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07-03-07, 02:17 PM
Which is why it's scary to realize Quest is infinitely worse. :thumdown:

BTW, these are the companies that if the FCC let them have all that frequency band back in 1992 that they would bring us all fiber optic. Aside from Verizon in urban areas, still waiting....:shakehead


They are all working towards Fiber, but the demand does not justify their costs yet. Will soon. Cable is ahead with its system and telecom will have to replace all the copper soon with fiber

Quest Operates all the areas that ATT and Verizon dont want

07-03-07, 09:50 PM
Which is why it's scary to realize Quest is infinitely worse. :thumdown:

I'd have to disagree, Qwest provides my DSL at slightly above advertised speed, both up and down, and Qwest has never dropped the connection in the three years that I have had it. The only times I have had to cycle the DSL modem is after Utah Power has surged, spiked, browned/blacked out and otherwise endeavored to destroy everything electrical that I own.:mad:

07-04-07, 10:54 AM
Apple Turnovers:

iPhone could call up 55pc profit margin

New data shows that the most expensive iPhone model could deliver profit margins of more than 55pc for Steve Jobs' Apple

THE most expensive iPhone model could deliver profit margins of more than 55pc for Apple, according to iSuppli, which has examined the components of the widely anticipated device.

Apple shares rose after the research firm said hardware and manufacturing cost $265.83, or almost 45pc, of the $600 iPhone model, which has eight gigabytes of storage.

In January, iSuppli, which does not include costs for royalties and logistics, said it had estimated a $264.85 hardware and manufacturing cost for the eight-gigabyte device.

Apple shares rose $4.42, or almost 4pc, to $125.68 on Nasdaq after the news. Shares of AT&T Inc, the exclusive US service provider for the phone, were down 35 cents at $41.50 on the New York Stock Exchange.

Shoppers may have bought as many as 700,000 units over the weekend in the US, Goldman Sachs Inc analyst David Bailey said, twice his projection of 350,000.

Piper Jaffray's Gene Munster pegged sales at about 500,000, more than twice his original 200,000 estimate. Nationwide, the phone sold out in most Apple and AT&T stores by Monday afternoon, AT&T spokesman Michael Coe said. He declined to release specific sales figures.

07-04-07, 05:10 PM
Apple Turnovers:

iPhone could call up 55pc profit margin

New data shows that the most expensive iPhone model could deliver profit margins of more than 55pc for Steve Jobs' Apple

THE most expensive iPhone model could deliver profit margins of more than 55pc for Apple, according to iSuppli, which has examined the components of the widely anticipated device.

Apple shares rose after the research firm said hardware and manufacturing cost $265.83, or almost 45pc, of the $600 iPhone model, which has eight gigabytes of storage.

In January, iSuppli, which does not include costs for royalties and logistics, said it had estimated a $264.85 hardware and manufacturing cost for the eight-gigabyte device.

Apple shares rose $4.42, or almost 4pc, to $125.68 on Nasdaq after the news. Shares of AT&T Inc, the exclusive US service provider for the phone, were down 35 cents at $41.50 on the New York Stock Exchange.

Shoppers may have bought as many as 700,000 units over the weekend in the US, Goldman Sachs Inc analyst David Bailey said, twice his projection of 350,000.

Piper Jaffray's Gene Munster pegged sales at about 500,000, more than twice his original 200,000 estimate. Nationwide, the phone sold out in most Apple and AT&T stores by Monday afternoon, AT&T spokesman Michael Coe said. He declined to release specific sales figures.

It's a wonderful deal for Apple. Have to give them credit, they keep continuing to grow their business. Great for investors. I know my Dad kicks himself every time he sees Apple's stock price. :)

07-04-07, 05:12 PM
Apple announced the iPhone battery replacement program:

Should your iPhone's battery ever need replacement, Apple will do the deed for $79 plus $6.95 shipping. Apple says that the repair will take three business days not counting shipping to and from the repair center.

All data on your iPhone will be erased when you send it off, so Apple suggests that you backup all of your important information with iTunes before sending it off.

Considering that an iPhone sent in for servicing could be out of the owners hand for as much as a week or more (including shipping time), Apple has another program in place for customers. If you absolutely can't live without your iPhone, Apple will rent you an iPhone for $29 while your device is being serviced.

