View Full Version : Max Mosley in sado-masochist National Socialist orgy with hookers
Dirk Diggler
04-02-08, 07:57 PM
Can anyone send me a link to where that statement originated from, I can't find it anywhere. Funny either way, but I'm skeptical that its real.
I don't know, Rush brought it with him.
Can anyone send me a link to where that statement originated from, I can't find it anywhere. Funny either way, but I'm skeptical that its real.
Its from rasf1. Usenet stil rulz.
04-03-08, 08:18 AM
Its from rasf1. Usenet stil rulz.
Does Frusciante still frequent that place? I could see him having a field day with this one.
Does Frusciante still frequent that place? I could see him having a field day with this one.
Not sure. It`s basically "the Dot", Plotkin, forty, bob, 6andretti, scottscott and Akin these days.
I don`t`s smackforum with no mods and about 10 regulars. :gomer:
04-03-08, 02:17 PM
Max fires back, steps on own genitals (
Speaking to Reuters, Mosley said: “Given the history of BMW and Mercedes Benz, particularly before and during the Second World War, I fully understand why they would wish to strongly distance themselves from what they rightly describe as the ‘disgraceful’ content of these [NOTW] publications.
Unfortunately, they did not contact me before putting out their statement to ask whether the content was in fact true.”
“No doubt the FIA will respond to them in due course as I am about to respond to the newspaper in question.”
2008 = best F1 season EVAR.
04-03-08, 02:24 PM
2008 = best F1 season EVAR.
Maybe not ever, but quite possibly the best in recent memory.
I cannot wait to hear how the Speed announce team handles this one - especially Hobbo :D
Maybe not ever, but quite possibly the best in recent memory.
I cannot wait to hear how the Speed announce team handles this one - especially Hobbo :D
They'll blame Mosley for Hamilton losing the title last year.
They'll blame Mosley for Hamilton losing the title last year.
Hamilton? Who's Hamilton? Oh, is he that chap that was mentioned in all those books Max had tossed into that bonfire last night?
Dirk Diggler
04-03-08, 06:56 PM
Speaking to Reuters, Mosley said: “Given the history of BMW and Mercedes Benz, particularly before and during the Second World War, I fully understand why they would wish to strongly distance themselves from what they rightly describe as the ‘disgraceful’ content of these [NOTW] publications."
Arrogant to the end. Max, they're not opposed to the publications. They're opposed to you. And no doubt they fully appreciate you reminding everyone of their role in the war.:shakehead
04-03-08, 08:35 PM
Speaking to Reuters, Mosley said: “Given the history of BMW and Mercedes Benz, particularly before and during the Second World War, [and my own parents support of the psychopaths who legalized genocide, and my pitiful attempts to re-create some of the demeaning crimes of the concentration camp] I fully understand why they would wish to strongly distance themselves from what they rightly describe as the ‘disgraceful’ content of these [NOTW] publications [and why they would wish to distance themselves even further from someone equally disgraceful]."[/I]
Don Quixote
04-03-08, 09:33 PM
From the f1 website:
FIA President Max Mosley has requested a meeting of the FIA Senate to discuss the publicity surrounding what is described by Formula One racing’s ruling body as “an apparently illegal invasion” of Mosley’s privacy.
Yes, this is a huge issue regarding invasion of privacy. :laugh:
The meeting is expected to be held in Paris as soon as practicably possible and all FIA members are invited. In the meantime, Mosley is planning legal action against the newspaper in question.
During which even more of his life will be trotted out for the world to see. :laugh:
The full membership of the FIA will be invited to attend the meeting at which the widespread publicity following an apparently illegal invasion of the FIA President’s privacy will be discussed.
I wonder if they will discuss what actually happened during this horrible invasion of privacy? :laugh:
Max is a fool if he thinks this will blow away with time.
One of the links posted here has the FIA being told by the Melbourne GP office that Max will not be meeting with any senior Australian government officials.
You would think that will be the same with every country with a GP.
Don Quixote
04-04-08, 09:17 AM
Meanwhile, still awaiting the condemnation from Ferrari. :crickets:
04-04-08, 01:37 PM
Max is a fool if he thinks this will blow away with time.
