View Full Version : Dang neighbors,
The Effa Bee Eye is tearing up my neighbor's house. They did a "hot" entry (broke down the door), had the bomb squad out, the whole deal.
For such a sleepy little subdivision, in a sleepy little town, too much **** happens there.
International Terra warrant thingy.
Members of the FBI’s joint terrorism task force were searching a home Monday in the *** block of McKenzie Drive.
I know the peeps, just not too well.
I know the peeps, just not too well.
Have you been hearing strange noises on your phone lately?
Mr. Vengeance
06-30-08, 02:52 PM
"could we borrow a cup of potassium nitrate?"
Maybe someone was tired of their tall grass. ;)
I know everyone gets their day in court, but they don't just pencil whip those warrants - I suspect shenanigans in the neighbors house. :saywhat:
Hazmat bunny suits are out. One neighbor told to Feds to come talk to Mrs. G. "She knows everyone in the neighborhood."
Thanks for that.:shakehead
This was a warrant service that was planned. Ambulance, fire, cops, bomb squad, evidence tent, etc., all brought along for the joyous ride.
Mr. V., funny!
This is less than a block away from home.
Sean Malone
06-30-08, 03:28 PM
Time to gather the gang and do a little investigation of your own!
Hazmat bunny suits are out.
Now that is right up my alley.
If they are busting out the chemical protective clothing, they must have a pretty good suspicion that there is or was something nasty in the house. :irked: Those suits are not fun and we will only put them off if we must.
While it might not rise to the level of an international incident, even a home grown moron or wacko can put the whole neighborhood in jeopardy. :shakehead
And I thought it was strange that my neighbor has a chicken roaming in his yard! One that will be dinner soon. Last time I asked about it, he told me, "It needs to be a little more fatter."
06-30-08, 03:54 PM
This thread would be a lot better if you posted photos:gomer:
that crackling noise you hear outside isn't some new breed of crickets...
it's the sound of pegged geigercounters.
06-30-08, 03:59 PM
Now that is right up my alley.
If they are busting out the chemical protective clothing, they must have a pretty good suspicion that there is or was something nasty in the house. :irked: Those suits are not fun and we will only put them off if we must.
Around here they have finally started that for every meth house that they take down. Turns out the Utah narcotics investigators from the 1990's have extremely high rates of very rare cancers:shakehead
Now that is right up my alley.
If they are busting out the chemical protective clothing, they must have a pretty good suspicion that there is or was something nasty in the house. :irked: Those suits are not fun and we will only put them off if we must.
While it might not rise to the level of an international incident, even a home grown moron or wacko can put the whole neighborhood in jeopardy. :shakehead
Shortly after 1 p.m., agents were seen putting on gray hazardous materials suits with blue gloves and were standing in the driveway at the house. They also were seen walking back and forth between the house and a Fire Department ambulance near a blue tent set up in the street.
Two blue pools were set up for the agents in hazmat suits to wash their feet in.
Andrew Longman
06-30-08, 04:34 PM
I know everyone gets their day in court, but they don't just pencil whip those warrants
Yes and no. There have been a few innocently surprised people awakened by the SWAT team of late.
And not to get all political but there has been this thing about warrantless wiretaps going around. ;)
That all said I'm thinking methlab. In the last few years potfarms and methlabs have been turning up is nice NJ suburban center hall colonials. No one suspects them there, the local police are not equipped to sniff them out, and there are a lot on the market with buyers all to happy to accept cash.
Of course with every department flush with Homeland Security funding, the local meth lab can quickely become an international terrorist bombmaking lab :)
Two blue pools were set up for the agents in hazmat suits to wash their feet in.
Who knows the details about what is going on inside, but from a personal & public safety standpoint - just washing boots is not too bad, means they probably aren't touching anything questionable.
Glove and boot wash is a bit more of a concern. If they are doing the full decontamination wash (head to toe), that means trouble (or they are being way cautious).
Yes and no. There have been a few innocently surprised people awakened by the SWAT team of late.
I know, but I am assuming they are at the right place.
And not to get all political but there has been this thing about warrantless wiretaps going around. ;)
Good story on "This American Life" a few weeks back on that one. :saywhat:
This American Life (
Act Two. The Spy Who Bugged Me.
