View Full Version : Confessions of a Self-Proclaimed Movie-Buff
Sean Malone
01-09-08, 11:52 AM
the jerk
has to be steve martins best
"He hates these cans. Stay away from the cans."
"Marie: You live here? Oh, it's nice. Did you decorate it?
Navin R. Johnson: Yeah, I got all this stuff from the old Cup 'o Pizza place before they tore it down.
Marie: Good pizza.
[the two are eating pizza in a cup]
Navin R. Johnson: Oh, this is the best pizza in a cup ever. This guy is unbelievable. He ran the old Cup 'o Pizza guy out of business. People come from all over to eat this."
"I know we've only known each other four weeks and three days, but to me it seems like nine weeks and five days. The first day seemed like a week and the second day seemed like five days. And the third day seemed like a week again and the fourth day seemed like eight days. And the fifth day you went to see your mother and that seemed just like a day, and then you came back and later on the sixth day, in the evening, when we saw each other, that started seeming like two days, so in the evening it seemed like two days spilling over into the next day and that started seeming like four days, so at the end of the sixth day on into the seventh day, it seemed like a total of five days. And the sixth day seemed like a week and a half. I have it written down, but I can show it to you tomorrow if you want to see it. "
01-09-08, 11:53 AM
As a matter of fact I watched History of the world last week....cracked me up..."I have here this fifteen commandments...these fif---crash---ten, TEN commandments..."
I try to watch Mel Brooks' movies everytime I get a chance, especially Blazing Saddles and Young Frankenstien. It just amazes me what he got away with at the time that Political Correctness just would not allow today.
01-09-08, 12:18 PM
I've never seen a Mel Brooks movie I thought was funny in the least (not that Caddyshack is Brooks. I think it's a Lampoon flick actually).
I thought Casino was boring.
Sean Malone
01-09-08, 12:18 PM
I try to watch Mel Brooks' movies everytime I get a chance, especially Blazing Saddles and Young Frankenstien. It just amazes me what he got away with at the time that Political Correctness just would not allow today.
I find that an interesting observation as I believe that the 70's were a complete 180 to how politically correct society has become in the last 18 years.
Watch a movie like Bad News Bears where every other word out of the young teams mouths were profanity, where their coach (brilliantly played by Walter Matthau) drank beer all day and even even gave it to the kids). I was surprised while watching Christmas Vacation a few weeks ago from the 80's in how much profanity and adult content it contained. People today are wound waaaaay tighter than they used to be.
Sean Malone
01-09-08, 12:23 PM
Rick Moranis is its only redeeming element IMO.
Andrew Longman
01-09-08, 12:25 PM
Years back when Trevor started playing little league his mom thought it would be fun to have a family movie night with Bad News Bears. We both had completely forgotten about the pottymouth stuff. It led to a lot of long awkward moments to say the least (if we don't say anything maybe they won't notice :gomer: )
But personally had no problem with Matthau teaching the kids how to mix martinis. That's a useful skill :D
Andrew Longman
01-09-08, 12:26 PM
the jerk
has to be steve martins best
"I was born a poor black child" :rofl:
01-09-08, 01:48 PM
I try to watch Mel Brooks' movies everytime I get a chance, especially Blazing Saddles and Young Frankenstien. It just amazes me what he got away with at the time that Political Correctness just would not allow today.
Blazing Saddles is a great example of how much society has changed. Look at how many slurs and such Brooks managed to work in and no one batted an eye. Nowadays if someone tried such a thing, you'd have so many special interest groups with their undies in a twist. The movie would never see the light of day.
All that aside, its such a great movie.
Mongo just a pawn in game of life.
Blazing Saddles is a great example of how much society has changed. Look at how many slurs and such Brooks managed to work in and no one batted an eye. Nowadays if someone tried such a thing, you'd have so many special interest groups with their undies in a twist. The movie would never see the light of day.
All that aside, its such a great movie.
Mongo just a pawn in game of life.
