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I agree that it was seriously out of character and defied some of the most significant principles of Trekdom (if that's a word).
They made it pretty clear that the new movies would hold no allegiance to anything that came before. Vulcans? Exterminated. Kirk? Orphan wonderkid given command of the Enterprise as a graduation present. Spock? Weepy, illogical, and dating Uhura. :shakehead
One thing I wish Star Trek would move away from is time travel. They have the entire galaxy to explore, but more often than not they end up back in time. Unless you're driving a police box or a DeLorean, leave time travel to the professionals.
Racing Truth
06-04-13, 08:05 PM
Finally got to see Django Unchained. Waltz makes the entire movie. That's good and all, but Foxx is a "meh," and the movie is an odd mix of Western and Southern plantation.
Basterds feels more, I don't know, "authentic" and righteous than Django. Don't get me wrong, I liked it, but could have been better.
Also, I'm never opposed to Kerry Washington being hot, but that's literally her only purpose throughout.
06-04-13, 08:20 PM
Anybody catch Upstream Color?
Being a big Primer fan, I'm bummed that I missed it at my neighborhood art house last week.
06-15-13, 02:00 PM
Gene Wilder. He hasn't made a movie in 21 years, can you believe it?
Here's the reason. He doesn't do many interviews either but here's his take from an interview June 13.
"If something comes along and it's really good and I think I'd be good for it, I'd be happy to do it. Not too many came along. I mean, they came along, but I didn't want to do them. I didn't want to do 3D, for instance. I didn't want to do ones that were just bombing and swearing. If someone says 'Ah, go f**** yourself,' if it came from a meaningful place, I'd understand it. But if you go to some movies, can't they just stop and talk once in awhile?"
Amen. I didn't know I liked him so much.
06-16-13, 09:56 AM
Gene Wilder. He hasn't made a movie in 21 years, can you believe it?
Here's the reason. He doesn't do many interviews either but here's his take from an interview June 13.
"If something comes along and it's really good and I think I'd be good for it, I'd be happy to do it. Not too many came along. I mean, they came along, but I didn't want to do them. I didn't want to do 3D, for instance. I didn't want to do ones that were just bombing and swearing. If someone says 'Ah, go f**** yourself,' if it came from a meaningful place, I'd understand it. But if you go to some movies, can't they just stop and talk once in awhile?"
Amen. I didn't know I liked him so much.
Maybe the same interview:
I think it's an insult. It's probably Warner Bros.' insult. Johnny Depp, I think, is a good actor, but I don't care for that director. He's a talented man, but I don't care for him doing stuff like he did.
About Tim Burton and the remake Charlie and the Chocolate Factory
Cameratard, Lego movie coming out in November. Morgan Freeman voicing God or someone God-like.
06-22-13, 08:33 PM
I'm toying with the idea of risking a few bucks on World War Z. As soon as someone sees it, speak up, please.
Andrew Longman
06-22-13, 09:46 PM
A critically acclaimed classic I finally watched last month - Vertigo. I hated it. I usually like Hitchcock's movies; I'm looking forward to watching Rear Window this weekend. But Vertigo did nothing for me. The slow pace didn't serve to build tension, it just bored me. And the plot 'twists' seemed completely obvious.
Maybe I'd had one too many Barons. Or Guinness. I dunno.
Maybe it is just that you saw Body Double. IIRC it borrowed the plot from Vertigo.
Reason: Responded to ancient post
Dude, if yer going to reply and quote an ancient post from Tiana, make it the one where she is wearing the CCWS driver's suit. That is all. :gomer: ;)
Dude, if yer going to reply and quote an ancient post from Tiana, make it the one where she is wearing the CCWS driver's suit. That is all. :gomer: ;)
Did Warlock! ever get his bikini pic? :confused:
Did Warlock! ever get his bikini pic? :confused:
Never appears he finally got his hands stuck on his keyboard ermanently. Oh wait, that would be hand. :D ;)
I'm toying with the idea of risking a few bucks on World War Z. As soon as someone sees it, speak up, please.
My son saw it tonight and said it was great. My daughter in law said it wasn't her type of movie.
Need more? :gomer:
06-23-13, 05:26 PM
My son saw it tonight and said it was great. My daughter in law said it wasn't her type of movie.
Need more? :gomer:
Meh. It was okay. Not graphic enough for most zombie-philes, I would think. The globe-trotting format helped in some ways and hindered others. I do want to know what four engined turboprop cargo plane has enough range to go from the east coast of the US to South Korea non-stop (or SK to Israel, for that matter...)
Rush is coming in September. Not sure if this goes under movies, historics or F1. Ron Howard is involved so it's got all the ingredients to be great but bits of the trailer are giving me "Driven" flashbacks. :eek: I'm hoping that's just the severity of the original trauma.
