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08-27-08, 09:01 AM
I just flew United to Australia, and I can tell you they aren't waiting until the 4th quarter. I got a box lunch between SFO and ORD. Cold chicken sandwich in business... dreamy.

I'm not a drinker, so I say cut the booze down to two per customer and keep the food. The alcohol must cost just as much, with the quantities some of these business boozers consume.

The alcohol they serve is dirt cheap.

In general, spirits have the highest profit margin of anything in food service.

08-27-08, 08:46 PM
I just flew United to Australia, and I can tell you they aren't waiting until the 4th quarter. I got a box lunch between SFO and ORD. Cold chicken sandwich in business... dreamy.

I'm not a drinker, so I say cut the booze down to two per customer and keep the food. The alcohol must cost just as much, with the quantities some of these business boozers consume.

SFO/ORD with cold chicken in biz? That's just wrong! I like to have a drink on a flight but I'd agree that keeping it down to a dull roar would be preferable to getting cold meat. Ugh. Sounds so bad after a long flight. But thanks for the heads up.

Indy has a good point though. The alcohol is much cheaper than the food, even with the way some people consume it.

08-27-08, 09:15 PM
In general, spirits have the highest profit margin of anything in food service.

There's no profit margin on booze in business or first class. It's free. Flyers can generally get 2-3 well drinks before dinner, wine with dinner, and more cocktails after dinner. Oh, and sometimes champagne before the flight takes off.

WB, the cold chicken may have been preferable to the beef tenderloin I had on United on the way back from Frankfurt. It was so tasteless it must have been boiled. :yuck: :saywhat:


08-28-08, 01:35 AM
There's no profit margin on booze in business or first class.

That depends on how you look at it. People think they are getting something valuable, so they can justify higher ticket prices. It is all part of the package.

The spirits they serve on planes probably cost them less than $0.50 per 50ml bottle. The wine probably costs them less then $1.00 per 187ml bottle. Unless you are getting real Champagne (and a lot of it), or a recognizably expensive wine, they are getting off much more cheaply with booze than food.

08-28-08, 09:00 AM
I'll have everyone know that there's still a loophole that the airlines haven't closed - the schedule change.

We have a group of 3 people going on a trip in January. The cheapest way to fly MSP-MIA was on American, connecting in Dallas for about $300 each. AA also has a daily non-stop between the cities, but wanted closer to $600.

I booked el cheapo, and crossed my fingers.

A couple of days ago, I checked my itinerary online, and found a note that there had been a schedule change. Our flight numbers were still the same. The aircraft were still the same. The only difference was that our flight left MSP 5 minutes later, and the connection in Dallas left 5 minutes earlier. (We still had 1 hour 20 minutes to make the connection.) There were no changes to the return.

Even though the change was minor, and actually had us arriving at our destination 5 minutes earlier than previously scheduled, I called AA. This is how the conversation went:
"Hello, I was looking at my reservation online, and there was a note that there was a schedule change."
"Would you like me to tell you what that change is?"
"No thank you, I saw what it is. What I'd like to know is if the schedule change will allow you to put us on the non-stop flight instead."
"Sure, I can do that for you."
"Would it be possible to change our return flight to the non-stop as well?"
"Absolutely, just give me a few minutes while I get this reticketed for you."

While they're nickle and diming me on checked bags, bad food, and everything else, they're still letting you change flights to far more expensive options (even on legs of the trip that were unchanged) without charging the difference in fare or the $150 change fee - so long as they've made a minor tweak to their schedule. (Something they're constantly doing, especially if you book months in advance.)

08-28-08, 10:13 AM
I am flying Q PER -> MEL Sunday. Bring it on! :)

08-28-08, 10:16 AM
Nice tip JoeBob.

Flying to Seattle and back wasn't bad on United. The drinks are still free. One weird thing on the return flight from Denver to Wichita. They gave us drinks, but no pretzels. On the way out they gave us pretzels. They did give first class some pretzels though. ;)

What's the point of the self service kiosk if you have to wait for an agent to check your bag? (I say this because they had a separate line for people with bags to check that sent us all to self service kiosks and we're all just standing there waiting for an agent to tag our checked bags.) Also, you put the credit card in to pay before they actually check the weight. I found that interesting. I saw quite a few people get their low 50s pound bags on and it seemed they didn't get charged the extra $125.

When do you think an airline will just contract up with a restaurant chain? Cater everything from a simplified menu. Or is this something that is too difficult to do?

