View Full Version : Snow.
01-31-08, 03:53 PM
Here it comes. :D
Sean Malone
01-31-08, 04:09 PM
81 degrees. :D
Took my moped into work today. :thumbup:
01-31-08, 05:07 PM
Meh, heavy snow tonight into tomorrow morning. Not the same clouds as Spictard but heavy snow none-the-less.
Sheesh! It hasn't even rained here in almost 2 months! ;)
01-31-08, 05:34 PM
Took my moped into work today. :thumbup:
With any luck I'll be taking the Arctic Cat into work in the morning. I don't have faith in the snow gods, tho... I'm guessing it'll be mostly rain.
01-31-08, 05:39 PM
Been snowin' here all day...stupid weather guy said it wuzn't s'posed to start 'til tonight...
Allegedly between 6 - 9 inches...
My wife hasn't been that lucky in years...:D
Been snowin' here all day...stupid weather guy said it wuzn't s'posed to start 'til tonight...
Allegedly between 6 - 9 inches...
My wife hasn't been that lucky in years...:D
Hmm. Nine goes into three, well, three times TB. Glad to be of help. :thumbup:
i'm in a cube :(
but tomorrow is Friday, and Friday is Skiday :)
Wetest January in 10 years in NorCal. It's raining now, so it'll be snowing somewhere East of here tomorrow.
Andrew Longman
01-31-08, 06:28 PM
Supposed to be a big sloppy wet mess when it gets here. No shoveling yes, but utterly depressing PITA otherwise.
01-31-08, 06:31 PM
I love the snow bring it on! I hate ugly grey winters, bring on the white stuff! :tony:
01-31-08, 06:48 PM
10 inches, 4 inches, nobody knows wtf is going on now.
no school tomorrow!~ :thumbup:
01-31-08, 08:18 PM
Yesterday featured 50-60+ mph winds combining with 1-3 inches of snow causing white out conditions across the Buffalo area. The winds were so powerful they whipped up Lake Erie, causing the Buffalo end of the lake to rise 8 feet, and the Toledo end to drop 5 feet. 60,000 people were without power at the height of the storm yesterday.
Today was a beautifully sunny winter day.
Tomorrow's going to be a snowy, rainy, icy mess.
01-31-08, 08:40 PM
still waiting......:irked:
Official "work from Home" tommorrow declared by the office
Smart office
It took 3 hours to get home tonite on a normal 40 minutes commute...
02-01-08, 06:41 AM
2 inches.
i want my money back. :thumdown:
I guess scaring the **** out of the gomers is good for the economy. :shakehead
Go buy something, Spickles. :gomer:
02-01-08, 08:28 AM
I guess scaring the **** out of the gomers is good for the economy. :shakehead
Go buy something, Spickles. :gomer:
beers? 4:20? Tavern?
it amazes me that the weather people always predict 5-10" of snow, we only get 2-3" of snow, yet people still listen to them.
they predicted 5" in cleveland overnight. we got none.
beers? 4:20? Tavern?
I'll work on it.
Rosco coming? :gomer:
2 inches.
i want my money back. :thumdown:
I'd rather the snow - we have ice this AM. Slid right down the driveway and crawled out to the main road. :shakehead
I'm in!!! :thumbup:
Oh wait... Happy hour is already over.... :gomer:
02-01-08, 09:19 AM
I'll work on it.
Rosco coming? :gomer:
And his scotchygen tanks?
I've invited him, but its not 100% white folk down here in Marion County, so he may have to leave before dark.:D
7.2" official here this morning...
02-01-08, 09:59 AM
6" here - North of St. Louis. No school for the kids. I'm "working from home" today :thumbup:
High Sided
02-01-08, 10:06 AM
02-01-08, 10:30 AM
20cm ... about 8"
Cutting our backyard in half, we have one real purty 40' L x 12' W snow drift, shaped like a mountain range, 6' high at the 'summit', and a lower drift running parallel to it. :p Useless for skiing or snowmobiling, but hours of Krazy Karpet fun for my Kanuck kids... :D
Snowdrifts kinda make up for the fact that I live on a floodplain.
Sean Malone
02-01-08, 11:18 AM
Cutting our backyard in half, we have one real purty 40' L x 12' W snow drift, shaped like a mountain range, 6' high at the 'summit', and a lower drift running parallel to it. :p Useless for skiing or snowmobiling, but hours of Krazy Karpet fun for my Kanuck kids... :D
Snowdrifts kinda make up for the fact that I live on a floodplain.
