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07-11-07, 07:00 PM
not kidding (http://www.speedtv.com/articles/auto/champcar/38679/)

The majority of the Champ Car paddock would agree that Tony Cotman is the best thing that's happened to Race Control in many years. And now he's going to be calling the shots in the office as well as on the track.

SPEEDTV.com has confirmed that Cotman is replacing Steve Johnson, immediately, as the day-to-day boss of Champ Car and assumes the title of executive vice president. The 40-year-old native of New Zealand will also continue to be chief steward on race weekends.

Johnson, the president and CEO since 2005, has been moved into sales.

Racing Truth
07-11-07, 07:04 PM
:cool: :cool: :thumbup: :thumbup: YESSSSSSS!

07-11-07, 07:46 PM


07-11-07, 07:48 PM
I haven't always agreed with Cotman (see SB jumping the M.T. start) but I can't imagine how he could be any worse than Johnson.

Hope this turns out well.

nissan gtp
07-11-07, 07:56 PM

07-11-07, 08:26 PM
So there is no longer a President and CEO of ChampCar?

Opposite Lock
07-11-07, 09:17 PM
Wow. Not quite sure what to make of this. Not too used to good news in CC. I think I feel like buying beers or something. :saywhat:

Say, remember that time Gerry Forsythe tried to fire Tony? :gomer:

Elmo T
07-11-07, 09:31 PM
I reread the SJ & KK interview thread - no hint there.

[tin foil hat on] Pure happenstance that this comes on the heels of the Mario interview on merger talk?

07-11-07, 11:35 PM
Originally Posted by Paul Gentilozzi
The article as written on speed is not accurate, please wait for the real story. It is much different.

07-12-07, 12:08 AM
Originally Posted by Paul Gentilozzi
The article as written on speed is not accurate, please wait for the real story. It is much different.
Given that it has direct quotes from KK I'd say that it can't be too much different.

Ok, sure "We addressed two problems," said Kevin Kalkhoven, co-owner of Champ Car along with Gerald Forsythe. "We needed somebody to run the day-to-day operations and we have a bunch of potential sponsors that need closing." - The press release will emphasis that Johnson is moving to sales to close some sock knocking deals but the bottom line is that Cottman takes over day to day operations and Johnson goes to sales.

Good to see Steve Hornes name in the mix, but I don't know if he's in touch enough or savy enough on the business end to head up the whole series.

07-12-07, 12:28 AM
I get the sense that this is a temporary move (Cotman to CEO) with Horne coming on board in some capacity at season's end to finalize what is started here.

07-12-07, 12:57 AM
I get the sense that this is a temporary move (Cotman to CEO) with Horne coming on board in some capacity at season's end to finalize what is started here.

Let's HOPE SO, fer crying out loud.

Seriously, sounds good to me. Better than anything I've heard since SJ was announced, that's for sure.

07-12-07, 01:21 AM
Given that it has direct quotes from KK I'd say that it can't be too much different.depends on who supplied those "direct quotes" to RM

opinionated ow
07-12-07, 05:48 AM
i don't think much of cotman. he has clearly shown that he has minimal idea of american openwheel racing history, and frankly his inconsistencies in race control haven't helped his popularity. last I heard, Gerry Forsythe wanted him sacked from cc

07-12-07, 08:02 AM
depends on who supplied those "direct quotes" to RM

I don't think RM would be dumb enough to run a piece if he did not think the sources were impeccable.

Wasn't Gentilozzi was told to stop talking to the masses via the interweb...

07-12-07, 09:34 AM
Sounds like SJ is still pres. Cotman is apparently taking over the day-to-day management duties fro SJ to allow him to spend more time on sales.

07-12-07, 09:36 AM
sounds like it will be the last info he gets from that source. Pink slip anybody?

07-12-07, 11:05 AM
sounds like it will be the last info he gets from that source. Pink slip anybody?KK and Cotman? Walker? Who's getting fired?

There's a new sheriff in town and it's kinda like John Wayne replacing Barney Fife.:D

a bitter-sounding RM

It's been a sure-fire formula for failure because a neutered leader wrong for the job is as effective as a skunk with no stink.

And that smell resonating today from the Champ Car offices on Indy's northwest side is all too familiar -- the aroma of being burned again.

Steve Johnson is out and Tony Cotman is in as the day-to-day boss, despite what Paul Gentilozzi claims in a chat room (that our SPEED story is not accurate) unless Kevin Kalkhoven and Cotman were lying to me on Wednesday.

Gentilozzi, allowed to set policy the past few years despite not having any skin in series ownership (he still owes Kalkhoven for the original buy-in), doesn't want to face the reality of Johnson's demise because he hand picked his old SCCA puppet to come to Champ Car and do his bidding.

07-12-07, 11:19 AM
the future so bright I gotta wear shades.:gomer:

07-12-07, 11:25 AM
unless Kevin Kalkhoven and Cotman were lying to me on Wednesday.

Why KK or anyone involved in Champ Car would talk to Miller about anything is beyond me. :confused:

07-12-07, 11:46 AM
Wow, that Miller piece sounds pretty matter of fact and seems to reinforce what a lot of people seem to have thought.

