View Full Version : Confessions of a Self-Proclaimed Movie-Buff
05-27-09, 06:22 PM
Just got home from Star Trek.
Important point: I have never seen any Star Trek movies, or TV shows, or anything. I know the general premise and some players, but otherwise know nothing.
I liked it quite a bit. Am I a geek now?
So it turns out that space isn't the final frontier....? :confused: Must be musical comedies. :D
Important point: I have never seen any Star Trek movies, or TV shows, or anything. I know the general premise and some players, but otherwise know nothing.
Don Quixote
05-27-09, 06:54 PM
loser. For sure. Seeing one new fangled star trek movie does not a geek make.
Know your Die Hard. (
Know your Die Hard. (
Ho-ho-ho....and now I have a gun. :)
-John McClane
06-02-09, 01:43 PM
I suppose this would go in this thread. "Easter Eggs" in Pixar films
Tennis, Anyone? :cool:
Sports movie about tennis. Who knew you could make a sports movie about tennis? :p
Interview with Donal Logue ( (writer/director/actor)
It's not Rushmore or The Big Lebowski but it means well.
Did Tom Cruise just make a good movie? :saywhat:
Know your Die Hard. (
Welcome to the party, pal.
03-12-10, 11:51 PM
Did Tom Cruise just make a good movie? :saywhat:
"Everybody get down, or I kill myself, and then her!" :rofl:
03-13-10, 02:18 AM
Did Tom Cruise just make a good movie? :saywhat:
Damn, that guy just makes my skin crawl.
03-13-10, 10:10 PM
Did Tom Cruise just make a good movie? :saywhat:
In a word, no.
Sean Malone
03-13-10, 10:55 PM
By far Cruises best on screen performance was his scene with Jason Robards in Magnolia. It was all Robards. I dont' think Cruise even said anything, but he was technically a part of it so I'll give him some credit. How ironic that his best scene ever...he didn't have any lines! LOL!
The scene in the same movie with Tom giving his motivational speech was pretty funny and a departure from his typical boyscout roles.
Philip Baker Hall and William H. Macy where excellent in that flick too. Time to blow the dust off that puppy. Haven't seen it in awhile.
03-15-10, 02:06 AM
^ Haven't seen the movie, but I have the soundtrack. :gomer:
In unrelated news, how is Apocalypse Now not out on Blu-Ray? :shakehead
Don Quixote
03-15-10, 09:35 AM
In unrelated news, how is Apocalypse Now not out on Blu-Ray? :shakehead The horror.
By far Cruises best on screen performance was his scene with Jason Robards in Magnolia.
You know, Bill, there's one thing I learned in all my years. Sometimes you just gotta say, "What the ****, make your move."
:thumbup: :D
How come the movie studios are copying each other again?
Back in the 90's there were several movies released by different studios that were similar bordering on identical:
Antz vs. A Bug's Life
Volcano vs. Dante's Peak
Tombstone vs. Wyatt Earp
Armageddon vs. Deep Impact
Mission to Mars vs. Red Planet
Now it's Tom Cruise/Cameron Diaz vs. Ashton Kutcher/Christine Heigl
She doesn't know how to use a gun either! :rolleyes:
05-14-10, 04:49 PM
Finally saw duck soup.... and kicking myself for not seeing it waaaaay earlier.
Especially since I love the King Yakko short from animaniacs....
05-14-10, 10:39 PM
Now it's Tom Cruise/Cameron Diaz vs. Ashton Kutcher/Christine Heigl
Proving proving yet again that as far as the suits are concerned it's all just product.
Finally saw duck soup.... and kicking myself for not seeing it waaaaay earlier.
Especially since I love the King Yakko short from animaniacs....
One of my favorite Marx Brothers films. A Night at the Opera and A Day at the Races are shown more often but their earlier movies are funnier.
One of my favorite Marx Brothers films. A Night at the Opera and A Day at the Races are shown more often but their earlier movies are funnier.