Sadly, the same goes for many of Walt Disney's old shorts, The Song of the South, and even classic Looney Tunes cartoons. The Mouse House still refuses to re-release Song on DVD to this very day, and Time Warner has resisted releasing numerous Tunes because they aren't PC. :(
I rented a bunch of old Disney shorts compilations for our girls in preparation for our trip to WDW. I shoulda watched them before we viewed them with the kids. :D
Saddles is one of the first movies I acquired on DVD. :thumbup:
Taggart: I got it. I got it.
Hedley Lamarr: You do?
Taggart: We'll work up a "Number 6" on 'em.
Hedley Lamarr: "Number 6"? I'm afraid I'm not familiar with that one...
Taggart: Well, that's where we go a-ridin' into town, a whampin' and whompin' every livin' thing that moves within an inch of its life. Except the women folks, of course.
Hedley Lamarr: You spare the women?
Taggart: NAW. We rape the **** out of them at the Number 6 Dance later on.
Hedley Lamarr: Marvelous.
01-09-08, 02:16 PM
Look at how many slurs and such Brooks managed to work in and no one batted an eye.
Mongo just a pawn in game of life.
Actually that isn't strictly accurate. I bought the Ultimate, Platinum, Best-Ever, Director's Cut version of the movie on DVD recently and in his commentary he made mention of the fact that the studio was VERY nervous about the language in the film. He said that after he'd been able to get it viewed by the higher-ups they made a boatload of "suggestions" about what to change in the movie before it shipped out. Mel said he diligently and attentively wrote them all down and assured the executives he would see to it that the changes got made. As soon as the executive had left the room he crumpled up the list and threw it away, and had the movie sent out to the cinemas as it was...
01-09-08, 02:23 PM
Sadly, the same goes for many of Walt Disney's old shorts, The Song of the South, and even classic Looney Tunes cartoons.
And its a shame about the Looney Tunes cartoons, because for a lot of people, they served as an introduction to classical music.
There was a period where jokes that would be seen today as racist or sexist or fill-in-the-blank-ist were accepted as lampooning the stereotype rather than propogating it. Somewhere along the line it was decided that people couldn't be trusted to make that distinction.
01-09-08, 04:52 PM
Non-PC films eh? Anyone remember Robert Downey Sr.'s art house flick 'Putney Swope' from 1969? It was ROFL funny and it skewered everything from the advertising business to the 60's black power movement. Putney Swope has been the only (token) black executive at a major Madison Avenue advertising firm. When a twist of fate lands him in the executive's chair, Swope is determined to make some significant changes and does. The commercials he makes are hilarious.
My favorite was for a little red Miata-esque sports car. A very large black woman comes skipping into the scene, squeezes into the car and closes the door at which point the car turns over on it's side. That's about the only one I can post here without getting banned permanently. Not for kids.
Putney Swope (
References to this movie show up in the recent work of Paul Thomas Anderson and David Lynch has lifted at least one character from it for 'Twin Peaks'
01-09-08, 07:14 PM
That'll be a Buckwheat for you, young man....
"Boat Drinks!" :D
Crtical Bill scene: :rofl:
01-09-08, 08:10 PM
"Boat Drinks!" :D
Crtical Bill scene: :rofl:
I'd forgotten that part! Cheers, and put mine on the rocks!
("Ya wanna know the secret of how to deal with women, kid? Treat 'em like *****...") :rofl:
01-09-08, 08:35 PM
I'd forgotten that part! Cheers, and put mine on the rocks!
("Ya wanna know the secret of how to deal with women, kid? Treat 'em like *****...") :rofl:
"fecal Freak" :eek: :rofl: :eek:
Andrew Longman
01-09-08, 09:24 PM
OK, I don't know whether to thank you or not. Things to Do was never a movie I ever had the least bit of interest in. Title turned me off, knew nothing about it.
Now I have to watch it. The cast alone is enough to make it mandatory.
But you folks, or Spic at least, are sick F%cks
Andrew Longman
01-09-08, 09:34 PM
How could we have missed this classic... dude?