A little suprised Miller dished so much on Paul G. But Paul never struck me as the sharpest knife in the drawer so.....

I think that interview in Portland really showed how unprepared and out of his depth Steve is.

07-12-07, 11:52 AM
A little suprised Miller dished so much on Paul G. But Paul never struck me as the sharpest knife in the drawer so.....

I think that interview in Portland really showed how unprepared and out of his depth Steve is.

I'm surprised that he put into print what several of us have thought: That PG rolls on other people's money.

Was he really the one that championed Johnson? Or did he just say he did? What puzzles me is why PG has so much power within the ruling camp of CCWS. Or does he just say that? ;)

There were so *many* interviews that showed how out of his depth SJ was that I honestly can recall the Portland one specifically. I've not been a huge Cotman fan either (because I do not see him as being consistent) but at least he speaks well. A major plus for the person running an organization. :rolleyes:

edit: I'm seeing on everyone's favorite paid site that they are making a big linguistic leap on this to hide the fact that SJ does not really have the reins any more. I supposed it is thought to be saving face for everyone but, really........................

07-12-07, 12:03 PM
:thumbup: :thumbup:

FPG! :mad:

You go, RM. :cool:


opinionated ow
07-12-07, 12:12 PM
quite honestly, I had the privilege of spending plenty of time in the cc paddock at surfers last year, and PG was one of the nicest people I have ever met. Maybe he isn't a good businessman (i dunno :confused: ) but he sure as hell is a genuine nice bloke.

07-12-07, 12:30 PM
Hum, sounds like squabbling and political maneuvering amongst the "owners".

The names change, but that remains eerily familiar.
It was tolerable when the cars, engines, tracks and drivers provided so much better of a diversion.

Now? Not so much.

07-12-07, 12:45 PM
I think that interview in Portland really showed how unprepared and out of his depth Steve is.

I remember seeing SJ lurking at the back of the fan forum in Cleveland. Someone asked a question about re-unification. I thought SJ was going to hurt himself getting out of there, he was moving so fast.

07-12-07, 01:22 PM
Why KK or anyone involved in Champ Car would talk to Miller about anything is beyond me. :confused:

Probably because he's the only open-wheel racing journalist left in the states that would listen and give two s**ts.

07-12-07, 01:23 PM
As Jonathan Swift once wrote: "When a true genius appears in the world, you may know him by this sign, that the dunces are all in confederacy against him."*

By that measure, RM is a true genius. Both the crackforum and commatard brigade, and their respective leaders, are constantly up in arms against RM and I think it's frickin' hysterical. Bigger dunces than those losers, I know not. :rofl:

If you want to look into the tea leaves about who's wrong and right in about this development, it's interesting IMHO to note that RM backs his comments w/direct quotes from KK (as noted above, and SurfaceUnits put down the tinfoil hat and/or crackpipe - RM's not going to make up or be fed unsubstantiated quotes even on a story that's this "epic" :gomer: ). What's also interesting is that KK uses the phrase "Gerry and I" twice in those quotes, which might signal to discerning tea leaf readers where PG fits in all of this - i.e. he doesn't despite what some may think.

I hope PG is the next loser that takes a fall, regardless of whether we also lose his impressive one car effort. :gomer: Since it seems he's on a different page entirely from KK and GF, that might not be far fetched.

*(This quote is also the inspiration for John Kennedy Toole's fantastic novel, of course)

07-12-07, 02:13 PM
i don't think much of cotman. he has clearly shown that he has minimal idea of american openwheel racing history, and frankly his inconsistencies in race control haven't helped his popularity. last I heard, Gerry Forsythe wanted him sacked from cc

You need to do a little research then.

quite honestly, I had the privilege of spending plenty of time in the cc paddock at surfers last year, and PG was one of the nicest people I have ever met. Maybe he isn't a good businessman (i dunno :confused: ) but he sure as hell is a genuine nice bloke.

Genuine-ly nice snake oil salesman. Shoulda hit him up for a hardcard. I hear it is easy to get.

07-12-07, 02:36 PM
SJ not gone (http://www.champcarworldseries.com/News/Article.asp?ID=11873)

How does this fit into Miller's story? :D

I think maybe if anyone from Champ Car is talking to Miller it is just to feed him crap. :laugh:

07-12-07, 02:39 PM
Why KK or anyone involved in Champ Car would talk to Miller about anything is beyond me. :confused:

Because someone probably gave RM a heads up, he called them for comment and they had no problem commenting. And PG apparently doesn't think what they said was right. Why would they not talk to RM?

07-12-07, 02:42 PM
SJ not gone (http://www.champcarworldseries.com/News/Article.asp?ID=11873)

How does this fit into Miller's story? :D

I think maybe if anyone from Champ Car is talking to Miller it is just to feed him crap. :laugh:

Semantics. As I said in my previous post. Trying to salvage the best of a bad situation.