One of the links posted here has the FIA being told by the Melbourne GP office that Max will not be meeting with any senior Australian gorvernment officials.
You would think that will be the same with every country with a GP.
The longer he can avoid resigning, the better his chances of keeping his job. The outcry is always biggest immediately following a scandal.
04-04-08, 03:00 PM
I don't think that will be the case here...
The more time passes the more time people have to find out about what a sick old fart he is, and the calls for him to go will get louder...
The very best part about this is that once he's fired/resigns from the FIA he will then get a royal spanking in the law courts...
And then, maybe the UK will be done with that family of freaks and not-sees once and for all...
04-04-08, 03:40 PM
True to form Max figures he can bluster through. Good luck with that Max. Litigation is a two edged blade that will reveal a lot more than Max wishes and it will keep this in the media for months or more probably years. Even if he wins a bundle of money he loses in every other way.
Sean O'Gorman
04-04-08, 06:36 PM
Why would AAA be quoted?
Andrew Longman
04-04-08, 06:51 PM
The more time passes the more time people have to find out about what a sick old fart he is, and the calls for him to go will get louder...
True. It is impossible to believe this is a one time event. In fact, there is a reason to believe the NOTW were tipped off by this by a prostitute or the like.
He keeps at this, others will come out of the woodwork.
Maybe :tony: can replace him. :eek: :gomer: ;)
04-04-08, 08:39 PM
He keeps at this, others will come out of the woodwork. Absolutely, and it will just go on and on with one revelation after another. The press will have a field day with it. In the end Max will be lucky to get a monetary award and he'll have signed himself up for a protracted mud bath in the media.
04-04-08, 09:42 PM
Why would AAA be quoted?
Because "the AAA is a federation of different regional clubs and is the largest constituent member of the FIA. It has more than 50m members."
And also because Max keeps calling them to come jumpstart his nipples.
04-05-08, 03:35 AM
The SPEED broadcast crew had some pretty strong stuff to say about Max during practice Friday. Jackie Stewart said the situation was untenable. Hobbs pointed out that Max was given written notification he was not to appear at the race in Bahrain by that country's leader. The question is, what country is going to want him at their race...?
It shows just how out of touch with reality Max is that he is trying to hold on and bluster his way through. You get the feeling that he wants to hit the newspaper with a $100 million fine or something.
04-05-08, 07:56 AM
It shows just how out of touch with reality Max is that he is trying to hold on and bluster his way through. You get the feeling that he wants to hit the newspaper with a $100 million fine or something.
he's about to find out that his mod powers are useless in this situation.
Sean O'Gorman
04-05-08, 09:11 AM
The question is, what country is going to want him at their race...?
Damn you O'Gorman! Now I have visions of Max in that mankini... :flame: :flame: :flame: :flame:
04-05-08, 11:03 AM
Mosley thinks he did nothing wrong, was victim of 'disgusting conspiracy':
News link (
"Had I been caught driving excessively fast on a public road or over the alcohol limit, I should have resigned the same day. As it is, a scandal paper obtained by illegal means pictures of something I did in private which, although unacceptable to some people, was harmless and completely legal."
"Many people do things in their bedrooms or have personal habits which others find repugnant. But as long as they keep them private, nobody objects.
"The offence seems to be not what I did but the fact that it became public," wrote Mosley, who said he had received support from 20 FIA clubs and representatives of 50 others.
"But I played no role in this, indeed I did my utmost to ensure it remained private. I was the victim of a disgusting conspiracy."
Andrew Longman
04-05-08, 11:16 AM
"Had I been caught driving excessively fast on a public road or over the alcohol limit, I should have resigned the same day. As it is, a scandal paper obtained by illegal means pictures of something I did in private which, although unacceptable to some people, was harmless and completely legal."
Is paying 2500 Pounds for sex with five women legal in the UK?
Even if it is, he also keeps going on about how this had nothing to do with **** concentration camps despited the visual/audible evidence off SS style uniforms, prison uniforms and speaking in German.