No body F$cks with the Jesus
This is Bowling not Nam, there are rules!
FUNNY FARM ..(One of Chevy Chase's best) ... "Cue the Deer" :rofl:
Sean Malone
01-09-08, 10:07 PM
How could we have missed this classic... dude?
No body F$cks with the Jesus
This is Bowling not Nam, there are rules!
I'm the only one on the planet that I know of that can't stand that movie. :)
No Sean..looks stupid to me too
No offense to anybody
Andrew Longman
01-09-08, 11:17 PM
I'm the only one on the planet that I know of that can't stand that movie. :)
Perhaps its just a generational thing.
Open your mind and ask if there is any Kaluha. :)
For all the absurdity of your typical Torritino or DePalma or Porn film, this produces the compensating counterbalance
I'm the only one on the planet that I know of that can't stand that movie. :)
Ok, now I know there is something wrong with you. :laugh:
How could we have missed this classic... dude?
No body F$cks with the Jesus
This is Bowling not Nam, there are rules!
Kingpin is better. :gomer: :p
Roy: Hey, I hope you don't mind, I got up a little early, so I took the liberty of milking your cow for you. Yeah, it took a little while to get her warmed up, she sure is a stubborn one, whew.
[Takes a drink from the bucket]
Mr. Boorg: We don't have a cow. We have a bull.
Roy: I'm gonna brush my teeth.
01-10-08, 01:46 PM
Eight year olds, dude.
Sean Malone
01-10-08, 02:33 PM
Kingpin is better. :gomer: :p
I dug Kingpin. Just the thought of Murry's 'rose' bowling ball cracks me up.
FUNNY FARM ..(One of Chevy Chase's best) ... "Cue the Deer" :rofl:
"That's not a bridge. That's termites holding hands!"
I love that flick. :)
Andrew Longman
01-10-08, 03:09 PM
Eight year olds, dude.
"The Dude abides"
I'm brainlocking. Who used that as their sig either here or 7G?
01-10-08, 04:00 PM
Speaking of sports movies, I love Slap Shot.
You go to da box for 2 minutes, ya know, by feel shame...and then you get free.
Andrew Longman
01-10-08, 06:01 PM
Speaking of sports movies, I love Slap Shot.
You go to da box for 2 minutes, ya know, by feel shame...and then you get free.
Deja vu
See posts 55 and 59
"The Dude abides"
I'm brainlocking. Who used that as their sig either here or 7G?
we had sigs at 7g?
01-10-08, 07:37 PM
Deja vu
See posts 55 and 59
Oh, bugger.
I'm brainlocking. Who used that as their sig either here or 7G?
I think someone uses it at CCF.
01-10-08, 08:24 PM
Anybody else here a fan of "Das Boot"? The original version in subtitled German is the one to have IMHO. We should probably have separate thread for different film genres, but what the hell....
"Das Boot" The original version in subtitled German is the one to have IMHO.
Agreed. :thumbup:
Crouching Tiger Hidden Dragon = Kung Fu movie for your mom.
It's about a twelve year old girl. :shakehead
The Big Lebowski is almost 10 years old, and Walter Sobchak is John Goodman's best character before or since.
Supposedly good movies I've not seen:
Reservoir Dogs
Citizen Cane
The Manchurian Candidate
Brian's Song
Supposedly good movies I've not seen:
Reservoir Dogs
Citizen Cane
The Manchurian Candidate
Brian's Song
Dogs == must see
Meatballs == Murray's break through, followed by Caddyshack and Stripes.
Brian's Song == decent movie, but I wouldn't put it on any list (ala Something for Joey).
Never seen Cane or Candidate (before my time). *shrug*
Agreed. :thumbup:
Crouching Tiger Hidden Dragon = Kung Fu movie for your mom.
It's about a twelve year old girl. :shakehead
The Big Lebowski is almost 10 years old, and Walter Sobchak is John Goodman's best character before or since.