08-28-08, 10:20 AM
^ Northwest used to let you check in at the kiosk and print the tag/sticker for your checked bag. Then you'd just drop it at TSA. No more. :rolleyes:

I can't use the kiosks for certain airlines because I'm on the no-fly list. My request for removal is pending. :tony:

08-28-08, 01:20 PM
so I'm not seeing anything about continental on here, business as usual for my flight tomorrow?

08-28-08, 01:44 PM
so I'm not seeing anything about continental on here, business as usual for my flight tomorrow?

They are charging for more then one checked bag but I can't think of anything else that has changed recently.

08-28-08, 07:23 PM
JoeBob, thank you for that story. I had no idea it would work for a 5 minute schedule change.

A client had a 2-hour schedule change on his return (earlier departure). I called American yesterday to see if he could depart even earlier yet since he was losing the useful part of the day at his destination and might as well get home. They would have put him on any flight he wanted, with no charge. I nearly fell off my chair. Easy for me too because I have American's computer. Badda bing, all done, and resident in my computer. Loved it.

I'm going to try the same thing with Delta because I have a flight to Raleigh in October that has had massive sched changes on both ends. I'll let y'all know how it goes with a different airline.

08-28-08, 10:30 PM
I've had good luck with Northwest in similar circumstances. I would be quite surprised if Delta doesn't also follow suit. The key is knowing what flights you want to be on. If you call and tell them, "I had schedule changes, and I want 'XYZ' instead" you'll do well.

08-29-08, 10:44 AM
I am flying Q PER -> MEL Sunday. Bring it on! :)
I thought you guys just grabbed a bedroll and a big knife and went on "walkabout"?



08-29-08, 11:18 AM
I can't use the kiosks for certain airlines because I'm on the no-fly list. My request for removal is pending. :tony:

I checked the status of my request online yesterday. They said they received it, but the signed form and proper identification were missing.

Those are the only 2 things I sent them. :gomer::shakehead:gomer:

08-29-08, 12:23 PM
I checked the status of my request online yesterday. They said they received it, but the signed form and proper identification were missing.

Those are the only 2 things I sent them. :gomer::shakehead:gomer:

Did you see the story on CNN the other day on how easy it is to circumvent the no fly list?

Found the link: http://www.cnn.com/2008/US/08/19/tsa.watch.list/index.html

08-30-08, 10:14 AM
I thought you guys just grabbed a bedroll and a big knife and went on "walkabout"?



I am flying the big Q... That is adventure enough as of late. :eek:

09-02-08, 02:00 PM
Just now, from United:

Dear Mr. Wicker Bill,

Thank you for your direct, candid feedback on the test we had planned to launch in the fourth quarter for food choices on some of our flights. We heard you and have decided not to move forward with the test of offering customers buy-on-board options in United Economy on certain trans-Atlantic flights. We will continue to offer complimentary hot meals on those flights.

The response from you and many of our corporate customers, even before we launched the test, told us what we would have undoubtedly learned had we proceeded – you value our hot meal service in economy class for international flights.

In this environment, where higher costs driven by volatile fuel prices are now the norm, we must continue to tailor products and services so that we provide you with choices and competitive fares. As such, we will continue to be proactive in testing new ideas.

On October 1, we will proceed with the test of new, complimentary options for United Business customers on three-cabin aircraft used for domestic routes, which represents 16 daily flights. Customers on these flights will receive complimentary fresh sandwiches, salads, breakfast, snack boxes or snacks, depending on the length of flight and time of departure. They will also continue to enjoy complimentary beverages, including beer, wine and cocktails. We will evaluate the results and determine next steps by the end of the year.

It's also important to note that full meals will still be served on our p.s. transcontinental flights.

Thank you again for your feedback. We will continue to listen and make changes that enable us in this environment to provide you with the choices you value.

09-02-08, 02:19 PM
That WB dude has some pull. :D

09-02-08, 02:25 PM
I've been employed for some twenty years now and my job has required two round trip plane flights during that time. More and more I consider that to be a very good thing.

09-02-08, 02:26 PM
Thank you for the full letter. I had read that they had pulled the "trial" but, absent any details, I waited until I could read it here! :)

This just in. BLAH. Bad news for anyone traveling between now and at least November 5 and possibly until January 20.

US Elevates National Threat Level
The threat level has been elevated to High or Orange for all domestic and international flights.

"There is no credible, specific intelligence suggesting an imminent threat to the homeland at this time Still, we are closely assessing potential threats and response planning leading into and following the electoral process in 2008 to 2009. Heightened coordination and planning among intelligence community and law enforcement partners is being undertaken solely out of an abundance of caution, and focuses on preventive and preparedness measures for the transition period between administrations. All Americans should continue to be vigilant, take notice of their surroundings and report suspicious items or activities to local authorities immediately."