He has millions of dollars, and he says he has lots of friends. It is nothing but ego and pride that is keeping him from just going away. Reminds me of a certain presidential candidate. Oops. :gomer:
04-05-08, 02:07 PM
Is paying 2500 Pounds for sex with five women legal in the UK?
Yes for all intents it is.
04-05-08, 04:34 PM
Nice, that one cleared the fence with 20ft. to spare :thumbup:
And also because Max keeps calling them to come jumpstart his nipples.
:rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:
Mosley thinks he did nothing wrong, was victim of 'disgusting conspiracy':
News link (
Is there really anything wrong with a little role playing?
Is there really anything wrong with a little role playing?
Probably not, but within the context of this situation with five hookers and a ****esque theme, this is over the line. :irked: :thumdown:
04-06-08, 10:30 AM
Mosley is a liar and pervert (
She added: "He's getting on now and the scenario involves a lot of physical energy. So sometimes he finds it hard to maintain an erection when he's having sex with the girls afterwards.
"Last week we had to try to stifle our laughter during some of the scenarios.
"When Max wasn't speaking German, he'd adopt a very strangulated 'Allo 'Allo! style German/English which sounded very comical.
"He'd use phrases like, ‘Zey need more of ze punishment I sink.'"
A little tidbit I found at pitpass.
Eric Clapton (who is due to wave the chequered flag at the end of the Bahrain GP): Is that a one or two hand job.
Martin Brundle: That's very topical at the moment.
Andrew Longman
04-06-08, 11:32 AM
As I predicted, the woodwork is opening up.
But a few things don't add up. If Max recorded the video himself, who shot the bit and the beginning of him doing through the gate and into the flat?
And we still don't know who the man in the mirror is.
04-06-08, 12:15 PM
As I predicted, the woodwork is opening up.
But a few things don't add up. If Max recorded the video himself, who shot the bit and the beginning of him doing through the gate and into the flat?
And we still don't know who the man in the mirror is.
I'm betting Mercedes.
04-06-08, 01:15 PM
the only reason why Mosely was asked not to attend the Bahrain GP is that they dont have enough tarts there to keep him happy.
Dirk Diggler
04-06-08, 01:34 PM
"We were only following orders," said our informant:eek:
Ok, that's about as much irony as I can take...
Being covered on Wind Tunnel shortly.
While we'er waiting, I still don't see why everyone is saying that Max's orgy was **** related. I don't see anything symbolizing ****ism in that edited video clip.
Being covered on Wind Tunnel shortly.
While we'er waiting, I still don't see why everyone is saying that Max's orgy was **** related. I don't see anything symbolizing ****ism in that edited video clip.
It's his family's history coupled with what he did. His father was the head of the fascist party in the UK, Hitler attended his parent's wedding, etc. that makes this whole thing stink to high heaven with the German 'bits' that were involved. :saywhat:
I just feel sorry for the guy as this never should have come out. But I guess if he really cared about his privacy, he would have played out his fantasies with someone he could trust.
Andrew Longman
04-06-08, 11:07 PM
I just feel sorry for the guy as this never should have come out. But I guess if he really cared about his privacy, he would have played out his fantasies with someone he could trust.
Trish, your have a refreshingly open, trusting and optimistic mind. Good for you.
I'm just not sure your radar is calibrated on this one.
For sure though, NOTW is completely pissed at him and totally interested in his destruction. Makes you wonder a bit what he did to spawn such enemies.
Dirk Diggler
04-07-08, 12:01 AM
...I still don't see why everyone is saying that Max's orgy was **** related. I don't see anything symbolizing ****ism in that edited video clip.
You mean apart from the WW2 style uniforms, the German voices and accents, the concentration camp uniforms, and the references to "the camps?"
You don't need a swastika to see which way the wind blows.
Dirk Diggler
04-07-08, 12:17 AM
News of the World has announced that it will provide the full, unedited copy of the video to every member of the FIA senate, or any national FIA authority for that matter. Your move, Max.
04-07-08, 08:30 AM
Makes you wonder a bit what he did to spawn such enemies.