Supposedly good movies I've not seen:
Reservoir Dogs
Citizen Cane
The Manchurian Candidate
Brian's Song
Reservoir Dogs. :\
I saw it for the first time only a couple of mouths ago. It was ok, but not that great. I did love Steve Buscemi, though.
Andrew Longman
01-11-08, 09:06 AM
Anybody else here a fan of "Das Boot"? ...
I saw it in a theater in Southfield MI when it first came out.
I was exhausted by the end. Most authentic sub movie ever.
Significant movie at the time because it was the first German post war movie about the war made about the war. They used the UBoat in the Chicago Museum of Science & Industry for research for the movie.
Andrew Longman
01-11-08, 09:12 AM
Supposedly good movies I've not seen:
Reservoir Dogs = Intense but somehow left me wanting
Citizen Cane = Please, you just have to do it.
The Manchurian Candidate = Not the remake. The Original
Meatballs = Like Stripes much better, but among the best of its genre
Brian's Song = Better than average made for TV movie but I haven't seen it in 35 years
Add Seven Days in May
Sean Malone
01-11-08, 09:19 AM
Supposedly good movies I've not seen:
Reservoir Dogs = Intense but somehow left me wanting
Citizen Cane = Please, you just have to do it.
The Manchurian Candidate = Not the remake. The Original
Meatballs = Like Stripes much better, but among the best of its genre
Brian's Song = Better than average made for TV movie but I haven't seen it in 35 years
Add Seven Days in May
What is the "meatballs genre'? Summer camp movies? :D
I know what you mean by Reservoir Dogs. It was gravy, Pulp Fiction was the potatoes AND gravy and Kill Bill 1 & 2 was the meat, potatoes and gravy. Can't wait to see how he'll top Kill Bill.
Brian's Song? Wasn't there some sappy song like "Feelings" from that flick?
Andrew Longman
01-11-08, 10:28 AM
What is the "meatballs genre'? Summer camp movies? :D
Sophomoric comedies by ex SNL performers. :D
Brian's Song? Wasn't there some sappy song like "Feelings" from that flick?
The Hands of Time by Michel Legrand. He did The Windmills of Your Mind too.
I know what you mean by Reservoir Dogs. It was gravy, Pulp Fiction was the potatoes AND gravy and Kill Bill 1 & 2 was the meat, potatoes and gravy. Agreed.
Can't wait to see how he'll top Kill Bill.My fear is that he will try.
01-11-08, 02:50 PM
I know what you mean by Reservoir Dogs. It was gravy, Pulp Fiction was the potatoes AND gravy and Kill Bill 1 & 2 was the meat, potatoes and gravy. Can't wait to see how he'll top Kill Bill. To follow your analogy 'Grindhouse' was a buffet table. I'm thinking the next one will be a musical or a romantic comedy...
Sean Malone
01-11-08, 02:59 PM
To follow your analogy 'Grindhouse' was a buffet table. I'm thinking the next one will be a musical or a romantic comedy...
I haven't seen it yet, although my movie buff pals all concur that QT's half was better than RR's. The trailer looked over the top ala Pulp and Bill borrowing a little from MIllers Sin City.
QT's next stand alone is the one I'm interested in. I'd like to see him get back a more reality based film.
Aside from QT, I watched Memento for the second time the other day and it was better than the first time I saw it.
Dirk Diggler
01-13-08, 03:32 AM
Edward PenisHands (no typo. One of the funniest movies you will ever see, if you like pr00on. :D )
I had mixed feelings on that one. On one hand it was one of my finer performances, but I'm afraid that my acting might have been overshadowed by the special effects.
01-13-08, 11:49 AM
I had mixed feelings on that one. On one hand it was one of my finer performances, but I'm afraid that my acting might have been overshadowed by the special effects.
It rubs the lotion on its skin or else it gets the hose again.
01-13-08, 01:03 PM
Edward PenisHands (no typo. One of the funniest movies you will ever see, if you like pr00on. :D ) O'Gorman you should axe your mom before you see this.
Hmm I would give the nod to "Romancing The Bone" for best pr00n movie.
