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06-07-08, 12:54 PM
I don't go to as many concerts as I used and if ticket prices keep going like this I'll be seeing even less.:thumdown:

Mark Knopfler in a couple of weeks:thumbup:

06-07-08, 01:22 PM
Dude, I just paid ~$150 to see Van Halen. :saywhat:


06-07-08, 01:26 PM
Blue Man Group in Vegas was around $130.

06-07-08, 04:37 PM
They used to tour to promote the records. Now they don't make **** off records, and they tour to make money.

06-07-08, 08:51 PM
Welcome to the last 10yrs. We call them the 'Hand In Your Wallet' tours and we had a friend do a design and we had nice tour shirts silk screened to wear to the various concerts. :D

On related note, we had great seats to a recent concert that we paid $145 each for, but the people around us were brokers in suits who had little interest in the act. For them it was just something to do on a night out and one of the wives had gotten the tickets at work for nothing.


06-07-08, 08:57 PM
Welcome to the last 10yrs. We call them the 'Hand In Your Wallet' tours and we had a friend do a design and we had nice tour shirts silk screened to wear to the various concerts. :D

On related note, we had great seats to a recent concert that we paid $145 each for, but the people around us were brokers in suits who had little interest in the act. For them it was just something to do on a night out and one of the wives had gotten the tickets at work for nothing.


I can't think of a single act in the last 10 years worth paying $10 to see, much less $145.

06-07-08, 10:12 PM
Yeah I can't stand the "picnic" concerts where you are in a venue with 3000 people, 2000 of whom showed up to talk. It is amazing to hear them get pissed off when they have trouble hearing each other over the band:flame:

Elmo T
06-08-08, 09:19 AM
$24 a piece for my 7yo daughter's dance recital today. :saywhat: And that includes Me, wife, son, Grammie, and Grandpop.

Add in the following:

dance lessons




06-08-08, 11:30 AM
They make you pay to see your own kid's recital? Jeebus. :shakehead

06-08-08, 12:49 PM
And it's not like they can stay home... :p

06-08-08, 01:34 PM
$24 a piece for my 7yo daughter's dance recital today. :saywhat: And that includes Me, wife, son, Grammie, and Grandpop.

Add in the following:

dance lessons




Been there, done that ~3 weeks ago. Ours was $2 per, and we had about 10 family & friends there. Good thing the missus dint tell how much the costume co$t. :irked:



Elmo T
06-08-08, 06:44 PM
They make you pay to see your own kid's recital? Jeebus. :shakehead

First you pay for lessons.

And the costume. One time use (except for dress-up), kinda like a wedding dress, only not as expensive - I think.

Recital tickets 4x $24.

Of course, no cameras allowed. But they will gladly sell you a DVD of the recital for $45.

And there is the professional photo session on the day of dress rehearsal.

My neighbors thought their kid's ice hockey was expensive. We figure it is a draw.

It WAS great and the kids all had a fun time - but they really do fleece you.

06-08-08, 07:27 PM
Dude, I just paid ~$150 to see Van Halen. :saywhat:


Well, that just proves you are a world class dumb****.:rofl:

06-08-08, 09:46 PM
I can't think of a single act in the last 10 years worth paying $10 to see, much less $145.
No arguement from me. It was Springsteen and it was spouse mandatory, but I've heard or seen better performances of all of the tunes they played. And, without asshats in suits trying to shout over the music.

If someone has to be shouting all night to his buddies over the music he belongs at Carnival On Ice with the rest of the kiddies. :thumdown: Not worth doing hard time over though. :\


06-09-08, 09:34 AM
First you pay for lessons.

And the costume. One time use (except for dress-up), kinda like a wedding dress, only not as expensive - I think.

Recital tickets 4x $24.

Of course, no cameras allowed. But they will gladly sell you a DVD of the recital for $45.

And there is the professional photo session on the day of dress rehearsal.

My neighbors thought their kid's ice hockey was expensive. We figure it is a draw.

It WAS great and the kids all had a fun time - but they really do fleece you.

Ours is the same on all counts except the 4x$24. I guess we should count our blessings that the actual recital is free. (We still have all the other charges and the "professional" photos aint cheap.

06-09-08, 05:45 PM
Goalie Uniform -- $80.00
Soccer Shoes -- $60.00
Goalie Gloves -- $30.00

Attending a high school soccer match in the winter, raining, to see your son stop penalty kicks...

$5.00 per person

Take into consideration that soccer is not a popular game in the US.
The normal charge for high school football is $3.00

06-09-08, 06:34 PM
Well, that just proves you are a world class dumb****.:rofl:

Takes one to know one. :p :gomer:


06-10-08, 05:59 PM
I paid $75 to see The Cure at the Hollywood Bowl recently. They played for 3 hours and were freakin' awesome! :thumbup:

06-10-08, 06:45 PM
The Cure is a great band but Robert Smith is just plain strange.:saywhat:

06-10-08, 08:09 PM
Robert Smith looks like a bloated corpse

Don Quixote
06-10-08, 08:12 PM
I was thinking of an undead zombie.

06-10-08, 08:39 PM
I don't go to as many concerts as I used and if ticket prices keep going like this I'll be seeing even less.:thumdown:

Mark Knopfler in a couple of weeks:thumbup:

With or without Dire Straits?

Easily one of my favorite musicians, without or without the band. I'd say Knopfler is worth that and then some.

But if he plays Speedway At Nazareth, try not to cry. :(

Don Quixote
06-10-08, 09:17 PM
My wife and I are seeing Alison Krause and Robert Plant at Red Rocks a week from Saturday. I can't remember the face price, but the final cost after the ticketmaster rape charges were a little less than $80 each. Its hard to justify. Led Zep in Cleveland in 1977 was around $20 a pop. I think I still may have those ticket stubs. They probably were printed on stone tablets. Man am I old. :\

06-10-08, 10:16 PM
With or without Dire Straits?

Easily one of my favorite musicians, without or without the band. I'd say Knopfler is worth that and then some.

But if he plays Speedway At Nazareth, try not to cry. :(

Saw Dire Straits twice in the 80's. Brilliant doesn't start to describe one of their concerts. :thumbup:

06-11-08, 04:09 PM
Robert Smith looks like a bloated corpse

Maybe but the music is superb...

06-13-08, 01:56 PM
Frightened Rabbit for free at the Empty Bottle last night.

Hooray beer!