I would have loved to see one of their live shows.
05-15-10, 09:26 AM
I wish they could do something with the audio from those old Marx Bros/WC Fields movies. I can never understand the dialog...
05-15-10, 10:33 AM
Finally saw duck soup.... and kicking myself for not seeing it waaaaay earlier.
If I were there, I'd kick you too. :D
Some of the best ever. I'll occasionally use the pseudonym Rufus T. Firefly when singing meaningless guest books or whatever.
"But that's bigamy!" :laugh:
This sums up my feelings about the new A-Team movie.
Nice effort, but don't mess with the original.
06-04-10, 09:28 PM
That is badass... :rofl:
Andrew Longman
06-05-10, 04:20 AM
You know, Bill, there's one thing I learned in all my years. Sometimes you just gotta say, "What the ****, make your move."
:thumbup: :D
Definitely. As for lines, nearly matched in the same movie by:
"Porsche, There is no substitute."
"Who is the U boat Capitan?"
But nothing is The Big Lebowski :D
08-27-10, 05:09 AM
In unrelated news, how is Apocalypse Now not out on Blu-Ray? :shakehead
I finally saw Cloverfield the other day. I'd wanted to see it because as much as I dislike other "shaky-cam" psuedo home-movie films, I thought it might be the that could freshen the monster movie genre.
Overall it didn't suck as much I expected. The "amateur" bit did make the monster part more real, immediate, and frightening. Unfortunately it was the rest of it, the characters and story where the shaky-cam bit was really obnoxious. 20+ minutes of home movies to start out with before anything gets smashed? I don't even want to see that from people I already know and like.
But nothing is The Big Lebowski :D
Now is children's book form:
...scenes from other movies here: Movies-R-Fun by Josh Cooley (
I finally saw Cloverfield the other day. I'd wanted to see it because as much as I dislike other "shaky-cam" psuedo home-movie films, I thought it might be the that could freshen the monster movie genre.
Overall it didn't suck as much I expected. The "amateur" bit did make the monster part more real, immediate, and frightening. Unfortunately it was the rest of it, the characters and story where the shaky-cam bit was really obnoxious. 20+ minutes of home movies to start out with before anything gets smashed? I don't even want to see that from people I already know and like.
I just finally watched this last week. Yeah, it wasn't awful. I'd probably watch it again.
The movie seemed a bit confused with its identity. It didn't do great as a "buddy" movie (you really didn't get to know the characters that well), and it didn't do great as a fluffy monster popcorn movie. But it did have some really good scenes. I kept thinking (inappropriately I s'pose) of the most excellent steadycam long scene in Children of Men. Real, immediate, and frightening.
nrc controls the TV with his mind.
He starts talking about Cloverfield and Sha-Zaam! it's on the basic cable this weekend. :gomer:
I liked it. I liked the party. I liked the running. I liked the end. Fly to the right mfr! The RIGHT!
05-04-11, 04:59 AM
May the Fourth be with you. :gomer:
Blu-Ray box set, it looks like.
We went to see Conan during the weekend and I was reminded of this MST3K number.
We went mainly because we're fans of the '82 version with Ahnold and also because Grrl liked the way Jason Momoa captured the subtle nuances of his character Khal Drogo in Game of Thrones.
We saw the non 3D version and didn't feel we missed anything. It was entertaining ala the original Conan for the first half but it dragged on and became kind of annoying in the second. Coming to a cable channel near you.
Given a choice you're better off just catching re-runs of Game of Thrones to get your hack and slay fix.
IP Man - based loosely on the life of Bruce Lee's teacher during WWII.
so so story, very good kung fu without people flying around on wires.
So, I wanted to watch a streamed movie and I'm going over the Amazon Prime freebies and I come across what turns out to be one of the greatest martial arts movies I've ever seen and never heard of until today. Ip Man. The version they have is English dubbed so if you prefer subtitles instead and have a Netflix subscription you can view it there. Whatever your preference if you haven't seen it yet put it on your must see list.