01-13-08, 01:07 PM
It rubs the lotion on its skin or else it gets the hose again.
I've been sort of watching The Godfather for the last 2 1/2 hours and I have to say, I don't understand the rave reviews. This movie is lame. It sounds like Marlon Brando has a sock in his mouth. It's like watching a cartoon. A really bad cartoon. Now I can say I've never finished watching the movie.
02-24-08, 07:10 PM
Just got back from "Spiderwick Chronicles". Surprisingly good, IMHO. A bit intense for little ones, but now that I've got a munchkin I've got to look at them like a "Dad" instead of a non-participant. It'll definitely be in our DVD collection years from now.
I was a bit surprised this morning when I heard the Oscars were tonight. What surprised me was that I don't remember seeing a movie in 2007 that impressed me enough to give a crap about the show. Even if something I saw won an award or two, I don't think I'd care.
I was a bit surprised this morning when I heard the Oscars were tonight.
Ratings are going to suck. Everybody will be watching Wind Tunnel instead.
02-24-08, 07:33 PM
Ratings are going to suck. Everybody will be watching Wind Tunnel instead.
Probably just as big a waste of time...
02-25-08, 01:40 AM
I just watched "Boondock Saints" tonight for the first time
How I missed this film before is beyond me. Great performances by Flanery, Connelly, and Dafoe.
Still have some plot questions, so I guess I will have to watch again.
02-25-08, 03:29 PM
I was a bit surprised this morning when I heard the Oscars were tonight. What surprised me was that I don't remember seeing a movie in 2007 that impressed me enough to give a crap about the show. Even if something I saw won an award or two, I don't think I'd care.
Good montages. One brief shot of the original Thomas Crown Affair. Steve McQueen and Faye Dunaway. GREAT flick. Not to be compared with the remake which was fun on its own but nothing like the original.
02-25-08, 03:37 PM
Only movie I saw in the theaters in the last 12 months, was the IMAX 3/d version of Beowulf (and I went cause i got a free ticket, I probably would not have even gone to that if I had to pay for it).
Sean Malone
02-25-08, 04:46 PM
Downloaded the new 3:10 to Yuma in HD this past weekend. Stars Russel Crowe and Christian Bale. Bale is superb.
I thought it was very entertaining. If you are in the mood for a well made, not overly acted, beautifully filmed western, check out 3:10 to Yuma. :thumbup:
Downloaded the new 3:10 to Yuma in HD this past weekend. Stars Russel Crowe and Christian Bale. Bale is superb.
I thought it was very entertaining. If you are in the mood for a well made, not overly acted, beautifully filmed western, check out 3:10 to Yuma. :thumbup:
Good flick, but the ending is a bit contrived. :irked:
Sean Malone
02-25-08, 04:54 PM
Good flick, but the ending is a bit contrived. :irked:
I hear it mimics the original.
I hear it mimics the original.
Never saw the original. I'm generally not a western genre fan, tho. Good performances all the way around. I had just watched Batman Begins before I watched Yuma....good range for Bale to cover both well. :thumbup:
Right now I'm watching Grindhouse Presents: Planet Terror. It's a horror movie about flesh eating zombies. I love it!
Just saw Snatch on AMC.
Don't know if I would have like this movie when it came out, but it incorporates many things I like now. The cast for example, I recognized from movies that came out after Snatch. The Irish gypsies made more sense after The Riches. And the movie's look reminded me of Ocean's Eleven. It's a little strange, 'cause they managed to make a movie with things I like before I knowed I liked 'em. :gomer:
Right now I'm watching Grindhouse Presents: Planet Terror. It's a horror movie about flesh eating zombies. I love it!
I've been holding out to catch that and Deathproof in HD. The first few times it was on we were in a space crunch on the TiVo.
Sean Malone
05-02-08, 05:37 PM
Iron Man has been getting good reviews I hear.
05-02-08, 08:52 PM
Just saw Snatch on AMC.
Wow, they allow that on basic cable now?