I would think being Max Mosley was more than sufficient.
I would think being Max Mosley was more than sufficient.
Interesting read. (
Trish, your have a refreshingly open, trusting and optimistic mind. Good for you.
I'm just not sure your radar is calibrated on this one.
For sure though, NOTW is completely pissed at him and totally interested in his destruction. Makes you wonder a bit what he did to spawn such enemies.
Ah, to be young and knaive once again.... :) :cry:
Andrew Longman
04-07-08, 11:20 AM
Interesting read. (
Real interesting read. A lot to learn in there and a lot that is almost impossible to believe Max and Bernie actually have been able to get away with.
04-07-08, 01:24 PM
Interesting read. (
Interesting to read Paul Stoddart calling him a 'dictator'. He's not calling him that any more:
"This arsehole has got to go for the sake of the sport," Stoddart told the Weekend Australian newspaper.
link (
04-07-08, 03:52 PM
Real interesting read. A lot to learn in there and a lot that is almost impossible to believe Max and Bernie actually have been able to get away with.
I can't even imagine corruption at that level, but I'm not a billionaire either :shakehead
04-07-08, 04:13 PM
Interesting read. ( Good article and an accurate summary of the Max & Bernie fleece job. The real surprise is that Max has slipped up before now.
04-07-08, 11:23 PM
Nathan Lane talking about ol' Max on The Daily Show...whoda thunk it? :rofl:
Andrew Longman
04-07-08, 11:44 PM
Now the money is saying he must go.
Ecclestone's deafening refusal to clearly back Mosley may have been motivated by the conspicuous presence in the paddock on Sunday of Sir Fred Goodwin and Arun Sarin - respectively the biggest bigwigs of the major F1 team sponsors RBS and Vodafone.
"It's an FIA matter but we're watching it closely," Goodwin told the Daily Mail after a meeting with Ecclestone.
Mike Lawrence from Pitpass has his say. :\
04-09-08, 01:32 AM
Stoddart's is great.
"Sadistic maniac" :laugh:
Rogue Leader
04-09-08, 07:56 AM
Stoddart's is great.
"Sadistic maniac" :laugh:
He has my vote for FIA president LOL!
High Sided
04-09-08, 11:04 AM
how long before max gets his own song?...:tony:
04-09-08, 11:06 AM
Prisoner number 69...I mean the FIA president...lost his most recent legal battle to prevent the News of The World from publishing more video snippets and more audio clips of his visit to the "dungeon" on their website....the NoTW has also handed over the complete tape of the session to the FIA for their perusal.
The FIA has now also announced that there will be a secret ballot on a vote of 'No Confidence' in Mosley's continued tenure as FIA supremo in early June.
One has to wonder if extraordinary pressure will be brought to bear to get him to step down before that meeting in two months time.
Bye Max you sick ****!!! Don't let the door hit you on your welted arse on the way out...
LONDON -- Britain's High Court refused Wednesday to stop a tabloid newspaper from posting a video on its Web site of motor racing chief Max Mosley consorting with prostitutes.
Mosley, 67, has faced pressure to quit as president of the Federation Internationale de l'Automobile since the News of the World ran a story last month claiming Mosley took part in a five-hour orgy with prostitutes that involved **** role-playing.
The federation said Wednesday that Mosley's future would be decided by a confidence vote at an Extraordinary General Assembly of its membership on June 3.
Buh-bye, Max. :gomer:
04-09-08, 04:39 PM
One has to wonder if extraordinary pressure will be brought to bear to get him to step down before that meeting in two months time.... I'm concerned that two months might give Max time to pressure and blackmail the delegates prior to a vote, secret or otherwise. He's shown a remarkable ability to achieve his ends regardless of who he's dealing with or how absurd his position is. Bernie is probably the only person that could force him to go.
One has to wonder if extraordinary pressure will be brought to bear to get him to step down before that meeting in two months time.
If only someone could find video of him in an unflattering position, say, with some hookers or something.