Lawrence Wright is a reporter for the New Yorker Magazine, and an author of the bestselling book on Al Qaeda, The Looming Tower. He’s also one of the few people in America who can say definitively that he was targeted by the U.S. Government’s warrantless wiretappping program, first exposed on the front page of The New York Times.
He tells the story of how he knew his phone calls were listened to...and how he then went on to question the head of US intelligence, Mike McConnell, about it.
Lawrence Wright first wrote about his experiences in an article in The New Yorker, called "The Spymaster." His latest article in the magazine is called "The Rebellion Within." (17 minutes)
That all said I'm thinking methlab.
Could be, but the FBI doesn't usually get too involved with labs. Might be related to a bigger federal case (literally), but the labs are usually left to the locals or the DEA.
06-30-08, 04:56 PM
At least they did'nt **** up and kick your door down by mistake, chop up your furniture with a chainsaw and then say "ooops, sorry about that".
According to published reports, a bomb squad unit was on the scene Monday. The newspaper said the street around the home was blocked off, a tent was set up and an ambulance and fire vehicles were present.
Rice could not confirm a bomb squad was on hand. The FBI does not have a bomb squad and relies on those of local police forces.
I did not know that. Still, wouldn't hurt to have a few guys around who knew which wire to cut.
PS: Be sure to mention your neighbors' love of the IRL in all your interviews. :p
Came home in case of a local evac.
Charged the guy with possession of toxic substances.
Claiming no boomers, it was just SOP for this type of thing. Claiming that it's not terra-ism.
06-30-08, 05:42 PM
Meth lab...
Meth lab...No DEA.
Also meth labs are handled by the locals 'round these parts.
The FBI has a defendant in custody in connection with a search Monday at a home in the 5700 block of McKenzie Drive, according to a news release.
The defendant is expected to appear before Judge Magistrate P. Michael Mahoney about 5 p.m. in Rockford, the release stated.
The FBI plans to file a criminal complaint in U.S. District Court in Rockford in connection with possession of a toxin, which is a felony.
Earlier in the day, members of the FBI’s joint terrorism task force were searching the home.
G. is about to come down with anthrax systems.
06-30-08, 06:39 PM
Maybe someone over there dropped one of those CFL light bulbs and didn't clean it up properly. What do you have to say about that Mr. Poe? :thumbup:
If they are using the word toxin... Ricin is my best guess.
Ricin - from the CDC (
06-30-08, 07:18 PM
Be sure to mention your neighbors' love of the IRL in all your interviews. :p
"That's all he ever talked about. Danica this, Danica that..."
If they are using the word toxin... Ricin is my best guess.
Ricin - from the CDC (
Nope. TTX. Pufferfish poison. tetrodotoxin
In the USA, tetrodotoxin appears on the select agents list of the Department of Health and Human Services,[18] and scientists must register with HHS in order to use tetrodotoxin in their research. However, investigators possessing less than 100 mg are exempt from regulation.
He tried to order 98 mg. The FBI delivered it to him. Teach him to listen to wikipedia.:D
06-30-08, 07:45 PM
"That's all he ever talked about. Danica this, Danica that..."
"Said that he would kill just for the chance to meet her."
06-30-08, 08:04 PM
So he wanted the Fugu experience without that fishy smell. BFD.
06-30-08, 08:05 PM
so, not being a scientist or having any idea wtf that **** is - just what is that ****? And why the **** de he want some in his house?:confused:
Sorry to hear that news G. Keep your family safe.:thumbup:
I avoided talking to any reporters (or Feds).
But I WOULD have used the IRL thing if I hadn't! TFF!
I do show up in some of the TV shots. Tried to hide. Some of the g.'s are there too.
The guy behind me is really good friends of his. He's gotten interviewed by every print and TV person here.
My GUESS, maybe he didn't like the wife as much as it appeared.
Not too many couples walk hand-in-hand around the neighborhood.
They did.
Maybe that's what pushed him over the edge.:D
BTW, he's claiming that he was using it for medical research. Guess Financial Planning wasn't working out for him, so he became a scientist.
06-30-08, 08:10 PM
So who was he planning on feeding it to? That is enough to kill a couple of people or make very sure of one.
06-30-08, 08:15 PM
So who was he planning on feeding it to? That is enough to kill a couple of people or make very sure of one. His wife. Easier than taking her fishing and not as messy as renting a wood chipper. Hand in hand walking was a front. I used to watch Dragnet so I'm good at fingering this stuff out. :)
So who was he planning on feeding it to? That is enough to kill a couple of people or make very sure of one.