07-04-07, 05:18 PM
I read this article about the iPhone a few minutes ago. I really like AnandTech. He's kind of like me in that I was (and am) a PC user but he was willing to give an Apple a fair chance. He really liked it, and now uses both. I appreciate his reviews because they always feel like they're from a PC users perspective. Reading it, I get the feeling Apple really put a lot of work into the keyboard that will pay off for those who were patient enough to give it a chance.

Also, not owning a smart phone myself, he seems to say he looked down at those keys anyways. And thinking about it more, you're basically looking right there as it is. I was comparing the lack of tactile feedback to the Philips Pronto remote. But with remotes, you're usually looking at the device/TV. With a phone, you're probably at least looking at the screen (unless you're a real pro and text without looking).

Anyways, the article is here (http://www.anandtech.com/printarticle.aspx?i=3027).

07-04-07, 05:47 PM
I'd have to disagree, Qwest provides my DSL at slightly above advertised speed, both up and down, and Qwest has never dropped the connection in the three years that I have had it. The only times I have had to cycle the DSL modem is after Utah Power has surged, spiked, browned/blacked out and otherwise endeavored to destroy everything electrical that I own.:mad:

I will second that assessment. My parents have had DSL through USWest/Qwest (my dad has worked for them since it was the Evil Empire ;) ) for going on 7 or 8 years and we only ran into problems once, and that was when a large flux of college kids came home from school six years ago for Christmas. Qwest fixed the speed problems within a couple days, and apart from that we have never had connection, speed, or reliability issues. I had SBC/ATT DSL service while I lived in Milwaukee and the only connection problems I had were the result of my laptop getting too hot. In the course of 16 months, I too never had to reset my router and my connection was only out for a grand total of 45 minutes. People can dog the phone company about other things, but after using DSL and Cable, DSL's reliability is FAR superior to anything I have experienced with cable.

In terms of the iPhone, I told myself I would never pay more than $100 for a phone and I will stick to that statement. I am also tired of switching cell phone companies, so changing to ATT isn't really appealing.

07-04-07, 07:08 PM
I'd have to disagree, Qwest provides my DSL at slightly above advertised speed, both up and down, and Qwest has never dropped the connection in the three years that I have had it. The only times I have had to cycle the DSL modem is after Utah Power has surged, spiked, browned/blacked out and otherwise endeavored to destroy everything electrical that I own.:mad: Both Verizon and Quest serve parts of our metro area we have a ready means of direct comparison. My comments re Quest were based on the number of complaints recieved by the Public Utility Commission regarding their telephone service as well as the cost vs performance of internet connections.


07-05-07, 08:19 AM
iPhone pretty much sold out (http://www.engadget.com/2007/07/05/iphone-sells-out-faster-than-an-80s-rock-star/).

07-05-07, 12:20 PM
iPhone pretty much sold out (http://www.engadget.com/2007/07/05/iphone-sells-out-faster-than-an-80s-rock-star/).

And hotter than a firecracker:




07-24-07, 11:55 PM
Shoppers may have bought as many as 700,000 units over the weekend in the US, Goldman Sachs Inc analyst David Bailey said, twice his projection of 350,000.

Piper Jaffray's Gene Munster pegged sales at about 500,000, more than twice his original 200,000 estimate. Nationwide, the phone sold out in most Apple and AT&T stores by Monday afternoon, AT&T spokesman Michael Coe said. He declined to release specific sales figures.

Turns out that the reality didn't live up to the hype. AT&T reports that they activated 146,000 iPhones the first two days.


07-25-07, 09:04 AM
Turns out that the reality didn't live up to the hype. AT&T reports that they activated 146,000 iPhones the first two days.


They still may not've been as high as those analyst estimates, but those official numbers are for only Friday and Saturday.

Edit: Also reading it more, it actually says "activated", not sold. I recall there were activation problems, but am unsure how widespread they were.

Edit 2: Can someone explain how "investors" think. The iPhone numbers are below estimates and the price of the stock still goes up. Intel beats all estimates last week and says their margins are lower (duh, they're in a price war, every investor should know that) and it drops a lot.

07-25-07, 12:24 PM
Laughing hard every time I hear about an Iphone with a cracked screen. Didn't see that one coming, did we?

07-25-07, 12:42 PM
Had a good laugh when a guy showed me his IPhone. He expected me to compliment him on his intelligence and futuristic, trendy lifestyle. Instead I said "you signed a $60 a month, two year contract to ****ing ATT to carry around that $600 POS, good choice". :laugh: I think he was offended. :gomer:

07-25-07, 07:08 PM
They still may not've been as high as those analyst estimates, but those official numbers are for only Friday and Saturday.