Now I've gotta watch the sequel that was released last year, Ip Man 2. Hopefully it's as good as the first.
IP Man - based loosely on the life of Bruce Lee's teacher during WWII.
so so story, very good kung fu without people flying around on wires. I had seen this post last year.
Now in masterpiece form: :D,0,5400978.photogallery
06-27-12, 04:32 PM
I was disappointed with "Prometheus".
06-27-12, 04:56 PM
Brave was pretty good. Although you should save your money and go see the non-3D version. 3D is totally unneccessary for the story and doesn't work well in night scenes. It makes the movie too dark.
Brave was pretty good. Although you should save your money and go see the non-3D version. 3D is totally unneccessary for the story and doesn't work well in night scenes. It makes the movie too dark.
Yes it's good, but not Up good. I refuse to see a single 3D movie. I did catch Avatar in 3D since I figure it merited 3D, but it actually made my head hurt. Had to take the glasses off every 30 min or so. :saywhat: Sadly I missed out on Titanic 3D. :gomer: :saywhat: :shakehead
I was disappointed with "Prometheus".
I was looking forward to it. Until I saw the trailers. :saywhat: Now I await The Black Knight finale next month (18-Jul?) and The Hobbit on 14-Dec.
06-27-12, 09:29 PM
I was looking forward to it. Until I saw the trailers. :saywhat: Now I await The Black Knight finale next month (18-Jul?) and The Hobbit on 14-Dec.
I never watch the trailers any more. They ruin the movie.
06-27-12, 10:24 PM
I was disappointed with "Prometheus".
Sorry to hear that. I thought it was excellent, pretty much Ridley Scott in fine form. Not a horror flick like 1, and not an action movie like 2. Went in not knowing what to expect so I thoroughly enjoyed it.
Sorry to hear that. I thought it was excellent, pretty much Ridley Scott in fine form. Not a horror flick like 1, and not an action movie like 2. Went in not knowing what to expect so I thoroughly enjoyed it.
Ditto. Visually, it's light years beyond today's run of the mill orgy of CGI. The story does a good job of weaving itself into Alien lore without damaging the first two stories in any way (the first two being the only two I consider worthwhile). It contains some fascinating ideas and questions. The story and characters were intersting even if a bit uneven. I wouldn't say that it was entirely satisfying but it was very enjoyable.
Yeah, there were frustrating parts: some 3D gimmicks, scientists doing stupid things, and the stupid "lights inside the helmet" thing. But as movies circa 2012 go, it was good.
OMGWTF...Apocalypse 2012
Tom Cruise and Katie Holmes are divorcing after five years of marriage.
I guess she didn't like 'Rock of Ages' either.
I'm surprised that she's not locked up in a sweatbox somewhere.
06-29-12, 04:47 PM
Now in masterpiece form: :D
Speaking of which this gave me a hugh laugh the first time I saw it. Turn on closed captioning for text telling you what movies each scene is from.
06-29-12, 06:08 PM
I'm surprised that she's not locked up in a sweatbox somewhere.
06-29-12, 06:30 PM
OMGWTF...Apocalypse 2012
Tom Cruise and Katie Holmes are divorcing after five years of marriage.
I guess she didn't like 'Rock of Ages' either.
from the comments section
Tom sheds another beard. Come on out Tom. :laugh:
from the comments section
I thought he came out already. @ least I saw it on South Park. :gomer:
12-25-12, 12:57 PM
Tangential to my TV Post, what did people enjoy in 2012?
I saw Amazing Spider-Man last night. It seemed to be panned so much, It was way better than I was expecting. I really don't know why people were so down on it.
Other stuff I'd recommend:
21 Jump Street
The Dark Knight Rises
Bourne Legacy
Skyfall (I think your opinion on it may depend on how much you like James Bond, so I'm not the best critic here)
Prometheus (If you're an Alien fan)
I didn't see too much new stuff this year, even on Blu-Ray.