07-25-13, 09:54 AM
I saw "20 Feet from Stardom" a documentary about backup singers last week and it is excellent.
Maybe it's just because I don't GAF about racing anymore but I can't imagine Rush having much appeal in the USA. This country hasn't really been that into F1 for a long time if ever.
Rush is coming in September. Not sure if this goes under movies, historics or F1. Ron Howard is involved so it's got all the ingredients to be great but bits of the trailer are giving me "Driven" flashbacks. :eek: I'm hoping that's just the severity of the original trauma.
07-25-13, 12:44 PM
I saw the Joss Whedon Much Ado About Nothing last night with my Shakespeare-geek 13-yr old daughter.
I'm no Whedon fanboy, not certain I've actually seen a whole episode of any of his TV stuff, let alone any of his films (I'm somewhat superhero intolerant). That said, it was a perfectly presentable version, nicely shot and edited, quite a lot of fun. There are a couple of interpretations in the film that are different than I've seen in other productions (flashbacks to a previous relationship between Benedick and Beatrice, hints that Borachio was/is in love with Hero), but they work just fine. The B&W cinematography was a good choice, and there's a nice homage to Branagh's 1993 version when Amy Acker's Beatrice trips and falls at the same line Emma Thompson's Beatrice did the same. As a bonus, it was free of any Keanu Reeves content. It's a very different film than Branagh's, but in its own way it's nearly as enjoyable.
I'm definitely looking forward to Rush...
It may be that I don't get into the F1 forum as often as I should. :)
07-26-13, 09:16 AM
I saw the Joss Whedon Much Ado About Nothing last night with my Shakespeare-geek 13-yr old daughter.
I'm no Whedon fanboy, not certain I've actually seen a whole episode of any of his TV stuff, let alone any of his films (I'm somewhat superhero intolerant). That said, it was a perfectly presentable version, nicely shot and edited, quite a lot of fun. There are a couple of interpretations in the film that are different than I've seen in other productions (flashbacks to a previous relationship between Benedick and Beatrice, hints that Borachio was/is in love with Hero), but they work just fine. The B&W cinematography was a good choice, and there's a nice homage to Branagh's 1993 version when Amy Acker's Beatrice trips and falls at the same line Emma Thompson's Beatrice did the same. As a bonus, it was free of any Keanu Reeves content. It's a very different film than Branagh's, but in its own way it's nearly as enjoyable.
I'm definitely looking forward to Rush...
I had no idea that Whedon did a version of Much Ado About Nothing. I like Whedon's work (I'm of the Buffy generation), and I love this play; but looking at the movie on IMDB, the cast is a who's who of the Whedonverse. I think that would take me right out of the movie.
07-26-13, 09:58 AM
I had no idea that Whedon did a version of Much Ado About Nothing.
If this is the movie I think you are talking about I heard an interview with someone (who I guess is Whedon) talking about making a Shakespeare movie at his house for something like $25.
07-26-13, 10:11 AM
Yep- he had a contractually mandated 12-day vacation between shooting and editing The Avengers, and used it to invite a bunch of folks to his house to shoot the film. Supposedly he's done regular Shakespeare readings in his home for years with some of the same actors. Judging by the number of bottles in the film, you'd need to add several zeroes to that $25 to cover the bar tab...
IP Man - based loosely on the life of Bruce Lee's teacher during WWII.
so so story, very good kung fu without people flying around on wires.
New Chinese movie coming out called the 'The Grandmaster'. It's about the same guy. IP Man.
Captain Phillips is a good watch. Black Hawk Down on the water. Hanks is awesome as usual.
Also saw a trailer for Raging Bull vs. Rocky in Grudge Match, which might be interesting.
10-14-13, 04:58 AM
I saw Gravity this weekend and really liked it. Fantastic cinematography and some unusual things for a major film like a very small cast and extremely long shots (the opening shot is 15 minutes long).
Smaug is a must see. Very well done. </JRR Tolkien fan>
NZ is a nasty place with dragons, etc. :gomer: #Rusty
Racing Truth
12-14-13, 02:49 PM
Late to this, but yes, Gravity was excellent. I assume it will dominate all technical categories for awards season.
The Butler is, all told, a mediocre cliche, but I don't get how Oprah was snubbed by GG for Best Supporting. She turned it into a watchable film, IMHO.
Hoping that 12 Years gets rereleased before the Oscars b/c I'm pi$$ed I missed it the first time.
12-14-13, 02:55 PM
:confused: 12 Years A Slave is currently playing at three locations in Salt Lake. Are you sure it isn't playing where you are?