Edit: Also reading it more, it actually says "activated", not sold. I recall there were activation problems, but am unsure how widespread they were.

Edit 2: Can someone explain how "investors" think. The iPhone numbers are below estimates and the price of the stock still goes up. Intel beats all estimates last week and says their margins are lower (duh, they're in a price war, every investor should know that) and it drops a lot.

Supposedly somewhere b/w 500-700K were sold, but activation issues persisted throughout the first week, IIRC.

re: INTC...they also adjusted their forecast, which is what really spooked investors.


07-25-07, 07:23 PM
Two weeks with an iPhone

http://www.informationweek.com/news/showArticle.jhtml;jsessionid=U1V3JO35P1AJGQSNDLPSK HSCJUNN2JVN?articleID=201200060

I tried one at the Apple store. Pretty cool, and for convenience alone, it's better than carrying a phone and an iPOD. But you need Wi Fi to make it do the really cool stuff.

07-25-07, 08:05 PM
Supposedly somewhere b/w 500-700K were sold, but activation issues persisted throughout the first week, IIRC.

re: INTC...they also adjusted their forecast, which is what really spooked investors.


Apple says 270k iPhones sold Friday and Saturday. That's a lot of activation problems.

I don't recall Intel cutting their forecast, I thought it was in the consensus range.

As I type this, Apple is right near $150/sh.

09-06-07, 04:24 PM
They announced yesterday they were dropping the 4GB Model (Can get it for $299 from Apple while supplies last) and knocking the price of the 8GB to $400.

Two months after it comes out, a $200 price cut. I'm thinking the demand has dropped and people weren't willing to pay that much more. But I don't know. Semi-good news for anyone who did buy one though, you can get a $100 store credit.

09-06-07, 06:01 PM
Refurb 8GB iPhones are $350 from the @pple outlet. Tempting, but the Edge network is a useless POS. :thumdown: :saywhat:

I'll wait for the gPhone to be announced in the near future. That combined with the upcoming analog TV frequency auction should be very interesting. :thumbup:


Opposite Lock
09-06-07, 07:53 PM
Due to the carrier contract deal, I'm not interested in the iPhone. But the iPod Touch that they announced yesterday sounds pretty cool (except for the small storage of 16GB).

All I really want is a compact/portable wifi web browser gadget with touchscreen pan-and-zoom features like the iPhone has, that displays pages as they appear on a "normal" browser, without any text-approximated portal version crap. I also want the capability to cut'n'paste to a clipboard and some rudimentary email (hotmail/yahoo etc) capabilities.

At about the same pricepoint as the Touch, the Archos 605 has 10 times the storage, but as I understand it has a kinda crappy portal deal. I'm planning on finding a local distributor to play with one in person, and stopping by the Apple store to compare.

I don't even really care if my gadget is a full-blown multimedia player or not, as I mostly just wanna surf. And for the next 2-3 years, I don't think I want this device blended with my cellphone either.

Sean Malone
09-06-07, 10:27 PM
Due to the carrier contract deal, I'm not interested in the iPhone. But the iPod Touch that they announced yesterday sounds pretty cool (except for the small storage of 16GB).

All I really want is a compact/portable wifi web browser gadget with touchscreen pan-and-zoom features like the iPhone has, that displays pages as they appear on a "normal" browser, without any text-approximated portal version crap. I also want the capability to cut'n'paste to a clipboard and some rudimentary email (hotmail/yahoo etc) capabilities.

At about the same pricepoint as the Touch, the Archos 605 has 10 times the storage, but as I understand it has a kinda crappy portal deal. I'm planning on finding a local distributor to play with one in person, and stopping by the Apple store to compare.

I don't even really care if my gadget is a full-blown multimedia player or not, as I mostly just wanna surf. And for the next 2-3 years, I don't think I want this device blended with my cellphone either.

I want teleportation, warp drive and light sabers.:)

Well, I do.

Opposite Lock
09-06-07, 10:52 PM
I want teleportation, warp drive and light sabers.:)

Well, I do.


and with force feedback too. srsly. :eek:

10-17-07, 03:11 PM
A little note from Stevie boy hizself...

Third Party Applications on the iPhone

Let me just say it: We want native third party applications on the iPhone, and we plan to have an SDK in developers’ hands in February. We are excited about creating a vibrant third party developer community around the iPhone and enabling hundreds of new applications for our users. With our revolutionary multi-touch interface, powerful hardware and advanced software architecture, we believe we have created the best mobile platform ever for developers.