For more information go to www.dhs.gov On Sunday the Australian government's Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade warned Australians of the "high risk" or terror attacks on flights within, in and out of the US.

09-03-08, 01:20 AM
This just in. BLAH. Bad news for anyone traveling between now and at least November 5 and possibly until January 20.

US Elevates National Threat Level
The threat level has been elevated to High or Orange for all domestic and international flights.

GGrreat :(

I'm flying to Boston in 10 days with Babynuck on my lap. I really don't need delays and cancelled flights and crap like that.

They mess with my flight, they mess with my 2 year old, and only God will be able to help them if they tick her off!!!! :)

09-03-08, 12:21 PM
forgot to check in online, waited in line for continental only for them to tell me my first leg was with NWA (which explains my trip from democratic convention hell to republican convention hell, minni st paul intl :yuck:), so had to rush across the terminal to their counter, grab my pass and get to the gate, continental lady's chastising me for not being an hour early and how NWA won't let me on the flight b/c of half hour rule, get to gate and still not boarding :gomer:

09-04-08, 12:23 AM
Southwest To Ban Cash Sales
Starting September 9, passengers on Southwest will have to use a credit or debit card or frequent-flyer coupons to purchase wine, beer, energy drinks or cocktails on board, but no cash. That leaves Northwest and United as the only carriers accepting cash only at this time.

And this one is just for you, Ank:
Continental And Staff Best In Skytrax AwardsContinental was named North America's best airline in the Skytrax 2008 World Airline Awards.

09-04-08, 02:30 PM
I've had good luck with Northwest in similar circumstances. I would be quite surprised if Delta doesn't also follow suit. The key is knowing what flights you want to be on. If you call and tell them, "I had schedule changes, and I want 'XYZ' instead" you'll do well.

Thanks for this info. November return flight from Ft Lauderdale was changed from 7am to 6am and added an extra hour to our layover. Called today, told them there was no way I could do 6am flight, and they changed us to 11:00 am, no charge, no problem. :)

09-04-08, 02:55 PM
And this one is just for you, Ank:
Continental And Staff Best In Skytrax AwardsContinental was named North America's best airline in the Skytrax 2008 World Airline Awards.

gotta admit, CON was pretty enjoyable this time around and didn't feel like they were trying to nickle and dime me even though I've been SW/Frontier only the past few years. They even had a blanket and pillow laid out for me :)

09-23-08, 11:31 AM


Bedbugs make a return via low-cost flights

Terry Macalister The Guardian, Monday September 22 2008 Increased foreign travel and a lack of awareness have been blamed for the rise in bedbug infestations being reported by airlines, train and bus companies.

Pest control company Rentokil says there has been a 40% rise in the number of call outs over the past 12 months from the transport industry. Britain is now struggling to cope with infestations not seen in half a century.

The overall number of inquiries to the Rentokil UK website about the problem has doubled in the last three months. The company will this week fly in entomologists from all over the world to discuss the issue at its technical centre in Horsham, West Sussex.

Experts such as Professor Mike Potteran, an urban entomologist at the University of Kentucky, will be among the figures speaking in Britain but also at a series of events run by the company in France, Italy and Spain in a bid to help staff and clients cope with the bedbug infestation.

The enormous increase in international travel as a result of rising western living standards and low-cost flying is seen as a major factor behind the revival.

"We think that some of the problems result from changing lifestyles: the increasing amount of foreign travellers returning home with second-hand clothes and furniture is a major source of the problem. But the banning of certain chemicals in the 1960s and 1970s around the European Union plus a general lack of awareness is also to blame," said Rentokil spokesman, Malcolm Padley.

The bedbug, Cimex lectularius, hides under carpets or in headboards or skirting boards. The red or brown nocturnal creatures, which are about 5mm long and can lay up to 500 eggs in the space of two months, feed on human blood.

Rentokil has been working on new insecticides, including the Cymexide Nano Fogger, which is being field-tested in France.

09-23-08, 10:13 PM
Ugh, bad news. They have been an increasing problem in hotels, even the good ones, over the last year. Especially in big cities like Boston, New York, London. I'm sorry to hear they are now traveling too.

04-06-10, 04:17 PM
Spirit Airlines to charge $45 for large carry on bags.


One small step for airline fees, One giant step toward going out of business.

04-06-10, 04:56 PM
One small step for airline fees, One giant step toward going out of business. :D

Spirit CEO Ben Baldanza - "The beauty of it is they will do what they think is best for them and will now have the choice," he said.
Perfect, my choice is to not fly on your two bit airline... :cool:


Don Quixote
04-06-10, 05:02 PM
What the hell choice is he talking about? The choice to carry on a bag for $45 or wear 5 changes of clothes onto the plane?