I want to catch Life of Pi and Zero Dark Thirty.
Andrew Longman
12-25-12, 01:10 PM
Lincoln. Awesome. Nuff said.
Argo. Also very good. Zero Dark Thirty and the new Tarentino movie are on my list.
Hated the Dark Night thingy but I have never liked any of them.
Trevor is recommending Skyfall. Maybe.
Worst movie I saw was something about a flash mob dancing in Miami. I dont even remember the name. Don't ask why I was in a theater watching it. I don't want to get into it but at least I didn't pay to see it.
12-25-12, 02:01 PM
Rise of the Guardians was a lot of fun and my eight year old loved it.
Lincoln. Awesome. Nuff said.
Missy and I saw Lincoln on Christmas Eve and really enjoyed it. It really captures the Lincoln described in Sherman's memoir of the period. I'm currently reading Grant's memoir and will be interested to read his perspective on those same events.
Andrew Longman
12-26-12, 03:41 AM
I saw Premium Rush on a plane. You all can skip that too. Did you know that NYC messengers are part of a tribal community which will rush to the defense and protection of one of their member? I didn't know that either.
Missy and I saw Lincoln on Christmas Eve and really enjoyed it. It really captures the Lincoln described in Sherman's memoir of the period. I'm currently reading Grant's memoir and will be interested to read his perspective on those same events.
As I told my mom this past week, run, don't walk to see Lincoln. Stellar cast. I'll see it again. I just wish the DDs could appreciate it now. Still need a few more years of seasoning to grasp the historical significance (and a few more years of lost innocence :().
Hoping to see Les Mis today (weather permitting) while my mom is still here. Stellar reviews for that, too. Skyfall is next on my list while the girls are away.
A good month for movies b/w Lincoln, The Hobbit, Skyfall and Les Mis. :thumbup:
Les Mis is a must see. Well, if you are cultured unlike the Hobbit thing that resides in Denver. :gomer: :p
12-26-12, 05:50 PM
I'm currently reading Grant's memoir . . .
I swear you posted that you were working on it 9-12 months ago (or perhaps you said you were thinking of picking it up). I would love to hear what you have to say about it.
As a history major in college and someone who has continued to read history since (and before) then I really think Lincoln was the best commercial movie I have ever seen that takes on a historical subject. Sure, as a commercial movie it took some shortcuts and artistic license, but none of that did a disservice to the basics of the history of the time and person which the movie was true to (although it does have its own spin on why Lincoln pushed for the 13th amendment when he did which is subject to a great deal of dispute).
13th Amendment
Section 1. Neither slavery nor involuntary servitude, except as a punishment for crime whereof the party shall have been duly convicted, shall exist within the United States, or any place subject to their jurisdiction.
Section 2. Congress shall have power to enforce this article by appropriate legislation.
I get a little fuzzy on anything past the fifth so I had to look it up.
12-26-12, 09:22 PM
13th Amendment
I get a little fuzzy on anything past the fifth so I had to look it up.
Oh, I thought you were drinking. ;) Just kidding for crying out loud--in case there was any doubt that I know he's an Ozian.
We're catching up on a few. Warhorse. Big disappointment to me. Overblown. Someone needs to rein in Spielberg. (sorry about the pun). Bourne Legacy. Loved it. Prefer Matt Damon but the whole new cast and spin was terrific.
I swear you posted that you were working on it 9-12 months ago (or perhaps you said you were thinking of picking it up). I would love to hear what you have to say about it.
I've been meaning to read it since I finished Sherman's but just got around to it recently. So far it's a bit dryer than Sherman, Grant isn't so free in sharing his opinions and can be a bit sparse in his descriptions at times.
Not finished yet but I'd recommend reading Grant and Sherman to anyone who wants a fascinating view of mid 19th century America.