Racing Truth
12-14-13, 03:16 PM
:confused: 12 Years A Slave is currently playing at three locations in Salt Lake. Are you sure it isn't playing where you are?
Yep, I have. For some reason, it's gone from all near me. If I wanted to drive a bit (more than a bit), I could find it, but disability makes longish travel, in winter, impractical.
12-15-13, 09:41 PM
Smaug is a must see. Very well done. </JRR Tolkien fan>
NZ is a nasty place with dragons, etc. :gomer: #Rusty
I was strangely unimpressed with Smaug. It struck me as just another "chase" movie. The effects are great and the pacing is much better but this trilogy just doesn't seem to be as earnest or sincere as the first one. The lack of significant character interaction between Bilbo and the Dwarves might be it. Maybe the difference of 10 years is the reason. Maybe it's just me. I seriously doubt I'll pay to see it again.
World's Fastest Indian. Damn good movie. And anyone ending in Hopkins is :cool: :) :thumbup:
12-16-13, 01:54 PM
World's Fastest Indian. Damn good movie. And anyone ending in Hopkins is :cool: :) :thumbup:
I've been trimming my toenails with a grinder ever since.
Racing Truth
12-16-13, 02:28 PM
World's Fastest Indian. Damn good movie. And anyone ending in Hopkins is :cool: :) :thumbup:
Co-sign. Fun, quirky film.
12-21-13, 02:11 PM
I watched Gravity in the theater (IMAX 3D) and I felt like I was ripped off. It was a good movie, but I don't understand the hype at all.
12-27-13, 11:26 PM
My first time in this thread, so apologies.
Desolation of Smaug resembles the book in the same way I resemble Bradley Cooper. As a book nerd, I'm beyond disappointed. The film is pretty good, however, if you're not familiar with the source material. There are far too many liberties taken for my taste.
12-28-13, 12:54 AM
There are far too many liberties taken for my taste.
Totally agree. I was disappointed and irritated over some of the unnecessary changes. **spoilers** The thing that makes the book so great is that you see the developing trust of the dwarfs in Bilbo. Not much of that in this film at all and the fabricated love interest was daft. I thought Smaug was well done and the scenes of Bilbo in the treasure hall were pretty much as I had imagined them but I rolled my eyes in disgust at Thorin floating on a river of molten gold.
I have the benefit of being unfamiliar with the source material so I liked it better than the first Hobbit movie, which is not saying a lot. They're not bad, I enjoyed them both. It's just disappointing after they did such a good job on the trilogy.
12-28-13, 08:14 AM
Grrl, precisely. I was afraid to do spoilers but since you did... :)
I got behind adding Galadriel to the first movie since she was actually doing similar things at the time according to The Unfinished Works, but fabricating a she-elf for romantic drama? Are you kidding??
The barrel scene was ridiculous too. I'm typing on my phone so I will spare the long-winded whines about it. And a severe disservice was done to Beorn. Argh.
Smaug was excellent (the dragon, not the whole movie), but Riddles in the Dark is still the best Hobbit thing they've filmed.
Racing Truth
12-28-13, 06:13 PM
Just saw American Hustle. Overall, :thumbup:. One issue I have though is David O. Russell literally tells us (via narration, which makes it worse) the central thesis (or 1/2 of it) of the film in the first 15-20 mins. It kinda turns it into something of theorem needing to be proven. Which is a shame b/c it's a great movie in it's own right.
The hair and outfits. Yes, they're EVERYTHING you've read about. 'Nuff said.
Bale is great, even if the accent doesn't always work. Amy Adams is great, though I almost think she's in the film too much, so that, by the end her performance almost starts to lose it's impact. I have to finally admit- Bradley Cooper can act. Really good. Yes, Jennifer Lawrence will get nominated for Best Supporting (as she should), but don't give her credit for "playing an older role." Age is irrelevant to the character. The fact that she's crazy, manipulative and lacking emotional maturity is what matters and this Lawrence really pulls off.
12-28-13, 07:55 PM
Grrl, precisely. I was afraid to do spoilers but since you did... :)
I got behind adding Galadriel to the first movie since she was actually doing similar things at the time according to The Unfinished Works, but fabricating a she-elf for romantic drama? Are you kidding??
The barrel scene was ridiculous too. I'm typing on my phone so I will spare the long-winded whines about it. And a severe disservice was done to Beorn. Argh.
Smaug was excellent (the dragon, not the whole movie), but Riddles in the Dark is still the best Hobbit thing they've filmed.
