View Full Version : Ode to an RX8
We said goodbye the RX8 last week. We had a great 42 month run but in the end we decided to pursue other interests - specifically, one less car payment. :) We took one last spin through the country-side to remember her by. Fare thee well, Zoomix - you were enjoyed.
When we got the RX8 we were actually thinking about another Miata or a MINI. But the previous generation Miata had gotten too heavy for it's original chasis and the MINI couldn't hold up to the fun factor of RWD and a 9 grand redline.
Now we've come full circle and there's a MINI in the garage and the RX8 has gone back. I don't regret the RX8 choice for a second, it was a pleasure and still more of a pure driver's car than the MINI (in spite of BMW's marketing).
The RX8 is a beautifully balanced car. All the controls are almost ideal for my tastes - very nicely weighted and progressive. As much as I like the MINI it's controls are a bit more sensitive than ideal just to make it feel more sporty. Between the sensitivity of the MINI's brakes and the pedal position, a heel and toe down shift would require you to dislocate your ankle.
The only thing I would change about the RX8 if I could would be to add about 20 more horsepower and a little more tuning on the stability control to make it less intrusive during funtime. Alas, Mazda saw things differently and chose to ugly it up this year while leaving it unchanged in the engine compartment.
Still when the lease was up it was time to look at the MINI again. We needed to rearrange the vehicle mix so that my daily driver would be something that would be fun 12 months out of the year instead of just 8. The MINI fills that bill nicely. The fact that it gets twice the mileage of the RX8 is just a happy coincidence.
Eventually we'll restock the third slot in the driveway with another "sunny day" vehicle. The old Miata is starting to get pretty threadbare. The first choice right now would be the new Miata since it's now got the goodness of RX8 chasis underneath to handle its increased size. But who knows. Part of what I love about the process is annoying half a dozen dealers by sampling everything interesting. :cool: Hopefully the escalating price of gas will generate some new choices in the small sports car market in the mean time.
We needed to rearrange the vehicle mix so that my daily driver would be something that would be fun 12 months out of the year instead of just 8.
Was told by my local dealer that the car is terrible in winter. Evidently so???
07-28-08, 12:08 AM
I doubt it is any worse than any other sporty rear wheel drive car.
07-28-08, 12:46 AM
Fun car. Glad you enjoyed it Richard. Cars seem a bit like flowers to a bee; each one to be savored yet there are always others to be explored.
I doubt it is any worse than any other sporty rear wheel drive car.
Not as bad as the Miata, but close. Winter tires would help, but I doubt that it will ever be fun in the snow.
Sean Malone
07-28-08, 10:17 AM
I honestly thought the RX8 was hideous until you bought this one and posted pictures.Then I started looking at them more and my opinion did a complete 180. I've been in 'fun car' limbo for a few years now. My daughter inherited the Miata last year but totaled it earlier this year so now I don't even have that to jump into. At least I have my motorcycle to appease my speed demon.
My wife and I have been talking about the 'next one' quite often now but nothing is really 'calling' us. I'm leaning toward a convertible Crossfire or S2000 maybe a Z3...or even a latest gen Miata.
07-28-08, 12:31 PM
Not as bad as the Miata, but close. Winter tires would help, but I doubt that it will ever be fun in the snow.My brother has a BMW Z3 that he drives year round in Salt Lake. He had to buy a different set of wheels to get real snow tires on it ($$$) but properly set up it works relatively well in the snow. It ain't an Outback by any measure but he can still get to work.
opinionated ow
07-28-08, 11:20 PM
I honestly thought the RX8 was hideous until you bought this one and posted pictures.Then I started looking at them more and my opinion did a complete 180. I've been in 'fun car' limbo for a few years now. My daughter inherited the Miata last year but totaled it earlier this year so now I don't even have that to jump into. At least I have my motorcycle to appease my speed demon.
My wife and I have been talking about the 'next one' quite often now but nothing is really 'calling' us. I'm leaning toward a convertible Crossfire or S2000 maybe a Z3...or even a latest gen Miata.