He wanted to become a zombie.
It is not always entirely fatal, however; at near-lethal doses, it can leave a person in a state of near-death for several days, while the person continues to be conscious. It is for this reason that tetrodotoxin has been alleged to be an ingredient in Haitian voodooism and the closest actual manifestation to zombieism in the physical world, an idea that was popularized by Harvard ethnobotanist Wade Davis in a 1983 paper, and in his 1985 book, The Serpent and the Rainbow. However, this idea was dismissed by the scientific community in the 1980's, as the descriptions of voodoo zombies do not match the symptoms displayed by victims of tetrodotoxin poisoning, and the alleged incidents of zombies created in this manner could not be substantiated.
That's ok tho. I read on the internet a long time ago what you need to do in case of a zombie attack. I have emergency procedures printed out around the house, posted on the doors, like hotel evacuation procedures.
Nope. TTX. Pufferfish poison. tetrodotoxin
He tried to order 98 mg. The FBI delivered it to him. Teach him to listen to wikipedia.:D
Wow - that is a new one to me. :laugh:
06-30-08, 09:44 PM
so, not being a scientist or having any idea wtf that **** is - just what is that ****? And why the **** de he want some in his house?:confused:
It is a naturally occurring sodium channel blocker that will jack your nervous system. It is one of a long list of chemicals the Feds scoured our lab for last year. Everybody got this email, do you have any of these chemicals in your lab? Attached was an excel spreadsheet that could double as a handy shopping list for any wanna be terrorist :rolleyes: If you know what you are doing it is easy enough to make a very impure but none the less lethal batch if you really wanted the stuff. The dumbass probably tried to order it from Sigma:shakehead
06-30-08, 09:55 PM
It is a naturally occurring sodium channel blocker that will jack your nervous system. It is one of a long list of chemicals the Feds scoured our lab for last year. Everybody got this email, do you have any of these chemicals in your lab? Attached was an excel spreadsheet that could double as a handy shopping list for any wanna be terrorist :rolleyes: If you know what you are doing it is easy enough to make a very impure but none the less lethal batch if you really wanted the stuff. The dumbass probably tried to order it from Sigma:shakehead There is'nt any on Ebay or Amazon :D
This is funny.
I know all of these people well, 'cept the perp.
They have all been into my house. Some of them have watched the kids.
I'm thinking, Domestic, or Stupid.
neighbors. BAH. (
06-30-08, 10:43 PM
So if I email a few major chemical companies and ask if I can buy some ricin in bulk, will the government come to my house too? :D
06-30-08, 10:54 PM
neighbors. BAH. (
Boy you folks really are on the border between farmland and the city.
06-30-08, 11:08 PM
Boy you folks really are on the border between farmland and the city. Is that a dirt track to the NE of your house?
06-30-08, 11:16 PM
Look about 4000 feet ESE of your house using Google.
UAL is flying some big ass planes these days:eek:
linkage (,-95.677068&sspn=111.100876,113.554688&ie=UTF8&ll=42.1998,-88.397241&spn=0.014132,0.022187&t=k&z=16)
06-30-08, 11:24 PM
Look about 4000 feet ESE of your house using Google.
UAL is flying some big ass planes these days:eek:
linkage (,-95.677068&sspn=111.100876,113.554688&ie=UTF8&ll=42.1998,-88.397241&spn=0.014132,0.022187&t=k&z=16)
Sean Malone
06-30-08, 11:43 PM
Weird place for a plane indeed! Crazy 'burbs!
Is that a dirt track to the NE of your house?I think it's for the ponies. I've tried to find it.
Yes, we live at the end of stuff. Only West is after us.
Now you all know where I live. Bastards!:) No, Spicoli, I don't have any beer! Well, maybe one.:D
Meth, give it a try, and report back later.
(this was/is a big thing. No kidding. Time will tell if it was an important thing.)
