View Full Version : Deputy Dumps Paralyzed Man Out of Wheelchair
02-13-08, 10:06 PM
It’s hard to shock people in this modern wired world, but even the chief deputy of the Hillsborough County Sheriff’s office in Florida found the security camera video of a jailer dumping a paralyzed man out of his wheelchair appalling.
That is seriously messed up. Ironically, I saw that on TV after laughing my ass off watching Carpoolers.
First of all, that was a woman who dumped him out of the chair? :eek:
And sadly, this type of behavior from law inforcement doesn't surprise me.
I hope he ends up a very rich man. That even made the local news here. There is no excuse for that crap. Sue and sue hard. The way he was dumped out could have possibly made him a quadra, not just a para. Sick **** and the one that did it to him should be beaten to a bloody pulp.
02-14-08, 08:49 AM
Check out this fat prick of a cop
I'm usually the first to side with law enforcement in these types of cases. Most of the time stuff is taken out of context or overblown by the media.
But one look at the video tells you all you need to know. There are no circumstances where this would be justified. That cop shouldnt have a badge.
Now onto the victim. What the heck is his deal?
“My right side is still acting very strange,” he told Vieira. “I don’t have any sensation from the chest down, so I very well could have broken something. I wouldn’t even know it.”
Really? He hasn't been to a doctor yet? He may have broken something but instead of going to a doctor he's appearing on national TV after sitting at home for a week.
“It’s not about one deputy, it’s not about the sheriff, it’s not about the governor,” Sterner sad. “It’s about this ridiculous — ridiculous — down-pression of people across the world, economic or whatever you want to call it. It’s just like Rodney King got beat on the street and I got thrown out of my wheelchair. It happens to people every day. It’s just now there’s cameras that catch it.”
This statement explains why he said he may still have these "broken bones". Its cuz he is full of crap. He is obviously making a much bigger deal out of this than neccessary. 95% of police are good people who would never do this. No matter what line of work you are in you are still going to have those few crazy people who give the rest a bad name.
I like how he says this stuff happens to people every day, but the only incidents he could cite were his own in 2008 and Rodney King from 1991. :confused:
02-14-08, 09:21 AM
Check out this fat prick of a cop
Nice. :shakehead
02-14-08, 09:40 AM
Really? He hasn't been to a doctor yet? He may have broken something but instead of going to a doctor he's appearing on national TV after sitting at home for a week.
He said he could've broken something and because of his paralysis he'd never know. It was a short interview. I'm sure he has been looked at again. He is saying he was never told about the X-rays they took and his doctor never got to see them. Given his physical situation, it is important that the X-rays be read because he can't tell you if he is hurt. I'm not saying they did not read them and found nothing wrong, but look at it from his perspective.
This statement explains why he said he may still have these "broken bones". Its cuz he is full of crap. He is obviously making a much bigger deal out of this than neccessary. 95% of police are good people who would never do this. No matter what line of work you are in you are still going to have those few crazy people who give the rest a bad name.
I like how he says this stuff happens to people every day, but the only incidents he could cite were his own in 2008 and Rodney King from 1991. :confused:
It is how he feels about police. I'd bet abuses do happen more often than reported, just most of the time we wouldn't feel too bad about it.
I'm probably a bit naive, but I like to think most people are good people too. ;)
02-14-08, 09:42 AM
She didn't even feel remotely bad about it either. Maybe you could say she thought he was lying, but then after that to still not care? That's a pretty horrible human being.
Sean Malone
02-14-08, 10:22 AM
I’m a law abiding, tax paying citizen. I respect law enforcement and appreciate their dedication and willingness to make the ultimate sacrifice for society in the name of peace keeping.
That said, I am also proud to be a free American. I don’t want to live in a police state where ‘papers’ are required 24/7 (which is practically the case these days). I’ve been in numerous situations as a young man where not having ID on me was reason enough for the cops to handcuff me and search me.
In my opinion there are many types of people who want to go into beat cop work, one type for the ego trip and the another type for a genuine calling to help society.
Let’s be honest though, a third type just wants a job with beni’s. Beat cops make next to nothing, they don’t need much of an education (although I think that is changing now). Having lived in the middle of a few cities in my life, New Orleans, Richmond, L.A., Phoenix and D.C. one thing you learn quickly is that you steer well away from the city cops just like you would the gang of teens standing on the corner.
The hick county I live in now had a big blow up this past year with our chief of police. A real ‘Hazard County’ guy, he took all the confiscated bust items for his own use such as guns (he was known to carry as many as 50 guns in the trunk of his cruiser at all times), sold the confiscated drugs, had his own ‘cop goon squad’ that was known to harass people the chief didn’t like, intimidated his own beat cops if they didn’t keep things quite, intimidated county board members etc, etc. A real SOB. They finally arrested him and kicked his ass out after a long court trial. No pension. And this guy was the chief!
Last month we had a new deputy who had been on the job for two months wrap his cruiser around a telephone pole and died. He had been at a bar getting drunk all night, in uniform. He had a blood alcohol percent of somewhere close to death. Why? No one knows.