It will take until February to release an SDK because we’re trying to do two diametrically opposed things at once—provide an advanced and open platform to developers while at the same time protect iPhone users from viruses, malware, privacy attacks, etc. This is no easy task. Some claim that viruses and malware are not a problem on mobile phones—this is simply not true. There have been serious viruses on other mobile phones already, including some that silently spread from phone to phone over the cell network. As our phones become more powerful, these malicious programs will become more dangerous. And since the iPhone is the most advanced phone ever, it will be a highly visible target.

Some companies are already taking action. Nokia, for example, is not allowing any applications to be loaded onto some of their newest phones unless they have a digital signature that can be traced back to a known developer. While this makes such a phone less than “totally open,” we believe it is a step in the right direction. We are working on an advanced system which will offer developers broad access to natively program the iPhone’s amazing software platform while at the same time protecting users from malicious programs.

We think a few months of patience now will be rewarded by many years of great third party applications running on safe and reliable iPhones.


P.S.: The SDK will also allow developers to create applications for iPod touch. [Oct 17, 2007]

He could have said that a month or 4 ago:shakehead

And I don't own one nor will I. Verizon works in my lab, ATT does not.

10-22-07, 06:47 PM
Got to admit Stevie knows how to make money...

4th quarter results

2,164,000 computers sold - up 34% over last year
10.2 million iPods sold - up 17% over last year
1,119,000 iPhones sold in the quarter (1,389,000 for the year)

$904 million profit on $6.22 billion revenue - up 67% over last year:eek:

Opposite Lock
10-22-07, 10:20 PM
This could be good – the Nokia 810:




I don't want it for a phone, but Skype? Maybe?

Linux OS, so good potential for future third-party apps (I think).

So far, no mention of force-feedback :gomer: , but I’m envisioning a small hardware clip-on set of butterfly shifters that also contains the gyroscopic stuff crosswired with the unit’s orientation sensor. Also will need some Wii-type toe-clips, for the pedal action for racing sims while sitting on a plane. (Warning: Do Not wear electronic gyroscopic toe accessories while passing through security screening) :D

12-20-08, 05:01 AM
so I smashed the hell out of my phone screen this past wknd skiing, and I'm thinking about making the plunge into 100% full blown douchery...

should I?

Sean Malone
12-20-08, 08:47 AM
so I smashed the hell out of my phone screen this past wknd skiing, and I'm thinking about making the plunge into 100% full blown douchery...

should I?

A smashed glass screen is not pretty. Lot's o' stories about broken iPhone screens on the gadget boards.
I'm getting a G1 on Thursday, cuz I'm on t-mobile.

12-20-08, 09:56 AM
I recently tried upgrading to the latest version of the RAZR but the darn thing wouldn't stay paired to my car. After sending it back I went to an AT&T store and on impulse upgraded to an iPhone 3G instead. If there had been a 3G blackberry from AT&T at the time I probably would have gone that route instead.

It really is a neat gizmo. Most of the time though, I just want a phone. :gomer: If I did any texting at all I would hate this thing. Typing is slow and error prone. I do miss having a few buttons. With the RAZR I could do most normal tasks one-handed.

It really is a neat gizmo.

12-20-08, 10:52 AM
I have a bud that has both an iPhone and G1 (he's a real cell phone geek). He's migrating to the G1 from the iPhone so he can develop apps on the Android platform. He likes them both for various reasons and the each have their pros and cons. I've played with each of them as well, and it's a toss upon which I would go with if I had to choose.


12-20-08, 01:26 PM
so I smashed the hell out of my phone screen this past wknd skiing, and I'm thinking about making the plunge into 100% full blown douchery...

should I?

I have a lot of friends who like their iPhones. It just seems like it's the nicest to me (I don't have one, I'm with Sprint). Big screen, useful apps, very intuitive, good UI. Their stuff is overpriced, but I have to admit, they have nice overpriced stuff. :)

12-20-08, 01:30 PM
so I smashed the hell out of my phone screen this past wknd skiing, and I'm thinking about making the plunge into 100% full blown douchery...

should I?

I never would have bought one on my own, but I won an 8GB 3G at a trade show in September. I never thought I'd use it to its full potential, but damned if I haven't gone to town on the thing. My only problem is that I hate talking on the phone for more than absolutely necessary, so even 450 minutes/month is a waste for me.

