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06-04-08, 03:44 PM
Really, wtf?

Verizon will be asking moviegoers about their music preferences and posting their responses up on the cinema screen as part of a new pre-movie advertisement. The promotion starts mid-June, and will precede 3,500 film showings around the US. Punters will be asked questions about the kind of music they like, and invited to respond by text. They'll then sit through a couple of adverts from Verizon, followed by a chart showing the preferences of that audience, in that theatre, on that day.

So Verizon is going to be tracking everyone via the gps in their phone and tracking gear installed in the theaters and stuffing that info into some database somewhere. They are going to track what movies you watch and quite assuredly sell that info to somebody. Kind of makes you want to go all Ted Kaczynski...

06-04-08, 03:54 PM
Really, wtf?

So Verizon is going to be tracking everyone via the gps in their phone and tracking gear installed in the theaters and stuffing that info into some database somewhere. They are going to track what movies you watch and quite assuredly sell that info to somebody. Kind of makes you want to go all Ted Kaczynski...

People still go to the movies? I usually see one per year in a cinema...this year might be two: Indy 4 and Wall-e. It's good to have 106" of screen goodness in the basement, yo.

$10 they'll start marketing some mobile music service this fall, and now they'll know how to do it. :irked:


06-04-08, 04:55 PM
Where does it say anything about tracking people with GPS?

All you need to do is give each screen a unique code, or give each answer a unique code.

They'll put something like this up on the screen:
If you like song A, text "12345" to "67890." If you like song b, text "12346" to "67890." If you like song c, text "12347" to "67890"

Then, they'll show the totals.

Already happens at plenty of sporting events. They show some plays up on the big screen, and have fans text their selection for the "play of the week."

Nothing really fancy.

06-05-08, 06:11 PM
Where does it say anything about tracking people with GPS?

All you need to do is give each screen a unique code, or give each answer a unique code.

They'll put something like this up on the screen:
If you like song A, text "12345" to "67890." If you like song b, text "12346" to "67890." If you like song c, text "12347" to "67890"

Then, they'll show the totals.

Already happens at plenty of sporting events. They show some plays up on the big screen, and have fans text their selection for the "play of the week."

Nothing really fancy.

Shhhhh! We almost got the camera dude to move to a shack in Montana.

Don't ruin it for us.


06-06-08, 01:57 AM
Everyone knows that there isn't nearly enough cell phone usage in theaters.

Andrew Longman
06-06-08, 10:33 AM
Where does it say anything about tracking people with GPS?

Not there, but here: http://www.nytimes.com/2008/06/05/science/05mobile.html

No, not fancy, but annoying. Given the cost of going to a movie, I'm already annoyed by endless previews and ads. Throw in people talking on cell phones, sticky floors, and overpriced stale popcorn and dando's basement is lookng pretty good. :)

Sean Malone
06-06-08, 10:38 AM
I can't remember the last time I went to a movie theater. It's been a long time.

06-06-08, 03:19 PM
No, not fancy, but annoying. Given the cost of going to a movie, I'm already annoyed by endless previews and ads. Throw in people talking on cell phones, sticky floors, and overpriced stale popcorn and dando's basement is lookng pretty good. :) You can add communicable disease to that list. Why stay home and be bored when you have a cold or flu when you can go the movies and share while coughing, sniffling and blowing your nose loudly? :thumdown:

We went the home theater route as well. We do occasionally go to see films that are better seen on the big screen, but we either go to the local cineplex for sparsely attended afternoon showings or book a semi-private viewing area at Cinetopia with leather lounge chairs, an ottoman to put your feet or food on, and waiters to bring you dinner from the restaurant, snacks or the adult beverage of choice. :cool: Over 21 only, so no kiddies acting out.
Cinetopia (http://www.cinetopiatheaters.com/cinema/theaters.htm)


Don Quixote
06-06-08, 03:30 PM
For a real slice of Americana, try the Best Western Movie Manor hotel in Monte Vista, Colorado. Watch a "drive-in" movie from your bed, looking out the window of your room. Very :cool:

06-06-08, 03:41 PM
Over 21 only, so no kiddies acting out.
Cinetopia (http://www.cinetopiatheaters.com/cinema/theaters.htm)

The only way to go:thumbup:


06-06-08, 03:44 PM
I can't remember the last time I went to a movie theater. It's been a long time.


06-06-08, 08:47 PM

Actually, I think that was the last time for us. :rofl:

We would go, because we like movies, but unfortunately we hate other people.

06-06-08, 08:58 PM
Actually, I think that was the last time for us. :rofl:

We would go, because we like movies, but unfortunately we hate other people.

Me 2. Had not gone to the theater for a while.

I went back for hitman, the kids really pushed for us to go.