View Full Version : HEy I got new stuff up at my innernet site check itout
05-15-03, 04:28 PM
HEy you CARt Strret racers I got soem new stuffs for you at my innernet site. CEHck out the ASk me
stuff section and the TIppy intereview ont he Racing section.
CARt sucks hahahahahaha
Originally posted by BigIrlFan
HEy you CARt Strret racers I got soem new stuffs for you at my innernet site. We've been upgraded! We're not "Strret racer lOOsers" anymore! :)
"BUt you just wate till race day for hte CHEvy. LIke a rock baby LIke a rock."
:laugh: :laugh: :laugh:
Q wHy IsNT tONeY CaANan oN yOR siTE? NoE he iS a FURrin rACer, but hE hAs A hOT bODy. CeNSOrly yORS, hOtIrLChICk
A FIRst of all he may be an INDyCAr racer but hees also a damed forrin NAncyBoy. EVEr see him at Salem or PAragon or WINchester? All nose ,no balls.
:rofl: :laugh: :rofl: :laugh: :rofl:
My friggin' side hurts!
05-15-03, 05:03 PM
TG - This question is for Tony. Tony, how is the wrist? Did it give you any trouble?
TK - The wrist is fine as long as I don't use it. What really hurts is my bum. I got hit with an A arm in the race in Japan. They had to dig quite a bit of carbon fiber out of the wound. All and all, I’m lucky to be alive, um, I mean here at Indy. This is small in comparison to some of the things the fans have been getting shoved up their butts the past eight years. Indy is great. The best drivers are here, so I’m here.
:rofl: This is CLASSIC BiF# :rofl: :rofl: :thumbup:
This is great!
"HCN - No, Roger Penske. Roger give me fine car with special Grandma set up."
05-15-03, 05:04 PM
This is sooo childish. The scorched earth policy will get you no where
Indy is for real fans, the rest of you malcontents can find another sport!
your pal
05-15-03, 06:27 PM
I still think the website should be:
Jiffy Lube Presents powered by Radio Shack TRS 80
Don Quixote
05-15-03, 06:49 PM
"HOw too TEll if YOur a NANcy BOy"
IF you got cuffs on your' pants, your a NANcy BOy
IF YOu never woked up with a bottel of WIle TUrky be side you, NACny BOy
IF you aint never deep fryed a TURrky. YOUr probly a NANcy Boy
IF YOu thinks pits stops is racing, NANcy Boy no dout hahahaha
IF You aint never feeled up a sister or a cousin, NANcy BOy
IF you carry a hankercheef, most LIEkly youre a NANcy BOy
IF you never yelled show me your tittys, YOur a NANcy Boy
IF YOu wach the news, your a NAncy Boy.
IF you aint never puked at the in field at INDy, your a NAncy Boy
IF YOU once was a RODger PENsky fan, probly youre a NANcy BOy
IF you aint never been in jail, most leikly a NANCy BOy
If you own a CAt, NANCy Boy NANcy BOy NANcy Boy
IF you aint never field gutted a rabbit - NANcy Boy
IF Yoy think that DAVe MAthews crap is music, NANCy Boy
IF YOu ever went to a strret race, CARt strret race looser NANcy Boy hahahahahahahahahaha
This is good stuff! :rofl::laugh:
Q WHen ouR yOU going toaDD TOney CANnon and TOney joSepHEt FOyt FOr? AXelents ITE, Mr. FAn. ITS my nOO HOmepAg e.
A DAd? IS that you?
:rofl: OMFG :rofl:
Hot Rod Otis
05-15-03, 08:23 PM
:rofl: :laugh: :thumbup: :rofl: :laugh: :thumbup:
05-15-03, 08:58 PM
That should be illegal because it's KILLING me..........:rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:
05-15-03, 09:19 PM
:thumbup: Ain't nothin' like the real thing. :thumbup:
BiF# :)
05-17-03, 11:44 PM
Great lookin site BiF. Really enjoyed the pics of the whole fam damnly.:cool:
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