Just be sure to check AT&T's 3G coverage before you jump.

12-20-08, 01:46 PM
My only problem is that I hate talking on the phone for more than absolutely necessary, so even 450 minutes/month is a waste for me.

Same here. I spent to much time on the phone in customer service. I use a pay-as-you-go phone and spend about $10/mo. on average. I'd love to have an iPhone or G1 for Web access, but I can't justify the $$$ since I'm not on the road as much these daze. I would have killed for one while we were @ WDW the first week of December when I didn't have Web access for the week (Di$ney charges $9.95/24 hours for 'net access in the hotel rooms :saywhat:).


Sean Malone
12-20-08, 01:49 PM
I have a lot of friends who like their iPhones. It just seems like it's the nicest to me (I don't have one, I'm with Sprint). Big screen, useful apps, very intuitive, good UI. Their stuff is overpriced, but I have to admit, they have nice overpriced stuff. :)

Depends on if you need/want a QWERTY keyboard. Apple is all about quality UI and the iPhone doesn't disappoint and makes the G1 look basic in comparison but the G1 still has some growing to do. I think it will be a decent piece once it matures.

12-20-08, 03:05 PM
Depends on if you need/want a QWERTY keyboard. Apple is all about quality UI and the iPhone doesn't disappoint and makes the G1 look basic in comparison but the G1 still has some growing to do. I think it will be a decent piece once it matures.

Do you mean buttons vs. touch screen? I can't think of any current phones that don't use QWERTY.

12-20-08, 03:13 PM
the pearl's the only thing I can think of w/o full qwerty.

and yea after using one more than a few times this fall, i definitely like it, i can still do a family plan to keep my parents on my plan, and company discount brings it down a good bit

it's so shiny :)

Sean Malone
12-20-08, 04:17 PM
Do you mean buttons vs. touch screen? I can't think of any current phones that don't use QWERTY.

Do you mean out of the smart phones I assume? Because the majority of cell phones don't have a full QWERTY keyboard, real or virtual.

But, yes, I meant a 'real' keyboard with 'real' buttons. that's why I said 'QWERTY keyboard' not touch screen facsimile. Have you used an iPhone? Entering text isn't 'hard' but it's not the same as entering with a real keyboard. 20 wpm tops on iPhone and that's if you don't fat finger half of what you're entering. 40 wpm G1/BlackBerry

I'm really interested to give the Storm a whirl. The haptic screen is intriguing and the OS is more professional than the fashion accessory, 20 something styling of the iPhone.

12-20-08, 06:39 PM
Hell... I am battling to be 40 WPM on a regular keyboard. I tend to fat finger just as much on my laptop as on my ifern. :gomer:

12-20-08, 09:40 PM
Do you mean out of the smart phones I assume? Because the majority of cell phones don't have a full QWERTY keyboard, real or virtual.

But, yes, I meant a 'real' keyboard with 'real' buttons. that's why I said 'QWERTY keyboard' not touch screen facsimile. Have you used an iPhone? Entering text isn't 'hard' but it's not the same as entering with a real keyboard. 20 wpm tops on iPhone and that's if you don't fat finger half of what you're entering. 40 wpm G1/BlackBerry

I'm really interested to give the Storm a whirl. The haptic screen is intriguing and the OS is more professional than the fashion accessory, 20 something styling of the iPhone.

used the storm, didnt like the interface or the tactile screen surface. have been told the bold is much better but haven't seen it

12-20-08, 11:13 PM
used the storm, didnt like the interface or the tactile screen surface. have been told the bold is much better but haven't seen it
I like the tactile feedback of the screen. The interface just seems a little slow and clunky. Of course right now for work we're using Verizon's cheapest Windows Mobile phone which pretty much defines clunky.

12-21-08, 06:34 PM
f att wireless. no early upgrades involving iphone at all, none.

when do I qualify for upgrade? thursday. 4 f'ing days from now. only at that point can I order one w/o paying $200 more. 5 years of using their worthless arses b/c of the corp. discount, and I can't get 4 days' leeway :flame:

12-21-08, 07:18 PM
f att wireless. no early upgrades involving iphone at all, none.

when do I qualify for upgrade? thursday. 4 f'ing days from now. only at that point can I order one w/o paying $200 more. 5 years of using their worthless arses b/c of the corp. discount, and I can't get 4 days' leeway :flame:

Ask for customer retention.