View Full Version : Movies You Hated but Grew to Like
Sean Malone
10-18-07, 02:28 PM
I was thinking about this the other day when I took a 'sick' day. Flipping through channel after channel of crap and stopped on Meet Joe Black.
Wife and I rented this movie way back when…she fell asleep and I turned it off half way through. Now, every time I see this flick on TV I stop and watch it. It’s not a good flick. Mediocre at best with a somewhat interesting plot line.
Hopkins performance (which is very dry dialog) saves Pitts horrible acting (and I’m not a Pitt hater, but he’s just bad in this film). The girl is mesmerizingly (sic) beautiful which is probably why I watch it.
We also turned off the first Pirates of the Caribbean movie after about 30 minutes when it first came out on DVD. I’ve seen it a dozen times since then. Fun flicks.
Does anyone else have movies that you didn’t like at first, but then warmed up to or even love?
Here’s my list that I can think of.
Meet Joe Black
Pirates of the Caribbean
Hocus pocus (I’m forced to watch this over and over again every Oct. It’s a wife / daughter tradition).
Mystic River (turned it off after an hour the first time. Watched it again and liked it but that was enough.)
Harry Potter (As a LotR elitist, Harry Potter was junk. Forced repetition (again the wife/daughter thing) has given me a fondness.
Star Wars episode 1.
Many more. I have to think about it a bit.
10-18-07, 04:06 PM
I once was so sick and feverish and delirious, I wound up watching Waterworld and The Postman back to back, because I just didn't have the energy to change the channel or turn off the TV...
Oh, said grew to like...nope, can't say I did... :yuck:
Can't think of any that I hated and grew to love but I was pretty luke warm on "Mars Attacks" and now I have to stop and watch some of it everytime I find it on.
10-18-07, 04:30 PM
I don't know of any that fit that bill either but I have seen the movie Cars about 50 or 60 times now and I don't hate it yet so there ya go.
We try to ration it to about once a week just to keep from going insane.:laugh:
You had a day off and you watched a movie....:saywhat:
Bad Boy Bubby. :gomer:
a LotR elitist? :confused:
Sean Malone
10-18-07, 05:22 PM
You had a day off and you watched a movie....:saywhat:
Bad Boy Bubby. :gomer:
a LotR elitist? :confused:
In IT you never really have a day off. I've had 100+ fevers with laptop in bed.
Dumb & Dumber.
I think I was in a really bad mood when I saw it, and over the years it just keeps on getting better!
Fargo also improved with age for me, although I initially liked it. Now it's one of my favorites.
10-18-07, 08:04 PM
Well for me it was Fellowship of The Ring. A longtime devotee of the books, it's omissions were shocking.
But honestly, looking back, there's absolutely no way they can fit everything in it, and I'm pretty happy with the actors and portrayals, and the cinematography is WOWOW... so I love it (and the other two as well).
10-18-07, 08:23 PM
Dumb & Dumber.
I think I was in a really bad mood when I saw it, and over the years it just keeps on getting better Agreed, mood is everything, and 'Dumb & Dumber' has held up well over time. The out-of-order bathroom scene alone is a classic...:D
One I recall vividly was seeing Terence Malick's 'Badlands,' a dramatization of the Starkweather-Fugate killing spree of the 1950's, on a double bill with the Czech animation film 'Fantastic Planet.' The small town theater owner had no idea what either film was about and didn't give the pairing a 2nd thought.
The first film had us relaxed and whimsical so when 'Badlands' started it was like a wire brush to the face. It was also a truly great film, we just weren't in the mood and we hated it. After seeing it years later on laserdisc I was sorry I wasn't able to get into it on the big screen.
Rent the DVD and you'll realize why all the buzz about Terence Malick and then that it's been widely copied by the likes of Oliver Stone, Bennett Miller and Quentin Tarrentino.
10-18-07, 08:46 PM
Czech animation film 'Fantastic Planet.'
That's a pretty cool one- goes nicely with Starewicz's 'The Mascot' and 'Das Testament des Dr. Mabuse'.
10-18-07, 11:46 PM
You've got to be a glutton for punishment to re-watch a movie you hated. :tony:
The only movie that somewhat fits for me is Buckaroo Banzai (maybe because I was too young at the time to get the whacked comedy)
Winston Wolfe
10-19-07, 12:29 AM
Can't think of any that I hated and grew to love but I was pretty luke warm on "Mars Attacks" and now I have to stop and watch some of it everytime I find it on.
Boss.... you gotta be kidding me !!!! When Mars Attacks is by far, the WORST MOVIE EVER..... hands down, case closed..... I saw it in Vegas when a friend of mine moved there for work, and we went, figuring with the killer, headline cast, it was gonna be great.... I have never seen so many people walk out of a movie in my life, and we all sat there waiting for it to get better, but it never did....
I could never bring myself to watch even a tidbit of that flick ever again.
You must have a high tolerance for a bad dose of movie pain !;)
I could never bring myself to watch even a tidbit of that flick ever again.
You must have a high tolerance for a bad dose of movie pain !;)
I might feel the same if I'd ever actually paid to see it. :) As a movie I'd have to agree that it sucks. As a series of spoofs and parodies of 50's science fiction and American culture in general, I love it.
"Don't run! We are your friends!"
10-19-07, 01:30 AM
Took me a while to come up with one but I guess it would have to be Rocky Horror Picture Show. There, I said it.
First time I nearly threw up about 1/3 the way through it. Turned it off. Watched bits and pieces over the years. Eventually I watched it all the way through and realized it's awful, it's disgusting, it's over the top, but it IS camp and Tim Curry is unbelievable.
