View Full Version : Too funny

10-17-07, 06:52 PM

not my doings, but hilarious. Reminds me that no matter how much CCWS sucks, they still got us beat in the idiocy category.:laugh:

Andrew Longman
10-17-07, 07:12 PM
Paff has been grumpy and absent since talk of Hornish leaving for NASCAR came up, though if IIRC he did enjoy his road racing babtism at WG.

I wonder if he knows about this? :D

Nice tune. It completes it. ;)

10-17-07, 09:25 PM
Paff has been grumpy and absent since talk of Hornish leaving for NASCAR came up, though if IIRC he did enjoy his road racing babtism at WG.

I wonder if he knows about this? :D

Nice tune. It completes it. ;) Absent because he got banished. Apparently gomers can tire of uber gomers. Who knew? He did say that it's not his myspace page, but then he would wouldn't he...? :gomer:

10-17-07, 11:59 PM
the real thing
http://www.myspace.com/danicafanica :rofl:

10-18-07, 12:15 AM
That pasty, chunky, bald, illiterate jacktard was the best thing that TF had to offer because his stupidity reflected on their entire fan base. Pity he got banned. That kid's an embarrassment (his poor parents must want to shoot themselves).

They got rid of their pasty, chunky, bald, illiterate jacktard, and we're still stuck w/Paul Gentillozi.

We lose. :tony:

10-18-07, 07:07 AM
I amagione that they will let him back in soon.

http://www.smileyvillage.com/smilies/banana072.gif (http://www.smileyvillage.com)

10-18-07, 07:47 AM
A yes...one forum bans for telling the truth,,,,and the other for making them look stupid.
It all makes sense now. :D

Andrew Longman
10-18-07, 09:43 AM
Absent because he got banished.

Really? I missed that. They banned Defender back in May and it took me a while to notice.

But Paff was really making a lot of unhappy noise about where the IRL and its drivers were heading. He especially didn't like the lack of side-by-side racing of late.

Sean Malone
10-18-07, 10:34 AM
Really? I missed that. They banned Defender back in May and it took me a while to notice.

But Paff was really making a lot of unhappy noise about where the IRL and its drivers were heading. He especially didn't like the lack of side-by-side racing of late.

I'd be pissed too. Tony gave them what they wanted... a side by side, jet fighters in a gymnasium, fireballs from space, flying rocketships three ring circus.

And then he took all the fun away. :(