Please don't buy a Crossfire. Everything I have read has called it awful and ugly...we don't need to ugly up the Earth anymore, Milka and Danica do that enough already!
Funny. I was just going to ask you, since I was thinking about one, but I'd need to drive it in the snow. Is the problem that the rotary produces a lot of low end torque? Is there enough room for groceries and all that boring day to day junk?
Its not just the rotary. I had a Protege Hatch with a 2.0L 4 banger in it that scared the living daylights out of me as soon as it got slick. One snow event I got stuck 4 times just driving around the block and had to get a push to get moving. I never again even considered even getting in the car if the conditions were like that. Loved the car. Just not the conditions.
No balance, or just too light: rides on top of the snow instead of pushing through the snow to the road? (I find all light cars do that.) Kind of limits you to the sedans (BMW etc.) if you want performance and snow handling and that's a bit pricy for a second car: fo0r me anyway.
No balance, or just too light: rides on top of the snow instead of pushing through the snow to the road? (I find all light cars do that.) Kind of limits you to the sedans (BMW etc.) if you want performance and snow handling and that's a bit pricy for a second car: fo0r me anyway.
Yeah the Protege5 was just way too light. At least my Chevy that it replaced had a 3.4 V6 sitting over the drive wheels.
Funny. I was just going to ask you, since I was thinking about one, but I'd need to drive it in the snow. Is the problem that the rotary produces a lot of low end torque? Is there enough room for groceries and all that boring day to day junk?
The problem is a lightweight car with wide performance tires that is very neutral and "pointy". Understeer makes cars feel stable in slippery conditions and the RX8 just doesn't understeer much. Snow tires would help a lot but I think it would always feel nervous in slippery conditions.
The rotory actually doesn't make much torque - it's all about revs and top end. The problem isn't power-on oversteer, it's overall nervousness in slick conditions.
The RX8 has a deep, but very short trunk with plenty of room for one or two rows of groceries (depending on whether you have the spare tire option). A full-size suitcase will not fit in the trunk. Overnight bags are fine. A short suitcase may stand up in back if you don't have the spare tire. We took a couple of week long trips in the RX and just strapped the suitcases into the rear seats like passengers.
The only other "day-to-day" things to be aware of is mileage and oil. Gas mileage is 16-22mpg. I typically got 18 on my daily commute (%75 highway) and 20 on long trips. Some people have complained about very poor mileage (12mpg) but I never saw below 16.
The rotory deliberately burns oil to keep the seals lubricated. That means you need to keep a quart of 10w-20 onboard and check the oil regularly. I probably added oil five times over 30,000 miles - usually on long freeway trips. An oil level light will warn you if the oil level gets too low.
I don't want to make it sound like the decision in this case was all about winter handling. If I could only have one car I'd probably keep it and get a set of winter wheels and tires to at least try. It's mainly about the fact that we don't need four cars and that we want to adjust the mix so our daily drivers are owned and the summer car is leased.
I don't want to make it sound like the decision in this case was all about winter handling. If I could only have one car I'd probably keep it and get a set of winter wheels and tires to at least try. It's mainly about the fact that we don't need four cars and that we want to adjust the mix so our daily drivers are owned and the summer car is leased.
WHAT!!!! FOUR (4) cars? I thought you had the 8 and the Mini?
07-29-08, 12:11 PM
WHAT!!!! FOUR (4) cars? I thought you had the 8 and the Mini?
We had four for a bit after the Mini arrived: the Miata, the 8, my Speed 6 and Richard's Mini. Now we're back to three.
But a neutral car is so much fun. Maybe I'll take a test drive in the slop. Don't need a new one right away anyway. What else would qualify as sporty but not too impractical? Mini seems overpriced for such a small car.
What year Mini did you get?
The '07 is a different car from the '02 - '06 model.
What year Mini did you get?
The '07 is a different car from the '02 - '06 model.
It's an '07 S model. Yes, it's a completely new car with twin scroll turbo instead of supercharger. Other than that annoying pedal position and touchy brakes I like it a lot.
Sean Malone
07-29-08, 02:27 PM
Please don't buy a Crossfire. Everything I have read has called it awful and ugly...we don't need to ugly up the Earth anymore, Milka and Danica do that enough already!