In my own defense, however, I have not watched it again
BTW, I love Cars. Although I've only seen it twice. I think it's a classic. Not only is it especially hilarious to race fans but the overarching story of the price of progress and the value of friendship and, and, and.......!!! I have a Doc Hudson model on my bookcase. Gotta love PLN for doing that voice. :)
Mine was 'Behind The Green Door.'
You've got to be a glutton for punishment to re-watch a movie you hated.
This was my first thought as well.
I'd have to go with Rocky Horror Picture Show as well. But TravelGal, that movie wasn't intended to be seen at home in your living room. You have to be in a theater, drunk, with a bunch of other people. I didn't 'get it' at all the first time I saw it. After repeated midnight showings with my friends back in the 80's I became fond of the social experience. The movie still sucked though. :)
10-19-07, 07:50 AM
Sound of Music. First time I saw it I kept hoping that Julie Andrews and that annoying family would be machine gunned so the singing would end. Later I realized the error of my ways and I was glad they got away. Edelweiss and Do-Re-Mi still suck though.
10-19-07, 07:51 AM
I can't think of any. But, I really liked the PotC movies from the beginning.
Maybe because I am a child of the 80's, but mine is "Better Off Dead". I don't recall seeing it in 1985, and I didn't really get it the first time. But now I'll get sucked in every time.
"I want my two dollars..."
"What's a little boy like you doing with big boy smut like this?"
10-19-07, 08:13 AM
I might feel the same if I'd ever actually paid to see it. :) As a movie I'd have to agree that it sucks. As a series of spoofs and parodies of 50's science fiction and American culture in general, I love it.
"Don't run! We are your friends!"
ak ak ak ak.....AKAKAKAKAK!!!!! :D
10-19-07, 10:28 AM
Mine was 'Behind The Green Door.'
:rofl: :rofl:
Nah, it sucks.
10-19-07, 11:48 AM
Amelie. It was a little too weird for me the first time I saw it, but now I really enjoy it.
Andrew Longman
10-19-07, 12:49 PM
Sound of Music. First time I saw it I kept hoping that Julie Andrews and that annoying family would be machine gunned so the singing would end. Later I realized the error of my ways and I was glad they got away. Edelweiss and Do-Re-Mi still suck though.
When I was about five, Sound of Music was about the second movie I ever saw in the theater. Mary Poppins was probably the first. Loved Mary Poppins. In SoM I kept waiting for Julie Andrews to break into some catchy Poppinsesque tune or for a battle scene to break out with all those Germans. Neither happened and I haven't seen it since.
It sucks at first, then gets better. I just skip to the "racing" parts :D
Mars Attacks! Is definately a movie that gets funnier the more times you watch it. I usually will bring a movie with me if I'm flying, and Mars Attacks! always seems to draw a comment from others who haven't seen it in a while. It certainly does have its detractors. I know someone whose entire extended family went to see it together. He said it was remarkable because every age group: The kids, parents, grandparents, and great grandparents all hated it.
Another movie that you don't see much of, but gets more and more funny as you watch it is Used Cars. Circuit City had the DVD for like $5 a while back, but even at full price ($10) it is well worth it. Robert Zemeckis only had one R rated movie, and this was it! A definate don't miss.
10-19-07, 02:54 PM
Mystery Men probably falls into this category as well...apparently I was one of the three people who enjoyed it the first time around, though I hear more and more people saying good things about it as the years go on... :D
10-19-07, 06:55 PM
Oh who am I kidding, I loved it the first time.
Sean Malone
10-19-07, 08:40 PM
Oh who am I kidding, I loved it the first time.
We don't need no stinkin' badgers!:thumbup:
10-20-07, 07:56 PM
Personally, I've always felt Slim Whitman music was dangerous in the wrong hands, and 'Mars Attacks' just proves it....:gomer:
10-20-07, 08:42 PM
It sucks at first, then gets better. I just skip to the "racing" parts :D
I was considering adding this one, but I just can't. I do understand what you mean though.
I think the 'getting ready to race' part is the best of any racing movie. The music is part of the reason. I love "Jimmy's" pass (for the lead?) aerial view at Detroit. Jean Alesi worked on that film and the balls and beauty with which that one is pulled off screams Alesi to me.
10-20-07, 08:49 PM
Mystery Men probably falls into this category as well...apparently I was one of the three people who enjoyed it the first time around, though I hear more and more people saying good things about it as the years go on... :D
Who would want to rent a chicken?
Office Space is the only one I can think of. I must have been temporarily insane.
10-20-07, 09:16 PM
This was my first thought as well.
I'd have to go with Rocky Horror Picture Show as well. But TravelGal, that movie wasn't intended to be seen at home in your living room. You have to be in a theater, drunk, with a bunch of other people. I didn't 'get it' at all the first time I saw it. After repeated midnight showings with my friends back in the 80's I became fond of the social experience. The movie still sucked though. :)
Yes, the movie sucked but ya gotta love Susan Sarandon in bra and panties :p
10-21-07, 07:30 PM
Office Space is the only one I can think of. I must have been temporarily insane.
Fantastic film.
10-22-07, 11:35 AM
Dune. When I saw the movie in the theaters in high school, I actually got up and walked out.
A few years ago, A&E showed it back to back for a day over Thanksgiving weekend. I joined in half way through and watched the movie to the end before I realized what it was. I was so drawn in that I watched it from start to finish. I think this was in the run-up to the re-make miniseries that was on A&E a few years back.
Now, everytime I see it on TV, I watch it and I can't figure out why I walked out.
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