04-07-10, 01:09 AM
This has been bandied about for some time now. They are following the Ryan Air model of charge zero for the ticket and charge up the wazoo for everything else. As I've read it, their policy is even more complicated than described in that article.

Let's remember that if you fly Continental Airlines and are a member of their frequent flier program, you can CHECK one bag for FREE.

04-07-10, 06:36 AM
Travelgal, Ryanair are about to charge 1 Eur to use the toilets.

04-07-10, 01:02 PM
Travelgal, Ryanair are about to charge 1 Eur to use the toilets.

Yeah, I know they are talking about it. They want to but they are not sure they can get it past regulations. The worst part is that their ideas are seeping across the pond. I see a lot of connecting flights, rather than nonstops in my future. :eek:

04-07-10, 01:32 PM
Travelgal, Ryanair are about to charge 1 Eur to use the toilets.
That could be brilliant, depending on their food menu...

"More White Castles sir?"

04-07-10, 01:44 PM
"More White Castles sir?"

The food that keeps on giving. :gomer: :D


04-07-10, 02:27 PM
I'm waiting for the mid-air continuation fee. That's where you pay half to takeoff, and the other half only if you want to land. This will allow them to better serve their customers who want the choice to jump. :p

Elmo T
04-07-10, 02:46 PM
And to think, people laugh when I tell them I've done the AutoTrain to WDW twice.

My choices are generally SWA :thumbup: or AirTrans :yuck: to MCO.

We actually enjoyed the the train and arrived in Sanford with the car.

I still get excited about taking a trip on a plane - if it wasn't for the prices, the overbooked flights, crowed planes, stale air, bad food, crying children (albeit sometimes they are mine), delays, and lost luggage I'd truly enjoy it.

High Sided
04-07-10, 02:51 PM
isn't it bad enough that the average size carry-on is limited to around 21" x 12" x 9"? my 24" x 12" x 12" has been banned :confused:

my new bag...

Don Quixote
04-07-10, 02:59 PM
^^^ Heck, that is almost as good as a woot!

04-07-10, 07:05 PM
Spirit Airlines to charge $45 for large carry on bags.


One small step for airline fees, One giant step toward going out of business.

I can actually see this catching on, just as soon as the larger airlines figure out how to enforce it.

04-07-10, 08:57 PM
well, its either this or actually charge a proper amount on a ticket....

But i don't see the latter happening.... :/

04-07-10, 09:03 PM
Pay to Pee is a really, really bad sign for the airline industry. Once oil is above $100/barrel for an extended period of time, flying will be a luxury.

04-07-10, 09:42 PM
...flying will be a luxury.

Shouldn't it be? Wasn't flying wonderful when we expected the tickets to be expensive, we treated it as a special occasion, and we were treated as guests by the airlines? I can remember Greyhound trips that were more pleasant than my most recent flights.

Since we deregulated the industry it has degenerated into the Walmart of travelling. I personally will not get on a plane unless I am going to the west coast or overseas. From the TSA and local airport stormtroopers to being treated as cargo by the airlines, I have decided that paying for the privilege of being disrespected is not for me.

04-07-10, 09:44 PM
Shouldn't it be? Wasn't flying wonderful when we expected the tickets to be expensive, we treated it as a special occasion, and we were treated as guests by the airlines? I can remember Greyhound trips that were more pleasant than my most recent flights.

Since we deregulated the industry it has degenerated into the Walmart of travelling. I personally will not get on a plane unless I am going to the West coast or overseas. From the TSA and local airport stormtroopers to being treated as cargo by the airlines, I have decided that paying for the privilege of being disrespected is not for me.

Hell ya, all true. I'd rather stay awake for two days driving than get on one of those ****ing cattle cars. If I go to LeMans, I'll take a boat :D

Elmo T
04-07-10, 10:15 PM
Breaking news reporting another bombing attempt on plane from DC to Denver. Here we go again...

OR a prank/bad joke.

04-07-10, 11:29 PM
Don't they have patches for situations like this:saywhat:

A law enforcement official says an incident aboard a Washington to Denver flight Wednesday night appears to have been a misunderstanding after the man was confronted trying to sneak a smoke in the bathroom.

The official says the man "made a joke about it" - which only alarmed people further.

04-07-10, 11:36 PM
He's lucky a passenger or two didn't beat him within an inch of his life.