I agree about the barrel scene. If they weren't dragging this out over another movie, it could have been filmed just as written in the book. As it was I was extremely annoyed with the whole sequence-which was way too long and bored me after about the first minute or so. I was thinking "really... are we still on THIS?!" Re: Beorn- hey, at least he made it in the movie, unlike Tom Bombadil in LOTR. And... I'm still really annoyed at some of the CG stuff. The spider scenes were pretty good until Bilbo is wearing the ring and hears them talking in the same stupid Orc/Troll accent/voice. That really bugged me in the first one- how one of the trolls sounded just like one of the orcs in LOTR. Don't they have any other voice actors? Don't they know nerds will notice?!
On a happy note, I got to wear my "Mordorable" T-shirt that Richard gave me for Christmas.
Yes, I wore the Tshirt of the movie I was going to see. I am that girl.
12-28-13, 10:29 PM
Anyone care to share their best 5 movies of 2013?
Yes, I wore the Tshirt of the movie I was going to see. I am that girl.
Grrl knows PCU? :cool:
Anyone care to share their best 5 movies of 2013?
Not sure I can submit 5 until I see Anchorman 2. :gomer: From what I've seen, Frozen, Captain Philips and The Butler were very good. Smaug was good, but not great. They (WB) simply stretched the story out too much. Still on my list to see are Gravitiy, Osage, Mandella and Dallas Buyers Club. American Hustle might be on the list.
12-29-13, 01:52 PM
With the advent of Netflix & Apple TV we don't venture out to see many movies. I'm not sure how many visits to the multiplex we made this year...but certainly Rush was in my top 5! :)
12-29-13, 02:22 PM
I plan on seeing The Hobbit II: Peter Jackson destroys Tolkien Some More after having decided that getting all nerdy about what was changed/added/bastardized/destroyed served no useful propose. Not surprised to hear he got Beorn wrong after completely ignoring Tom Bombadil in the first trilogy. I now look at the first Hobbit movie as a different telling of a familiar tale. Some things changed, some things the same, but I always have the original to go back to if I want the "proper" version..
12-29-13, 02:31 PM
I watched Gravity in the theater (IMAX 3D) and I felt like I was ripped off. It was a good movie, but I don't understand the hype at all.
I caught it in 3d this weekend, also. Good movie, I especially like the fact that Cuarón ended it when he did rather than dragging it on for the usual ball-pein hammer to the forehead ending. Much better film than I went in expecting, which says more about my low expectations for most major studio fare than anything.
I think much of the hype comes from the fact that non-fantasy, hard SF movies are incredibly rare, and the faithful get all hopped up when one with a sizable budget makes it to the screen. Ah, what do I know, I loved Primer.
12-29-13, 02:33 PM
Some things changed, some things the same, but I always have the original to go back to if I want the "proper" version..
I got your original right here:
:tony: V1_SX640_SY720_.jpg
12-29-13, 03:48 PM
Re: Gravity. Why do I hate everything Sandra Bullock does? All I could think of in that movie was a list of 40 other female leads who would have done better.
The movie was pointless to me. I cannot see in 3D so maybe that's what I missed.
Re: Gravity. Why do I hate everything Sandra Bullock does? All I could think of in that movie was a list of 40 other female leads who would have done better.
The movie was pointless to me.
I wonder if the issue might be Clooney?
He makes some VERY well made, well-acted movies that have no point. Reference: The Descendants and Up In The Air.
(Haven't seen Gravity yet.)
12-29-13, 10:28 PM
Grrl knows PCU? :cool:
12-30-13, 12:39 AM
Re: Gravity. Why do I hate everything Sandra Bullock does? All I could think of in that movie was a list of 40 other female leads who would have done better.
The movie was pointless to me. I cannot see in 3D so maybe that's what I missed.
You didn't miss anything in 3D. I just expected to be blown away by the effects and there simply wasn't anything groundbreaking.
12-30-13, 06:22 AM
I wonder if the issue might be Clooney?
He makes some VERY well made, well-acted movies that have no point. Reference: The Descendants and Up In The Air.
(Haven't seen Gravity yet.)
I disagree with his take on Bullock. I think she did a great job, and I don't think there are a lot of actresses that could pull the character off (and though I like what she looks like I think it maybe the first movie of hers I have ever seen, so its hard to call me a fan of hers).
That said, it didn't matter what Clooney did as an actor. The character Bullock plays absolutely carries the film. You don't like her or her acting job you will not like the film.
Rogue Leader
12-30-13, 10:33 AM
You didn't miss anything in 3D. I just expected to be blown away by the effects and there simply wasn't anything groundbreaking.
I saw it in IMAX 3D, the good part about that is the screen is so huge and curved that the movie is literally everywhere you look so you are "in" it. That was pretty awesome.
12-30-13, 10:59 AM
You didn't miss anything in 3D. I just expected to be blown away by the effects and there simply wasn't anything groundbreaking.