Pictures are in order. :)
Nothin. :irked:
There was a bit of a crust from the freezing rain when I left the hous @ 9. Someone esplain to me why they closed Cbus schools? Idiots. :saywhat:
Speaking of school closures, :irked: when the windchill hits -45, classes here are automatically cancelled. Everybody thought that would be the case this Wednesday, as the temps right across southern MB ranged from -47 to -51 with windchill. But, no, apparently our board out here decided that, well, yeah, it's -47 right now, but it's supposed to warm up later in the afternoon.
Oh, well. At least the school was nice and warm.
02-01-08, 12:09 PM
2" of snow, then freezing rain. Winter blows goats around here lately.
I guess I should be thankful that it's not 80F and humid.
...real thankful :cool:
Sean Malone
02-01-08, 12:18 PM
2" of snow, then freezing rain. Winter blows goats around here lately.
I guess I should be thankful that it's not 80F and humid.
...real thankful :cool:
why? are you a snowman?:confused:
02-01-08, 12:18 PM
We made it down to 29 early this a.m. We had to break out the heavy coats. It's up to 45 as of 10 a.m. Hoping to reach 60 above today. Winter sucks!! Only 53% humidity too, my skin is cracking!! :thumdown:
southern MB ranged from -47 to -51 with windchill.
You Canadians are nutty!!
Pictures are in order. :)
Yup, working on it. Dang technology... :o
I tried to take a video of the blowing snow Wednesday, hopefully that turned out half decently. It was cool out there - the wind was making snow twisters, as it blew over the top peak of the drift. Neat thing about that big drift - Tuesday night, it wasn't even there. :eek:
I'm out by OW, eight inches about right. No school, so I had to go into work.:D
My sox are wet.
02-01-08, 01:06 PM
Racing mergers and winter snow storms - both way over-hyped in central Indiana.
02-01-08, 02:23 PM
You Canadians are nutty!!
I assume that's Celcius... -51C is actually -60F. :eek: :D
My buddy lives in northern Alberta, they reached -51C before windchill. It warmed up to -36C yesterday (about -33F)
A picture of the snowdrift ( - hard enough to go sledding on, though it's been way too cold for anyone to venture out and try.
02-01-08, 02:37 PM
I-80 is closed at Rock Springs WY and I-84 is closed north of Ogden to the Idaho border. The canyons all have chain restrictions and the snow in town varies from 6" to 10". The resorts picked up anther 18+. It is still snowing on and off and it will snow again on Sunday/Monday:irked:
But it isn't crazy Canada cold, I've got to say that it is a comparatively balmy 30°F right now.
I-80 is closed at Rock Springs WY and I-84 is closed north of Ogden to the Idaho border. The canyons all have chain restrictions and the snow in town varies from 6" to 10". The resorts picked up anther 18+. It is still snowing on and off and it will snow again on Sunday/Monday:irked:
But it isn't crazy Canada cold, I've got to say that it is a comparatively balmy 30°F right now.
Y'all are getting some epic snow out west. :eek: Major snow and ice storms in China and snow in the mid-east. That sure is some whacky global warming.... ;) :saywhat:
02-01-08, 03:19 PM
I assume that's Celcius... -51C is actually -60F. :eek: :D
My buddy lives in northern Alberta, they reached -51C before windchill. It warmed up to -36C yesterday (about -33F)
They said during the Oilers game the other night that the team had tow trucks trolling the arena parking lots ready to service people's cars that weren't responding in the cold weather.
anait, that snowdrift looks like so much fun to go sledding on.
anait, that snowdrift looks like so much fun to go sledding on.
Yup, it will be. It's only -9 today, so I'm sure the kids will be out there tonight and/or tomorrow. The best part will be the big valley in between the two drifts! :D On the camera side is the garage, on the far side is a lilac hedge; at one end, the deck; at the other end, a big play structure. Sledding with obstacles. :D
The videos turned out really well; finding a place to host them that's accessible to y'all (they're on my facebook page). It was a bright, sunny day, but the wind was wicked. I was in full snow gear, but my face couldn't take more than three minutes outside; at the end of one video I kinda yelp...the wind hit me square in the face, and I knew I should get back inside! :eek:
Andrew Longman
02-01-08, 05:13 PM
Started out as freezing rain this morning, just enough to close the scholls, then just rain. Frigin downpour all day. And I had to drive 4 hours roundtrip to Rye, NY for a one hour meeting. I needed a periscope. But at least it wasn't they usual ice storm that gridlocks the tri-state area.
I'll take Calgary over this crap.
02-01-08, 05:15 PM
Rye, NY
Is Playland still there?
Andrew Longman
02-01-08, 05:30 PM
Is Playland still there?