12-31-12, 03:20 PM
Saw Life of Pi. It was OK. Doesn't fit the IMDB 8.3 rating IMO. It's rated PG, but I'm not sure how younger kids would handle some of it (animal violence). Just a heads up to the parents on here. Talking to a few after the movie in the lobby it was a mixed bag. Some had scared kids, others no problem. It's about to be pulled here (no 3D anymore as it is) but the theater was quite full.
12-31-12, 03:39 PM
Les Mis is a must see.
I heard a review of this over the weekend and it was just brutal on that movie.
Andrew Longman
12-31-12, 04:17 PM
I heard a review of this over the weekend and it was just brutal on that movie.I listened to a discussion about this morning. They pointed out that 60 million people paid top dollar to see the theatrical version who will draw comparisons. And the directors use of extreme close ups during the songs was offputting. And Crowe is said to be miscast.
But it took in something like $120 million worldwide the first weekend.
01-01-13, 11:51 AM
I listened to a discussion about this morning. They pointed out that 60 million people paid top dollar to see the theatrical version who will draw comparisons. And the directors use of extreme close ups during the songs was offputting. And Crowe is said to be miscast.
The reviewer in question had never seen it before in any form and two things he really banged on was the close ups and Crowe.
I heard a review of this over the weekend and it was just brutal on that movie.
Opinions are like *******s...everyone has one. @ the end of the movie, 100+ peeps applauded. I've also seen the play several times, and the movie lived up to my expectations. :confused:
Keep in mind that The Hobbit received some poor ratings Rotten Tomatoes gave it a 65), but it is a very good flick.
01-01-13, 02:56 PM
The reviewer in question had never seen it before in any form and two things he really banged on was the close ups and Crowe.
The only truly universal complaint seems to be Russel Crowe. He thinks he can sing and he's got enough clout to get in the game with fellow Aussie, Hugh Jackman, who really CAN sing. It seems to me that all the discussion is because, as with the Hobbit, the reviewers sniffed at the movie and the public likes it. How could this be? The pundits? Wrong? Oh, the humanity.
The only truly universal complaint seems to be Russel Crowe. He thinks he can sing and he's got enough clout to get in the game with fellow Aussie, Hugh Jackman, who really CAN sing. It seems to me that all the discussion is because, as with the Hobbit, the reviewers sniffed at the movie and the public likes it. How could this be? The pundits? Wrong? Oh, the humanity.
Crowe wasn't bad, but by no means the best Javert I've seen. Me thinks there is just a general dislike for Crowe. When the audience applauds, it's a good show. I've only seen that happen a few times in the hundreds of flicks I've watched in a theater.
When the audience applauds, it's a good show. I've only seen that happen a few times in the hundreds of flicks I've watched in a theater.
Applause is more a measure of how much the audience is into the movie, rather than how good it is. I don't know if there are more musical fanboys or more Star Wars fanboys, but I wouldn't trust a movie review from either of them.
The Wolverine/Gladiator/Cat Woman/Borat review sounds about right. :D
Andrew Longman
01-01-13, 04:55 PM
The reviewer in question had never seen it before in any form...Neither have I nor will I. I was assigned the book in 9th grade by a contemptible English and badly scarred. I have no interest. :yuck: ;)
Same for Merchant of Venice.
Neither have I nor will I. I was assigned the book in 9th grade by a contemptible English and badly scarred. I have no interest. :yuck: ;)
It's got ganstas, thugs, the Po-Po, whores, child slavery, battles, revolutionaries, etc., what's not to love?
Yeah, they sing all that ****. There's that. :gomer:
Invasion week.
1. Tomorrow, When the War Began: Australian Red Dawn but with women in the lead roles. What's australian for Wolverine?
2. 5 Days of War: Russian invasion of Georgia in 2008 shown from a war correspondent's perspective. Based on actual events, but definitely dramatized. Val Kilmer!
3. Take Shelter: Nightmares and visions invade the quiet life an Ohio family man. There's almost no violence, but it's very unsettling.