Actually the SFX were pretty spectacular and almost seamless. Now, I'm the biggest Bullock fan you're gonna find (I paid to see Two if by Sea for Pete's sake), but I just don't get the accolades being thrown at this move or her performance. This is were the casting for Alien really comes off as genius. Clooney's character was WAY more interesting than hers and the movie kind of died with him.
Racing Truth
12-30-13, 08:57 PM
Actually the SFX were pretty spectacular and almost seamless. Now, I'm the biggest Bullock fan you're gonna find (I paid to see Two if by Sea for Pete's sake), but I just don't get the accolades being thrown at this move or her performance. This is were the casting for Alien really comes off as genius. Clooney's character was WAY more interesting than hers and the movie kind of died with him.
While I understand that doing so would have taken away from the purity of Cuaron's experience, ONE flashback into Bullock's character's life would have made her seem far more real.
As it is, I still think she was great, esp. given the limited material.
02-09-14, 04:36 PM
The Lego Movie is a pretty amazing. It works really well for adults and they added so much to it that you would probably have to watch the movie a dozen times before you caught every visual.
It is cgi not stop motion but that's obvious if you have ever built Lego. It would have taken a decade with an army of people to render anything that immense in Lego. The amazing thing is they programmed the exact specs of Lego pieces into the software and did an entire movie of virtual stop action. You could exactly recreate any given scene in real Lego if you had the time, money and Lego's cooperation to make that many pieces in those colors.
02-09-14, 07:08 PM
How appropriate for young kids was the Lego movie? Too complex for a 6 and 4 year old?
02-10-14, 12:40 AM
Depends on the kids I suppose. The nine year-olds absolutely loved it. I'm not sure about 4, it would depend on how used to movies the kid is. It is rated PG.
The Lego Movie is a pretty amazing. It works really well for adults and they added so much to it that you would probably have to watch the movie a dozen times before you caught every visual.
It is cgi not stop motion but that's obvious if you have ever built Lego. It would have taken a decade with an army of people to render anything that immense in Lego. The amazing thing is they programmed the exact specs of Lego pieces into the software and did an entire movie of virtual stop action. You could exactly recreate any given scene in real Lego if you had the time, money and Lego's cooperation to make that many pieces in those colors.
"Everything is awesoooome!"
I found it surprisingly entertaining.
02-17-14, 10:03 AM
"Everything is awesoooome!"
I found it surprisingly entertaining.
Took the girls on Saturday. They liked it but didn't understand it.
Yeah, now I've got that damned song in my head all the time... :D
02-17-14, 03:29 PM
Call me a nerd if you want but I really want this....
2741 pieces for $249.00:eek:
Lego, it's like crack cocaine...
Story about the small town of Madison, Indiana and their hydroplane Miss Madison. A lot like Breaking Away, but with fast boats instead of bicycles. It's a little bit Lifetime and a little bit after-school special, but it's way better than the Bridges of Madison County or Billy Madison. ;)
03-10-14, 08:24 PM
Took my Miyazaki-nut daughter to see Wind Rises (Kaze tachinu) last weekend. Wow. V1__SX1617_SY906_.jpg
Frankly, I think the angst from Western critics re: the supposed moral ambiguity of this film completely misses the mark for a number of reasons, not the least of which is the fact that the film culminates with the design of the A5M in 1935. I doubt if they'd be as critical of a fictionalized story of a Grumman engineer in the 1930s. To his credit, one constant hallmark of Miyazaki's films is his utter rejection of traditional storylines where the hero vanquishes (and destroys) an evil, a villain, etc.
Make no mistake, this is a proper film, not the sort of stuff we expect from Western animation.
03-11-14, 02:01 AM
Story about the small town of Madison, Indiana and their hydroplane Miss Madison. A lot like Breaking Away, but with fast boats instead of bicycles. It's a little bit Lifetime and a little bit after-school special, but it's way better than the Bridges of Madison County or Billy Madison. ;)
I may have to look into this. I absolutely adored Madison, IN. It was my favorite stop on the American Queen Steamboat. :thumbup:
03-11-14, 02:42 AM
^Check cable. I swear that movie has been on 3x daily for the last 6 months.
We went to see Captain America, The Winter Soldier tonight. I really enjoyed it. One of the better Marvel movies, I think. Plenty of stuff blowing up but a good story to go with it. The effects are spectacular without being too distracting in their cartooniness.
Also, we were able to return to our favorite theater, the Arena Grand, which has reopened as a Studio Movie Grill. Unfortunately as movie eateries go it wasn't as nice as the AMC Cinema Suites. The seating isn't as nice and there's not as much room. We'll give it a few more tries since we really like the location. Being downtown tends to keep the kids away.
04-06-14, 10:38 AM
+1 on CA/WS. I thought it was hands-down the best of the Marvel movies I've seen so far.