Wow, they allow that on basic cable now?
Do you see, Larry? Do you see what happens when you find a stranger in the Alps? You're killing your father, Larry!
in other news: Whoa.
no swayze :(
I watched it at my Uncles house while he was changing my oil :gomer:
07-04-08, 01:34 AM
out now, limited release: (
Before the Devil knows Your Dead :thumbup:
We're having thunderstorms this afternoon, so it's movie day. I'm watching 28 Weeks Later and it's very similar to Dawn of the Dead.
I happen to be watching this movie again today, and I still can't figure out what is going on. First I thought that Henry and Sam were the same person. But the ending seems to disprove that.
Then I thought that Sam was living out parts of Henry's life in the beginning of the movie, but I'm not sure of that. Also, the dialogue is repetitive and that relates back to the events around Henry's death.
It's a mystery to me.
09-07-08, 05:15 PM
I happen to be watching this movie again today, and I still can't figure out what is going on. First I thought that Henry and Sam were the same person. But the ending seems to disprove that.
Then I thought that Sam was living out parts of Henry's life in the beginning of the movie, but I'm not sure of that. Also, the dialogue is repetitive and that relates back to the events around Henry's death.
It's a mystery to me.
I saw it as Henry was in an accident and the whole thing was a hallucination involving parts of his life and many of the observers and responders to his accident before he dies.
Anyone ever seen Apocalypto? I think I first saw it late last year but forgot to mention it. I'm watching it now. It's subtitled but still what I'd consider a great movie. It's one of Mel Gibson's films and it was released in 2006.
Saw it a couple of weeks ago. It was good.
Kind of like the first Predator movie (walking in the jungle, then running in the jungle, lots of knives, and a little mystery).
It could have used some more explosions though. ;)
I forget what all the fuss was about it when it came out.
I actually thought it was a new movie when I first saw it, but it was just new to me. If there was any controversy over this movie, I can only guess it was because of how barbaric some of the scenes are.
03-28-09, 04:53 PM
Anyone ever seen Apocalypto? I think I first saw it late last year but forgot to mention it. I'm watching it now. It's subtitled but still what I'd consider a great movie. It's one of Mel Gibson's films and it was released in 2006.
I recorded it during the Starz free preview a couple weeks ago. It wasn't bad.
Sean Malone
03-28-09, 11:34 PM
I actually thought it was a new movie when I first saw it, but it was just new to me. If there was any controversy over this movie, I can only guess it was because of how barbaric some of the scenes are.
Gibson's first movie after 'The Passion'. Decent reviews if I recall but The Passion was still overwhelming Gibsons directorial reputation.
03-29-09, 05:39 PM
Gibson's first movie after 'The Passion'. Decent reviews if I recall but The Passion was still overwhelming Gibsons directorial reputation.
Yup, that and his drunken antisemitic ravings at cops that was caught on tape were the one-two punch of career suicide. :gomer: If he couldn't fund and produce his own films he'd be retired or doing infomercials.
Yup, that and his drunken antisemitic ravings at cops that was caught on tape were the one-two punch of career suicide. :gomer: If he couldn't fund and produce his own films he'd be retired or doing infomercials.
I disagree.
He is, and has always been, money in the bank.
Hollywood has a short memory if someone is really really $orry.
Also, I think the controversy with Apocalypto was confusing the Incas, Mayans, or something like that.
I'm watching Changeling now (Angelina Jolie) and it's hard to believe that this really happened, but at the same time it's not.
If I had a gun I think I'd shoot the tv right now. This movie is infuriating me. :flame:
04-19-09, 11:37 PM
You could turn it off...
I've made a promise to myself to watch the netflix movies I take out instead of keeping the same ones for nine months while paying a monthly fee. Plus it was given high marks and I'd like to have the pleasure of telling the person who gave them that I found it boring. That's just what I do. :D
Shooter with Mark Wahlberg. :thumbup:
Don't remember this one being in theaters, but I feel like sending them $10 to encourage more of the same.