Y'all made
This thread would be a lot better if you posted photos:gomer:
07-01-08, 01:03 AM
Ya know this guy is an idiot. Really. Curiosity got the better of me and I looked up our contract pricing for tetrodotoxin. It is sold in 1 mg units and this moron ordered 98 of them. Damn spendy order too, the stuff runs $240/mg plus shipping. Way to be stealthy, place probably the largest tetrodotoxin order the supplier has ever seen, nah they won't notice that:shakehead
Think about it for a minute, the working range for tetrodotoxin in electrophysiology experiments is on the order of 100 nanomoles per litre. You might need a litre or two at most to do an entire series of experiments. Tetrodotoxin weighs in at 319 grams/mole so
0.0319 mg in 1 litre = 100 nanomole per litre
So a 1 mg vial would make over 31 litres of a solution that would last most labs for a year or six. This moron ordered 98:saywhat:
Y'all made
well, NOW it's an important thing!
(thx for the link, seriously)
so, not being a scientist or having any idea wtf that **** is - just what is that ****? And why the **** de he want some in his house?:confused:
Sorry to hear that news G. Keep your family safe.:thumbup:
We're good.
Everyone's good.
Turned into a party. Yah, it's THAT close of a communitee.
Sean Malone
07-01-08, 07:09 AM
Edward Bachner = Edmond Backer.
= EB Strategic Research
And they say mid-westerner's lack imagination. :)
Andrew Longman
07-01-08, 07:38 AM
Ya know this guy is an idiot. Really. Curiosity got the better of me and I looked up our contract pricing for tetrodotoxin. It is sold in 1 mg units and this moron ordered 98 of them. Damn spendy order too, the stuff runs $240/mg plus shipping. Way to be stealthy, place probably the largest tetrodotoxin order the supplier has ever seen, nah they won't notice that:shakehead
Think about it for a minute, the working range for tetrodotoxin in electrophysiology experiments is on the order of 100 nanomoles per litre. You might need a litre or two at most to do an entire series of experiments. Tetrodotoxin weighs in at 319 grams/moles
0.0319 mg in 1 litre = 100 nanomole per litre
So a 1 mg vial would make over 31 litres of a solution that would last most labs for a year or six. This moron ordered 98:saywhat:
After that bit of internet research, I expect Homeland Security to be at your door right... about... now.
07-01-08, 07:51 AM
After that bit of internet research, I expect Homeland Security to be at your door right... about... now.
Yes, he knows too much.................vacation in Cuba coming up:gomer:
07-01-08, 07:51 AM
Think about it for a minute, the working range for tetrodotoxin in electrophysiology experiments is on the order of 100 nanomoles per litre.
Animal testing sucks. Especially on Moles that small. :thumdown:
Story made the cable news channels this morning.
I guess it's a good thing that most potential criminals are no smarter then this guy. :)
Animal testing sucks. Especially on Moles that small. :thumdown:
AND 100 of them no less. :D
Dirk Diggler
07-01-08, 10:42 AM
The Effa Bee Eye is tearing up my neighbor's house. They did a "hot" entry (broke down the door), had the bomb squad out, the whole deal.
For such a sleepy little subdivision, in a sleepy little town, too much **** happens there.
07-01-08, 11:44 AM
At least they did'nt **** up and kick your door down by mistake, chop up your furniture with a chainsaw and then say "ooops, sorry about that".
or hold assault rifles to your children's head and shoot your dog before saying ooops, like they did in St. Louis sometime back
Y'all made
I read it here first. :gomer:
07-01-08, 12:11 PM
Front page of the e version of the Chicago Tribune this morning. G-bers, you're famous.
07-01-08, 12:36 PM
Likes where this thread is going
Front page of the e version of the Chicago Tribune this morning. G-bers, you're famous.I was talking to Jeff when the reporter (Starks) started talking to him. Once word got out that Jeff was a good friend of Ed's, all the reporters formed a nice little queue to wait their turn. Then the cameras came.
Jeff Block, who lives down the block, said Bachner moved into the neighborhood about five years ago.
"He is a great guy. I was extremely shocked when the FBI showed up at my door this morning and started asking questions about him," said Block, who described himself as good friend of Bachner.
Trib story (,0,7507056.story)
Jeff's wife got a hold of Ed's wife Becca last night. She's released and in hiding.
It has been very weird.
Ed and Becca have been to my house several times (but we weren't that close, really.)
My kids were pretty excited to be on TV.
07-01-08, 03:31 PM
Anyone else see the irony in the FBI bringing him the toxin, then charging him with possession?