04-08-10, 03:09 AM
Travelgal, Ryanair are about to charge 1 Eur to use the toilets.

I hope they do, and they'll get what they've got coming. Drunken Brits will be pissing all over the plane.

04-08-10, 11:19 AM
Travelgal, Ryanair are about to charge 1 Eur to use the toilets.

How about this brilliant idea for basically no seats at all...


I know that it was from last year, but they also mentioned the Pay-Per-Pee idea as well...

The next time I go back home I am seriously considering using the QM II..paying through the nose to sit in tiny seats for 8 1/2 hours and served barely-edible food by humourless polyster-wearing robots is not my idea of fun.

Another thing that just rubs me raw is the blatant false and misleading advertising that the big boys use when advertising overseas travel. BA is one of the worst..every spring they run tv ads offering one way flights from Chicago - London for about $219 or so. Based on a r/t you figure $450-ish..not bad right? Well it would be if that were the price you actually paid..then they tack on fuel surcharges 'per segment' that add up to almost the same amount as the advertised fare. Nothing deceitful or mis-leading about that is there...:shakehead

04-08-10, 11:46 AM
UAL/US Air merger was mentioned on NBC last night. More suckage to ensue. :saywhat:


04-08-10, 11:54 AM
^ they're all at the false advertisments. Only a few seats on the less busy days are at the advertised sale price. they treat everyone as if they only paid $10 for their ticket.

here's a doorstep interview of O'Leary


Ryanir always play the stupid jingle when they arrive 'on time' , of course they add on another 30 mins to the projected time of arrival then clap hands when they make this target

04-08-10, 03:25 PM
Another thing that just rubs me raw is the blatant false and misleading advertising that the big boys use when advertising overseas travel. BA is one of the worst..every spring they run tv ads offering one way flights from Chicago - London for about $219 or so. Based on a r/t you figure $450-ish..not bad right? Well it would be if that were the price you actually paid..then they tack on fuel surcharges 'per segment' that add up to almost the same amount as the advertised fare. Nothing deceitful or mis-leading about that is there...:shakehead

Agreed. I was sorry to read that the UA/US talks are back on again but what breaks my heart is the BA/Iberia merger. Ugh.

BA, the world's LEAST Favourite Airline. It's their own game of double your money. Just that they are the ones that get it and you are the one that pays it.

Funny that Virgin Atlantic doesn't seem to need to add fuel surcharges to the extent that BA does. Add to that the BA undercover boss being forced to fly the thing because everyone is always on strike including the people that check you in. Double ugh.

04-10-10, 12:14 PM
Been a couple years since I've flown with golf clubs or skis. How are they charged for?

04-10-10, 12:22 PM
Been a couple years since I've flown with golf clubs or skis. How are they charged for?

As far as I know, it's just another piece of luggage, albeit oversized. I say, "as far as I know" because in this business almost everything changes every day. If a client asked me that, I would check online and then call the airline. IF I got the same answer twice (big IF), that's what I would end up telling the client. I just checked yesterday about surf boards to Tahiti so that's all I can say this morning with certainty. :)

04-10-10, 12:40 PM
I'm waiting for the mid-air continuation fee. That's where you pay half to takeoff, and the other half only if you want to land. This will allow them to better serve their customers who want the choice to jump. :p
:rofl: You get the corporate speak award of the month. :thumbup:


04-19-10, 03:33 PM
AA, Delta, JetBlue, United & US Airways agree to not charge for carry-on bags.
What a great bunch of fellows. :gomer:


05-03-10, 11:52 AM
Get ready to bend over, peeps.


NEW YORK (CNNMoney.com) -- UAL Corp.'s United Airlines announced on Monday it will merge with Continental Airlines in a deal worth $3.2 billion, creating the world's largest airline.

The combined company, which will fly under the United moniker and Continental logo, is now larger than Delta Air Lines (DAL, Fortune 500), which became the country's largest airline when it merged with Northwest Airlines in 2008. It is expected to serve more than 144 million passengers per year and fly to 370 destinations in 59 countries.



05-03-10, 12:07 PM
Not happy about that merger at all. From Houston we fly Continental pretty much exclusively. We're probably screwed on pricing and I imagine some of our non-stop flights will go away. :irked:

05-03-10, 12:50 PM
I have been lucky to have mostly positive experiences with Continental which I usually fly south of the border to all those Mexican Countries. Flew United once and was not very impressed. I fear that this is not gonna be good...

05-03-10, 12:53 PM
I have been lucky to have mostly positive experiences with Continental which I usually fly south of the border to all those Mexican Countries. Flew United once and was not very impressed. I fear that this is not gonna be good...