04-09-08, 05:24 PM
I'm concerned that two months might give Max time to pressure and blackmail the delegates prior to a vote, secret or otherwise. He's shown a remarkable ability to achieve his ends regardless of who he's dealing with or how absurd his position is. Bernie is probably the only person that could force him to go.
Seeing how Bernie seems to have given Max a $300,000,000 present you have to wonder what Max has on Bernie to justify such largess.
And in what alternate universe would that not considered a bribe? The head of F1 gives the head of the FIA a ton of cash when it is the FIA that in theory regulates F1. I mean really, wtf is up with that?
Dirk Diggler
04-09-08, 05:25 PM
I'm concerned that two months might give Max time to pressure and blackmail the delegates prior to a vote, secret or otherwise.
I was wondering about that, as well. The June date that the FIA gave falls just before the Canadian and European rounds get underway. If Max is still in control when the German GP rolls around, we're in for some interesting theater.
04-10-08, 09:29 AM
If only someone could find video of him in an unflattering position, say, with some hookers or something.
Well the ordinary pressure of seeing his naked wrinkled arse in an amatuer bondage porno vid hasn't done the trick has it?:rolleyes: :gomer:
My point is, that it is one thing to have it blow over quickly and hope to hold on, but I think that major car manufacturers and various national motoring bodies may very well NOT want this affair to drag on publicly for another 2 months before it is resolved...
The NoTW is unlikely to let this story fade away either...
Rupert Murdoch is my homeboy.
High Sided
04-10-08, 02:21 PM
Rupert Murdoch is my homeboy.
his media is in control, poor max :cry:
04-20-08, 03:58 PM
FIA president Max Mosley intends to step down in 2009 even if given a vote of confidence by a special general assembly following his alleged involvement with prostitutes.
Why doesn't he just do it now?
04-20-08, 07:39 PM
Nathan Lane talking about ol' Max on The Daily Show...whoda thunk it? :rofl:
That was funny!
04-27-08, 09:34 AM
Bernie has withdrawn his support of Max:
That's game over, isn't it.
So strongly does Ecclestone defend his view that, according to paddock insiders, he visibly lost his composure when representatives for Williams, Ferrari and Red Bull refused to sign a statement asking for Mosley's resignation that would have been distributed to the media.
Now why would they refuse?
If Max manages to survive this, it will make things very uncomfortable for Bernie, I'd imagine. And any teams who did sign that letter.
I'm highly disappointed w/ Frank Williams
The Times newspaper claims that, if the confidence vote on June 3 does not remove Mosley, some motoring organisations have threatened to break away from the FIA and set up an alternate umbrella organisation.
America's AAA is reportedly leading the push.
chaos is good, the FIA doesn't know it's head from its ass
04-27-08, 07:40 PM
04-28-08, 11:54 AM
I think Bernie was taking the temperature of the paddock to be honest.
Think of this as Peanuts, Bernie = Lucy, Principals = Charlie Brown, Sick old pervert = then, remind me...HOW many times did Chuck actually get to kick that ball?
Bernie was trying to trap them into keeping his friend on board AND find out the lay of the land...
I cannot wait for BOTH of those bastards to be gone from this sport...
I cannot wait for BOTH of those bastards to be gone from this sport...
Jeebus, yes. Please Lord, make it happen.
04-29-08, 04:42 AM
I cannot wait for BOTH of those bastards to be gone from this sport...
I'd settle for that although I'd really like to see them answer for all the swindling they've done very publicly. Putting a little fear into those that come next wouldn't be all bad.
05-07-08, 04:35 AM
Get the white paint out!
Max has got balls. If he can get out of this, it won't reflect well on the other politicians in the FIA
05-07-08, 04:40 AM
FIA presidency notwithstanding, I'd still like to see him brought up on charges. :thumbup:
05-13-08, 09:52 PM
This just keeps getting more and more bizarre. You can not make this **** up:
Teams to hire spotters to avoid Mosley
Formula One teams are so reluctant to be seen with Max Mosley that they are reportedly considering hiring 'paddock spotters' to warn them of his movements if, as expected, the disgraced FIA President appears at the forthcoming Monaco GP.,18954,3213_3559111,00.html
Don Quixote
05-13-08, 10:41 PM
That's funny. Still there, still there, still there.....