Human make mistakes, that is a given, and power does affect people in different ways so unless we have robot law enforcement in the future I think there will always be these types of stories.
People who seek out jobs that give them power over others are usually the last people you would want in such jobs.
People who seek out jobs that give them power over others are usually the last people you would want in such jobs.
That's a silly generalization.
Sean O'Gorman
02-14-08, 11:14 AM
So says the moderator. ;)
That's a silly generalization.
I don't think so.
Present company excluded, sir. :rofl:
02-14-08, 12:00 PM
That's a silly generalization. No it's not, that's one of the things they try to screen for when interviewing potential new officers. The worst example of it is the "security guard". They are the ones who are too crazy and stupid to be cops, but they were picked on in high school and they would love to have a gun and a billy club and a license to use them. Thank God most of them never make it to that stage.
Sean Malone
02-14-08, 12:05 PM
No it's not, that's one of the things they try to screen for when interviewing potential new officers. The worst example of it is the "security guard". They are the ones who are too crazy and stupid to be cops, but they were picked on in high school and they would love to have a gun and a billy club and a license to use them. Thank God most of them never make it to that stage.
So they join the Army, bcome MP's for two years and get out to be cops.
02-14-08, 12:10 PM
So they join the Army, bcome MP's for two years and get out to be cops. Maybe, but my nephew has a PhD in psychology and one of his jobs was interviewing police candidates for a big city. He said some of the answers he got to the questions were very scary....those kind of answers ruled the candidate out. :D I think the MP route works if you want to be a rural deputy sheriff, they are pretty much the bottom of the barrel.
02-14-08, 03:28 PM
Check out this fat prick of a cop
He should be strung up and shot with his own gun. I am sick of a-holes like this running around with badges.
02-14-08, 04:59 PM
He should be strung up and shot with his own gun. I am sick of a-holes like this running around with badges.
True but the kid needs to know that anyone with a brain does not address an angry cop as "dude". That little bit of common sense is lost on many teenagers.
02-14-08, 05:25 PM
Fat cop, funny uniform, lippy teens, shiny badge, crappy little Noddy car...I'd say that fat SOS has been waiting to lay into someone for quite a while...
02-14-08, 05:27 PM
People who seek out jobs that give them power over others are usually the last people you would want in such jobs.
Exactly...kinda like the folks that can't wait three days for a firearms permit might be the ones that need to wait a little longer then three days...
02-14-08, 05:33 PM
It's a tough line to walk if you deal with creeps and human vermin all day and then have to deal with citizens as well. A certain percentage of people get desensitized in that situation and can't deal. If they got past pre-screening and make it out of the academy it was much harder to toss them later. Cell phones with video are changing that dynamic...:D
At least police officers, or beat cops, get to help and protect innocent people every now and then. But surrounded by so much human garbage on a daily basis, a jailer has to lose some of their humanity.
I would like to hear the deputy's version. Did the guy identify himself as a cripple? Was he mouthin' off the whole time? Did she ask him to slide out of the chair on his own?
Still, the Walter Sobchak method of Spinal detection may not be appropriate in all situations. ;)
I've seen a lot of spinals, Dude,
and this guy is a fake.
A ****ing goldbricker.
This guy flipping walks. I've never
been more certain of anything in my life!
02-14-08, 07:23 PM
True but the kid needs to know that anyone with a brain does not address an angry cop as "dude". That little bit of common sense is lost on many teenagers.
That cop had no right to be so angry, and the teenager shouldn't have to put up with his BS power trip. I'm also outraged that the cop received a paid vacation for it, he should be fired.
02-14-08, 07:26 PM
It does not change the fact that the kid seriously lacks survival instincts.
02-14-08, 07:42 PM
It does not change the fact that the kid seriously lacks survival instincts. You don't touch people over language, it's called assault.
02-14-08, 07:52 PM
No kidding but the kid still seriously needs a lesson common sense. Whether the cop is right or wrong is totally irrelevant, you always go the yes sir, no sir route with armed authority figures. The fact that you may have been "in the right" isn't much help if it gets you beat down, tazered or worse.
Remember kids, Cops are your friends... :D :thumbup:
As long as they're way over there, talking to someone else.
02-15-08, 10:31 PM
No kidding but the kid still seriously needs a lesson common sense. Whether the cop is right or wrong is totally irrelevant, you always go the yes sir, no sir route with armed authority figures. The fact that you may have been "in the right" isn't much help if it gets you beat down, tazered or worse.
It's this type of attitude that has gotten us to this sad point. That a-hole is supposed to serve and protect, not assault children because he doesn't get the "respect" he so richly does not deserve. We should not have to fear cops because they have the authority and the weapons, they should be held to a higher standard. Put a few of these morons behind bars and we might see some improvement.
It's this type of attitude that has gotten us to this sad point. That a-hole is supposed to serve and protect, not assault children because he doesn't get the "respect" he so richly does not deserve. We should not have to fear cops because they have the authority and the weapons, they should be held to a higher standard. Put a few of these morons behind bars and we might see some improvement.
:thumbup: :thumbup: :thumbup: :thumbup:
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