Opinions are like *******s...everyone has one. @ the end of the movie, 100+ peeps applauded. I've also seen the play several times, and the movie lived up to my expectations. :confused:
Keep in mind that The Hobbit received some poor ratings Rotten Tomatoes gave it a 65), but it is a very good flick.
I saw it last week and most of the audience (full theater) applauded at the end. I'd never seen it before in any form and I have no complaints. Everyone played their part wonderfully and I was moved and had to hold back from bawling like a baby.
I saw it last week and most of the audience (full theater) applauded at the end. I'd never seen it before in any form and I have no complaints. Everyone played their part wonderfully and I was moved and had to hold back from bawling like a baby.
Yes, it is a very emotional musical either on the stage or screen. And yes, I struggled to hold back tears, and I'm not afraid to admit that. :)
This one is from 2007 and I'd never heard of it until last night. It stars Ryan Gosling.
Lars and the Real Girl
Trust me you want to watch it. :rofl:
It's on Netflix streaming.
Racing Truth
02-28-13, 02:36 PM
Missy and I saw Lincoln on Christmas Eve and really enjoyed it. It really captures the Lincoln described in Sherman's memoir of the period. I'm currently reading Grant's memoir and will be interested to read his perspective on those same events.
Having seen Lincoln (plus Argo & ZDT), it strikes me that people might be conflating DDL's epic tour de force portrayal of Lincoln (it was beyond remarkable) with the whole film itself. Look, it had several strong elements, but while it was very good, I left feeling it could have/should have been just a bit better than it was. I don't feel that way about Argo or ZDT*. And yes, Affleck and Bigelow were shafted by The Academy. Yep, Best Picture directed itself.:gomer:
*Minor ZDT quibble: Bigelow and Boal trying to convince us, almost as an afterthough, that Maya (Chastain) had multiple "friends" that she lost during the hunt for OBL. Really? I counted one, and that was established tenuously. And the rest shows her as a fierce, determined near-obsessive. Just go w/ that.
Racing Truth
02-28-13, 02:41 PM
BTW: Just give Fey and Poehler blank checks to host in 2014 and be done w/ it. Oh, and no pointless look-backs to 10-yr. old movies that we long since forgot about.:shakehead
02-28-13, 03:23 PM
Beasts and Pi were both very nicely done, although Pi would have been about 3x cooler if they'd left out the Speilbergian ball-pein hammer to the forehead line explaining the whole thing. :shakehead .
OTOH, the subtlety of the whole Elysian Field bit in Beasts made my day. <<spoiler alert>>Thankfully there was no dialog explaining that she was visiting her dead mother.
02-28-13, 08:55 PM
Beasts and Pi were both very nicely done, although Pi would have been about 3x cooler if they'd left out the Speilbergian ball-pein hammer to the forehead line explaining the whole thing. :shakehead .
Perhaps but my second grade son appreciated the ball pein hammer, as having a road map of the metaphors did help him get it. The whole island of the meerkats and pools of acid thing was a bit confusing to him.
03-01-13, 12:26 AM
Perhaps but my second grade son appreciated the ball pein hammer, as having a road map of the metaphors did help him get it. The whole island of the meerkats and pools of acid thing was a bit confusing to him.
I'm way older and I needed it. Did you read the book before hand?
03-01-13, 12:53 AM
I'm way older and I needed it. Did you read the book before hand?
Nope, but the book has the hammer too.
03-01-13, 11:28 AM
Nope, but the book has the hammer too.
I think part of it was I didn't go in even thinking it was a metaphor. I just saw it as a fantasy movie.
The Great Buck Howard. :thumbup:
John Malkovich's character can't understand why he's not more famous. And, nobody does exasperation better than John Malkovich.
03-29-13, 08:34 PM
I just watched "Memento" for the first time. What a mind-****.
Caught Argo last week. Well done.
05-06-13, 11:21 PM
I miss the OP. :(
Snarky SOB that he is. Wrong about everything. But I miss him.