I pay someone to keep an eye out for Spicoli. It avoids a lot of ugliness.
This just keeps getting more and more bizarre. You can not make this **** up:
Teams to hire spotters to avoid Mosley
Formula One teams are so reluctant to be seen with Max Mosley that they are reportedly considering hiring 'paddock spotters' to warn them of his movements if, as expected, the disgraced FIA President appears at the forthcoming Monaco GP.,18954,3213_3559111,00.html
:rofl: :laugh: :shakehead
:tony: <=== need a Max one of these with a little 'stache.
05-16-08, 11:58 AM
Now he's persona non grata in Monaco:
A spokesman for Monaco's Royal Palace confirmed to The Times newspaper that there is 'no question' of Prince Albert meeting with Mosley.
"We have just been informed that Mr Marco Piccinini will represent the FIA at the Monaco Grand Prix," he said.
"The Prince will only meet the official representative of the FIA, but maybe Mr Mosley will come as a private person to the Grand Prix," the spokesman added.
Just quit already!
05-16-08, 01:39 PM
Just quit already! Might as well, he's being shut out, as he should be. He may be able to bully the FIA congress, but there isn't squat he can do about getting shut out.
Andrew Longman
05-16-08, 01:47 PM
Who quits first? Max or Hillary?
05-16-08, 01:57 PM
Who quits first? Max or Hillary?
Max isn't quitting in the next 3 weeks.
Pilgrims Drop
05-17-08, 01:41 AM
Zey need mooore of ze punishment!
FIA risks losing control of
Formula One if I am forced out (
Zey need mooore of ze punishment!
Bernie risks losing control of
Formula One if I am forced out (
Fixxed. :gomer:
05-17-08, 09:27 AM
FIA risks losing control of
Formula One if I am forced out (
We can only hope.
:tony: <=== need a Max one of these with a little 'stache.
-Kevin <-- behold ze punishment!
Andrew Longman
05-17-08, 11:17 AM
FIA risks losing control of
Formula One if I am forced out (
Someday I will understand all the complications of the FIA, CRH, 100 year agreements, concorde, etc. :rolleyes:
05-17-08, 02:32 PM
emjaya has it right. What's at risk is Bernie losing his bought and paid for stooge. Given it's the FIA, Max's successor might be worse yet, but it's time for Max to leave regardless of the outcome.
05-17-08, 06:09 PM
The scandal is taking its toll.
The husband of one of the tarts is an Mi5 agent. he has just resigned.
I wonder if the Mole is responsible :gomer:
05-18-08, 04:23 PM
The scandal is taking its toll.
The husband of one of the tarts is an Mi5 agent. he has just resigned.
I wonder if the Mole is responsible :gomer:
05-18-08, 08:09 PM
wonder if Max had to take a pit stop.
Zey need mooore of ze punishment!
FIA risks losing control of
Formula One if I am forced out (
Here's the complete letter Max wrote. click me (
Bernie writes to the FIA Club Presidents.
Dear President
The FIA President wrote a letter to you on 16May 2008 (the Letter) in connection with the FIA
Extraordinary General Assembly called on 3 June to consider allegations published about his
private life.
The Letter makes statements that could lead to misunderstandingsand inaccurate conclusions
being drawn. We, the Formula One commercial rights holder (the CRH), are writing to you to
ensure that you understand our position on matters raised in the Letter insofar as they relate to
Formula One....
You may be
assured that whatever decision you should make on 3 June, we look forward to continuing our
long-standingand constructive relationship with the FIA and its President in pursuit of a stable
and successful Formula One.
Yours faithfully
Bernie Ecclestone
Chief ExecutiveOfficer
Delta TopcoLimited and its subsidiaries
(including SLEC Holdings Limited, Formula One AdministrationLimited and Formula One
Whole letter here (
Bernie just tossed Max to the wolves. :thumbup:
05-24-08, 02:20 AM
If Max wants me to be the enemy he should be very careful because if he makes me an enemy I could make sure he never whips anybody again.
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