We went to see X-men, Days of Future Past.
Overall, pretty good. Not in the same class as the best Marvel movies but better than average for the X-men series. Of course I'd probably be happy if all the comic movies did stories from the '70s and '80s since those where the days when I was actively collecting comics. The setting gives them a very "silver age" nostalgia. Jennifer Lawrence could make a career out of playing foxy 70s/80s babes. I'm speaking as an expert since I married one. :)
Speaking of 70s/80s, we also went to see the documentary, Super Duper Alice Cooper. In spite of the name this was a really fresh take on the rock documentary. They animate and manipulate period images to tell the story in a more interesting way than your typical talking heads documentary. The even manage to pull out some surprises and fresh perspectives on a history has been told many times before. This is the work of Sam Dunn and Scot McFadyen who also did "Rush: Beyond the Lighted Stage" and "Metal: A Headbangers’ Journey."
Racing Truth
05-31-14, 07:53 PM
We went to see X-men, Days of Future Past.
Overall, pretty good. Not in the same class as the best Marvel movies but better than average for the X-men series. Of course I'd probably be happy if all the comic movies did stories from the '70s and '80s since those where the days when I was actively collecting comics. The setting gives them a very "silver age" nostalgia. Jennifer Lawrence could make a career out of playing foxy 70s/80s babes. I'm speaking as an expert since I married one. :)
Once again, well played, boss. Well played.;)
To rent/stream, I'll recommend Short-Term 12, the best indie of '13. Brie Larson is amazing in it.
06-01-14, 02:05 AM
On long plane flights, I watch offbeat movies I might not see another time. This time, outbound, I watched Nebraska. Bruce Dern gave the performance of his life. I suppose you only "get it" if you've dealt with the single-mindedness that comes of age and and have experienced the essence (?) of middle America but this was an extraordinary film. I now see why it was nominated as best picture.
On the return, I watch The Book Thief. I wasn't quite sure what to expect. I think this is an important movie because so many people are seeing it and probably understanding more about the atrocities of WWII than they ever had. It shows the all horrors wrought by the Nazi's from Kristallnacht on but they are a background to explore the plot, not *the* plot. It affects you in a different way than the typical war movie. The occasional voice over by "Death" is the perfect uniting thread.
Unfortunately Kristallnacht is still 'celebrated.' I was in Prague in Nov 2007. The night before I arrived several Nazi sympathizers from Germany arrived by train to vandalize the Jewish quarter and leave graffiti behind. It certainly wasn't to the extent it was in 1938, the attacks were largely symbolic but still... :(
Andrew Longman
06-01-14, 02:04 PM
To the participants, sadly, the actions weren't any more symbolic that for the participants in 1938.
Today their numbers are just fewer, their reach shorter and they haven't (yet) murdered 100 +\- of their principle political opponents. Doesn't mean they wouldn't do more if they thought they could.
On the return, I watch The Book Thief. I wasn't quite sure what to expect. I think this is an important movie because so many people are seeing it and probably understanding more about the atrocities of WWII than they ever had.It affects you in a different way than the typical war movie.
I didn't know it was made in to a movie. Thanks for the heads up. :thumbup:
Is it in German with subtitles like the submarine movie 'Das Boot'?
From the book, I remember a passage that described a nighttime Allied bombing raid. The bombs are described as dropping from the "rib cage of a plane". A description that only makes sense if you are standing on the ground looking up into the open bomb bay doors. What a mercilessly accurate way to describe a Lancaster or B-17 bomber.
06-04-14, 06:27 PM
Gnam, The Book Thief is in English. All the actors use realistic and very slight German accents, even Geoffrey Rush. Superbly directed. It's a movie that has stayed with me.
06-14-14, 02:19 AM
I have to say the How to Train Your Dragon 2 was a very good movie.
I have to say the How to Train Your Dragon 2 was a very good movie.
I wasn't astounded, but it was pretty good.
Not sure what constitutes spoilers, but the kid has a right to have "issues". It's played off as no biggie.
The awkward attempt at adult humor stuck out very obviously.
Animation was great. Story was good.
06-17-14, 09:49 PM
I wasn't astounded, but it was pretty good.
Not sure what constitutes spoilers, but the kid has a right to have "issues". It's played off as no biggie.
The awkward attempt at adult humor stuck out very obviously.
Animation was great. Story was good.
I'll try to take the girls this weekend. Thanks for the heads-up!
06-18-14, 09:20 AM
I watched The Lego Movie. I have to say, much like Gravity, the expectations/hype were not lived up to in my opinion. Probably even more so this time.
06-18-14, 09:52 AM
I watched The Lego Movie. I have to say, much like Gravity, the expectations/hype were not lived up to in my opinion. Probably even more so this time.