I actually think the Crossfire is one of the nicest designed cars on the market. I'm also seriously thinking G35 coupe too.
I actually think the Crossfire is one of the nicest designed cars on the market.
you've long had a penchant for chrysler's atrocities. :gomer:
Sean Malone
07-29-08, 03:18 PM
you've long had a penchant for chrysler's atrocities. :gomer:
Make mine black..
But a neutral car is so much fun. Maybe I'll take a test drive in the slop. Don't need a new one right away anyway. What else would qualify as sporty but not too impractical? Mini seems overpriced for such a small car.
The MINI is small but definitely a bit higher kwality than most car's in it's size class. BMW positions MINI as a premium small car and they make sure supply doesn't outpace demand. They're close in list price to some of the other hot hatches but options drive the price up fast and MINI dealers are less likely to haggle. They're also suffering from the weak dollar.
Unfortunately the sporty coupe market is pretty thin these days unless you want a heavyweight "pony" car. Most of the rest of the sporty market is hot hatches and sporty sedans.
Some others to think about:
Mazdaspeed 3
Volvo C30
Subaru Impreza WRX
07-29-08, 05:15 PM
I've had my RX8 for more than 2 years now and have loved every minute of it. My experiences pretty much reflect yours NRC. I'll average around 18 mpg. Great car.
opinionated ow
07-29-08, 06:31 PM
I actually think the Crossfire is one of the nicest designed cars on the market. I'm also seriously thinking G35 coupe too.
It's a 5 year old SLK...but uglier
Sean Malone
07-29-08, 07:31 PM
It's a 5 year old SLK...but uglier
But it's got a little fin that auto deploys. :(
Make mine black..
you realize you boomers are the downfall of the american auto industry, as well as society in general, don't you?
I've had my RX8 for more than 2 years now and have loved every minute of it. My experiences pretty much reflect yours NRC. I'll average around 18 mpg. Great car.
What do you think of the restyled front end this year? Considering that sales have never been stellar I'm not sure why they restyled it with an ugly stick.
What do you think of the restyled front end this year? Considering that sales have never been stellar I'm not sure why they restyled it with an ugly stick.
they decided to hire the guy who did the '01 Impreza?
07-29-08, 08:22 PM
Mini seems overpriced for such a small car.
The only thing size has to do with in cars is size. If you build a quality car and put leather seats, stability control, power everything, heated seats, serious brakes, etc., etc. the only savings is on raw materials, and cars aren't sold by the pound.
Detroit has subscribed to the small = cheap philosophy for decades and it has damn near put them out of business. If they try to go head to head with Scion and Honda at the low end of the market they probably will get killed. The money will be made upmarket, just as it is now, regardless of the size of the car.
Sean Malone
07-29-08, 08:46 PM
you realize you boomers are the downfall of the american auto industry, as well as society in general, don't you?
Hey, I'm only 40! :irked:
Sean Malone
07-29-08, 08:54 PM
The only thing size has to do with in cars is size. If you build a quality car and put leather seats, stability control, power everything, heated seats, serious brakes, etc., etc. the only savings is on raw materials, and cars aren't sold by the pound.
Detroit has subscribed to the small = cheap philosophy for decades and it has damn near put them out of business. If they try to go head to head with Scion and Honda at the low end of the market they probably will get killed. The money will be made upmarket, just as it is now, regardless of the size of the car.
Same thing is happening in the marine world. As gas prices rise and the middle class with sub 27' boats drop them like hot potatoes the boat manufactures focus on the rich instead of making more fuel efficient and quality built smaller boats. America is a very rich country with very rich people. It's easier just to sell things to them.
Did ya hear Indian is making a return? Guess their demo.
you realize you boomers are the downfall of the american auto industry, as well as society in general, don't you?
Only because they bred a bunch of slackers. :gomer:
07-29-08, 10:09 PM
you realize you boomers are the downfall of the american auto industry, as well as society in general, don't you?
