View Full Version : Search Feature Glitch.

05-07-07, 03:09 PM
well, its not really a glitch, but something I noticed.

Went looking for a thread about the Ryongchon disaster. Knowing that I typed the word 'fire' in a post, thats what I searched. Couldn't find it though. Wasn't coming up.

Searched under another word and found the thread. Double checked and yep, I did type fire. Then I realized why it couldn't find it.

The word fire, in the post, had a period after it. Fire. The search feature needs that period in the search box or it won't find it.

Pointless fact of the day. Yer welcome everyone. :)

05-07-07, 05:24 PM
Pointless fact of the day. Yer welcome everyone. :)

We call them Steveisms, BTW. :p


05-07-07, 06:32 PM
Someday I'll do an update. Maybe that will fix it. Or maybe not.

05-07-07, 07:06 PM
Say, that reminds me....(cue Raising Arizona quote).....

I tried searching an old thread from 2002 that I titled "Motorcycles". The search comes up empty, but if I search all threads started by me, there it is!

I also tried searching words that I knew were in the thread, and it still didn't find it.

05-14-07, 01:28 AM
Ah kain't never fahnd nuthin'.

One reason to keep current, I guess.

05-14-07, 07:43 AM
Forum search has always been a bit of a bogey for vBulletin. They do it better than UBB but it ain't no Google.