07-12-07, 02:46 PM
SJ not gone (http://www.champcarworldseries.com/News/Article.asp?ID=11873)

How does this fit into Miller's story? :D

I think maybe if anyone from Champ Car is talking to Miller it is just to feed him crap. :laugh:
Cotman and Higdon will continue to report to Johnson and work closely with the rest of the senior management team to enhance the Series both domestically and globally.

07-12-07, 03:05 PM
Semantics. As I said in my previous post. Trying to salvage the best of a bad situation.

Precisely. Might even be an attempt to placate FPG. :\ SJ is a figure head @ best in this scenario.


Dr. Corkski
07-12-07, 03:25 PM
"We're enjoying one of the most successful seasons in recent memory," Johnson said.:laugh:

07-12-07, 03:26 PM
Miller is a moron. he never gets anything correct.

07-12-07, 03:42 PM
Believe PG is already gone in everything but the announcement.
SJ was his puppet.
But you have to wonder about who is running the ship that would take PG or anything he had to say as anything remotely credible at any point in time.

07-12-07, 03:48 PM
Miller is a moron. he never gets anything correct.

I suspect he got it right and then there was some massaging to sooth some egos.

07-12-07, 04:11 PM
I suspect he got it right and then there was some massaging to sooth some egos.

Exactly. Miller got it right. Read the Champ Car press release. Look at the list of Cotman's responsibilties. What is left? He is even responsible for marketing.

Dr. Corkski
07-12-07, 04:57 PM
Exactly. Miller got it right. Read the Champ Car press release. Look at the list of Cotman's responsibilties. What is left? He is even responsible for marketing.Posting on interweb forums.

07-12-07, 05:12 PM
Posting on interweb forums.


I'm thinking SJ and PG will tag-team that duty. :)

Dr. Corkski
07-12-07, 05:28 PM

I'm thinking SJ and PG will tag-team that duty. :)http://img184.imageshack.us/img184/2692/trekkiesvd5.jpg

07-12-07, 10:49 PM
Good news. OOW, I think you should reconsider how you feel about Cotman. If all the fanboys hate him, how bad could he be?

07-12-07, 11:45 PM
Miller is a moron. he never gets anything correct.

You mean :tony: really isn't a moron? Thanks for the 411, yo. :\


manic mechanic
07-13-07, 01:21 AM
To me, the big question is: Who will CC pair Tony Cotman with?

He needs someone with good business savvy that is as passionate about the product as he is in order for the whole deal to succeed.

End result: GET Dick Eidswick BACK to work with him...

That way, TC would have the "800lb. Gorilla" on his shoulder to aid in the series' perceived credibility when the business end of things comes to the table.

Dick has a *****load of credibility in the business world (and has eaten Fortune 500 company CEOs for breakfast when a deal is in the offing) and is a TOTAL car guy that really believes in (and understands) the product.

Imagine that.. A tech guy as President, and a biz guy as his aide...Both know where the series needs to be, and both want it to get there.

NAAAAH! It makes too much sense for it to happen! :p


P.S. F RM and his diatribe! I've met the guy and he only cares about who is picking up his meal ticket!

07-13-07, 08:36 PM
Totally agree about Dick E.

Has anyone seen him lately? I chatted briefly with him in Long Beach and he did not look well to me. I tried to believe he was still mourning the loss of his wife and showing the toll that illness took on him, but I was really, really worried about HIM.

Elmo T
07-13-07, 09:54 PM
More spin :saywhat:

STATEMENT FROM WALKER RACING OWNER DERRICK WALKER (http://www.champcarworldseries.com/News/Article.asp?ID=11876)

...On reading the quotes attributed to me, I felt I needed to clarify what I had said in the way that I said it. However, I reconsidered and instead decided it would be more productive for me to make some remarks for the record regarding Steve Johnson and more importantly Champ Car...

Andrew Longman
07-14-07, 09:16 AM
Reading Walker's comments it also seems that CC could use a lot of PR help. This announcement should have happened in a press release or press conference before RM printed his version of the facts.

Makes everyone look like amatures and goofballs.

nissan gtp
07-14-07, 09:23 AM
I suspect he got it right and then there was some massaging to sooth some egos.

that's what is looks like (and it's not a bad thing --- ease SJ out gracefully, better for all concerned)

07-14-07, 09:43 AM
Reading Walker's comments it also seems that CC could use a lot of PR help. This announcement should have happened in a press release or press conference before RM printed his version of the facts.

Makes everyone look like amatures and goofballs. It's a classic case of too many cooks in the kitchen.

07-14-07, 10:08 AM
Reading Walker's comments it also seems that CC could use a lot of PR help. This announcement should have happened in a press release or press conference before RM printed his version of the facts.

Makes everyone look like amatures and goofballs.

His version of the facts? He got quotes from people who should know. Don't blame RM when 1. People within CC or close to people who know these things leak information to RM and 2. People can't say "no comment" or "wait for the press release" when asked about it.

Andrew Longman
07-15-07, 10:26 AM
Wasn't blaming RM. I think Methbrats has it right with "too many cooks". My point was nobody should be talking until there is an official announcement because otherwise you might get misquoted or misinterpreted and even people on the inside may not know exactly how you want it explained. Which seems to be what happened.