Cut him some slack. Celine Dion told him it was a cool car. :D
Sean Malone
07-29-08, 10:32 PM
Cut him some slack. Celine Dion told him it was a cool car. :D
That's really gay. The chick was hot though. Still want one. :)
Hey, I'm only 40! :irked:
Whippersnapper! Get the F off my lawn! :p
The only thing size has to do with in cars is size. If you build a quality car and put leather seats, stability control, power everything, heated seats, serious brakes, etc., etc. the only savings is on raw materials, and cars aren't sold by the pound.
You forgot labor costs. Look at all the features Hyundai can pack in for about the cost of a Mini.
"$100,000 car for $30,000." (
If someone is too stupid to build their small cars in Korea, I don't need to buy it.
07-30-08, 05:22 PM
What do you think of the restyled front end this year? Considering that sales have never been stellar I'm not sure why they restyled it with an ugly stick.
I think it looks pretty bad also. It lost some of its "class". To me it looks like it got the GM "sport package" treatment with tons of extra plastic and some chrome. Although, the R3 doesn't look that bad.
You forgot labor costs. Look at all the features Hyundai can pack in for about the cost of a Mini.
"$100,000 car for $30,000." (
If someone is too stupid to build their small cars in Korea, I don't need to buy it.
judging by their sales numbers, I don't think BMW's gonna be hurting
judging by their sales numbers, I don't think BMW's gonna be hurting
Exactly what GM said in the 70s when those weird little Hondas starting showing up in fruit cake west coast cites.
you're comparing GM's business model to BMW's?
:rofl: :laugh: :rofl:
judging by their sales numbers, I don't think BMW's gonna be hurting
They are. I have an exec friend @ the BMW Financial Services HQ here. No more bonu$. :(
you're comparing GM's business model to BMW's?
:rofl: :laugh: :rofl:
Yep. Let's how how long they can laugh by making expensive cars instead of cutting costs.
BMW isn't deriving half of it's revenue from it's finance division, nor participating in the margins/CAFE shell game that GM is
BMW isn't deriving half of it's revenue from it's finance division, nor participating in the margins/CAFE shell game that GM is
BMW plays the CAFE game called "paying millions in fines."
true, as do the other euro luxury makes, but as linked in the other thread mini sales up are up 35 points contrasted to the gutted light truck/SUV market
all I'm saying is BMW's model is profitable... $4 gas and BMW 1Q sales were a record high:
07-31-08, 07:29 PM
BMW plays the CAFE game called "paying millions in fines."
Not a big deal really. In 2006 BMW paid $5,056,012.50. They start bringing over the diesels and the 1 series and keep up with the 20+% sales increases in the Minis and they might actually meet the CAFE standards without touching the M3s.
07-31-08, 08:15 PM
You forgot labor costs. Look at all the features Hyundai can pack in for about the cost of a Mini.
"$100,000 car for $30,000." (
If someone is too stupid to build their small cars in Korea, I don't need to buy it.
Actually, I didn't forget labor cost it's simply a different issue that has nothing to do with size vs price. My point remains the same for cars made in Korea; it costs nearly as much to build a high content small call as it does a high content large car.
To use your own example, how much would a Mini size version of the Hyundai Genesis cost if you leave all the features and only remove the metal needed for the larger car and the more complex engine? You really aren't saving anything but the 1500lbs of raw materials and a bit of complexity. You still have the 6spd tranny, serious brakes, leather and the rest of it. Very little savings on labor if any if they are built in the same plant by the same method, right?
BTW, it's a real stroke of genius for Hyundai to introduce a 7 series wannabe that weighs 4000lb. just when fuel prices reach $4+ a gallon. They must have hired someone from GM to do their product planning...:gomer: What's next, a full size SUV and a 3/4 ton pickup with dualies and a V10? :laugh:
Sean Malone
07-31-08, 08:38 PM
BTW, it's a real stroke of genius for Hyundai to introduce a 7 series wannabe that weighs 4000lb. just when fuel prices reach $4+ a gallon. They must have hired someone from GM to do their product planning...:gomer: What's next, a full size SUV and a 3/4 ton pickup with dualies and a V10? :laugh:
You mean the Toyota formula?
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