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View Full Version : FIRst thing you got to do is rename this forem

03-31-08, 06:17 PM
ITs aint the OTHerss no mower. ITs all there is. hahahahahahaha THAt perty much the way it is now youCARt strret race loosers. ANd I do meen LOOSers hahahahahaha HOw did you liek you very first INDyCar races? ITs the new era baby. ANd its ALl bout INdy.

YEppers read all bout it here



THe IRl - weer all thats left

04-24-08, 02:52 PM

04-25-08, 11:01 AM
over 200 reads, and no one mentions that the poetry that is Bif is not posted on his website??

Or is it just me.

04-25-08, 10:26 PM
Oh, how I miss the days when some newbie would get into an arguement with Biff....:laugh:

Sean Malone
04-25-08, 11:44 PM
ANd your racers will end up in the back end again. JUSt like HOMsted. ANd aftter waht KALkhoven did to you guys I egspect youll be used to getting it in the rear by MAY hahahahahaha ANd youll see us walkin around the PAddoc with our PEpBoys hats on or our NORthenLIghts shirts on. ANd you better give way. THAts a sign of a reel INDy FAn.

F'n genius. :thumbup:

04-26-08, 06:49 PM
Oh, how I miss the days when some newbie would get into an arguement with Biff....:laugh:


Does he post at TF? Might be fun to see them agreeing with him and not knowing what :gomer:'s that made them.