The bar is pretty low these days. I assume it's going to be crap. Then I can enjoy it when it's not, if only for short bits.
We went to see Lucy this evening. The trailer caught my attention as an interesting concept and I like Scarlett Johansson. Luc Besson did a couple of my favorite movies (The Professional and The Fifth Element) so that made it worth checking out.
I enjoyed it but not as much as I'd hoped. I'm happy to see Besson trying some new story telling tricks, heaven knows we could use more creativity in films these days, but driving home the narrative by cutting in nature scenes of rhino humping and showers of antelope afterbirth just seemed heavy handed and tedious.
There are moments when this movie is really good and moments when it's really bad. Whether the former outnumber the latter probably depends on whether you're willing to suspend disbelief as the director stretches his premise to the breaking point.
07-27-14, 08:12 PM
The bar is pretty low these days. I assume it's going to be crap. Then I can enjoy it when it's not, if only for short bits.
I hear ya. I'm surprised at how often I hear myself saying, "It was better than I thought it would be" which means I thought it would be, yeah, crap. About all sorts of things, not just movies.
07-28-14, 09:42 AM
. . . . but driving home the narrative by cutting in nature scenes of rhino humping and showers of antelope afterbirth just seemed heavy handed and tedious . . . . .
Thanks nrc, you just saved me $20. :yuck:
07-28-14, 10:51 AM
Richard forgot to mention that we saw the movie in one of AMC's "cinema suites" so the aforementioned nature footage occurred as we were enjoying our dinner. Fun stuff.
I did like the premise but the execution was strange. It felt as if Besson wasn't sure what he wanted the film to be. Maybe I've just become so accustomed to formulaic movies and this felt more odd because it was outside the norm.
07-28-14, 12:31 PM
We went to see Lucy this evening. The trailer caught my attention as an interesting concept and I like Scarlett Johansson. Luc Besson did a couple of my favorite movies (The Professional and The Fifth Element) so that made it worth checking out.
You need to see "Subway" from about 30 years ago:
Make sure you watch in subtitled French.
07-30-14, 12:25 PM
We went to see Lucy this evening. The trailer caught my attention as an interesting concept and I like Scarlett Johansson. Luc Besson did a couple of my favorite movies (The Professional and The Fifth Element) so that made it worth checking out.
I enjoyed it but not as much as I'd hoped. I'm happy to see Besson trying some new story telling tricks, heaven knows we could use more creativity in films these days, but driving home the narrative by cutting in nature scenes of rhino humping and showers of antelope afterbirth just seemed heavy handed and tedious.
There are moments when this movie is really good and moments when it's really bad. Whether the former outnumber the latter probably depends on whether you're willing to suspend disbelief as the director stretches his premise to the breaking point.
I caught it last night. I enjoy Besson and like a good dose of weird in my movies, but this one was dumber than a box of rocks, even beyond the whole silly 10% of the brain trope. Morgan Freeman's endless guffaw-inducing lines made me think the plan was to channel Gene Wilder in 'Young Frankenstein'. Besson may have aimed for Steven Pinker, but he hit Steven Wright, culminating when the supposedly brilliant Freeman introduces his dream team of neuroscientists, describing them as "All top mens in their field". Top mens? If you say so, but you ain't helping my suspension of disbelief any there, buddy. A fine action film buried under enough scientific illiteracy to make 'Buckaroo Banzai' look like 'Cosmos', and done with a straight face.
07-30-14, 01:04 PM
I caught it last night. I enjoy Besson and like a good dose of weird in my movies, but this one was dumber than a box of rocks, even beyond the whole silly 10% of the brain trope. Morgan Freeman's endless guffaw-inducing lines made me think the plan was to channel Gene Wilder in 'Young Frankenstein'. Besson may have aimed for Steven Pinker, but he hit Steven Wright, culminating when the supposedly brilliant Freeman introduces his dream team of neuroscientists, describing them as "All top mens in their field". Top mens? If you say so, but you ain't helping my suspension of disbelief any there, buddy. A fine action film buried under enough scientific illiteracy to make 'Buckaroo Banzai' look like 'Cosmos', and done with a straight face.
:thumbup: If you ever want to quit your day job, you have a future as a film reviewer. This reminded me of vintage Tom Shales (before he got completely bitter). A great read.
07-30-14, 02:36 PM
datachicane confession: I was the drama critic for the school paper in college. Unbeknownst to me, my future innernet forum skills were being honed every time I had to cough up umpteen column inches on some whacked-out Strindberg production.
07-30-14, 04:44 PM
Besson may have aimed for Steven Pinker, but he hit Steven Wright . . .