This is definitely NOT a good thing. UAL is a train wreck. :saywhat: :irked:


05-03-10, 03:20 PM
How long will it be until there is only one airline with uniformly dreadful service to everywhere and nowhere?:\

Why in the world we want to approve a takeover of anything by a company that has been in bankruptcy for most of the last 15yrs? I guess we need another lesson in too big / incompetent to fail.


05-03-10, 04:47 PM
I have been lucky to have mostly positive experiences with Continental which I usually fly south of the border to all those Mexican Countries. Flew United once and was not very impressed. I fear that this is not gonna be good...

Me too. I am sad today. Continental had decent service and very good staff. :(

05-03-10, 05:11 PM
Why in the world we want to approve a takeover of anything by a company that has been in bankruptcy for most of the last 15yrs

Cuz' were 'Mericuns and stuff. Whut are you, some kind of Commanist?

05-03-10, 05:29 PM
Why in the world we want to approve a takeover of anything by a company that has been in bankruptcy for most of the last 15yrs?

..whilst simultaneously screwing it's employees out of their pensions and the stock holders out of their equity...

Yup! Sounds like you want to get in bed with those guys..:shakehead

05-04-10, 03:59 PM

That just looks wrong.

05-04-10, 04:06 PM
How long will it be until there is only one airline with uniformly dreadful service to everywhere and nowhere?:\

Not long. They are not and never have been a legitimate business. Many countries figured that out long ago and nationalized them.

07-25-11, 03:34 PM
One more thing...

Several federal taxes on airline tickets expired over the weekend, and the airlines have now raised their prices to make up the difference. Consumers pay the same, airline profits increase.

Once the tax is put back in place the prices will go down, right? :gomer:

07-26-11, 12:30 PM
Har har, that's a good one. Yesterday's briefing. May not still be true today, however.

Another Fallout From The Government's Failure To Fund The FAA

By Saturday night the majority of US airlines had raised fares some 7.5%. the amount of the expired taxes. Instead of passing along savings to the consumer, the airlines are pocketing the money and customers pay the same amount as before. American, United, Continental, Delta, US Airways, Southwest, AirTran and JetBlue all raised fares, although details are somewhat different with the carriers. Most of the increases were about 7.5%. Virgin America, Frontier Airlines, Spirit and Alaska did not raise prices. The expiring taxes can total $25 or more on a typical $300 domestic round-trip ticket. Airlines had a choice to pass along the savings to their customers or keep it for themselves.

A Treasury Department spokeswoman said it's unclear whether the government can keep taxes for travel at a time when it doesn't have authority to collect the money. Other government fees for security and local airport projects are still being collected.

Andrew Longman
07-26-11, 02:28 PM
One more thing...Reminds me of when taxes are increased on cigarettes. Tobacco companies (at least they used to) raise prices as well figuring the customers will just blame the rise all on the tax.

That's cynical. But it pissed off my brother enough to get him to quit... for awhile. :rolleyes::shakehead

07-27-11, 07:28 PM
Could just be a shot in the dark but here's the latest. (ARC is the Airlines Reporting Corporation. They are the clearinghouse for ticket sales.) If you didn't use a travel agent, I'm guessing you should apply to airline itself.

The Association of Retail Travel Agents (ARTA) wrote to ARC President and CEO Michael Premo today requesting that ARC, on behalf of its accredited agents and participating carriers, process refunds due to overpayments on various U.S. excise taxes collected as a result of the lack of an FAA Reauthorization imposing such taxes.

ARTA members are being repeatedly asked by travellers to provide these refunds as consumers perceive the travel agent as the "collector" of these taxes, even though the collector is actually the airline. In many cases, the amount of tax refund is considerable, and the media is reporting that any resolution of the FAA Reauthorization appears indefinitely stalled and little prospect for reenactment anytime soon.

For tickets issued on/before 22 July 2011, for applicable travel on/after 23 July 2011, a refund for overpayment of the affected excise taxes would likely be due

07-28-11, 01:27 PM
Today's ARTA briefing: FYI, Alaska Airlines is NOT raising fares. I've read both yes and no for Hawaiian, Virgin America, Spirit, and Frontier.

IRS Gives Go Ahead To Airlines To Issue Ticket-Tax Refunds

The IRS says airlines can refund ticket taxes to those who bought
tickets prior to the time Congress let the ticket taxes expire. The taxes
can be refunded the same way a refundable ticket is exchanged that
wasn't used. The airlines are not required to issue a refund, and if fact,
Delta says it is taking in an additional $4 million a day because they
also raised fares the amount of the ticket tax. The IRS is working on a
procedure for handling refunds. American, United, Continental and
Southwest are directing customers to the IRS. JetBlue invited
customers to email refund requests to the airline. Passengers who can't
get a refund from the airline eventually will be able to submit a claim to
the IRS along with proof of taxes paid and travel dates. This whole
thing is a windfall for the airlines. They are counting on the majority of
ticket holders due a refund to give up and they will keep the tax income
and also gain from the fare increase. A similar tax holiday in 1996
lasted nine month and another one in 1997 lasted three months.

08-08-11, 12:11 PM
That was quick. Hope no one had those refund forms completed.

ARTA August 8. Last Friday's (05 August 2011) Congressional action extending the Federal Aviation Administration authorization reinstates retroactively the airline ticket taxes for passengers who traveled during the lapse of the FAA's authorization.

As a result of the bill Congress passed on 05 August 2011, passengers who purchased tickets prior to July 23 and traveled between July 23 and the date of enactment of the legislation are not entitled to a refund of the airline ticket excise tax. Additionally, the IRS intends to provide relief for passengers and airlines with respect to ticket taxes that were not paid or collected because of the lapse. The IRS is currently reviewing other effects of the legislation and will issue future guidance.

08-08-11, 12:13 PM
That was quick. Hope no one had those refund forms completed.

ARTA August 8. Last Friday's (05 August 2011) Congressional action extending the Federal Aviation Administration authorization reinstates retroactively the airline ticket taxes for passengers who traveled during the lapse of the FAA's authorization.

As a result of the bill Congress passed on 05 August 2011, passengers who purchased tickets prior to July 23 and traveled between July 23 and the date of enactment of the legislation are not entitled to a refund of the airline ticket excise tax. Additionally, the IRS intends to provide relief for passengers and airlines with respect to ticket taxes that were not paid or collected because of the lapse. The IRS is currently reviewing other effects of the legislation and will issue future guidance.

So what happens if I bought tickets before 7/23/11 but will be travelling AFTER 08/05/11? Do I still get a refund?

08-08-11, 01:06 PM
So what happens if I bought tickets before 7/23/11 but will be travelling AFTER 08/05/11? Do I still get a refund?



08-08-11, 04:21 PM

08-09-11, 01:43 AM
^^ Chop said it so much more eloquently than I could have. :laugh:

08-15-13, 02:41 PM
^ bump

photos from the Global Business Travel Association convention in San Diego.
Airlines were showcasing their new buisness class seats.


Looks expensive.


08-21-13, 04:55 PM
United reducing seat capacity on flights from SFO to the Far East by swapping out 747s with 777s.

With Qantas gone, and United reducing capacity, brace for some painful price hikes for nonstops from SFO to Sydney and Melbourne. Currently, roundtrip economy fares on SFO-SYD are in the $1,500 range, business class is running close to $9,000 and first is around $17,000. Fares typically run cheaper if you are willing to stop in LAX on the way down.


$17,000? I had no idea. :laugh:

08-21-13, 08:42 PM
Yeppers. And they don't like to deal. It's where they make their money. But sometimes you can get substantial discounts if you know who to call. ;)

08-22-13, 08:30 AM
I particularly like how United prices First in the stratosphere, doesn't sell them due to the cost, then comps upgrades to people to fill First. Excellent model.

12-30-14, 09:11 PM
United, Orbitz Sue Computer Whiz Who Started Cheap Airfare Site

A tech savvy 22-year-old has been sued by United Airlines and Orbitz, over the website he founded which allows consumers to exploit pricing inefficiencies and get cheaper fares.

Skiplagged.com, the brainchild of Aktarer Zaman, operates by searching flight patterns where the intended destination is a layover city instead of the flight's final stop. The practice is only possible if passengers don't check a bag.

While it may seem strange that a ticket to a place closer to home may cost more than one an extra 2,000 miles away, Skiplagged reports that consumers have saved as much as 80 percent on airfare compared to other sites.

Pretty smart. Instead of filing a lawsuit, they should buy him out.

12-30-14, 10:55 PM
Pretty smart. Instead of filing a lawsuit, they should buy him out.

That would be make too much sense. There has to be some level of ego involved with companies because paying this kid a million, or even a few million, dollars for his idea will probably only be slightly more than the legal fees without the negative publicity.

Totally unrelated, but the wife and I will be adopting from China sometime in the near future (hopefully this time next year). I don't travel often, and haven't been overseas since 1999, so I was curious which airlines to Asia will offer the most comfort in Coach (I know, that is an oxymoron), especially for the return trip. If only I were made of money, then we could fly business or first class.