07-01-08, 03:37 PM
Anyone else see the irony in the FBI bringing him the toxin, then charging him with possession?
You have to wonder how much they actually shipped. Because whatever it was it will have to be booked into evidence and stored until the trial by which time it will be past its shelf life and will need to be destroyed. I can't imagine the company shipping $25,000 worth of product when they know they won't get paid or get the stuff back.:saywhat:
You have to wonder how much they actually shipped. Because whatever it was it will have to be booked into evidence and stored until the trial by which time it will be past its shelf life and will need to be destroyed. I can't imagine the company shipping $25,000 worth of product when they know they won't get paid or get the stuff back.:saywhat:
They sent him less than 10 mg, according to the press conference.
BTW, your lab is getting ripped off. Time for a new supplier.:)
Federal authorities said Bachner, described as a financial consultant who formerly worked for his father's Naperville-based wireless communications firm, posed as a doctor named Edmund Backer and ordered 98 milligrams of the substance also known as TTX at a cost of $7,056.
An employee of the company, Ascent Scientific, became suspicious because of the unusually large size of the order and contacted authorities, the FBI said.
And he did have some in his home from previous purchases (totalling 50 mg, but they only found traces in empty vials)
Turns out, the guy was investigated 2 years ago for a murder-for-hire plot.
Now it's getting to be just another normal "wacky neighbor" story.
I feel real bad for his wife.
07-01-08, 04:51 PM
BTW, your lab is getting ripped off. Time for a new supplier.:)
Yeah, no ****:eek:. That is a really limited catalog but they've got some screaming deals in there. They are not lying about not spending on advertising, none of us have ever heard of them.
07-01-08, 06:03 PM
this was/is a big thing. No kidding. Time will tell if it was an important thing.)
Since they found he used to have 50mg of the stuff and it ain't there now I'm guessing it clears the hurdle of becoming important easily with room to spare. :D
So, any thoughts on how many of your neighbors swallowed their stash, fed it to their dogs or flushed it real quick.....? :gomer:
07-02-08, 08:09 AM
And he did have some in his home from previous purchases (totalling 50 mg, but they only found traces in empty vials)
Maybe he was trying to build up an immunity to it? :)
07-02-08, 12:30 PM
Not going to happen. Some Garter snakes have evolved an immunity to its effects. Over many generations they have had point mutations in their sodium channels that block the activity of tetrodotoxin but don't fubar the functionality of the channels. The snakes with the mutations can eat rough skinned newts without dying. That's a rather black & white version of selective pressure.
So if you are ever in northern CA or Oregon and you pick up a cute little newt and your hands start going numb, well that is tetrodotoxin at work.
Never tremble with a newt, you'll change it's sex. [/boosh]
Opposite Lock
07-07-08, 06:01 PM
I feel real bad for his wife.
On the bright side, at least she shouldn't have to worry about her husband trying to kill her for a while: :gomer: (
A Lake in the Hills man arrested after he ordered a deadly pufferfish toxin was the beneficiary of a $5 million life insurance policy he had taken out on his wife, federal prosecutors said Monday.
Prosecutors also said Rebecca Bachner was the intended target in 2005 when her husband, Edward Bachner IV, sent out e-mails soliciting a hit man to carry out the "permanent retirement" of a 32-year-old woman....
Out of the 64 vials he ordered from California, 25 were recovered, 20 vials had toxin residue in them and 19 are missing, agents said in court. :eek:,0,776304.story
Apparently she wasn't saying "fugu me" after all. (
He's just an excitable boy.
Al Czervik
07-08-08, 08:56 AM
Is the (soon to be ex-) wife hot?
What, someone had to ask.
I feel real bad for his wife.
Is she good looking? If so post pics, you guys are basically just up the road from me.:D
07-10-08, 07:45 AM
^ And if he wants to off you, he'll need a couple pounds of that stuff. :D
^ And if he wants to off you, he'll need a couple pounds of that stuff. :D
It would probably be like a mild laxative...and then I could have my revenge.:D
Is she good looking? If so post pics, you guys are basically just up the road from me.:D
(been trying to think up something nice to say. You know, what mama always said...)
She could probably withstand the rocket. She appears to be sturdy.
Pleasant enough looking, I suppose. Might be fairly wealthy in a few months to boot.
I probably do have pics of her, but I ain't going down that road.
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