Yup. I was right next to it. ...Come on, come on, come on over to Playland Park.
Avon is just down the street too. But they just layed off a ton of people. Something about their plans to sell make up to poor settlers in tha Amazon not working out. Oops
02-01-08, 06:29 PM
A couple of lifetimes ago I lived about a 1/4 mile from Playland for about 12 years. I must say I spent more time fishing near Playland than actually in it.
02-01-08, 07:42 PM
why? are you a snowman?:confused:After spending 15 years of my life sweating my ding-dang off in the hot, humid Ohio summers doing construction work (before I landed my cushy, climate-controlled office job :D), I wouldn't care if I never saw another day when the mercury rose above 60F. Eff the heat... gimme da snow. :thumbup:
Andrew Longman
02-01-08, 08:09 PM
A couple of lifetimes ago I lived about a 1/4 mile from Playland for about 12 years. I must say I spent more time fishing near Playland than actually in it.
Blues and Sea Bass?
02-01-08, 08:54 PM
We had frost this morning, does that count?
02-01-08, 09:20 PM
Blues and Sea Bass?
As a kid fishing off the rocks, not so much. It was porgies, snappers and flounder with the occasional woefully confused mackerel. Also eels - lord I hated catching eels, although there was usually some old Italian fishermen around who would happily take them.
02-02-08, 01:58 AM
its gonna be a bitter 74 tomorrow. Got tennis at 945am, suxxxxx, I'm gonna be freezing until it warms up.
02-02-08, 01:32 PM
It's snowing here, but I don't think it was supposed to. I just checked a radar and the system seems to be moving slow. Great.
It's snowing here, but I don't think it was supposed to. I just checked a radar and the system seems to be moving slow. Great.
Y'all live at the North Pole. Ya git what ya deserve. :p
I'm going to the beach.
I hope the flies are biting. :p
I hope the flies are biting. :p
Funny you should say that. I just now realized that there have not been any around. All must have suffered heat stroke. :D
Oh and by BTW... beach puppiez rule! :thumbup:
Stay away from the oar sockets or someone might to use you as one :rofl:
If this were snow I'd be off work tomorrow.
If this were snow I'd be off work tomorrow.
You don't have your arc built yet? :gomer: If this were snow, you'd be off for more than tomorrow. Have fun with the thorms ~2am or so. :saywhat: :irked:
02-05-08, 11:46 PM
Nice radar:rolleyes:
Looks like a line of nasty from Texas all the way to Lake Ontario.
Nice radar:rolleyes:
Looks like a line of nasty from Texas all the way to Lake Ontario.
Oh yeah. Squall line headed our way. Should be fun with a sick 4 year old, and a 19 mos. old (both girls). Yippee! :irked:
Could be worse...folks in Arky, etc. have seen or will see twisters. :(
Could be worse...folks in Arky, etc. have seen or will see twisters. :(
Last night around midnight, mr anait got a report saying 14 dead; CBC reported this morning the death toll has risen to 48. :( At least 69 tornadoes/funnel clouds spotted, at least 20 touched down:
CBC story (
And here I thought Cheeseheads knew how to drive in the snow. :gomer: :gomer:
In Wisconsin, traffic backed up for 19 miles south of Madison on Wednesday after semitrailer trucks got stuck on a hill. Gov. Jim Doyle later called a state of emergency, sending National Guard troops to help vehicles stuck in the jam blocking Interstate 90. Snowmobiles and all-terrain vehicles were used to check on the stranded motorists and bring them food or fuel.
As many as 800 vehicles remained stranded Thursday morning, according to Wisconsin National Guard Lt. Col. Tim Donovan. Traffic began to move by 7:30 a.m., but troopers were still working to remove semis and cars, some of whose drivers had gone to sleep.
Valentines Day 1991, Chicago got hit by a major snowstorm that started about 2:30 or so in the afternoon. I left my job in Arlington Hts at 3:30 to get a head start on the snow so that I could take my girlfriend (wife now) out to dinner. I got to my apartment in Lombard at 9:30PM!!!!! :shakehead I never made it to our date. :mad:
Rte 53 Southbound was a parking lot the whole way. I had a 5.0 Mustang, so I did not trust it on the surface streets and stayed on the highway.
I finally get to where the brand new I-355 began, and there was a semi spinning its wheels in each lane. (3 semis) I took the Lake Street exit and got back on I-355 at Lake St. and I-355 had about 10 cars on it moving 50mph on packed snow. I breezed down to my exit, but then barely made it over a small crest on Roosevelt Rd. The 'Stang was waggling all the way up the hill. I got into the parking lot for my apartment complex, but could not get into a parking space. So, I left it with its nose in a space and its tail in the lane.