Ghostbusters remake? Hollywood must die.
If they do this, why not remake all of Bill Murray and Harold Ramis' movies?
Groundhog Day
08-05-14, 12:30 PM
Ghostbusters remake? Hollywood must die.
If they do this, why not remake all of Bill Murray and Harold Ramis' movies?
Groundhog Day
Of for g-d/s sake. Don't give anyone any ideas. :saywhat:
08-05-14, 02:05 PM
"Dawn of the Planet of the Apes" was better than I expected. I'll be curious to see what they do with it in the next installment.
Racing Truth
08-06-14, 02:13 PM
Has anyone seen Guardians of the Galaxy yet? If so, do I need to see it in 3D?
I hope 'Let's Be Cops' is a good movie. It looks like Super Troopers.
But, it probably can't be better than the 'Always Sunny in Philadelphia' episode where they buy an old cop car and Charlie becomes Serpico.
08-06-14, 08:18 PM
Has anyone seen Guardians of the Galaxy yet? If so, do I need to see it in 3D?
I haven't seen it, but I know it was not filmed with either IMAX or 3D cameras. With that said, James Gunn said:
Just got out of working on the 'Guardians' cut for IMAX 3D and I'm unbelievably excited about it. Guardians of the Galaxy has been planned as a 3D film from its very inception. Yes, if you see the film in 2D, you'll get a full experience. But the 3D experience promises a little something extra. Unlike many directors, I've been actively involved with converting every shot to 3D, making sure it works perfectly for the story and the film, making sure it's spectacular and immersive without being silly, distracting, or overly showy. 3D conversion was once far inferior to shooting in 3D, but over the past couple years new technology has allowed us incredible control over the 3D effects, making it equal to or in some cases greater than shooting in 3D.
As an EXTRA benefit for those who see the film in IMAX 3D, we will be changing aspect ratios throughout the film in a way that makes the experience even fuller and more encompassing. I've personally chosen all the places where the changes occur and, again, I love how it's coming along. The changing aspect ratios in this case are actually a part of the storytelling.
Just wanted to share some of this stuff with you guys since I haven't had a chance to talk about the 3D much. Hope you're all having a great day. Hi!
I've since seen that about 16 minutes uses the full IMAX screen.
Here is one site's breakdown on the 3D:
Racing Truth
08-07-14, 08:19 PM
So, to answer my question, you don't need to see GotG in 3D, but I do think it adds to it. Mainly b/c it's in an imagined outer space.
opinionated ow
08-09-14, 12:58 PM
Watched a brilliant British comedy from 2010 'The Reluctant Infidel.' Omid Djalili plays a non practising Muslim who accidentally finds out he was born Jewish before being adopted by Islamic parents just as his son is desperate to get the nod of approval from his potential father in law, an islamic clerical zealot. It's genuinely hilarious but I'd warn against it if you are unable to laugh at religion because this takes a good poke at all of them.
Fury was good. It had some fantastic scenes.
Kind of wish it was a mini-series, even though it's just a 24 hour period, or something.
It's about the characters, and I almost wish it had just a bit more development. (I can't believe that I typed that. :laugh: )
It is a terse snapshot of morality - not really pounding a message across, just showing it to you.
I hate watching movies in the theater. Kept trying to hit the rewind button. :)
01-01-15, 01:40 PM
A Tolkien geek's review of The Battle of the Five Armies:
After seeing it four times, I am at peace with it. Things like:
- Elf / dwarf love story (with a non-book elf no less)
- Legolas and his daddy
- Legolas (and Galadriel, Elrond, etc) being there at all
- Alfrid's crazy amount of screen time
...don't bother me a whole lot. There is a lot of embellishment by Peter Jackson, but through it all I think the spirit is right.
Long story short, I liked it more than most Tolkien geeks did. And, I am sad to say farewell to Jackson's Middle Earth.
What did you think of it?
01-01-15, 06:30 PM
A Tolkien geek's review of The Battle of the Five Armies:
After seeing it four times, I am at peace with it. Things like:
- Elf / dwarf love story (with a non-book elf no less)
- Legolas and his daddy
- Legolas (and Galadriel, Elrond, etc) being there at all
- Alfrid's crazy amount of screen time
...don't bother me a whole lot. There is a lot of embellishment by Peter Jackson, but through it all I think the spirit is right.
Long story short, I liked it more than most Tolkien geeks did. And, I am sad to say farewell to Jackson's Middle Earth.
What did you think of it?
Pretty much the same impression you have. I did hate all the screen time for Alfrid- what the heck was that all about? Richard and I both said that we thought they could have closed the Smaug chapter of the book in the previous movie and left the battle as the primary focus of the last film. It seemed odd and anticlimactic the way they broke it up.
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