Really? I thought it was the best of the three. Much darker than the first two. Up next is the next Trek installment.
The Race
Irish children's movie. Never heard of this movie until I saw it. It's not great. It doesn't even have a Wikipedia page, but it has heart and Colm Meaney. Good enough. :thumbup:
05-27-13, 11:40 AM
Watched the Director's Cut version of Blade Runner last night for the first time. It's sobering how young Harrison Ford looks (I won't even mention Daryl Hannah...).
I was looking for all the purported cues about Deckard being a Replicant but I didn't see them. Visually that was just an incredible movie.
Watched the Director's Cut version of Blade Runner last night for the first time. It's sobering how young Harrison Ford looks (I won't even mention Daryl Hannah...).
I was looking for all the purported ques about Deckard being a Replicant but I didn't see them. Visually that was just an incredible movie.
I think the beauty of the story is that it's ambiguous. It's ambiguous in the original story, it's ambiguous in most cuts of the movie. There are lots of things that make you go "hmm" but nothing that really says one way or the other. For example, when Rachel asks Deckard if he's ever taken the empathy test, Deckard's apartment full of mementos, etc.
Some cuts include a dream sequence where Deckard dreams of a Unicorn. Later when Gaff leaves an origami unicorn it suggests that Gaff knows Deckard's dreams and memories in the same way that Deckard knew Rachel's.
Simply an awesome movie.
Whatever. Han Solo ain't no robot. Next you'll be saying Kyle Reese was a terminator.
Sometimes a Bladerunner is just a bladerunner.
I blame Battlestar Galactica. You start making Cylons that look like people and pretty soon people start seeing robots everywhere.
Mass hysteria. ;)
05-28-13, 03:27 AM
I could live with seeing that everywhere...
05-28-13, 05:54 AM
Even though I've never seen the new one, I thought this was funny.
It's like one of those infinity mirrors. :gomer:
Even though I've never seen the new one, I thought this was funny.
At least watch the two hour pilot. Awesome stuff!
I'll admit the end of the series was a letdown.
05-28-13, 11:03 AM
Saw the new Trek with my 13-yr old.
It wasn't awful, but I miss the days when a filmmaker had enough confidence in his material to let it speak for itself without the need for endless frenetic explosions/combat scenes/hypereffects etc. etc. ad nauseum.
My daughter was pretty tweaked, though, at the scene where Kirk keeps endlessly punching, umm, a character who just voluntarily surrendered. Afterwards she described it as the most un-Star Trek thing she'd ever seen, and said that the guy who OK'd that scene just didn't understand Star Trek at all. She's right.
Saw the new Trek with my 13-yr old.
It wasn't awful, but I miss the days when a filmmaker had enough confidence in his material to let it speak for itself without the need for endless frenetic explosions/combat scenes/hypereffects etc. etc. ad nauseum.
My daughter was pretty tweaked, though, at the scene where Kirk keeps endlessly punching, umm, a character who just voluntarily surrendered. Afterwards she described it as the most un-Star Trek thing she'd ever seen, and said that the guy who OK'd that scene just didn't understand Star Trek at all. She's right.
I agree, but there is a history there that she may not understand (Khan). I did go against the grain of 'Explore new worlds where no man has gone before'. It was gratuitous with the violence and some of the special effects compared to previous Treks. They are actually catering to that demo, IMO. On the good side, lots of references to Trek history in this flick. Have her watch The Wrath of Khan (if she hasn't yet) to get an understanding on the context. Best Trek movie, IMO. And of course the Tribbles reference was priceless (best Trek TV episode, IMO).
05-28-13, 04:06 PM
She's seen Khan so she's up on that, and in any case this would have been this Kirk's first encounter with him. I agree that it was seriously out of character and defied some of the most significant principles of Trekdom (if that's a word). Not that there was a mountain of redeeming quality in Star Trek to begin with, but what was there has been effectively stripped away in favor standard hyperexciting action flick megasplosions.
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