I have a nomination for the 'Worse than Driven' category:
Billy Zane
home-made rocket car
mystery military components
FTG levels of aerodynamic knowledge
and one DJ
Truly horrible. :thumbup:
Has anyone seen this movie?
And if so is it as awesome as it looks? :D
05-09-09, 05:36 PM
Has anyone seen this movie?
And if so is it as awesome as it looks? :D
It can't be a good sign if you have to check if the trailer is real or a spoof. :)
It can't be a good sign if you have to check if the trailer is real or a spoof. :)
I checked too. Two stars on Amazon. Evidently it could not be saved by a command performance by Gary Oldman as "Dorf".
Don Quixote
05-21-09, 06:24 PM
Just saw where they are releasing a Donnie Darko sequel, straight to video. Someone here has to take one for the team and let us all know how bad it is. Volunteers?
Just saw where they are releasing a Donnie Darko sequel, straight to video. Someone here has to take one for the team and let us all know how bad it is. I volunteer.
Fixed. :D :p
05-22-09, 08:41 AM
Things are not looking good for "Terminator Salvation"...
05-22-09, 10:37 AM
Just saw where they are releasing a Donnie Darko sequel, straight to video. Someone here has to take one for the team and let us all know how bad it is. Volunteers?
Donnie Darko: 8.3 at IMDB
S. Darko: 4.0 at IMDB
If you really want to feel the pain, watch Donnie Darko first. :)
We saw Terminator: Salvation last night. I enjoyed it, but it suffers from recent comparison with Star Trek, which did a much better job of "rebooting the franchise."
The problem is that the movie really doesn't take the time to make you care much about Connor. Maybe that's supposed to be a given since Connor is well-established as "the saviour of mankind" but neither the story nor Bale do much to really connect the character to the audience. They could have put a cape on him and called it Batman vs. Terminator.
The Markus Wright character is more interesting and sympathetic than John Connor, but the movie trailer has already blown his big reveal so some of the tension is lost from his story line.
Special affects are good and although there are a few "roll your eyes" moments there's nothing too ridiculous. Ok, maybe a couple of things. :rolleyes:
Overall well worth seeing for sci-fi and action fans. Not an embarrassment to the franchise like T3, but not a must-see for everyone like the first two.
05-25-09, 04:08 PM
Watched the original "The Dam Busters" last night on TCM. Then I checked the Wikipedia entry for it. It was a better movie than I remembered and surprisingly accurate considering when it was made. I think Peter Jackson is going to have a hell of a time doing a better job, other than the special effects...
Awaiting my next Pixar fix come Fri. :) :thumbup:
05-25-09, 08:11 PM
Just got home from Star Trek.
Important point: I have never seen any Star Trek movies, or TV shows, or anything. I know the general premise and some players, but otherwise know nothing.
I liked it quite a bit. Am I a geek now?
05-25-09, 08:24 PM
Just got home from Star Trek.
Important point: I have never seen any Star Trek movies, or TV shows, or anything. I know the general premise and some players, but otherwise know nothing.
I liked it quite a bit. Am I a geek now?
Yes :D
05-25-09, 11:01 PM
Just got home from Star Trek.
Important point: I have never seen any Star Trek movies, or TV shows, or anything. I know the general premise and some players, but otherwise know nothing.
I liked it quite a bit. Am I a geek now?
Live long and prosper, dude...
05-26-09, 12:58 AM
I saw it at Imax the other night... I absolutely hate anything Sci-Fi let alone anything Star Trek but the Mrs dragged me along & I actually really liked it...
I liked it quite a bit. Am I a geek now?
Maybe you just like movies with pointy eared characters.
Still, has just the thing for your desk. Be proud. Make new friends at work. :) ndard.jpg
05-26-09, 01:54 AM
Just got home from Star Trek.
Important point: I have never seen any Star Trek movies, or TV shows, or anything. I know the general premise and some players, but otherwise know nothing.
I liked it quite a bit. Am I a geek now?
Yes :D
As will be your descendants for the next seven generations.
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