pay.
KK & GF won't pay.
Owners won't pay.
Tracks won't pay.
Cities won't pay.
Fans can't pay.

NOW Drivers won't pay.

How about a tele-thon? Is Sally Struthers available? :cry: :D


ooopsie - capslocx.

:not drinking:

http://www.smileyvillage.com/smilies/banana065.gif (http://www.smileyvillage.com)

03-22-07, 10:31 AM
That's why Jos isn't here. Bruno. Others. It is just more visible now. Chicken or egg...driver then sponsor or sponsor then driver? No question what it USED to be. King Carl's been doing it forever.

03-22-07, 10:55 AM
That's why Jos isn't here.

I like to think that's a case of divine intervention...some supernatural force realizing that CC's in for a tough enough year as it is, and the addition of that assclown wouldn't help things.

03-22-07, 11:06 AM
extra is on a ROLL these days.:laugh:

03-22-07, 11:19 AM
extra is on a ROLL these days.:laugh:

Several years of suppressed hate is now flowing freely.

I blame Smackforum. :)

03-22-07, 04:30 PM
It sure would have helped the gate at Zolder and Assen but for some I suppose that would have been purchased at too great a cost. (?) I'd rather have seen him than Bas Leinders or whoever Stoddart is talking about for a possible 3rd car there now. (if it's still in one piece by then!)... PS-Assclowns abound and CC has one of the best. Wouldn't want to see him leave either.

03-22-07, 09:21 PM
So is it Fnelson now? :gomer:

03-24-07, 01:39 PM
So is it Fnelson now? :gomer:

The decision is still being made. There is a rumor that Nelson's new girlfriend's father's third cousin (twice removed) once attended a Disney movie, where Danica's husband was trolling for teeny-boppers. That may be enough of a degree of separation to brand him with an "F".

But one thing is for sure, if Nelson isn't willing to threaten his father with a hunger strike or slit his wrists, unless Dada ponies up some $ for a full CCWS season, I hope he gets replaced by Clitio Punkione. We must support those who want to be in CCWS... in the WORST WAY! :gomer:

Sean O'Gorman
03-24-07, 01:40 PM
I wonder what Nelson's W-2s look like.

03-24-07, 01:41 PM
What W-2's?

03-26-07, 08:53 PM
Pressdog, that was a very good one. :thumbup:

Maybe what we need is a total paid driver strike. Just think, the scabs bring their own paychecks! :rofl: