View Full Version : Awesome night sky viewing!
04-30-15, 08:01 AM
Story on messenger with some interesting graphics and pictures:
5th grade has been fun. My daughter, Carolanne, has done units on science and the solar system. Dad had imparted alot of geekdom/space nerdness. ;) I wish I had time with them to watch Cosmos with them. :)
Side note....Hubble turns 25? Srsly? I be getting OLD. :\
To complete my nerdness full circle, I did some searching on Sagan this AM to get some info for my daughter. Sagan, Hawking, and Authur C. Clarke:
Sagan's final interview on Charlie Rose:
BTW, I had no idea about the 'reboot' of Cosmos last year due to my health stuff. Anyone know if it was worth watching?
04-30-15, 10:54 AM
BTW, I had no idea about the 'reboot' of Cosmos last year due to my health stuff. Anyone know if it was worth watching?
It was different from the original but a very good series. The space ship was a bit of a gimmick but it served to tie things together.
04-30-15, 11:46 AM
BTW, I had no idea about the 'reboot' of Cosmos last year due to my health stuff. Anyone know if it was worth watching?
I loved it, but then again I like that stuff and honestly I think NdGT is maybe a little bit better of a communicator. BTW, they tied the two series together in that Sagan had personally attempted to recruit the high school NdGT to the Cornell program. He even showed off his 1st edition Cosmic Connection book that Sagan signed when he was at Cornell.
Good to know. I loved the original as a yoot </my cousin vinny>. Sagan was stuffy, but still a genius. RIP. :(
Got it on Youtube. Yes, the spaceship concept is hokey, but the science is still interesting, and perhaps more interesting than Sagan and 'billions and billions'. ;) Side note, loves me casting from the laptop/phone to the TV via Chromecast. :D
Amazon delivers to space...
Warp Drive, Mr. Scott.
Messenger says goodbye. :(
Flying saucer time. :gomer:
Delayed until tomorrow.
06-28-15, 10:26 AM
The Falcon 9/Dragon launch just exploded about 3 minutes into the flight. It just went poof and it was gone.
They've been trying to stick the landing, looks like they need to work on the take off.
The Falcon 9/Dragon launch just exploded about 3 minutes into the flight. It just went poof and it was gone.
Looks like it was leaking fuel.
Flames just crawled up the rocket and poof. :saywhat:
EDIT: If you look closely, there's a flare up from the engine ~2 minutes in, and then the flames start to crawl up the rocket.
EDIT 2: Watching the NASA presser. Apparently they lost a bunch of research equipment, student experiments, a docking ring, communications equipment in addition to consumables. :(
06-29-15, 12:48 AM
Not quite sure what this means...
There was an overpressure event in the upper stage liquid oxygen tank. Data suggests counterintuitive cause.
The upper stage had not ignited yet so who knows what the "counterintuitive cause" will turn out to be.
SLS test 2.
07-23-15, 01:52 PM
New, possible Earthlike planet found, one that is solidly in a habitable zone. BTW this article has a neat interactive feature.
New, possible Earthlike planet found, one that is solidly in a habitable zone. BTW this article has a neat interactive feature.
I liked this part the best:
Astronomers say they now know from Kepler that about 10 percent of the 200 billion stars in the Milky Way have potentially habitable Earth-size planets, Kepler 452b probably among them. This means that of the 600 stars within 30 light-years of Earth, there are roughly 60 E.T.-class abodes, planets that could be inspected by a future generation of telescopes.
Not too many, not too few. Just the right amount for a Federation or an Empire. ;)
07-26-15, 02:34 PM
I liked this part the best:
Not too many, not too few. Just the right amount for a Federation or an Empire. ;)
This seems like a bit of a change. Just a couple years ago I was reading that they could be very rare.
07-27-15, 11:06 PM
I'm going to just sneak this in here quietly... If you want to learn more about space travel than you probably do, read Neal Stephenson's "Seveneves". Starts off as a real page-turner but then gets very, very dense...
08-14-15, 04:41 PM
This is a must see...
so the sounds in scifi movies weren't all that far off from actual?
fascinating :thumbup:
0-60mph in 4.188 seconds.
0-100mph in 7.541 seconds.
Not as fast as a Formula 1 car, but it weighed 4.4 million pounds and was going straight up. :thumbup:
**** you gravity.
**** you gravity.
That would have been a good motto for the guys who built the Saturn V.
08-21-15, 08:54 AM
Apologies if this has been posted. Old story, but I believe this batch of pictures is new.
Atlas V launch today. ~4 minutes or so in:
And these pics:
Pluto in the buff.
10-05-15, 06:20 PM
It's raining here in LA at the moment but assuming the sky clears, I'm reading that the Draconids, which averaged 600 meteors per hour in 2011, will peak this week, October 8 and 9, and the Orionid meteor shower will cap an exciting few weeks for out-of-this-world events with its October 21-22 peak.
Alas the Draconids are only expected to show a few meteors per HOUR so "relax and look up" is the best advice.
It's raining here in LA at the moment but assuming the sky clears, I'm reading that the Draconids, which averaged 600 meteors per hour in 2011, will peak this week, October 8 and 9, and the Orionid meteor shower will cap an exciting few weeks for out-of-this-world events with its October 21-22 peak.
Alas the Draconids are only expected to show a few meteors per HOUR so "relax and look up" is the best advice.
Laid on the hood of my '79 T-brird to catch the Persuades. Spent many nights in August at my grandparents staring up... :)
Not sure how many here might be able to catch a glimpse:
NASA Rocket Launch May Spawn Glowing Clouds Off US East Coast Wednesday
It's The Great Pumpkin, Charlie Brown. :eek:
Holy crap, Batman.
Stuck the landing this time.
Now that's impressive. For decades we looked back at the old science fiction stories with rockets landing vertically as kind of quaint and ridiculous and now it's a reality. Now that's progress.
Stuck the landing this time.
Now that's impressive. For decades we looked back at the old science fiction stories with rockets landing vertically as kind of quaint and ridiculous and now it's a reality. Now that's progress.
But damn....could we please a man in space not relying on the Russkies?!? :\
Wham! Apollo 16 Saturn V Booster Impact Site Found on the Moon
12-25-15, 12:42 PM
Speaking of real "Awesome night sky viewing," last night we made a point of looking up soon after moon rise. Gorgeous full moon on Christmas Eve!
01-19-16, 06:35 AM
Space Pong?
03-27-16, 01:29 PM
Well this isn't good. Japan's shiny new X-ray astronomy satellite ASTRO-H just suffered a major failure, possibly a major leak in the cryogenic system. The satellite suddenly lost lost significant altitude and the comms have failed. Here's the altitude plot,
Spacetrack has posted a breakup notification, the satellite is now tracking as five objects. The sizes are as of yet uncharacterized so it's possible it is just insulation blown off by the gas leak. Or it could be much worse. It's looking fatal unless they can somehow reestablish the com links.
Not good for a satellite that's been up for all of six weeks now. :(
The video about the satellite (prefailure) is in Japanese but it has English subtitles.
Tokyo, we have a problem. :(
That's the last time they'll use the Takata cryogenic system. :gomer:
That's the last time they'll use the Takata cryogenic system. :gomer:
Oh no, you dint. :D
03-28-16, 03:14 AM
If this is confirmed then it's toast.
Paul Maley in Arizona reported optical observations of Hitomi to SeeSat - it is tumbling or spinning with a 10 second period
Heads up tonight...
Mars in oppo.
Interesting read on the shuttle...
All five naked eye planets in the dawn sky at once.
07-20-16, 05:04 PM
All five naked eye planets in the dawn sky at once.
Guess they didn't update the URL, but just to help, it's actually dusk right after the sun sets, look toward the western sky.
A woman buy the name of Amy Shira Teitel has a YouTube channel called Vintage Space.
Very interesting stuff.
Perseid night tonight.
08-12-16, 01:07 AM
I don't understand why they can't schedule that on the weekend.
I don't understand why they can't schedule that on the weekend.
Complain to the comets. :gomer: ;)
Leonids are up next in November.
EDIT: 'twas pretty cool. We cleared a bit to catch a few. :cool:
Back in the day I used to visit Perkins....
Unfortunately now the area around it is full of lights at night. :( :saywhat:
Perseid night tonight.
We took a drive out into the country to try to spot some but there were enough clouds in the area to make it tough. Grand total: two. Two meteors.
Fortunately a drive in the country with the Miata is always worthwhile.
We took a drive out into the country to try to spot some but there were enough clouds in the area to make it tough. Grand total: two. Two meteors.
Fortunately a drive in the country with the Miata is always worthwhile.
Yeah, the cloud coverage was spotty. I caught a few. Wish I was at the 'rents place in Hilton Head since they restrict lighting for the sea turtles. TG, Donkey and data probably had the best views since they were best out west.
Oh, and I haven't seen 'country' in quite some time due to the sprawl. I drove 42 into Delaware (Lord has that changed) the other day for a dinner, and it was nice to see actual farms. :)
SpaceX rocket explodes on pad.
Live audio for the emergency response at KSC:
SpaceX rocket explodes on pad.
Live audio for the emergency response at KSC:
Oopsie. :(
Looks like the Israeli's and Zuckerberg are out a couple of sats.
SpaceX rocket explodes on pad.
Live audio for the emergency response at KSC:
A buddy of my works in NASA's Launch Control Center (the former saturn v, shuttle LCC) and said the explosion shook the whole building. That's a bigtime explosion.
backwards... :cry::yuck::shakehead:
A buddy of my works in NASA's Launch Control Center (the former saturn v, shuttle LCC) and said the explosion shook the whole building. That's a bigtime explosion.
Rattled buildings miles away. Apparently happened during fueling for the test, the fuel tanks likely went up and then the rocket. Hence the secondary explosions. Space guy I saw on CBS said it wasn't clear the payload was onboard, but for a Saturday launch, I would assume so. :\
09-01-16, 02:18 PM
They were fueling the second stage O2 tank and kaboom.
Here's how to see the biggest supermoon since 1948 (
November 14
Here's how to see the biggest supermoon since 1948 (
November 14
Lettuce (sic) hope that Mother Nature cooperates. :\
Since this is where we are stashing space-related posts...
Mr. Glenn is in poor health. Praying for the best, but expecting the worst. :(
RIP Senator Glenn
12-08-16, 04:46 PM
A true hero. Rest In Peace John Glenn.
The original Buzz Lightyear. RIP. :(
12-08-16, 05:11 PM
Godspeed, John Glenn.
Looks like I need to rent The Right Stuff from Netflix. I already own Apollo 13. :)
EDIT: ODOT changed the signs today for Port Columbus International Airport to John Glenn International Airport.
John Glenn, the last of the Mercury Seven astronauts, has died (
Glenn became such a national hero that he wasn't allowed to fly again. Kennedy would not take the risk of losing him. "I guess after my flight there had been such an outpouring of national attention, that if you weren't there and went through it, it's sort of hard to comprehend the attention we had," Glenn recalled in 1997. "I guess 'adulation' is the only word that comes to mind. But that's what it was. That's not very humble of me to say that, but that's exactly what it was." And so Glenn left NASA in 1964, eventually becoming a US Senator in 1974.
I wasn't aware of this, that Kennedy put him on the shelf. I do recall however that he was larger than life then. All of the 7 were. I grew up idolizing them, the Beatles and Indy 500 drivers. The early 60s was a great time to be growing up in the Midwest.
First guy from Ohio in space. If you're not first, you're last. ;)
12-09-16, 11:55 AM
I wasn't aware of this, that Kennedy put him on the shelf.
I wasn't aware that Ted Williams (of Boston Red Sox fame) was his wingman in Korea.
I wasn't aware that Ted Williams (of Boston Red Sox fame) was his wingman in Korea.
Lots of things we learned. Why? JHG was a very humble man. Tho, he flew all of those missions in WWII and Korea, cross country speed record, around the Earth, and STS-95. As an Ohioan, dude had a big set of Buckeyes. :thumbup: It was kind of an unwritten rule where vets from those wars just didn't talk about their experiences. I rarely heard my grandfather mention The was just unsaid to not bring it up. Even better is the 411 about his involvement with tOSU even up to his past few months.
12-10-16, 09:58 AM
It was kind of an unwritten rule where vets from those wars just didn't talk about their experiences. I rarely heard my grandfather mention The was just unsaid to not bring it up.
Word. My grandfather served at Nuremberg during the trials and always was reluctant to talk about his experiences, other than the offhand comment that his time in the Army was the first time he had his own bed.
Back to Glenn, I really recommend the book "The Astronauts Wives Club." It details the story of the Mercury Seven wives and the pressures they were under to be the perfect, All-American woman running the perfect All-American family. These women were just as ballsy as their husbands, they just had to express it differently.
Back to Glenn, I really recommend the book "The Astronauts Wives Club." It details the story of the Mercury Seven wives and the pressures they were under to be the perfect, All-American woman running the perfect All-American family. These women were just as ballsy as their husbands, they just had to express it differently.
The wives were pretty well represented in The Right Stuff, Apollo 13, and From the Earth to the Moon.
Glenn to be laid to rest in Arlington National, but still unsure about a public viewing locally.
On a related note, I just heard the story a few days ago, about the woman behind the math that NASA depended on for the Mercury 7 flights. Then this morning I see this...
On a related note, I just heard the story a few days ago, about the woman behind the math that NASA depended on for the Mercury 7 flights. Then this morning I see this...
Somewhere out there there's an image of one of the women coders for Mercury/Apollo...she's 5' something and the stack of code she wrote was taller than her. :eek: I'll have to see if I can dig it FB bud posted it.
Also, on Glenn...if you have access to 'Ohio's Greatest Newspaper' they did a special section today for Mr. Glenn. No ads either. Might be available online at as well.
EDIT: linky
Thanks for posting that dando :thumbup:
A true hero in every sense of the word.
A true hero in every sense of the word.
If possible, that's understated. He went above and beyond his achievements as a war hero, test pilot, and astronaut with his philanthropy, community involvement, and his impact at tOSU. Massive. The MAN would go out of his way to interact with students at tOSU...even over the past few months of his life. :thumbup: :thumbup:
12-12-16, 12:55 PM
On a related note, I just heard the story a few days ago, about the woman behind the math that NASA depended on for the Mercury 7 flights.
This isn’t a one up, but I first heard of this film and the underlying story maybe 6 months ago on something like a podcast of NPR’s Science Friday, and a few times since then, which is really far in advance to start talking about a movie before its release, and even more amazingly the book it is based on was not released at that point (I just checked Amazon and it just came out in Sept). Someone in Hollywood must have jumped on optioning the story the second they heard about it. I think the interviews I listened to were with the author, an African-American woman whose dad worked at NASA who was surprised how unknown that the story was, so she decided to write a book about it.
Any ways, Taraji Henson’s character (who easily has the most screen time in the trailer you posted), Katherine Johnson, is still alive. She is 98. At least so says Octavia Spencer, one of the other two actresses who are the 3 primary woman characters, appeared on Colbert’s show last week as part of the promo blitz for the film, on the day Glenn died, which they mentioned they had just gotten word of (the show tapes in the afternoon). They mentioned that because Glenn had personally requested that NASA have Johnson go over their numbers and verify they were right (I take it that is part of the film).
12-12-16, 01:26 PM
Any ways, Taraji Henson’s character (who easily has the most screen time in the trailer you posted), Katherine Johnson, is still alive. She is 98. At least so says Octavia Spencer, one of the other two actresses who are the 3 primary woman characters, appeared on Colbert’s show last week as part of the promo blitz for the film, on the day Glenn died, which they mentioned they had just gotten word of (the show tapes in the afternoon). They mentioned that because Glenn had personally requested that NASA have Johnson go over their numbers and verify they were right (I take it that is part of the film).
Katherine Johnson is still alive. NBC News interviewed her last week.
Annie says goodbye. :(
They came in from all over. Respect. :) and :(
Tomorrow at tOSU...
We are living in the future
We are living in the future.
yeah, yeah, yeah.
I hate the future.
We are living in the future
Except that movie is set in 1997. So we're kind of living in the past.
The iPad is about the only science fiction thing that we've achieved ahead of schedule. But at least we've so far avoided the nuclear war that they all predicted by the turn of the century.
John Glenn on the left and I'm assuming Ted Williams on the right.
12-21-16, 01:09 PM
I wasn't aware that Ted Williams (of Boston Red Sox fame) was his wingman in Korea.
I wasn't either so I looked it up. PS, I wish this had had its own thread. We RIP so many lesser lights. I only looked here because of the dark night phenomenon last night. Anyway, this whole article enlightened and amused me.
01-09-17, 03:59 PM
On a related note, I just heard the story a few days ago, about the woman behind the math that NASA depended on for the Mercury 7 flights. Then this morning I see this...
Well that movie knocked Star Wars out of the number one spot this weekend.
01-10-17, 12:38 PM
Well that movie knocked Star Wars out of the number one spot this weekend.
YAY! Glad to see that. It's a victory even though Star Wars has been out a while. Everyone I know that has seen Hidden Numbers went in with fair to middlin' expectations and came out raving about it.
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