12-30-14, 11:25 PM
Hidden cities have always been illegal in all airline tariffs. Agents used to do it all the time anyway until our systems were programmef to prohibit ticketing.

Congrats on the upcoming addition. The city you need to fly to will probablydictate which airline you will have to fly.

12-31-14, 12:18 PM
Pretty smart. Instead of filing a lawsuit, they should buy him out.

Buying him out doesn't solve their core problem. They shut down the site and someone else creates a new one. They have algorithms to maximize revenue and he found ways around that. You know that when they declare it a safety concern. They either board or don't. The airlines don't file a missing person's report if you miss a connecting flight.

12-31-14, 01:10 PM
Hidden cities have always been illegal in all airline tariffs. Agents used to do it all the time anyway until our systems were programmef to prohibit ticketing.

I can recall years ago a travel agent booked two round trip tickets for my flight. I used one segment of each ticket for my flight to and from. Because of the two round trip tickets being booked for weekend travel the two round trip tickets together were cheaper than the single round trip just for the days I actually needed.

12-31-14, 01:36 PM
Is It OK to Cheat Airlines if It Saves You Money? (http://www.businessweek.com/articles/2014-12-31/united-and-orbitz-lawsuit-against-skiplaggedcom-raises-ethical-questions)

The problem for the airline industry, of course, is that the public holds them in roughly the same esteem as cable-TV companies and tax collectors. We aren't inclined to be terribly sympathetic about protecting carriers’ pricing schemes or saying "no thanks" to a bargain.

12-31-14, 02:44 PM
Instead of turning this into a federal case and putting a spotlight on the games they play with ticket prices, United could have turned skiplagging into a perk for frequent fliers. There would have been some upfront costs to buy out the website, patent the code, and copyright the term 'skiplagging'. However, if anyone tried to duplicate it, United could sue them for patent infringement.

More importantly it would keep the idea of skiplagging from being advertised to the general public and deny them the tools to easily search airline schedules and fares on their own. The public would also be more understanding of a 'perk' not being available to everyone.

In addition to keeping things quiet, this move would allow them to eliminate uncertainty. They would know who is getting off the plane at the connecting airport, and they would know how many seats can be resold to the final destination.

Just a thought.

12-31-14, 10:52 PM
I can recall years ago a travel agent booked two round trip tickets for my flight. I used one segment of each ticket for my flight to and from. Because of the two round trip tickets being booked for weekend travel the two round trip tickets together were cheaper than the single round trip just for the days I actually needed.

Oh I never cough did that cough. PS that particular approach would still work.

01-01-15, 04:35 PM
Instead of turning this into a federal case and putting a spotlight on the games they play with ticket prices, United could have turned skiplagging into a perk for frequent fliers. There would have been some upfront costs to buy out the website, patent the code, and copyright the term 'skiplagging'. However, if anyone tried to duplicate it, United could sue them for patent infringement.

More importantly it would keep the idea of skiplagging from being advertised to the general public and deny them the tools to easily search airline schedules and fares on their own. The public would also be more understanding of a 'perk' not being available to everyone.

In addition to keeping things quiet, this move would allow them to eliminate uncertainty. They would know who is getting off the plane at the connecting airport, and they would know how many seats can be resold to the final destination.

Just a thought.

You're not supposed to be able to patent code, but perhaps an algorithm/process. I don't think they could've effectively stopped anyone else though. I think they chose to take their chances with the courts. If they can prevail and set precedent or just shut them down, it'll make anyone else who wants to try the same think twice. What skiplag makes is probably nothing compared to legal bills or what they can (or are) costing airlines in revenue.

05-04-15, 11:58 AM
Not sure why they would refile if the two companies have already settled but here's the news today from ARTA E-News.

Judge Dismisses United Airlines' Lawsuit Over 'Hidden-City' Ticketing
Last November, United Airlines and Orbitz.com filed a civil lawsuit against Skiplagged.com, a website founded by 22-year-old Aktarer Zaman that helps people buy cheap plane tickets through a practice known as hidden-city ticketing. Last Thursday, a federal judge dismissed United's suit on the grounds that the court didn't have jurisdiction over the case. (Orbitz and Skiplagged settled their suit in February.) Judge John Blakey of the Northern District Court of Illinois said that because neither Skiplagged nor site founder Zaman live or do business in Illinois, his court was not the right venue for United Airlines, which is based in Chicago, to file its lawsuit. However United can refile and litigate its claims in a proper forum the judge said. United Airlines responded in a statement on Friday: "The decision was a ruling on procedural grounds and not on the merits of the case."