I can see how it could take 9 hrs to go 12 miles in the snow/whiteout conditions. :(
Valentines Day 1991, Chicago got hit by a major snowstorm that started about 2:30 or so in the afternoon. I left my job in Arlington Hts at 3:30 to get a head start on the snow so that I could take my girlfriend (wife now) out to dinner. I got to my apartment in Lombard at 9:30PM!!!!! I never made it to our date.
Rte 53 Southbound was a parking lot the whole way. I had a 5.0 Mustang, so I did not trust it on the surface streets and stayed on the highway.
I finally get to where the brand new I-355 began, and there was a semi spinning its wheels in each lane. (3 semis) I took the Lake Street exit and got back on I-355 at Lake St. and I-355 had about 10 cars on it moving 50mph on packed snow. I breezed down to my exit, but then barely made it over a small crest on Roosevelt Rd. The 'Stang was waggling all the way up the hill. I got into the parking lot for my apartment complex, but could not get into a parking space. So, I left it with its nose in a space and its tail in the lane.
I can see how it could take 9 hrs to go 12 miles in the snow/whiteout conditions. :(
I was out of beer that day.:cry:
Took me an hour and a half to get to the corner store.
Made it, though.:D
02-08-08, 01:34 PM
And here I thought Cheeseheads knew how to drive in the snow. :gomer: :gomer:
-Kevin We do know how to drive in the snow. When the National Weather Service issues a statement that "travel will become impossible" in 12 hours, the smart folks stay home. It was snowing so hard that plowing was a waste of time until it was over. Many of those stranded were travelling through the state on the interstate and unaware of the weather closing in. Of course many were morons from Illinois and there is nothing you can do to educate them.
We do know how to drive in the snow. When the National Weather Service issues a statement that "travel will become impossible" in 12 hours, the smart folks stay home. It was snowing so hard that plowing was a waste of time until it was over. Many of those stranded were travelling through the state on the interstate and unaware of the weather closing in. Of course many were morons from Illinois and there is nothing you can do to educate them.
I was just giving y'all a poke, yo. :) I've driven that route many a time when my mom lived in Madison. I can't see that being fun in the snow, and it's tornado alley in the spring.
02-08-08, 01:50 PM
We do know how to drive in the snow. When the National Weather Service issues a statement that "travel will become impossible" in 12 hours, the smart folks stay home. It was snowing so hard that plowing was a waste of time until it was over. Many of those stranded were travelling through the state on the interstate and unaware of the weather closing in. Of course many were morons from Illinois and there is nothing you can do to educate them.
Don't you folks have information signs on the interstate? We have these advisory signs that tell us the interstate is closed at Rock Springs or the Idaho line. In other words I-80 is closed at a ranch exit 250 miles east of here do you really want to keep driving?
Of course many were morons from Illinois and there is nothing you can do to educate them.Yeah, I hear ya.
Every time I cross into Wis., I can actually FEEL my IQ dropping like a rock. It's weird.
02-08-08, 02:42 PM
I was just giving y'all a poke, yo. :) I've driven that route many a time when my mom lived in Madison. I can't see that being fun in the snow, and it's tornado alley in the spring.
I know you were :gomer: Snow is fun if you use your head. I like winter a lot better than tornados/lightning/hail/bugs/humidity.........all that stuff sucks.
02-08-08, 02:44 PM
Yeah, I hear ya.
Every time I cross into Wis., I can actually FEEL my IQ dropping like a rock. It's weird.
:p Stay home then :gomer: You can vacation at a spa in South Rockford. :D
Stay home then :gomer: You can vacation at a spa in South Rockford. :DNot MY fault the only practical route to Minn. goes through Wis.
I blame Ike.
"Wisconsin - Rest stop on the way to Minnesoooda"
"But we got a really neato race track in the middle east"
4-8" here tonight into tomorrow. I'll believe it when I see it. :saywhat:
02-12-08, 03:37 AM
It is supposed to be 50°F tomorrow. The snow in the valleys is melting rapidly, yeah. More snow due on Wednesday tho'.
50 sounds positively balmy. beach party at basin on sat so hopefully some dumpage thur & fri preceeding some bluebird like last weekend.
Here's what the weather's been like up here...well, maybe overstated a wee bit. But just a bit. :D
This Hour Has 22 Minutes weather report (
02-13-08, 12:42 PM
You know why the Midwest is getting so much snow this winter? Because I sold my snowmobile and moved out west to Denver. All the years I owned my sled out in Wisconsin, Illinois, and Iowa, it NEVER snowed NEARLY this much!
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